That video began to spread to all corners at the speed of light, and anyone who was connected to the Interstellar Network would see it.

Although the titles of the videos are different, many people still choose to click in and watch them. Their expressions range from surprised at the beginning to exciting later on.

Some people who are not interested in the video will always hear people around them discussing the video, and they will also talk to them with interest about mutated snakes and little civet cats.

These people had no idea what was going on, and could only nod along with blank expressions. In the end, they had no choice but to click on the video to watch, and after watching it, they showed the same wonderful faces.

But just a few hours.

The topic about mutant beasts is completely popular.

It can be said that this video refreshed their inherent world view.

It's obviously just a short film.

But for some reason, everyone couldn't help but get nervous or excited following the scene.

Or maybe...I was so moved that my eyes blurred with tears.

For example, the little civet cat that always wants to win the favor of the military doctor is arrogant and jealous. It keeps jumping back and forth in front of the military doctor. It is so cute that it makes people want to hold it in their arms.

Especially the picture of it standing firmly in front of the military doctor with its weak body.

I don’t know how many people’s hearts were shocked.

Many people find it hard to imagine that a ferocious little tanuki could have such a childish side.

Another example is the mutated snake, which seems cold-blooded and ruthless, but is willing to get hurt for humans, and even protects that human with a cautious attitude.

Its love for humans even makes many people's eyes turn red with pain.

Or maybe it was the scene of those mutated beasts helping humans without hesitation that made their blood boil every time they thought about it, wishing they could have been there at that time.

Of course, they will not forget the mutant beast that was disgraced. Its combat power is so powerful that it can rival the fifth-level mutant beast.

If it had not extended a helping hand, the crisis might not have been resolved so quickly.

Millions of humans in Area B have already been killed by the insect tide, leaving no grass growing.

Until the lines of words appear on the screen.

The seemingly calm narrative is full of many factors that are causing them to think about it now.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent.

In the picture, the furries in the queue did not attack humans. Although they were reluctant, they still lay down obediently, sighing with a sad face, and allowed the military doctor to rub their fur continuously. Although some mutant beasts did Although it was an act of resistance, it carefully kept its claws away to avoid hurting humans.

All of this made people realize that mutant beasts are not cruel and dangerous.

They also know what it means to like.

What does caution mean?

Many people silently clicked on other videos about mutant beasts.

In the picture, ferocious mutant beasts bared their teeth and roared. They generally had extremely gloomy and violent eyes, and their deep-seated hatred could be felt even through the screen.

More importantly, they possess extremely terrifying aggression. As long as someone comes close, they will immediately trigger a crazy attack.

At that time, everyone thought that this was the true face of the mutated beast.

Brutal, violent, and aggressive.

So they really deserve to die, and they cannot be allowed to appear in the human world.

But now, everyone is beginning to waver.

Perhaps mutant beasts are not born hating humans, let alone being extremely aggressive towards humans.

They may have become like this because they were deliberately abused by humans.

Because the bloody wounds on their bodies are the best proof.

Whenever a mutated beast appears in a video being abused, it is often accompanied by the background sound of humans laughing and having fun.

All the videos only show the ferocity and terror of the mutated beasts.

No one had ever told them that mutant beasts could be kind and well-behaved.

The timid and desperate eyes in the video, as well as the emaciated cubs gasping for breath, deeply hurt everyone, as if a knife was slowly cutting their hearts.

What on earth did they... do.

Thinking of the mutated beasts who were willing to protect humans and were injured, everyone could no longer help but ask questions.

[Do those mutated beasts in the video really exist? 】

[If it is true, why didn’t anyone tell us that mutant beasts will not actively attack humans? Why didn’t anyone tell us that mutant beasts... are actually very friendly? 】

The trappers who had been paying attention to the development of the situation early began to panic.

They cannot let the deceived public realize the truth, so they immediately show that it is all false.

[What we come into contact with most in this life are all kinds of mutant beasts. They are indeed full of malice towards humans and are extremely aggressive. 】

[You must not be fooled by the cute appearance of mutant beasts. They are mutant beasts, and they will also disguise themselves with harmless appearances to deceive the public. 】

But more people raised objections.

[If this is the case, why are the mutant beasts in that video so friendly, and even help humans fight against the insect tide? 】

[This is so contradictory to what they said. 】

Faced with the objections raised by the public, the trappers, after panicking, began to calm down and gave a reasonable explanation.

