In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 15 We are the second Terra, we have two big guys

No one dared to turn a deaf ear to Master Ryan's words. After all, in addition to his noble status, this master was also a magician who could go berserk at any time.

People hurriedly hid, and Ryan lit the match and silently recited the names of Old Man Huang and Noah.

Anyway, I didn’t know which one would appear, so I recited them together.


The gun barrel in his hand vibrated, and the burning gunpowder was concentrated in the narrow space inside the barrel. The subsequent flame explosion that could not be diffused could only rush along the only exit of the metal tube, rushing out the metal projectiles in front of it.

People only saw black explosive smoke coming from the front of the metal pipe, and heard a huge sound that could be felt even if they covered their ears. Some people were even frightened and fell to the ground, covering their heads and kneeling on the ground, shaking nervously. .

In front of Ryan, a soldier's light armor placed on a stand was pierced, and the entire stand was thrown to the ground by the ensuing impact.

If the light armor is being worn by someone, those metal projectiles must have broken through the skin and seriously injured the organs at this moment.

In this era, being seriously injured is basically equivalent to death.

If this kind of pipe, no, this kind of weapon, is used on the battlefield, it can even pose a threat to knights wearing armor.

After all, they are not fully armored, and shooting from low places can also cause damage through the unprotected legs and abdomen of horses.

The knight who fell to the ground had no way to charge, and his deterrence was reduced by more than half.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no problem. He put back the barrel of the gun with satisfaction and looked back at everyone.

"Praise the great sun, you must have been blessed by him to show us such exquisite skills and terrible destructive power."

Bryce said sincerely that civilians are more pious than nobles. After all, there are not so many conditions for eating, drinking and having fun in life, so they can only find ways to calm their hearts.

Religious belief is probably the only way.

Those young people also praised the great sun. Ryan thought for a while and said:

"You have all heard that I was sentenced as a heretic but was pardoned. In fact, it was me who discovered another name for the great sun, the Emperor. So in the future you can directly praise the Emperor and save a few words. Words, he will have a better chance of hearing your prayers.”

Everyone was puzzled. They could only understand that as a magician, Ryan had shown some madness and difference.

Ryan suddenly added: "But remember, the emperor is also a human being, at least in human form. If you see anyone who tells you that there is a four-armed god-emperor or something like that, blow their heads off."

Many things depend on the first impression. As long as these people first think that the emperor looks human-like, it will not be easy for their perceptions to be distorted later.

They already feel that the knowledge Ryan has obtained must come from the blessing of the great sun, especially this lethal technology. No one is willing to try what will happen if they are the target of this weapon.

So when Ryan was thinking about the problem, no one dared to speak.

Ryan quickly divided the personnel of the three major departments and asked them to discuss according to their own planned goals and determine how much time it would take to complete the first phase of town construction.

Ryan will then personally review the results of the discussion and confirm the step-by-step plan.

During this meeting to discuss, Bryce had to borrow the barrel of a matchlock gun, held it in his hand and looked at everyone with a pleasant look.

Obviously, under the circumstances of persuading people with reason, everyone was amiable and humble to each other, giving priority to urban construction and education issues. Instead, the composition of the administrative department was temporarily dominated by the original Bryce manpower to avoid power jurisdiction. conflicts and meaningless administrative matters.

They all know that Mr. Ryan likes to be efficient.

If they are no longer efficient, they will be replaced.

In this way, Ryan's first phase of urban construction goals have a clear plan:

1. The area under Ryan's jurisdiction was named Second Terra because the first Terra only had one Big One, but they had two Big Ones (crossed out). Ryan himself explained that his mother's hometown was a remote place called Terra, and he hoped to find some feeling of home.

People don't know where Ryan's mother comes from. After all, Ryan is of collateral blood and his parents died young. Unlike those dukes and marquises, people can clearly tell which family their concubines come from. , as an after-dinner conversation that risks being beheaded.

