In Warhammer, I am Ultraman Noah

Chapter 97 Noah’s Star Torch Ignition (Part 2)

In the lunar Olympus cafeteria area, Jie Lang still lined up behind the team step by step with a dinner plate.

Firstly, because he was indeed hungry, and secondly, he saw many 4752 crew members among the people waiting in line. He thought that these imperial officials must have endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden and stayed here to collect evidence of the so-called Second Terra.

Taking advantage of this ghost place that did not restrict their free movement again, Jie Lang was already plotting to reorganize his team, then capture this lunar base, seize his spaceship and leave.

As long as the news is passed back to Holy Terra, an army of traitors and rebels will surely come to completely destroy this sinful place.

However, Jie Lang found that these crew members seemed to look much better than when they were on the ship before. They were talking and laughing, and they were also very anxious to finish their meal, as if they were rushing to attend some ceremony.

He looked around furtively to make sure no one was staring at him. Jie Lang approached behind an affairs officer, holding a piece of bread in his mouth, chewing on it, and whispered:

"Officer Bulkai, did they do anything terrible to you during your imprisonment?"

"Oh, Mr. Tax Commissioner! We finally see you again. We thought you would be late today." The Bulkai affairs officer was very happy to see his former chief.

Jie Lang looked overjoyed and said quickly: "Why, are you also ready? When this so-called Noah's Star Torch is ignited, take advantage of their unpreparedness, then seize the spaceship and leave, and escape back to Holy Terra!"

You are indeed a bad citizen of the empire. Have you ever embarrassed me?

It's a bad thing that when you pull out the Incarnate Truster, there won't be any signs of blood splattering or disembowelment. Instead, it will be caused by a kind of intercurrent light that is consistent with this young pointed pyramid, so it will not make people feel it. Feel horrible.

On the way outside, Tax Officer Ryan saw the floor diagrams that had not been posted on each floor. The architects had really stupidly marked out the key locations and functions of each floor.

Noah must be eternal, so why is that a kind of stagnation and corruption?

The mysterious and unseen Jie Lang pilot has nothing to do with the Golden Throne of Holy Terra, and knows the secrets of the construction of the human webway and the Star Torch.

Before today, at most small and large planets in distant star areas would not have two star torches to indicate the target position when they were traveling through subspace, and subspace navigation would be even more dangerous.

There must be no Gray Knights or Inquisitors out there with little knowledge of the Daemons of the Warp, who must realize that we have not yet retreated into the Warp, and may be in the labyrinths of Tzeentch.

The enemy is on Terra!

No matter what the seven personified gods are thinking in their hearts at this time, they can't stop the lighting of the new star torch.

"Now that we are here, Seventh Terra does need a tax collector. Until the light of Noolympus shines on, Duria can only become a port transfer point in the real world, and it can also become a gateway from subspace to the dark side of the empire. Transit point.”

But he was afraid of overdoing everything, so that his own officials became crazy people.

Ryan was startled again. It turned out that the speaker of the unmanned Jie Lang was making a sound, which seemed to be the voice of its remote controller.

Under the brass throne, this armored giant, hidden in the shadow of the blood as red as ink, let out a terrifying maniacal laugh, encouraging the demons who were retreating and dueling behind the throne to fight fiercely, and their slashing movements slowed down. a bit.

The pilot of Jie Lang seems to be talking to the mysterious low lord Chang Fan about the secrets of Noolympi. He should write it down, which may be a breakthrough to prevent the Star Torch from being ignited.

It is said that demons will use that method when they tempt our imperial officials.

The moment the Emperor's light retreated completely into the Star Torch, the warp exploded.

I'm not sure I've never heard that voice before, but I have a strange feeling that I should disobey the voice.

"O Titan, may your glory protect the human empire forever——"

Damn it, that should be the so-called Noah's Ignition Observation Deck, right?

He must have been alive since ancient Terra, and he must be a very weak warp demon.

But I took a few steps and then I had to stop. Because there were so few people gathered, the more remote places were gradually flooded with people, especially the railings that were not yet filled with excited crowds. There were so many psychics that I had never seen before.

Oh my god, Chang Fan is very happy that a tax official is so loyal. That means there is something wrong with the empire's loyalty education.

He also said that they were the Seventh Terra of the Human Empire, and were they related to subspace?

At this moment, Chang Fan, Jian Xing was thinking about the possibility that besides seeking death, he could take advantage of the people outside to guard against him and prevent Noolympi from igniting the fire.

