I summon the shadow army in Pirates

Chapter 155 Should I be angry?

"stand up!"

In the empty and silent valley, Coles's voice was particularly clear.

Black shadow power emerged from the body of Black Plague Albert, quickly forming a stooped shadow soldier.

"Meet the King!"

[Albert], driven by subconsciousness and instinct, curtsied to Coles.

At this time, [Albert] also understood the meaning of Coles' last words just now. Under the check and balance of authority, this method of surrender and loyalty cannot be betrayed.

Coles gave orders to the shadow soldiers at the scene to sort out the drugs in the factory and pile them in the open space outside.

In addition to destroying the drug production base, he also cannot allow the drugs that have been produced to be exposed to harm the world. He wants to destroy them completely.

The Quixote family.

The second drug production base in Beihai.

A large number of buildings collapsed and drug production factories were in dilapidated condition.

on the ground.

The guards of the Don Quixote family were lying in various places, lifeless.

A curly-haired lady with a chubby body and triangular-rimmed glasses was hiding in a dark corner of the street and dialing a phone number.

Her name is Jorah, she is a cadre of the Don Quixote family, a killer of the "Trebol Army", and has eaten the "fruit of art".

She can turn her target into a work of art of her imagination, and can turn her imagination into smoke and throw it at her opponent. Whether it is a person or object, she can turn it into a work of art similar to an abstract painting according to her will.

She is a family cadre sent by Doflamingo to station at the second drug production base in Beihai.

But not long ago, as [Remus] entered the drug production base, almost no one was his opponent, and his subordinates were killed one after another.

Jorah only relied on the fruit's ability to temporarily avoid [Remus].

This sudden situation was beyond what Jorah could handle, so she immediately contacted the young master through the phone bug.


The phone was picked up and Doflamingo's voice came out.

"Jorah, what's wrong?"

Jorah quickly told the story.

"Young Master, something bad has happened. A powerful attacker suddenly appeared here at the second drug production base. It was completely black and looked exactly like the dead Crazy Fang Remus in the newspaper."

"The whole body is black and the dead Remus..."

Doflamingo has collected information about Charlotte Coles. He knows that the young rear admiral has the ability of the Shadow Fruit, which can summon the dead to become shadow soldiers, which is very similar to Moria's Shadow Fruit ability.

[Remus] is one of the shadow soldiers summoned by Coles with his ability!

It was Charlotte Cole who took action.

It's really okay to launch a crackdown on his drug industry in Beihai!

In an instant, Doflamingo roughly guessed who was behind the scenes and what happened.

At this time, Jorah's hiding place was also discovered by [Remus].

Seeing [Remus] approaching with murderous intent, Jorah immediately shouted to the phone bug.

"Young Master, save..."

Jorah's cry for help stopped abruptly, because [Remus] had already pinched Jorah's neck, making him unable to speak.

The phone bug imitated Doflamingo's tone and voice and threatened.

"Remus, right? I know that behind you is Charlotte Cole. I advise you to let Jorah go, otherwise... you know the consequences."

Facing the threat of the Shichibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo, [Remus] showed a sneer on his ferocious face.

The strength in its hand suddenly increased.

Under the threat of Doflamingo's words, Jorah's life was directly ended.

Then, [Remus] crushed the phone bug that contacted Doflamingo.

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

Looking at the disconnected phone bug, Doflamingo's expression was extremely gloomy now, and a ferocious vein bulged on his forehead.

How many years? Can’t remember clearly!

Someone actually dared to ignore his threat and kill his family cadres!

Charlotte Coles, you really pissed me off!

Doflamingo didn't know that high-level shadow soldiers had the ability to think.

He just thought it was controlled by Coles, just like his ability Shadow Riding Line required self-control.

Bulu Bulu!

Bulu Bulu!

Other phone bugs ring on the table, it's the rest of the North Sea's drug production factories.

Doflamingo knew without answering that those factories must have been attacked and destroyed.

He temporarily suppressed his anger and began to contact Albert using the phone bug.

There were no other drug production factories that could be rebuilt, but the largest drug production base was very important. He now urgently needed to confirm the situation of Albert, his partner.

Bulu Bulu!

Bulu Bulu!

On the corpse of Black Plague Albert, the voice of the phone bug suddenly rang.

Coles looked there.

A dark shadow soldier appeared out of thin air and took out the phone bug.

This phone bug has some special costumes. It wears red sunglasses on its eyes and a pink mink on its back, which is very eye-catching.

Based on this iconic outfit and the phone bug found on Albert's body, Coles could easily guess who was on the other end.

Under Coles' command, the shadow soldier picked up the receiver of the phone bug.

Doflamingo's voice came out.

"Hey, Albert, are you okay over there?"

Coles replied calmly: "Albert is dead."

There was no sound coming from the phone bug for a while.

Doflamingo fell silent. Based on the information and circumstances disclosed by Jorah before, he had already guessed the identity of the speaker.

"Charlotte Coles, this should be our first phone call, right?"

Coles was noncommittal.

"So be it."

Hearing Coles admit his identity, Doflamingo began to ask questions, with a hint of coldness and murderous intent in his voice.

"Jorah, a leader of my family, was just killed by your ability. Albert is my important partner, and now you kill him for me.

Moreover, you also destroyed my entire drug production base in Beihai, which is equivalent to cutting off one arm of my huge industrial chain.

Tell me, should I, the Shichibukai, be angry? "

Facing Doflamingo's question, Coles just sneered and asked.

"Your Don Quixote family is placing a bounty on my family in the underground world. Do you think I should be angry?

Your industry sells drugs, which has harmed countless families in the world, causing them to go bankrupt, leaving their wives and children separated, and their families torn apart...

Do you think they should not be angry? "

Doflamingo did not answer Coles' loud rhetorical question.

He just burst out laughing.


"Okay, okay! Very good!"

Doflamingo's voice was condescending as he declared to Coles.

"You have successfully aroused my murderous intention. I will come to you soon. I hope you can still talk to me then!"

Coles replied calmly.

"The Chambord Islands are always waiting."


The phone was hung up, and Doflamingo's cold voice completely disappeared.


Coles looked at the mountains of drugs piled up in front of him, the shadow power in his hands gathered, and an energy ball was quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye.

The volume of this shadow energy ball exceeds that of the entire drug production base.

Shadow Sun!

Coles controlled this powerful move, centering on the pile of drugs, and slammed it down.

next moment.

Bartolomeo and the others, who were standing outside the valley and watching, felt a dazzling light flash before their eyes, making them unable to open their eyes for a moment.

At the same time, a loud noise came.

A big explosion occurred in the valley, and strong impact waves spread out.

Bartolomeo and others clung to the big tree outside the valley to avoid being blown away.

The huge explosion was naturally transmitted to the small town, and the people who were awakened didn't know what happened?

Tens of breaths later.

The energy explosion gradually subsided.

Bartolomeo and others looked into the valley again, but their expressions were filled with astonishment.

As far as the eye can see, the accumulated drugs have long been destroyed by bombs, and the huge drug production base is close to disappearing, leaving only the brown rock layers in the valley and some undestroyed steel debris.

The Don Quixote family's huge drug production base was destroyed by a bomb?

How amazingly destructive is this?

Can this kind of power really be created by humans?

For Bartolomeo and this group of people who were going to sea for the first time, the impact of the scene in front of them was so great that they were in disbelief and could not recover for a long time.

Coles took back his right hand.

Turn around and walk out of the valley.

At this time, dawn has not yet arrived, and the black night still envelopes the world.

But when Bartolomeo and others looked at Charlotte Coles walking out of the valley, they felt that there was a faint light on his body.


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