[That is just a special case. After all, it is a mutant beast adopted by Marshal Otis. It will definitely be different from other mutant beasts. 】

These words stopped many people from raising objections, but they no longer blindly believed in the words of the trappers.

And this is the result Otis hopes for.

The military doctor was always paying attention to the situation on the Interstellar Network and said: The results are actually very good now. I thought... these people would not believe these videos.

Zhao Libing rubbed Yinlang's head and said with a smile: If there is no marshal here, the credibility will definitely be greatly reduced.

The military doctor nodded and said complicatedly: I hope that one day, mutant beasts can live on this planet and no longer worry about being harmed by humans.

Zhao Libing was stunned and murmured: Yes, there will be such a day.

There will definitely be.

The military doctor said with a particularly serious expression: Of course there will be, because we still have the marshal here.

Zhao Libing said nothing, but focused his eyes on the figure in the distance, praying silently in his heart.


As the sun sets, the riverside is so shimmering that it looks like it's paved with sparkling stones.

A black and white mutated beast was sitting there, quietly looking at the scenery.

Otis leaned against the tree trunk, staring at the little pet without blinking, but his expression was so cold that he seemed to be dismissive of the mutant beast.

In fact, he was curious about what the little pet was thinking.

Ji Wuxiu didn't think about anything at the moment. He just felt that this planet was too dangerous and wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible.

But consider the astronomical cost of upgrading.

He couldn't help but want to sigh.

The heart is heavy.

Otis frowned. He didn't know what the little pet was thinking, but from getting along with the little pet during this period, he could tell that it was not stupid. On the contrary, it had many clever ideas.

It didn't know what it was thinking at this moment, and its sighing appearance was no longer as lively as before.

Otis, who was also in a heavy mood, walked over, picked up the little pet and held it in his arms, saying in an unhappy tone: Why are you sighing?

Ji Wuxiu rolled his eyes secretly.

Even if he wants to say it.

But Otis may not be able to understand,

So that’s bullshit.

Otis didn't expect the little pet to answer him at all, but frowned and answered to himself: Are you hungry?

As he spoke, he nudged the little pet again, pinched its belly familiarly, and said dissatisfied: It's already so fat, what else can it eat?

Ji Wuxiu immediately became angry.

He never said he was hungry from the beginning to the end. It was all Otis's guessing and then he blamed himself. It was so treacherous!

But he couldn't really get angry, lest Otis find out something was wrong.

So angry.

Otis couldn't help but rub the little pet, with a pleased expression on his face: You're so stupid, you can't even understand when I say you're fat.

Ji Wuxiu: ...

Is there something wrong with this person?

In anger, Ji Wuxiu decided to ignore Otis and immediately twisted his body crazily to indicate that he wanted to go down.

Otis naturally would not agree. He pinched Ji Wuxiu's belly and scolded: Be obedient.

Ji Wuxiu stared at Otis with his eyes wide open.

Three seconds later, with a confirming look, Ji Wuxiu realized that Otis would never let him go.

So he suddenly became discouraged, immediately closed his eyes, tilted his head, and began to twist on Otis's body.

Faced with such a naughty operation, Otis was stunned for a moment. He carefully held the little pet, which was actually very heavy, and his originally pursed lips curved slightly, and his face showed an expression that seemed to be rippling with pleasure.

The furry touch is simply amazing.

The military doctor and Zhao Libing who were watching couldn't help but shook their heads, with expressions on their faces as if this was indeed the case.

They had already seen it.

Otis, who seems to be superior to the mutant beasts, is actually the one who is truly conquered by the mutant beasts.

Otis held a big ball of fur in his arms. Even if his arms were sore from exhaustion, he still couldn't bear to let go of the fur ball in his arms. Even if it was painful and happy, he was still happy to do so.

Zhao Libing and the military doctor expressed their understanding of this.

After all, if it were them, they would also want to hold that mutated beast all day long.

But the marshal will definitely not agree.

Recalling that in the morning, the military doctor, Zhao Libing and others received Otis's order, so they began to edit the video, edit out the important scenes and upload them to the Interstellar Network.

But after Otis watched the video, he pointed at the cute mutant beast in the picture and scolded him with a black face: Put off its face.

A group of people quickly said: No, Marshal, it is the cutest of all mutant beasts. We must show it more to make this video achieve better results.

At that time, Otis's face turned even darker.

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