Xiao Jiu moved to his side, hugged his arm with both hands, and said softly: "Shaoyang, you are a fighter, as long as you have opponents, you will never stop."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, put his arms around her shoulders, "Then will you accompany me?"

"Okay. Daofeng, the three of us... no, and Gong Zi, oh, Guagua might also follow, so there are five of us..."

"Everyone will join the Ghostbusters Alliance, there will be no one left!"

The two intertwined their fingers and looked at the white sky in the distance.

Because sitting on the ground with the long sword hanging on his waist was very uncomfortable, Ye Shaoyang took it off and put it on his knees, subconsciously stroking the scabbard lightly with one hand, he felt a gap at the position of the dragon's head.

This gap was left in the battle with Houqing that year, and it has been there since then, and he didn't take it seriously, no—he suddenly remembered that not long ago, he asked Lao Guo to repair the gap with a golden hoop, Although I forgot about it afterwards.

He looked down at the blade... the gap was still there.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jiu wondered when he noticed his abnormality.

I understand……

Ye Shaoyang sighed for a moment, and then he was relieved.

If it's a dream, don't wake up for the rest of your life.

He reached out and hugged Xiao Jiu tightly.

"Look, it's dawn."

Night and day are separated by a thin line, but they are like two worlds.

—I saw a new heaven and a new earth again.

For the former heaven and earth have passed away.

The sea is no more.

Maoshan Ghostbusters, the text ends here.

Thank you, thank you all.

Epilogue: Life is like a dream

Finally wrote the ending...

No matter how much you don't give up, there will always be this day, as Shaoyang said, there is no banquet in the world that never ends.

(It’s not easy for those who leave messages and scold me every day, thank you for your hard work)

From July 2015 to today, it took four and a half years, with more than 7 million words.

This is the longest book I've ever written in my life, and I haven't had a book over 20 words before...

Regarding the ending, I left a suspense, combined with the previous paragraph: Watch the endings of Shaoyang and Lengyu together, you smart people will definitely find the truth, or, there is no absolute truth, it depends on which ending you are willing to believe—willing I believe who Shaoyang is with in the end.

Those of you who can read this postscript are the most loyal readers of "Maoshan Ghostbusters". To you, I am very grateful and ashamed.

Back then, I published this book with an attitude of giving it a try. It was your follow-up reading that gave me the confidence and motivation to write it down, and supported the success of this book—three consecutive years from 2016 to 2018 in the supernatural and suspense category. The sales champion of the work has set a total sales record that has not been broken so far.

Qingzi himself has also received many honors because of this book.

I admit that I drifted in the middle, thinking that I was quite capable, but fortunately I adjusted my mentality in time, and now... I dare not say that I can look down on everything, at least I can treat many things calmly.

Shaoyang has been practicing and looking for his own way, but for me, this book is not a process of questioning?

My regret is that this book is too long after all, in the middle - especially when it is written to the end, there are many places where I can't do it. The reason is, first, the conception is insufficient. There is no outline, the story and the characters are all in my head. Many of the foreshadowing, suspense, and reversal that you see are not carefully designed, but I thought of it temporarily.

The problem is... I originally planned to write about 300 million words, but I couldn’t keep up with the end of the writing, and my ambition was too big, but it turns out that relying on this kind of haste to support a work that is too long is not feasible. I have failed everyone’s expectations, I sincerely review it, and I will make corrections in the next book.

Second, the design of the second part was an unsuccessful challenge for me - I originally wanted to write about Ye Xiaomu's growth process in detail, and bring everyone back to the original horror campus feeling.

As a result, everyone shouted too loudly at Shaoyang and Daofeng, and I couldn't help myself, so I invited the two brothers back in advance, which resulted in stealing the limelight from Ye Xiaomu and a group of third-generation disciples. In the end, I didn't have enough space to write Let them play, this is the biggest regret of this book.If there is a sequel about Ye Xiaomu in the future, it must be carefully considered.

Third, there are many foreshadowings and characters that have not been explained, such as Chen Lu, Tong Xuan, etc. This is not because I forgot, but after I wrote it, I found that there is no stage for them to play. Of course it is possible to add drama, but again It might give everyone the feeling of hydrology, so I didn’t write it at all, and deliberately left some incompleteness.

(Chengzi: Don't explain, you obviously dug too big a hole to fill in...)

Fourth, about updates.

I don’t make any excuses for this, but my codewords are indeed very slow. This has something to do with my years of writing published novels (without daily updates), but it is indeed faster than [-] words a day and then [-] words. Yes, at that time I was writing with a sigh of relief, and even the funeral at home did not stop. Later, the breath was vented, and I couldn’t get up again... Of course, there are also personal reasons for this, and I have to be busy every day. Too much, squeezing the time for writing.

In the final analysis, it was my fault, and I solemnly apologize to everyone here. You have scolded me for so long, but I have listened to you.Sorry everyone, let everyone down.

Fifth, about the ending

(Orange: I have no part in the ending, bad review)

It seems that the ending of every book is scolded as unfinished, but from the author's point of view, this ending is not the best, but it is already the best ending I can think of——

Over the years, I have often imagined how I would write the ending, but when it really came to the end, it exceeded all my imagination.Only then did I understand that this thing is a matter of course and let nature take its course.

Sixth, about the new book

In the new book, I will still write a supernatural and suspenseful story. Although at first it seems that the style is a bit different from Maoshan’s, I will give a reasonable explanation later. After all, the war between the planes of the Ghostbusters Alliance has just started.

Here (the book "Maoshan Ghostbusters"), there will be a series of prequels, telling the story of Daofeng's disappearance for ten years, and his grievances with Feng Xinyu, Yang Gongzi and others.

But it's not the main text anymore, and I'm not sure when I can think up the whole story, so let me take a break and think about it for a while.

The new book will probably be released next month. At that time, the title and address of the book will be published in the group and the official account. If you haven’t added the official account and the official account, hurry up.Search: Just follow Qingzi v5 or qgziv5, group 1 31830781, group 2 239688988, group 3 561483523, group 4 788583280.

Can't say goodbye.

Thank you for creating the world of Maoshan together with me, and then completing a wonderful journey with me.

If you are going back, Qingzi is here to say goodbye to you.

Reading novels can’t guarantee that you won’t fail a subject, can’t help you find a partner, and can’t cure all diseases, but at least... Even if this book once brought you a little happiness, ten or 20 years later, when you recall I can think of this book from the novels I have read.

Those who want to go on with Qingzi, let us take a break, continue on the road, and write our new story!

Prove the way through the calamity!

I would like to use this article to commemorate the nearly [-] days and nights of Maoshan ghost hunters.

(I think, I will dream of Shaoyang and Daofeng et al for a long time)

Along the way, thank you for your care.

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