In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 87 The Minotaur Battle Group Arrives

When Gorgat came out of the so-called Durya Archives, he felt a little weak and a little unable to walk.

He originally entered the archives with the intention of understanding the historical archives of this planet and seeing how to ensure that Second Terra could smoothly take over Durya's political power as soon as possible.

He was then told that this entire building was an archive, and all historical documents for more than two thousand years were sealed here. At the front were the tithe lists collected by the Empire every twenty years.

Of course, the twenty years of taxes were collected together.

Behind the sacred tax list were the names and tenure records of the successive planetary governors, as well as their achievements during their tenure.

Because Durya was under the control of the Empire's real power, the subspace route to Holy Terra had been stable enough for nearly three hundred years, so there were not many Chaos invasions.

The bugs and greenskins had no chance to penetrate deep into the heart of the Empire and threaten here.

There were only some alien aliens and heretical sects mixed in the hives, instilling rebellious ideas in the lower-class people.

There must be some Chaos believers in the upper echelons of Durya, but they are well disguised.

Besides, even the lower echelons of Holy Terra cannot avoid the spread of heretical beliefs, and it is normal for Durya to have some cult groups.

A crisp blocking sound rang out, and Moro subconsciously half-crouched and used the shield of his right arm to block the attack of the spear. If he changed the attack direction of the spear, it would directly pierce his arm and torso.

Moro's pupils shrank, why did the imperial guards come to that place to meddle.

However, the administrators who were gradually taught the real security faced by the empire believed that the empire was eating a date pill, and it would be better to limit it to the Seventh Terra to protect the people and pass on the fire of human civilization.

"It seems that he has no respect for that place. He has forgotten that some relics of the Pioneer Chapter are still in their hands. The Ultramarines will take these things back sooner or later."

Could it be that the regent deliberately arranged to kill himself there in order to bury the past white history!

A bull head image with brown horns and angry red skin was painted under the right shoulder armor of Duryas, with a tyrannical and fierce aura.

We slowly arrived at the solidified Caliban jungle, and only when we saw the outside scene did Moro's face lose a trace of emotion, and even fear.

"Let Buwaiman or Calgar come to you to talk about that matter, he is still qualified."

Fortunately, those Primaris Minotaur people did not carry weapons, so the murderous aura under their bodies was enough to make Aster, who received them later, feel pressure.

"You received the order of the Low Lord Emperor Will to come here. On the way here, you received a distress signal sent by the officials of Monquin, and learned that a rebellion had occurred under the planet."

Low Gat returned to the Seventh Terra and immediately devoted himself to work. Even when a battleship belonging to the Old Star Warriors landed on the morning of the seventh day, I had time to greet it.

This carefree little laugh made Longfeis very satisfied. I even knew whose subgroup Durya belonged to, but I couldn't bear to show off in the Caliban jungle, which symbolizes the home planet of the White and Dark Angels.

"Please take you to meet the Low Lord, so that you can know the purpose of Ryan's guidance of you here."

This ship is even larger than the mothership of the old star warriors, and it can be seen from the inside and outside that many cabins have been added, just like that ship is not a combat tool or a transport ship, but a home.

Moro told the information we got in a calm tone, but from my tone, it is obvious that we are more inclined to a Low Lord, but a big planetary governor.

Moro roared, and the last moment, this long blade was turned over, and the long handle was upward to pry open my shield defense, and then the dark golden guard pierced Moro's power armor with his backhand and threw it towards the near side.

Until the return of the regent, the situation was not resolved in a hurry. On the surface, the Durya Chapter assisted some low-lords in their rebellion, and those things were exposed in time, so the political chaos of Holy Terra was strangled in the cradle by Givalman.

Astraro supported himself as the leader of the Seventh Terra Faced Chapter, and lost face in front of the brutal chapter of Durya, who had a long history, and said:

Perhaps the citizens of the Seventh Terra think that our lives are still wrong, much worse than before.

Ikaros did not make another move, but stood still.

That made people believe that this rebellion in Holy Terra, which was almost a joke, was the regent himself who was fishing for law enforcement.

Moro just suffered a lot, which made me feel balanced.

"They will pay the price sooner or later."

That's as it should be, Givalman is such a character.

There were countless mortal assistants shuttling in the cabin, and several Primaris Space Marines, who were smaller than the special Space Marines and whose power armor was decorated with more conspicuous gold, walked onto the elevator.

Moro only brought eight Primaris veterans with him, and he didn't seem to be worried that it was a trap.

Even after the rebellion, we completed some Primarisization on Mars, and then went to Holy Terra to "assist" the Low Lords in seizing the regency power.

In the eyes of Lowgat, that was not even similar to the current Emperor, always busy, always planning something famous, but still felt satisfied before making any achievements.

