Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 39 Cyber ​​Madman

This is a sweet plot in which David and Lucy confirm each other's feelings and identities. In all aspects, it is above the excellent line.

It only relies on descriptions of words and pictures, without sensational background music, and there is no critical moment of life or death crisis.

But it's enough to move people's hearts.

Especially after so many words, everyone has a deep understanding of David, and even... substitutes for him.

David has been losing everything in the plot of these ten chapters. He finally found a partner he knew and someone he liked.

Everyone hopes that he can have everything he cares about.

Now, the kiss with Lucy in the neon city under the moon is really a sight to behold, and one can't help but smile like an aunt.

Especially the pictures of the moon and the earth, thanks to Lin Qingshan's kaleidoscope ability, the paintings are as beautiful as photos.

The scene of David and Lucy kissing is even more beautiful.

Like an extremely sweet dream.


Sweet frosting can sometimes turn into deadly arsenic in an instant.

Especially the last part is very similar to the plot of setting a flag.

Fan Siwei was very worried, but he was not worried about David who raised the death flag.

But the heroine Lucy.

After all, how could the hero of a fantasy work die?

Especially since this is a male-oriented comic.

How could someone draw a male-oriented comic and end up arranging for the male protagonist to die in battle?

However, there are quite a few anime works in which the heroine dies.

This is a tragic work, which still makes Fan Siwei very worried.

"No! Lucy must not die!"

The more Fan Siwei thought about it, the more something was wrong, so he turned on the computer and logged into the official website of Manjie.

Although this "love with a kiss" plot is very sweet, many people, like Fan Siwei, are wary.

Lucy must not let anything happen to her!

There are also a lot of posts about "Edgewalker" on the comics forum.

In fact, there were a lot more before. After all, the setting of "Edge Walker" is, as mentioned before, too powerful and subversive.

The setting of the cyberpunk world itself is full of concerns about future social development and full of humanistic care.

In particular, the cyberpunk setting itself is anti-capital and anti-absolute controlism.

In the cyberpunk world, technology has become a symbol of power.

After capitalism and marketism developed to their extreme and became the most powerful violent institution in the world that replaced the state.

Large multinational corporations control advanced technologies and use them to spy on and manipulate humans.

And the rulers who represent the interests of these companies allow them to go unchallenged.

Such a world setting is already very popular in the Republic.

But in the past, discussions on comic forums were all about criticizing the twisted world where capitalism has reached its peak, and few were interested in the plot itself.

But as soon as these two words came out recently, there was a lot of discussion about it.

Especially the inexplicable death of Pyrrha in episode 14 made many people think that Lin Qingshan, who created "Edge Walker", is really a madman.

As for this recent episode, the title of one of the most popular posts is - "The protagonist of "Edge Walker" will not really be wiped out and only the male protagonist will be left, right?"

As mentioned before, the fantasy works in this world are not as crazy as Lin Qingshan's "Red Eyes" in his previous life.

In the end, all the protagonists, including the male protagonist, were killed, and only one female protagonist was left.

Moreover, the name of "Zhan Crimson Eye" also indicates that although this comic is a male-oriented comic, the female protagonist Chi Chong is the real protagonist...

So everyone is very worried after watching the latest episode.

The responses from some readers below are even more exciting.

"If the heroine of "Edge Walker" is really dead, I won't read this comic!"

"Let's see what happens next... I'm actually more worried about my big brother Mannwwwwww"

At first glance, this person is a manga fan from Japan. After all, the manga industry is the big brother in the industry, let alone Japan.

There is a readership base in Europe and the United States, let alone the places where we are part of it.

"Mann...well, Mann is a good big brother, but haven't you gotten used to the plot of the dead brother yet? I won't be able to feel much about it anymore."

"To be honest, if it were a world like cyberpunk, I can't think of any way to defeat those corporate dogs."

"In a world like cyberpunk, if David doesn't have the halo of the protagonist, there's nothing he can do about it."

"But David is the protagonist. The protagonist can't cheat and lose, right?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm really confused. I heard you guys say that "Edgewalker" must have a tragic ending, but I really want to continue watching it."

"Don't worry, I am already a mature adult reader, and it is no longer possible for me to shed tears over a comic [expression_sunglasses]"

But the guy with the sunglasses expression wouldn’t know.

One day in the future, his speech and expression will become a meme.

It has been passed down for a long time.

"If Lucy dies in the end, I will definitely kill this crazy author!"

"Brother, don't take it too seriously. This is just a comic. You're just like the cybermaniac in the comic."

Not only on the forum, but also among major comic fan groups, concerns about the ending of "Edge Walker" are expressed.

However, Gu Qianli, who had already received Lin Qingshan's promise, was not worried at all.

As she watched this plot, her aunt laughed, and she laughed without any psychological burden.

She was lying on her bed at the moment. She was not dignified in front of others at all, but was quite casual.

If Du Guoguo, Yang Zhihan and other Gu Qianli's roommates were here, they would probably be shocked to see Gu Qianli's appearance.

Just because this is so unlike Gu Qianli.

Even in the dormitory, Gu Qianli behaved like a dignified and well-groomed young lady.

However, Gu Qianli now looks more like...

A carefree otaku...female.

Although he still looks good, he is wearing cartoon pajamas that are quite wanton, and his pajamas are all crooked.

And this is Gu Qianli's true attitude.

Even Lin Qingshan didn't know this.

If Lin Qingshan knew about it, he would suddenly realize it and use a famous animation from his previous life to describe Gu Qianli - "Gan Wu Mei Xiao Buried".

But Gu Qianli is not really like Xiao Mi. He is two completely different people in front of him and behind him.

Except that she looks a little more casual and shows her true nature at home, her personality is the same as that of a lady, and she knows how to advance and retreat.

However, at this moment, the maid at home suddenly came outside her room and knocked on the door softly.

"Qianli, the food is ready. The boss is also eating at home today and asked you to come out to eat together."

Gu Qianli was stunned for a moment, and then responded, "Okay, Mother Wu, I'll come out right now!"

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