2. Connect four main urban roads, all paved with new material asphalt. Only major roads in towns use asphalt, and stone bricks are used in small areas and residential areas. After all, the smell of asphalt is a bit pungent, and there are not enough chemical processes in this era to alleviate it.

3. Count the total number of people in the country, record them by family, and distinguish their occupations. A distinction needs to be made between yeoman farmers and craftsmen.

4. Complete the connection of the water conservancy system to the residential area, start to collect coal resources, and build factories at the water conservancy nodes.

5. Improve sanitation construction. After the water conservancy system is connected, pollution is not allowed to be exposed to public view and is handled uniformly. Promote clean body behaviors and encourage people to exercise.

When he played "Cities: Skylines", the game with the most harmonious graphics from Paradox in his previous life, Ryan knew that when traffic jams were caused by manure backflow and road design errors, it proved that this game was hopeless.

So in reality, he must not make mistakes. He doesn't have much time. Before going to the Principality of Mandala to get the Titans, he must have a strong enough force in Second Terra, which even includes an army!

He was confident in the changes that advanced technology would bring to Second Terra. Two and a half months would be enough for him to organize a musketeer team of about two hundred people while building the city.

Within these two months, the matchlock will also be improved into a percussion flintlock gun that can be fired easily. A flint and firing pin will be added to the gun itself, leaving only the convenient firing function.

The time range from the invention of the flintlock gun to the end of its service was from 1610 to 1848, which lasted for more than two hundred years. It can be regarded as getting stronger with age, which is quite suitable for the current situation.

After another busy day, Ryan finally felt the fatigue in his body and had a good sleep.

Maybe his body was rested, but his consciousness was rare and extremely clear. He didn't dream or fall asleep unconsciously. He didn't even have a perceptual body, existing in an undefinable "space".

It wasn't until golden but cold, silver but warm light alternately lit up that his consciousness realized what kind of situation he was in.

The two groups of light are communicating, but they are using their own souls as the medium of communication.

Ryan could easily understand that the golden cold light was the Emperor and the silver warm light was Noah.

But Ryan couldn't figure out why the power of light corresponding to Yajituo was not reflected here.

Until a faint flame also emanated from his waist, igniting his soul, and the fire protected him.

It turns out that the power of light corresponding to Yajituo serves as an anchor point to fix his soul and prevent it from dissipating into nothingness?

Ryan thought this way. He tried to visualize his arms. The dark body had a golden carapace. It didn't look like a human being.

In other words, his first transformation was actually in a state of consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, but the two big guys finished their exchange and disappeared together. Ryan was also sent back to his body. Fatigue quickly engulfed his soul, causing him to fall asleep with his body.

Holy Terra, formerly the Himalayas.

The Imperial Guard warrior Icarus, wearing a black cloak, was like a dark golden sculpture. He had been standing in front of this huge door for more than four months, without moving during this period.

Not long ago, the Imperial Regent, the Primarch, the Emperor's son, Guilliman, left the palace angrily. Even several high lords were asking what the Emperor and his son were talking about, so that the Primarch To be so out of character.

But to Icarus, none of this mattered. After his brothers in the Imperial Guard all changed their red cloaks with the beginning of the Dark Crusade, he still did not forget the Horus Heresy 10,000 years ago. Protect the Emperor's shame.

He was a personal guard of the Emperor. If he had disobeyed the Emperor's orders when he was young and chose to stay by the Emperor's side regardless of everything, he might have had the opportunity to bear the blow of Horus for the Emperor.

But now he is dying. His lifespan has exceeded ten thousand years, almost matching that of the original body.

Many of today's brothers are already latecomers. Seeing how sincere their loyalty is as much as his own, Ikaros himself is actually a little ashamed of why the Emperor allows him to live until now. He is a guilty man.

Although the Custodes are as different from the Astartes as they are to the mortals.

But he was dying in the end, the Custodes were only comparable to the Primarch in trivial ways, their genes still flawed.

