At this time, the mother and son have arrived at the furniture store. The front of the store is not large, and it is full of furniture models. If a customer likes which one, they can be taken by the staff to the back warehouse to see the real thing.

As soon as Erbao saw the models, he couldn't move, his mouth was wide open, and he had to suck and slip every now and then to suck back the saliva that was about to fall.

Mo Ruyue walked around the shop. The furniture with special and precious wood was displayed on the counter at the back, and the wood in the front was the common folk furniture.

She prefers cypress and camphor wood furniture.

Both have an aroma, cypress can be used as medicine, can soothe the nerves and nourish the heart, whether it is good for her or the children.

Camphor wood can keep all insects away, especially suitable for furniture such as wardrobes, lying boxes and top boxes.

After a final comparison, Mo Ruyue still chose cypress wood furniture, but she chose cypress wood for the lockers in the warehouse.

She said to the man who had been following her: This cypress furniture will give me three bedrooms and a study.


The guy was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that this woman was dressed very plainly, and she was a big spender with one mouth, not to mention four sets of furniture, even if it was a set, it would start with at least five or six taels of silver.

Ah what, is it out of stock?

Mo Ruyue frowned.

That day, she went to the Qin family's new house to listen to the wall, and deliberately observed the layout of the rooms in the yard. She lived in the main room with Tangtang, and the two wing rooms were shared by the four babies. One room should be used as a study for the babies. Sooner or later, they will be allowed to read and write, but they cannot be illiterate all their lives.

But now if the furniture is not enough, the plan may need to be readjusted.

When the guy heard this, he immediately came back to his senses and waved his hands again and again: No, there are goods, there are goods! But this sister-in-law, are you sure you really want four sets of furniture?

Although they are all cheap cypress furniture, if you get the four sets, you will have at least twenty taels of silver, which is not a small sum.

Mother, why don't... let's invite a carpenter to come back and fight by ourselves?

Er Bao tugged on Mo Ruyue's sleeve and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth.

When did you hit yourself?

Mo Ruyue glanced at Erbao, and after only spending twenty taels of silver, his face turned ashen?

No, the habit of spending money has to be cultivated from a young age. She Mo Ruyue completed her first kill at the age of ten, and has never worried about money since then.

Now, although she started out as a poor dog, she still has a space for it. If she still can't develop like this, then she is really sorry for her title of Invincible King in her previous life.

But...but we only have one...uh

Erbao almost shook out his family's wealth today, but fortunately, he covered his mouth in time, only his eyes were rolling, and his eyes were full of annoyance.

Don't be afraid, I have enough money.

Mo Ruyue stretched her hand into her arms, and took out a 50 taels silver note from the space under the cover of her clothes.

Last time, she used this trick to convict Qin of stealing. There was actually nothing in the clothes in her hand. She took out the silver note from the space, but the time flow in the two places was different. It was only a momentary in and out that no one noticed that she had disappeared.

As soon as Er Bao saw her take out another bank note, her eyes almost fell out. It turns out that the mother took out a total of 150 taels of bank notes? Does the big brother go crazy when he finds out?

Mo Ruyue calmly took the silver note back into her arms. She was just taking a little money out to buy things for her while guarding against Dabao. This was moving to a new house. With Qin Shi's urgency, she could even give her a house. She ripped it off, and there must be nothing left in the house.

It's just that she didn't expect that Dabao gave her fifty taels and then added fifty taels, so she couldn't send the fifty taels of silver notes in her arms. I spent 22 taels for furniture, and there are still many things I haven’t bought. It seems that these 50 taels of silver notes can still come in handy.

The smile on the man's face almost froze. He could not wait to immediately sign the contract with Mo Ruyue. It was four sets of furniture, and even if it was just ordinary wood furniture, his commission was quite a lot.

Who knows that adults don't seem to care about money, but children are very worried, and the guy is anxious, but he doesn't dare to urge, for fear that people will really not buy it if he urges them.

In this emotional torment of worrying about gains and losses, he finally heard the wonderful sound of nature: Just follow what I said just now.


The man was overjoyed, for fear that Mo Ruyue would regret it at any time, he hurriedly led her to the warehouse behind, and even the speed of speaking increased.

This lady, let's go back and see the real thing, shall we? They are all hand-made by decades-old carpenters. They are all very practical and durable, and their appearance is also outstanding. I guarantee that you will be absolutely satisfied after seeing it. !

Mo Ruyue didn't speak up either. She saw the seller's show first, and now it's time to see if the real thing is pulling her hips.

The yard behind the shop is very big. After all, there are so many sets of furniture to put down, and it also shows the confidence of the shopkeeper in his own goods.

A set of furniture is not cheap, but he still prepared such a large place to stock up, obviously he has considerable confidence and courage.

As soon as she entered the warehouse, she could smell the very strong aroma of wood, and Mo Ruyue inhaled deeply.

After taking a breath, the aroma after mixing was a bit thick and cloudy, but the smell of wood chips was what she always liked.

The guy first took her to see Zhangmu's cabinets and boxes. The capacity is large or small, and they are all ready to put things that are prone to dampness and moth-eaten. She looked around and chose several different types of boxes and cabinets, but didn't buy too many.

Next is the heavy furniture. The four sets of cypress furniture are divided into three bedrooms and a study, and the three bedrooms are divided into male treasure and hers. This time, the selection is more detailed.

Soon Mo Ruyue walked out of the furniture store. The man laughed like a chrysanthemum and sent her all the way to the outside of the store. After walking far, Erbao looked back and whispered to Mo Ruyue: Mother, that person And wave to me.

Normal, we spent almost 30 taels of silver, and you can also provide it as the God of Wealth, because he can get a commission. The more we spend, the more he earns.

Mo Ruyue had nothing to do and explained a few words to Erbao. These are some basic common sense. Let the children learn it. In the future, as long as you spend money, you should be arrogant and arrogant. I was bullied by some unscrupulous shopkeepers.

Next, she took Er Bao all the way to the livestock market.

The yard used to be called a yard, and the wall was so short that an adult could turn it over if he stretched his hand, not to mention that there could be four or five dog holes in the wall.

I don’t dare to raise chickens and ducks at home, because I’m afraid of getting lost, and I’m afraid that some foxes, weasels, etc. will steal it. Later, I have to move to a big house. The courtyard wall is one and a half people high. More lively.

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