After celebrating my sister’s fourteenth birthday. Google search reading

There was basically nothing special about the rest of the time.

During this period, the Coles family went to Rogge Town Square and watched a rare circus performance, but they didn't go out much after that.

Coles's fifteen-day vacation is gradually coming to an end, and there are only a few days left before heading to the Grand Waterway.

"stand up."

Coles issued the summons command.

In the empty room, a large black shadow immediately appeared, and five A-level shadow soldiers appeared. They are:

[Lanlos], [Connaco], [Remus], [Alger], [Hekasha].

The strongest A-level shadow soldier [Shadow Dragon] is in the open space outside.

"King!" The five A-level shadow soldiers spoke respectfully, waiting for instructions.

Coles' blue eyes were like the deep sea, and he quietly looked at the five shadow soldiers in front of him.

[Lanlos]: Wearing black armor, a long sword hanging on his waist, and a red cloak on his back. He is good at swordsmanship. His swordsmanship has reached the level of a swordsman and he can deliver flying slashes.

[Connako]: Tall, with black afro hair, covered with chains made of shadows, and possessing natural swamp fruits.

[Remus]: He has a ferocious face, a row of sharp teeth in his mouth, a strong build, wears a plaid shirt, and is a user with the animal-type crocodile fruit ability.

Original bounty: 200 million beli.

[Alger]: Of medium height, with messy short hair and a small scar on his forehead. He was born in the West Sea. He is good at spear skills and is known as the "Cunning Spear".

Original bounty: 150 million Baileys.

[Hekatha]: Wearing a black police uniform transformed from a shadow, with a curvy figure, and a pistol and a long knife on her waist, she is a female swordsman whose swordsmanship has reached the level of a swordsman.

Original bounty: 180 million.

The combat prowess of these five A-level shadow soldiers is quite good, basically comparable to that of an average rear admiral.

Of course, they are only the ones that are not too strong, except for rear admirals like Coles who have dual domineering powers and are almost fully developed.

One on one, Coles can easily defeat these shadow soldiers.

But if it is a siege, with Coles' current strength, although he will win in the end, he will definitely suffer serious injuries.

If these five shadow soldiers now go to sea to form a pirate group, it will definitely become a huge headache for the navy.

After all, this is equivalent to five pirate supernovas. In the first half of the Great Channel, it is rare for a pirate group to be able to gather this kind of power.

Among these five, except [Lanlos] and [Alger], the other three A-level shadow soldiers were killed by Coles himself.

The power of shadow dissipated, and the five shadow soldiers in front of him also disappeared.

Coles closed his eyes.

Start thinking long and hard.

On the last day of departure for the Grand Line, Coles first came to his father's room.

His father's room was more complicated than his. In addition to a soft big bed, there were also huge storage closets, shoe racks, bookshelves, desks, etc.

Numerous but not cluttered.

Ronald asked: "Are you leaving today? Do you want to prepare something?"

"No need, there is everything on the Chambord Islands." Coles shook his head.

With a hint of worry on his face, Ronald warned: "Be careful when you serve as a major general stationed there. I heard that it is the only way for pirates to pass, and it is very dangerous."

"Father, don't worry. The Chambord Islands are near the Navy Headquarters. With the strong power of the Navy, there won't be any danger. But at home, I'm quite worried..."

Coles stretched out his right hand and held his father Ronald's generous hand. The power of shadow in his hand surged with black light.

next moment.

On the back of Ronald's hand, a dark mysterious mark suddenly appeared, with a ring shape and a spiked star mark.

The black mysterious mark only appeared for a second, and then disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

"This is……"

Ronald was suddenly a little confused. He felt that something had changed in his body, but he couldn't tell what it was.

This black mark is the fruit ability developed by Coles, and its name is "Empowerment".

Coles let go of Ronald's hand and replied: "Father, you also know that I am a Devil Fruit user. This is the ability I passed on to you. You now have some of my power.

I attached a shadow soldier named [Alger] to this mark of yours. You only need to say its name and add the words "stand up" to summon it.

It is a powerful shadow soldier. If you encounter danger, you can summon it to deal with it to ensure your own safety. "

After understanding his son's explanation, Ronald had a look of disbelief on his face.

Is there such a magical power in the world?

Ronald tried to speak: "[Alger], stand up."

Just for a moment.

Next to Ronald, the power of shadow surged, and a black figure with messy short hair and several flintlock guns on his waist appeared.

Ronald was not unfamiliar with the Shadow Soldier. After all, he had seen Coles perform it many times before.

But he still couldn't believe that one day he would be able to summon shadow soldiers.

Ronald looked at [Alger] who was extremely powerful, then looked at Coles, and asked again: "Can I really control this guy?"

Coles nodded.

The ability of "empowerment" means that he gives part of the power of shadow authority to other people, and the recipient can obtain his additional shadow soldier summoning power.

Shadow soldiers are under the control of the empowered one and cannot resist the empowered one.

But the first controller of the Shadow Soldiers is Coles, the owner of the fruit ability. The empowerer only has the control power given by him.

And the empowerer can only summon the shadow soldiers given by Coles.

The empowered person cannot control the power of shadow, nor can he summon shadow soldiers by himself.

This ability is equivalent to an upgraded version of "Designated Shadow Summoning Place", but it is simpler and can be summoned by the owner.

At the same time, the shadow soldiers summoned by the empowerer are linked to the mental power of the empowerer. They will not be unable to summon because Coles is unconscious, and the safety is higher.

Unless Coles withdraws the empowerment, or perhaps truly dies, the empowerer will be unable to continue summoning the designated shadow soldiers.

Of course, the shadow soldiers attached to the empowerers will still occupy the quota of Coles' shadow soldiers, which is equivalent to Coles temporarily lending his power to these empowerers.

Ronald asked: "Would this reduce your strength a lot?"

Coles patted his father on the shoulder and chuckled: "My strength has surpassed these shadow soldiers. Moreover, I have six shadow soldiers of this level. Two less will not affect me."

These A-level shadow soldiers have not improved Coles' strength much, so leaving two to protect his family is the best measure.

After completing the empowerment for his father, Coles also turned around to ensure the safety of his sister.

A practice room with a piano.

Versia looked at the black mark that disappeared on the back of her hand and said in surprise: "Brother, will I be able to summon the knight [Lanlos] in the future?"

Coles replied.

"Well, in addition to [Lanlos], there are twelve [Shadow Knights]."

Originally, Coles wanted to add [Hekasha], an A-level shadow soldier, to his sister. After all, both of them were women, but [Hekasha] committed suicide himself, so he would always be a little worried.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Coles left behind the two A-level shadow soldiers [Alger] and [Lanlos].

Versia asked curiously: "Brother, will these shadow soldiers disappear?"

The dim light of the sunset refracted in, giving Coles a special color. He rubbed his sister's hair and answered softly.

"If one day, the shadow soldiers can no longer be summoned, it means that my brother is asleep, and he will have to sleep for a long, long time before he wakes up..."

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