The strength and emotion that the Emperor's instigation could not mobilize were injected into the large star torch, connecting the light of Noah that was retreating into the entire subspace.

"Sir, he wants to be in the wrong place to watch the star torch lighting ceremony. He can't go to the top floor. The clothes he is wearing are the uniforms of administrators. There is no need to come and squeeze with you workers."

Very slowly, the elevator door opened, and Ryan arrived at the so-called central control room.

Thinking of this, Ryan has not yet roughly determined that this demon has not yet broken free. With the help of the conceptual connection with the human race, he created the Seventh Terra. The reason for building the Seventh Star Torch was not to reproduce the fear. The terrible warp storm when the Eye erupts.

Hum, safe psykers are everywhere in Seventh Terra, and it is indeed the lair of Chaos that wants to corrupt those worldly beings!

Top floor? This is the location of the so-called Star Torch Central Control Room, which has a function similar to that of the Golden Throne. Can I really not retreat from such an important place?

Damn it, those heretics haven’t gotten Jie Lang yet?

"Just say that the guardian Quan Jielang should have been placed in the Seventh Terra household registration room a long time ago. Every new citizen should bow to him, whether he is a native of Lixing or an imperial citizen. Keep a The seventh Terra has no complaints. Some people outside the trial court are too bad and will immediately draw their guns and try to kill Chang Fan."

I heard the voice of Emperor Will also come from the horn of Jie Lang's cockpit:

In his loving father's garden, outside this white house, his loving father just glanced in the direction of Noolympus, then continued to turn his fat body and snore like thunder, and fell asleep.

"It still doesn't hurt at all. I have to transform like this every time to reach my weakest state."

Ryan almost exclaimed, "Titan, I actually heard this cursed name, the name of the fallen demon primarch!"

I fell to my knees in despair, stretched out my hands blankly, and recalled the training sessions of Holy Terra.

White God did not show too few scenes, as wild as the next battle with Tzeentch, but floated gently at the bottom of Yaxing Jusi, spreading his own brilliance.

These courses vaguely mentioned that when he realized that the world concept had not completely become the same, even though the surroundings still looked abnormal, he was not yet in the hands of the devil, but he had no loyalty to the Titan. , can keep his soul pure, but there is also a way to avoid the incarnation he is about to encounter.

Emperor: "To you old man, you are probably the one who said that because you are young."

I tentatively stared into the eyes of these guards, and while we looked at them like idiots, we successfully walked back up the stairs to the top floor.

"Except for the one million people who ended the seventh Terra, is it possible for their power of light to spread to other humans?"

At exactly four o'clock in the evening on the latter sidereal day, the Emperor calibrated the positions of the signal towers in the warp, the lunar sub-star Tors, and the terrestrial ephemera, and pulled out the Degenerate Truster from under his torso. .

"Why did Your Majesty commit rebellion?"

This demon, like the Titans, is associated with the human race, so its knowledge of humans is very vague.

Rui En was still trying to calm down his emotions, and he saw the move of the living body drawing the sword just a moment ago.

Because in many legends, there is always a silver low tower in the palace of the Lord of Changes, symbolizing his amazing wisdom.

The good and bad guy does have a solid character, and economic work requires people like that.

Chang Fan was gradually crowded out by the crowd. It seemed that there was a grand death dedicated to Chang Fan outside. Let's go to the so-called central control room to have a look.

"Light, shine!"

Salish, I can't delay it any longer today. I can't wait to see if I can continue to indulge in lying down. When can I climb out from the bottom of the Seven Gods of Chaos?

"Terra? Are you in Terra? Are you here? Titan, sir, today is a small day, a small moment for Noolympus to ignite. If you slow down a little more, you will really catch up. "

"Ryan Hartle, what do you want from me? To be honest, he rarely called you by your name during that time. Others just said it after going to bed every day, and then went to work. And he, every day Shouting dozens of times seems to be enough. To be honest, he should pray to Noah. If you can feel his intentions, he can pronounce more syllables. "

They have planned to be so despicable, and they must be stopped by themselves!

"Well, the devil knows what kind of genetic modifications the Jin people made to the human race in their White Dark Age of Technology. The home planet of Seventh Terra, there is no other technologically created stone similar to the Necron, has suppressed it for a long time The mutation of the citizens of Seventh Terra is like the bodies of space dwarves being crushed by gravity.”

The emperor's voice came. The empire's 10,000 years of education had made people's loyalty to the Titans not yet deeply rooted in people's hearts. At that time, hearing the name Seventh Terra, if it was his identity as the lowest lord and the space warriors around him, To follow, the first reaction of a small number of people is to think that they are heretics.

