I'm the best catcher in martial arts

Chapter 57: The body is like a colorful phoenix with two flying wings, and the mind has a clear unde


Ling Yufeng's movements were as fast as lightning!

Ling Yufeng's duty in the Qinglong Society is to kill people for the Qinglong Society, kill the enemies of the Qinglong Society, eliminate the traitors of the Qinglong Society, and remove all obstacles in front of him.

He is a very qualified killer.

Because of his origin and power, he can cover up all traces of murder. Ling Yufeng is not a real killer, he is an invisible person.

Isn't the killer's greatest ability invisibility?

He was responsible for the murder in Jinan Mansion. He not only cut off the tentacles of the God of Wealth, but also swallowed the assets of five people in order to involve Cheng Xiaoqing.

By hunting rabbits in the grass, he could also swallow Shen Lian who came to investigate the case, freeing up the spot for the divine catcher.

This calculation was so sophisticated that it didn't even need to be concealed. Even if Ling Yufeng admitted in public that he was the murderer, he could easily retract his confession afterwards.

The killer's strongest ability is not martial arts or skills, but eliminating everyone's suspicion.

Even if he stood in the center of the city and said that he was the cruel killer, no one would believe him.

No one believes it, no one doubts it, no evidence.

This is the invisible killer.

Ling Yufeng has been training hard for this for more than ten years.

He knew the current situation in Jinan Mansion, knew that there were forces secretly stirring up trouble, and knew that Shen Lian was doubting him.

But so what?

He had made all plans to kill all the insiders, and then took the huge treasures from Jile Tower and the gambling house to accept the praise of his mentor.

The people who participated in the tea siege, except Hua Manlou, were all secretly subdued by Ling Yufeng. As long as Hua Manlou was killed with a knife in the back, Shen Lian would definitely die here.

Ling Yufeng's murderous dagger was in Shen Lian's hand. Who would have thought that he had another one hidden in his sleeve? Who would have thought that he would launch a surprise attack and assassinate Hua Manlou?

Even if someone could think of it, who could stop it?

Can Hua Man Lou block this knife?

Why did Huamanlou block this knife?

There is only a blink of an eye left to achieve the goal.

Time is sixty seconds with a snap of the fingers, and the key to Hua Manlou's life or death is just one moment.

In an instant, Hua Manlou suddenly twisted his body, and his whole body seemed to shrink suddenly. The two index fingers of his right hand could not reach out to clamp Ling Yufeng's dagger.

The body is like a colorful phoenix with two flying wings;

Minds think alike!

With a gentle pinch between his two fingers, the blade attached to the dagger instantly disintegrated, and he could no longer move forward half an inch.

Ling Yufeng's handsome face was blue and purple, like pickled eggplants that had been pickled for seven or eight months. He also seemed to have been constipated for three days and three nights. He was about to suffer from diarrhea, but he was forced to hold it back, and his body seemed to explode.


Before he could be shocked, Hua Manlou gently brushed his left sleeve on his chest. Ling Yufeng felt as if a mountain was pressing on his chest, making him feel more and more depressed.

Thousands of mountains overlap!

The Wudang Sect’s secret secret teachings from Zixiao Palace.

On the day of Zhang Sanfeng's 80th birthday, he looked at the mountain scenery at Nanyan Palace in Wudang Mountain. He saw the continuous and lush peaks, felt something in his heart, and created a set of unique skills.

By moving the inner breath along with the peak momentum, you can use your momentum to overwhelm the enemy, or you can use it with a blow or a flick if you are small.

The sleeves on the armpits are suddenly rolled up, and the sleeve trains are fluttering like waves. The wind of the sleeves overlaps thousands of mountains and makes them stretch endlessly. This is the ultimate skill.

This method is similar to Wudang's "Flowing Clouds and Flying Sleeves". It is a unique skill with two sides in one body.

If you are proficient in both mental methods at the same time, and the sleeves of your left and right hands cooperate with each other, you will have the impermanence of white clouds and the thickness of mountains and mountains, a combination of hardness and softness, and endless circulation.

With a gentle flick of Hua Manlou's sleeves, the exquisite and pure innate Qi seemed like a mountain and river, weighing down Ling Yufeng so hard that he could neither advance nor retreat.

Advance, unable to break through one finger of consonance;

If you retreat, your momentum will inevitably collapse.

But if he didn't retreat, the continuous force would be like blowing up a balloon, constantly inflating his meridians.

In just a blink of an eye, the true energy will burst, the meridians will be severed, the Dantian will be destroyed, and the martial arts will be useless.


Ling Yufeng spurted a mouthful of blood towards Huamanlou.

With the help of the power of blood, Ling Yufeng relieved the heavy pressure in his body, threw away the dagger, quickly retreated, and at the same time ordered: "Kill them!"

Upon hearing Ling Yufeng's order, Monk Yun and Feng Baoge took action at the same time, grabbing and shooting with four arms.

Monk Yun is fake.

The real Monk Yun has been killed long ago. He is Xiao Qingyi, the most bizarre and changeable killer in the world. It is said that his disguise skills are better than Sikong Zhaixing.

Feng Baoge is also fake.

Feng Baoge, the ginseng picker, has already returned outside the customs. Today’s participant in the tea party is Sikong Zhaixing!

Ecstasy Xiao Qingyi raised his hand to attack Shen Lian, and Sikong Zhaixing grabbed Ecstasy Xiao Qingyi's disguise. As the king of king thieves in the world, he has his own pride.

You haven't seen through me, I haven't seen through you, we are just tied, why are you better at disguise?

Money overwhelms the hands of slaves, but art overpowers pedestrians.

Chu Liuxiang is known as the number one in Qinggong. Why did he get this title? Because he defeated all challengers.