One of the reasons why Duria was able to obtain the Primaris on Mars that year, even earlier than the Ultramarines, was because the chapter leader of mine acted according to the prevailing circumstances, had clear goals, and fully cooperated with the little regent in acting. How many bad guys in the Government Affairs Council have suffered.

Throwing the tax catalog aside casually, Lowgat devoted himself to the administrative relations and responsibilities of various departments within the planet, not to mention the production capacity issues of the factories that each hive was responsible for. Therefore, he was dizzy when he walked out of the archives. , as if experiencing a fierce battle.

When Lowgat was flipping through those documents, he discovered that he had noticed the last time the imperial government officials collected taxes a month ago.

As long as it does not affect normal work and the payment of tithes, the governor will not bother to deal with these issues.

Santos was originally scheduled to go to Holy Terra and join the state religion on the recommendation of his uncle. It was also at this time that he would return with the political officer.

But Aster was not so angry that he lost control. He just stared at Moro and said loudly:

To allow at least 80 billion people to live a life with normal food and clothing, and to be able to engage in reasonable production and work, is such a common-sense thing. At this moment, in the eyes of Digat, it seems like he wants to split his own head. Only then can the pain in the cerebellum caused by thinking about that problem be relieved.

"I have to call Bryce back to help. You think I haven't rested enough yet."

It's the Imperial Guard!

White Dark Angel Longfis, a veteran, is not wearing Terminator power armor, but he is the only Space Marine here who can compete with him for dozens of rounds.

Nearby, Longfis clenched his fists, which were not full. I was stabbed to the core by Icarus.

The Duria battle group also suffered many casualties.

"It's okay. Seventh Terra needs development. Paying more taxes is a minor problem."

Prior to this, the Ultramarines agreed to cooperate with the Lai Jiaying Group.

Compared with the lively and downward colors of the Smurfs, it seems that the Durias are burdened with some terrible fate.

Moro said fiercely, and was prepared to receive a punch from Lai Jiaying who might be angry.

I opened my arms, as if I was the master of the jungle, and said with a smile:

Lai Jiaying's population of 80 billion is not Seventh Terra's first attempt to change the status quo of the empire.

Aster turned around and said loudly that in the early years, the Ultramarines subgroup called the Pioneers was almost completely wiped out by Duria, and a few of the group's relics were also taken away.

The color of our armor is like a dark copper color that has been specially painted, and it looks a bit tragic red at certain angles.


Moro suppressed his inner doubts. I just came to see what the latest lowly lord who appeared on the imperial government list needs the Duria Chapter to do and what harm it can provide.

While passing by the city buildings of Seventh Terra that were rapidly expanding, Moro noticed that the people living here actually saluted us, but not many people took the initiative to say hello to Aster.

After all, the inquisitors were busy identifying those threatening entities as heretics and then went to hunt them down.

The task of collecting the archive information was left to the Ultramarines. According to the Lai family, it was often mentioned that the fathers of the Ultramarines, the Primarch, were cursed to never be able to get peace of mind from anything they worked hard to achieve.

But before that, the Duria Chapter acted as if they were in trouble, replenishing gene seeds in Holy Terra, and then continued to do their own work.

There must be enough harm, and I do mind helping the lowly lord do some good things.

"Oh, their relationship with the White Angel is so bad. After all, this lowly lord doesn't have many tricks to integrate them together."

That made Moro a little uncomfortable. Although the Smurfs were kind and had excellent political skills, they were still so close to mortals.

"Come as you please."

"Seventh Terra? Hahaha——! You must know so much about the Bushmen that you would think that they, like the deposed Lowest Lord, are planning to rebel. Emperor Wei Hey! Duria’s Chapter Leader, Tao Chapter Waiwen Moro is here!”

"For Ryan." Tao Chapter Waiwen Moro, Duria's Chapter Leader, nodded solemnly to Aster as a greeting.

After Longfis pulled out the chain sword and took action, a dark golden figure strolled out from outside the forest directly behind Moro, stabbing out with a long blade in his hand.

I haven't found any corresponding records of Aster's Faced Ones Chapter, but they are Ultramarines. They are not the regent's heirs, so I must be too worried.

Moro mocked in a disdainful tone, "The power armor I wear as a Chapter Leader is more magnificent, and does not have the obvious decorative style of the ancient Terran classical Greek civilization."

Like our model imperial citizens who pay taxes on time, these are just small, good citizens.

The Primaris technology is in the hands of the regent and the little sage Caul.

"Little regent!"

The emperor will naturally reject that idea. After the administrators have finished complaining, we will still have to work hard.

"You have to be distracted when fighting, Lai Jiaying's grandson Moro. Not yet, my lord hates shouting. It's too arrogant."

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