After the Well of Eternity, Tzeentch just held the place where he was pierced by Promis and felt a dull pain, letting the unlucky Carlos pay attention to the large star torch.

The sudden vibration of the ground startled Ryan. It turned out to be a modified war dog-level Jie Lang walking towards the low tower.

On the front floor of the palace of pleasure, Salish, who was enjoying the desire of the world today, pulled out his perfect body from the desert of countless bone meal that rotted into gravel. Each move was enough to make any person with no aesthetic sense Living beings are intoxicated by freely surrendering their souls to that god.

Ryan carefully remembered those conversations and got an important message.

"There is a problem with the ignition. After all, it is just a shell. It has no practical effect at present. Compared to the device he built in the Himalayas, it is like comparing a stone to an entire star. There is no comparison."

Ultraman Nexus: Child form.

After all, the Seventh Eye of Terror was supposed to be the location of Holy Terra, and the demons were working towards that very thing 10,000 years later.

Driver Jie Lang's voice: "There is an old saying in Gu Terra, small steps will lead to thousands of miles away."

Changfan Weir himself was above the building structure, flanked by a warrior wearing dark gold-style Forbidden Forces power armor.

I took advantage of the crowd gathering, controlled myself again, and sneaked towards the innermost railing.

Tzeentch! It must be Tzeentch!

It can be said that these citizens of Thai origin are young and young, and Chang Fan is not that typical.

How sacrilegious that is!

At this moment, the eyes of the Seven Gods and even the more powerful Concept God were all interpreted.

However, for Ultraman, the meaning of the existence of landmark buildings may not be to keep them destroyed by monsters in a certain episode.

The Titan casually threw the tax collector, who had no remaining loyalty and a bad mind, to the Seventh Terra.

I understand these control facilities, but there are not many servitors and mechanical priests wandering among the low towers. As long as we follow us, we may be able to find some clues.

But why does that voice sound so strange?

In just that moment, any doubts that Ryan had had were completely dissipated, and his entire face turned into one of regret.

So what would be the identity of that heretic?

These eyes stared at the long-torn and shabby Milky Way, and before the shadows were rushing in the river, they waved their arms.

But at the last moment, I saw the emperor turning the lightsaber upside down and stabbing it into his waist, penetrating through the torso and lumbar spine. The remaining rays of light pierced out, showing that the sinners were tortured under some kind of religious ceremony. A ritual of atonement, or a gesture to seal away the devil.

Chang Fan complained loudly, and the changing circle turned into a light golden mark with a special texture, which was outlined under the gradually rising silver-gray skin, and finally focused on the heart-shaped indicator on the chest.

According to some internal information that can be confirmed, the Golden Throne of Titan also seals a demon that Chang Fan encountered in ancient times 70,000 years later and has nothing to do with the concept of human species.

"Titan is on the right. You must have seen it with your own eyes, but let someone describe the behavior of pulling weapons out of the torso bones. Do you really think Emperor Will is a terrifying alien?"

Nexus walked towards the back of the Star Torch Pyramid and folded his arms behind the timer on his chest.

You are all mixed up with the Daemon Primarch!

"That, that sound is -" Ryan's voice trembled, and he raised his head, watching Jie Lang throw himself up, wrapped in golden spiritual energy, and sent it towards the top of the silver low tower. go.

Today is just a pilot, but the significance is significant enough.

If Ran had met a colleague of Holy Terra before, he still looked like a rough guy from the countryside, embarrassing the Seventh Terra.

Boom! Boom——

Damn it, how did the country become like that!

When I reached the lowest point of Changfanfangsi on the moon, I found that there were not many people gathered outside.

At this point, Chang Fan's face turned gloomy, and he ate all the bread in a sulky manner. He even queued up to receive the main meal, then put his dinner plate and walked out of the cafeteria, preparing to find the lowest place in the building, and then use his life to save it. Show your loyalty to Chang Fan and Holy Terra!

"But these are the work of the Necrontyr. In reality, we hate white and dark green."

Just now, I personally imagined Chang Fan as a terrible demon.

Titan prayed to the tax collector who was so close to him, and finally couldn't bear it. It was clear that the senior crew members of his 4752 subordinates had not gradually accepted the Seventh Terra's power, whether or not he had come forward. existence, and with the persuasion of Monquin holding a chainsword in one hand and an official document printed by the Empire proving the identity of the Emperor as a Lowest Lord in the other, he slowly joined in the work of cooperating with the Seventh Terra.

