Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 9 Serialization

"Okay, okay... I'll notify the typesetting department right now..."

"Yes, this issue of the Newcomer Grand Prix is ​​on the title page of the magazine, and the second cover will be given to Teacher Ye Feng's serial promotion for this issue."

"This first interview with the cartoonist will be with Mr. Kuxuan! Don't print it wrong!"

"Lao Li, your side is going to print more this time!"

Editorial Department of Manjie Culture Company.

Every time the magazine is finalized and typeset is about to be printed, the company becomes very busy.

Ayumi Ito is the most idle one at this time, because she is a new editor, and she is currently responsible for only one author.

That is Lin Qingshan.

In front of her desk, there is the manuscript of "Edge Walker" that Lin Qingshan gave her before.

Currently there are only episodes 1 to 6, and she has completely finished them.

After reading these 6 episodes, Ayumi Ito is full of confidence in Lin Qingshan and "Edge Walker".

The content of episodes 1 to 6, under the plot arrangement of Lin Qingshan, is the part where David meets Lucy and starts to cooperate.

Because a lot of introduction content had to be inserted during this period, the plot progress was indeed much slower.

But in terms of painting, Lin Qingshan can be said to have reproduced the animation scenes in one to one detail.

Anyway, it didn't take much effort for him.

The existence of the master-level painting kaleidoscope makes him write like a god, with the same precision as his skill and speed!

But this is the first time that Ito Ayumi is responsible for serialization work for a new cartoonist, so she can't help but feel a little nervous.

"Definitely... Teacher Qingshan, and I... will definitely succeed!"

She looked at the drawing on the table, her eyes full of determination, and said silently in her heart.

Soon, a new issue of "Comic World Gogo" was printed and sent to various cities in the Republic.

Weekend, Lin'an.

In an ordinary working-class family.

"Son! Go downstairs and get me the newspaper, and by the way, your magazine too!"


Fan Siwei, a high school student sitting at the computer desk, immediately brightened up, ran downstairs quickly, and signed for today's newspaper and a brand new comic magazine from the postal courier.

After returning home and putting his father's newspaper on the table, Fan Siwei returned to his room with his comic magazine in hand.

He is also a loyal reader of "Comic World Gogo". He has been reading "Comic World Gogo" from bookstores or bookstalls near school since junior high school.

When he entered high school, he and his father discussed that as long as he ranked among the top ten in the class every month in the exam, he would be given a weekly subscription to "Comic World Gogo".

He is also working very hard. After all, at this time in the world, before smartphones are popularized, the means of entertainment are quite limited.

Fan Siwei's family does have a computer, but as a high school student, he can't play with the computer for too long even on weekends.

Therefore, reading comics and magazines has become one of the few ways of entertainment for him during his vacation.

To do this, of course he has to study hard.

""Judgment of Light"! "Judgment of Light"! And "King of Spells"! I can finally read the latest serial issue."

Fan Siwei currently likes these two works the most. In every popularity survey, he votes for these two works. Every time he fills in the popularity ranking, these two works are ranked first and second.

In fact, this is the same as most readers of "Manga World Gogo". They subscribe to comics for one or two works.

After reading the works you like, you will look at other works in the magazine.

Fan Siwei was like this. He looked directly at the magazine catalog and read the latest serials of "Light Energy Judgment" and "The King of Spells" first.

"We have to deal with that devil bishop next time, right?! It's so exciting!"

"This issue of King of Curses is really good. Ah Ju hasn't even gone to save anyone yet. Are you still here reminiscing?!"

After watching the latest series of "Light Judgment" and "The King of Spells", Fan Siwei couldn't help but complain.

But just to complain, he directly turned to the next page of serialization.

"Huh? Newcomer Grand Prix entry? Another serialization of newcomers' work..."

Fan Siwei didn't mean anything else and just read on.

"Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker... the name is so long, and so strange. What is Cyberpunk? 2077? It's just the year. Is it the setting of the future 2077, a science fiction comic?"

When he saw the name, he couldn't help but complain.

However, Fan Siwei couldn't help but be amazed when he saw the content of the comic that followed.

"This newcomer's so exquisitely drawn."

The one-to-one reproduction of the anime's graphics, coupled with the powerful painting capabilities of Painting Kaleidoscope, make the "Edgewalker" comic graphics very exquisite.

It opens with a monologue by protagonist David Martinez inside a hover train.

"In 2077, the city I live in was voted the worst area in the United States."

"Why? Violent crimes continue to emerge..."

"The number of people below the poverty line ranks first in the United States..."

At the same time, the cartoon pictures are high-tech urban scenes that seem to come from the future, with maglev cars, holographic projection technology, trains traveling through the city, and...

A semi-cyborg with mechanical human organs.

"This is a fact that cannot be denied, but people still flock here. This city will always give you a glimmer of hope..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a lie or an illusion, but it's so close, as if it's within reach... It makes people desperate!"

Then there is a scene of a cybermaniac going crazy, and an introduction to the transformation of the prosthetic body and the cybermaniac.

Finally, after watching Black Mewtwo, the protagonist David Martinez spoke to the black market doctor with a cheerful expression, "Awesome! Doctor! This Mewtwo is amazing!"

"This is over."

Compared with an episode of animation, one chapter of the comic is indeed quite limited. In addition, "Edge Walker" will insert the trailer of "Cyberpunk 2077", and also introduce the prosthetic transformation and cyber madness.

Therefore, the first episode of "Edgewalker" can only stop here.

Lin Qingshan only finished all the plots in the first episode of the original animation in the fourth episode.

However, Fan Siwei still felt good about the first chapter of the comic, especially the first chapter with a battle plot between a cyber madman and the Night City police.

"This newbie's work... is pretty good! Future technology, prosthetic transformation, and cyber madness. This is the first time I've seen this kind of work."

Fan Siwei sighed.

He silently remembered the work "Edge Walker" in his mind, and then went to read other comic strips in the magazine.

This is also how most comic fans feel about the first episode of "Edgewalker".

After all, this is the first episode, and Lin Qingshan is still a newcomer.

The first chapter of a new cartoonist's creation can be a blockbuster. That can only happen in novels.

Not to mention new cartoonists, most of the great cartoonists have famous works. Which one can be a blockbuster in the first episode and become an immediate hit?

Those famous comic works were gradually perfected and their popularity gradually increased over a long period of serialization, and finally...

Followed by thousands of people!

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