Therefore, Icarus reported to the current Grand Commander of the Custodes, Trajan Valoris, to complete his last guard mission, and then retired, not even hoping to become an Eye of the Emperor (composed of retired Custodes who completed some of the Emperor's tasks). special mission), but to dedicate his remaining life to the Dark Crusade.

After his death, it was hoped that the Emperor would forgive his sins and allow his soul to return to Terra, his homeworld.

"Come here, Icarus."

Icarus raised his head, and he seemed to hear something, but it was not the signal transmission audio of the equipment on his body, but came directly from his brain.

"Come here, Icarus."

That voice sounded again. Under Icarus' helmet, his eyeballs twitched uncontrollably. He was almost secreting tears. He couldn't control his body and fell to his knees.


His throat hoarse, his body trembled as he got up, turned around and rushed towards the door behind him.

All the Forbidden Army brothers watched calmly along the way and silently blessed this brother.

"Every Custodian has his own destiny. The Emperor foresaw the existence of these destinies countless years ago. Now is the time for Icarus to face his own destiny. Brothers, give him your blessings."

The voice of Trajan Vargoris rang out from the helmets of every Custodian, and another Eye of the Emperor was born.

In the golden hall, the beauty created by all the artistic achievements of mankind for more than 40,000 years is reflected here.

However, the golden throne, which was said to have been designed with the participation of the Emperor himself, and the machine with magnificent power, were simply inlaid in this hall, making the entire palace look eclipsed.

Even Icarus himself couldn't even see the entire Golden Throne clearly, let alone the light of the sun that even penetrated into the real world.

"Icarus, you are going to be my messenger and go to a remote world, where you will meet the light you have never seen before."

The Emperor's will was directly implemented into Ikaros's brain, and the powerful mental defenses of the Custodes were completely released for the monarch. Because to the Imperial Guards, the Emperor is almost their father.

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"Help me identify those lights and see if they have compassion for humans. If they are no different from those subspace insects, just destroy that world. If they show it, you can recognize it in your cognition With goodwill, we may see a different tomorrow.”

Icarus prostrated himself on the ground, listening to the Emperor's teachings. After he received no more information except a coordinate, he raised his head and was allowed to look directly at the Emperor.

The sun that seeped into reality seemed to have never existed, and only the corpse sat alone on it for ten thousand years, enduring torture beyond all the pain in the world.

Icarus didn't say another word, didn't even ask why the Emperor chose him to carry out this mission.

He was just happy that the emperor still trusted him and was willing to give him work.

He took off his golden armor with joy, handed over his weapons, and faced his destiny under the eyes of his brothers.

"Lord Icarus, perhaps you need this."

Someone stopped Icarus before he left the palace gate.

It's a new-faced Mechanic-Priest (although most of them look the same), which is rare because usually even the Great Magos rarely visit Terra, and the Mechanic-Priests who maintain the Golden Throne are often sacrificed ( Exhausted) at his post.

The person stretched out a mechanical arm and handed over a piece of neural chimeric armor. He made a somewhat noisy voice from the modified throat and explained: "The body structure of the Forbidden Army is difficult to be compatible with the new power armor, so we tried to The Great Sage has prepared a new set of equipment.”

Icarus frowned and asked, "Is this what the regent means?"

The Mechanic Priest shook his head, and his neck made a clicking sound as the gears twisted. It was probably because it was rarely lubricated, and he replied:

"It has nothing to do with the Lord Regent. It is the divine inspiration of Omnisiah, the God of All Machines. The Emperor is on high, I think he will agree."

Icarus took the piece of chimeric armor and docked it on his chest. The corresponding information had entered his mind and was recognized, even including the coordinates the emperor had just told him.

There is no need to doubt the divine inspiration of Omnisiah. In a sense, this is no different from the Emperor speaking directly into his head. Perhaps the Mechanicus Priests will think that the Emperor must need a speaking device.

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