Promes sat up from the Titan (how could it not be weird), flew out of the cockpit, and came to the top of the star torch.

Just as Ryan completed what he thought was the last prayer in his life and waited for the fate of being corrupted, I heard the words of this mysterious Jie Lang pilot:

Combined with the fact that there were no members of the Mechanicum outside, Ryan felt that the pollution of this heretic god named Noah was too weak. How could those believers of the God of All Machines allow the Seventh Terra to modify the logo of the Human Empire? It is a two-headed eagle, one gold and one silver.

Resisting the growing desire to complain in his heart, Chang Fan secretly followed the little Jielang. It seemed that there was no one in the cockpit outside, and some kind of wired control technology might be used.

That is putting our Wanjishen out of sight!

Cute, that must be a trick of the devil!

"How are you preparing, Emperor Will?"

Meng Quin still finished embroidering my clothes today. That guy doubted whether he had any influence on the ignition of the Star Torch on Seventh Terra, no matter where he was. But if the tasks that need to be completed every day are not completed, this will definitely happen. Despised and rejected by "father".

Moreover, we have only come into contact with one planet, Duria. The governors of other planets may give orders to attack Seventh Terra even if they do not have the status of a lowly lord.

Burke looked strange, looking at his subordinate, and asked in confusion:

A silver giant composed of a huge universe and galaxies stood in the entire universe, and the entire Milky Way was just a turntable floating behind its chest.

At the top of the silver low tower, Promise was lying in the cockpit of the Guardian Power, looking at Ryan who was leaning against Jerlang's legs with interest, and asked:

Several strong women were squeezed back and forth by the old man in front of them whose body was mostly made of metal. It was very cool, but they still patiently suggested that Ryan pay attention to public order and disturb others.

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Damn, that heretic has not eroded and retreated into Holy Terra yet, it's strange that he can command the Space Marines.

"Oh, Magnus, yes, Tizca, Tizca's psychic power regressed very slowly, and I was still under control after a few days. Today, I am the slowest regressing among all the psychic students of Chang Fanfangs. If it lasts for a few days, it will be weaker than my think tank teacher!"


So besides the Ikaros Village, the people around the Emperor are not the commander of the Faced Ones, Longfeis, and the Seventh Terra Warmaster, Kamo Mast.

After all, for the civil servants of the Seventh Terra, dealing with bad work is one aspect. In contrast to the taxes collected by the 4752 tax collection ship, the geographical knowledge of the various planets of the empire, at most the asteroids in the distant star regions, still needs to be learned.

"Damn, why are there so few outsiders!"

When Ryan came to his senses, we had not yet reached the top floor of the silver tower, staring at a small pointed pyramid with a special crystal glass and emitting a violent white light.

Maybe if it takes a while, my body will mutate, my seven senses will collapse, and I will become a pile of rotten meat that can only speak dreams.

As a tax collector, I know a lot about the subspace, why can I suddenly associate so smoothly? The moment I stepped into Changfanfangs, I was suddenly watched by the demons of Tzeentch and became their slave!

My body became smaller and smaller in the light column until it reached a height of 70 meters.

Digat and Bryce presided over the work in the small hall of the sub-star torch on the ground to celebrate the festival of the ignition of the star torch. We are busy with work. Even if it is not a waste of time to go to the subspace, we hope to get back to work as soon as possible before we are done.

"It seems that people who have enough faith in him really see you."

I walked back all the way, not realizing that no one stopped me along the way. It seems that the guards of the seventh Terra all knew me and greeted me.

Noah's first move in the Warhammer universe.

Obviously, it seems that there is not much building space on the top floor, but before retreating into it, it feels like retreating into another world, which is more spacious than the wall building. The most eye-catching thing is not this silver tower, which should exist according to the laws of physics, but its actual height has not exceeded the total height of the building.

This is bad, let yourself die there, and use your death to resist the so-called Seventh Terra!

Only the tax officer thinks that the founder of the Seventh Terra is a heretic and a traitor every day.

"Judging the camp's happiness or unhappiness by color is really a unique handicraft of their world. It's bad. The Star Torch is about to be ignited. The Seventh Terra has not yet established a solid foundation and will end the warp journey. You have to give us a buff."

Ryan looked dazed. Obviously, those superiors were brainwashed and instinctively thought that the Seventh Terra was the object of our loyalty.

Haha, the Seventh Terra refused to build itself. Even if it succeeds, I still have to question myself: That power, that strange wave, is just like the light of the human torch that our navigator saw when he was sailing in the subspace.

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