Ecstasy Xiao Qingyi failed to see through Sikong Zhaixing, the two of them were tied, and their reputation was naturally shattered.

For Juedian, if you can't win, you lose.


Ecstasy Xiao Qingyi turned around and ran away quickly without even thinking about it. He was good at disguise and using poison, but his martial arts was not very good and he didn't like head-on confrontation.

But he forgot that Sikong Zhaixing had the lightness skill of holding the moon in the sky, how could he be allowed to escape like this?

Ecstasy Xiao Qingyi had the upper hand, but after seven or eight ups and downs, Sikong Zhaixing had already caught up.

The distance between the two was originally about ten feet. In less than a cup of tea, the distance was now less than five feet. When the two chased outside the city, Sikong Zhaixing had already caught up with him.

"Ecstasy little Qingyi, are you convinced?"

"The dignified king of thieves turned out to be the lackey of the Six Doors Police. Are you ashamed or not?"

"I just want to compete with you. Everything else has nothing to do with me. What's more, aren't you also Ling Yufeng's lackey? What's there to be proud of!"

"I am a killer. I kill people for money. I don't have any master. Money is my master!"

"I am a thief and I love stealing money!"

Before the words could be spoken, the two of them confronted each other.

Hidden weapons flew randomly, lightning flashed, poisonous mist filled the air, and they were as fast as the wind. The fight between the two was completely different from a martial arts fight, but the level of danger was even higher.

Shen Lian said calmly: "Little Qingyi of Ecstasy has left. Ling Yufeng, what other methods do you have? If you don't have a backup plan, please just go ahead and capture him."

Ling Yufeng said proudly: "I didn't expect Hua Manlou to be so good at martial arts, and I didn't expect Feng Baoge to be a star-achiever, but this won't affect the result."

With that said, Ling Yufeng whistled.

With the sound of whistles, more than a dozen top killers rushed over quickly, and the leader was the Wheel King!

Blackstone Killer Organization.

It is not the strongest killer organization, not the most cruel killer organization, nor is it a large organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years, but its behavior is the weirdest.

The Lord of the Black Stone is called the King of Wheels, and there are three top killers inside: Xiao Yu, Lei Bin, and Cai Xishi.

There are only four killers, but they have committed countless major crimes, and the intelligence system is extremely tight. No matter where the target is hidden in the world, they can easily find it.

A few days ago, Shen Lian investigated the case of the joint escort agency and accidentally clashed with Heishi. He killed Heishi's killer Cai Shi and kicked Xiao Yu into the Qingyuan River.

The King of Wheels was furious and chased Shen Lian. The two fought fiercely for an hour, and in the end they both lost.

This matter is not a secret.

Ling Yufeng used more than a dozen methods to confirm the authenticity of the matter and hired the Wheel King to assassinate Shen Lian.

Following the King of Wheels, the famous killers investigated by Feng Siniang include Slaughter Dog, Jin Laoer, Wang Duan, Human Snake, Xiao Yuren, and Five Elements Double Kill.

Shen Lian took a long breath: "Brother Hua, please protect Mrs. Bai. She has experienced too much pain and we cannot let her encounter misfortune again."

Huamanlou said: "Mrs. Bai's place has strong enough guards. I want to help you stop the Wheel King."

"Then please!"

Shen Lian looked up to the sky and let out a tiger roar, reaching out to grab the slaughter dog's throat.

Uncle Cao Guo, the immortal toasts and locks the throat!

As powerful as a tiger and as powerful as thunder, this top killer who has been famous for more than 20 years and kills people like dogs is like a chicken or a dog in Shen Lian's hands.


Slaughter Dog wanted to say something, but how could Shen Lian give him this chance? He exerted slight pressure on his fingers, only to hear a crunching sound, and his neck bones were crushed by the force of his fingers.


Shen Lian stood on his feet, his legs seemed to have two hearts. He exerted force on his waist and abdomen and threw the body of the slaughtering dog out, hitting Jin Laoer.

The physical strength used in this move was so great that Jin Laoer was knocked hard. Just as he was about to stand up, Shen Lian was already in front of him and stepped on his chest with his right foot.


Jin Laoer had more than a dozen broken ribs and bone spurs piercing his internal organs. Even Bian Que and Hua Tuo could not save him.

Ling Yufeng was stunned.

He never expected that Shen Lian's martial arts would be so high that even if he was seriously injured, he could easily kill these killers like pigs and dogs.

Ling Yufeng was sluggish and slightly proud.

Shen Lian shouted and roared, killing wantonly. He seemed to be unstoppable, but in fact his fists and feet were stagnant and his voice was hoarse. It was obvious that his injuries were not intact.

This is the perfect opportunity!

As long as he can seize this opportunity, Shen Lian will die in a sneak attack even if he has ten lives.

As long as Shen Lian is killed, Jinan Mansion will lose the last barrier to maintain stability. Ling Yufeng can stir up the troubled waters, and certain forces can also gain benefits.

Ling Yufeng doesn't have to do anything special. He just needs to follow the trend, put these people into Jinan Mansion, help them hide their identities, and they will complete everything.

After the incident was over, these people were able to take all the blame, and Ling Yufeng even had some credit.

This is called a win-win situation.


With the sound of weapons breaking through the air, two thick iron plates hit Shen Lian's back. Immediately afterwards, a one-legged bronze man smashed into Shen Lian's head, and where Shen Lian retreated, a belt circled like a poisonous snake. .

Xixia Yipintang enshrines Jiuyi Taoist.

Meng Yuan protects the Dharma, and from Chi's enemies, he hopes to survive.

The three masters attacked, and Shen Lian had no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth. It seemed that there was only one dead end.

Thanks to book friend Mr. Suihan for the tip

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