Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 149 I am the best at being a matchmaker, where did Maya come from (please vote for me)

Shezhi is like a soft rainbow, with a faint golden light, flying across the entire sky.

call out!

She was extremely fast, almost impatient, and arrived at [South Jambudvipa] in an instant, arriving at the place of penance where she was last time.

Before Shezhi landed, he saw a large pit suddenly appearing in the clearing in the forest from a distance.

There is nothing around the big pit, not a single person, not even a shadow!

What? !

Shezhi couldn't help but inhale sharply, his arms trembled, and he almost dropped the plate.

She quickly landed and trotted around the open space.


Nothing at all? !

"There are no traces of the battle, but there is no blood. Could it be that he left!"

Shezhi looked disappointed and stood there blankly.

Brahma world.

Brahma's eyes were fixed, looking at [Southern Jambudvipa], and noticed Shezhi, the daughter of Praman.

"Would you like some help?"

Brahma turned his eyes slightly and glanced left and right at the goddess Sarasvati beside him.

He himself should not leave the Brahma world easily, but his wife, the goddess Sarasvati, can go down and give the girl a little wisdom and guidance.

While Brahma was thinking, his eyes narrowed and he suddenly turned to look at Ruhai.

So fast!

Vishnu has taken action!

Pigong Zha.

On the snake bed, the sleeping Vishnu raised his eyelids slightly and slowly opened his eyes, with a faint smile under his bright eyes.

"It's time for me to help them."

Vishnu muttered.

He has been paying attention to this matter for a long time and has wanted to give it a try. Now he finally found an opportunity and it was his turn to take action.


The next moment, a faint golden light floated out and flew into the human world instantly.


The light breeze blew, rolling the fallen leaves and swaying the sari.

The golden-red pleated skirt fluttered like ripples in the water, leaving behind a slender figure that looked like a stone.

"Beautiful girl!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Shezhi, awakening Shezhi who was in a daze.

Shezhi was slightly startled and turned his head sharply.

This is a young traveler. He has a handsome appearance, resembling Vishnu. His head is wrapped in a gray-yellow turban. He wears a shawl that is blue on the outside and white on the inside. He has a string of orbs in series around his neck and a prayer stone. Round god card.


A look of disappointment instantly appeared in Shezhi's eyes, and it turned out to be not that ascetic.

Her eyes were slightly dim and she said, "Excuse me, what can I do?"

"I am a traveler!"

"While walking here, I feel a little thirsty. Can I ask for some water?"

The handsome traveler who looked like Vishnu slowly stepped forward, raised his hand and pointed at the gold plate in Shezhi's hand, smiling.

Shezhi's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Feel sorry!"

"There is only milk for sacrifices here. Let me get you some water!"

Shezhi said.

The traveler who resembled ‘Vishnu’ smiled slightly.

He opened his hands and his heart.

"No need to bother!"

"If a believer devotes himself entirely to the God he believes in."

"Then his body will become a temple, and everything he eats, drinks, tastes, and sees are sacrifices to the gods."

"And it just so happens!"

"I am such a person!"

"Give me milk, and I will offer these tributes to Narayana~"

The traveler smiled brightly and held out an index finger.

His index finger seemed to be shining with countless bright rays of light under the sunlight.

The next moment, the traveler bent down with a smile, clasped his hands together, and waited for the milk on the gold plate.


Shezhi blinked and said nothing.

What the traveler said seemed very reasonable, and the poor traveler must have been thirsty when he came here.

Thinking like this, Shezhi bent down and squatted down.

She put down the gold plate and took out the gold pot containing milk from the gold plate. The mouth of the pot was slightly tilted, and the milky white milk flowed down and poured into the traveler's hand.

The traveler took the milk and drank it sip after sip.

After a while, the traveler finally finished his drink, stood up happily, and gently wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Beautiful girl, you are also so kind-hearted."

"But you don't look happy. Why are you forcing a smile? Are you worried about something?"

The traveler who resembled 'Vishnu' asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Shezhi hesitated slightly, then turned around, staring at the huge hole in the ground with his back, and said.

"There used to be a devout ascetic here!"

"He sleeps in the open with no one to take care of him. He is like a lion cub that has left the pride of lions and is practicing hard here alone. What a pitiful ascetic!"

"Now he's gone!"

"I'm worried about him~"

Shezhi tilted his head, clasping his hands tightly together, his beautiful eyes twinkling as he stared at the mountains in the distance, full of worry, and couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing this, the traveler who looked like 'Vishnu' kept moving his eyes and the smile on his face was somewhat frozen.


Is this the same person as the Indra he knew?

Girl, is there something wrong with your cognition?

The traveler shook his head slightly and forced a smile on his face.

"Beautiful girl!"

"This ascetic can make you so worried. He must have suffered a lot. He is a poor child."

Vishnu said this and decided to mention Shezhi again.

"So how did you meet him?"

Vishnu smiled and asked slowly.

Hearing this, Shezhi was stunned for a moment.

She blinked, opened her mouth slightly, and suddenly showed a look of realization.


She learned about the ascetic's whereabouts from her grandmother Aditi. Now she could go to her grandmother Aditi and ask.

In an instant, Shezhi suddenly realized.

"Thank you!"

Shezhi turned around happily, her golden and red dress spinning like a blooming flower, and happily thanked the traveler.

The next moment, she opened her legs, turned around and ran, like a cheerful herding horse, running wildly in the mountains.

tread! tread! tread!

The traveler smiled slightly and showed a faint smile.


A faint golden light flashed, revealing Vishnu's four-armed true body.

Be a matchmaker!

He is a professional!

With such a smile, Vishnu's eyes turned and fell on Aditi's home in the distance.

The next moment, Vishnu's smile suddenly solidified.


"Where did Maya come from?!"

Vishnu's smile faltered.


In his eyes.

Layers of Maya illusions have arisen. These illusions are as ethereal and illusory as dreams, completely hiding this thatched house in Maya.

"Indra's Maya illusion power has completely hidden that place!"


"I'm afraid she won't be able to get in. We must find a way to help her!"

Vishnu's eyes moved, thinking about a solution.

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