USSR 1991

Page 17

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, you said that we are going to have a tough negotiation on the issue of the four northern islands of the Soviet Union? Wouldn't this be a bit abrupt, after all, we have not yet prepared sufficient bargaining chips on this issue." Nakatani Genbi Kaibu Toshiki Be younger and consider issues more cautiously. If it weren't for the US-Japan security treaty that restricted his talents, Nakatani would be far better than the mediocre defense ministers in history. Since he later became the defense minister, he proposed to abolish the civilian control system. Knowing that his ambition is no less than that of the war criminals of his ancestors.

"Your Excellency Zhongguyuan, you must know that the current Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse. If you launch diplomatic pressure on him at this time, there should be hope to get back the four northern islands from the Soviet Union. Even if you can't take back those islands 100%, just take back Part of it, at least we can make a big fuss on the negotiating table, forcing the Soviet Union to back down and compromise." Toshiki Kaibu paced back and forth, thinking that Mao Xiong could eat it in his hands, and he was very excited.For more than half a century, except for the Russo-Japanese War, Japan has not taken advantage of Russia.

Of course, Japan is still on the verge of the collapse of the economic bubble, and the false prosperity has not made Kaibu Toshiki aware of the harbinger of the next economic downturn.

"Think about it, we have been suppressed militarily by the Soviet Union for nearly 100 years, and we can finally use economic means to sanction these Siberian barbarians today." Toshiki Kaibu became more and more excited as he spoke. The Soviet Union negotiated.

"Why don't we wait for a while, and wait until the Soviets really abolish the Pacific Fleet before asking them to negotiate with them on the four northern islands." Gen. Nakatani put forward a more compromise suggestion to Toshiki Kaibu, jumping the dead polar bear up Back to the light, even if you bite Japan back, you can bite out a shocking blood hole.

"No, no, no, I can't wait. Now I have to talk to the Soviets. Things have changed over time, Nakatani Yuan, haven't you seen that the newly appointed Soviet President Yanayev is preparing for a new round of system reform? What if The Soviet Union has come over from the crisis, which means that our chances of regaining the four northern islands will become slim again." Toshiki Kaibu sat back on the chair, and he also had his own considerations, based on direct judgment, Now is the most difficult period for the Soviet Union, and it is also an excellent opportunity for the Japanese to take advantage of the fire.

"I'm going to visit the Maritime Self-Defense Force in a few days. Your Excellency Nakatani Yuan, please make full preparations and show the heroism of our Self-Defense Force in front of the cameras of the media." At the end, the Prime Minister added another sentence, " If the Soviets refuse to give in, we will drag the Americans into this turmoil, presumably they will not let go of such a good opportunity to force the Soviet Union after suffering a loss on the Baltic Sea issue."

Isn't this just another American dog?Nakatani whispered, but it was impossible for him to say these words, so he nodded in a coping manner, while planning how to use the Kongo-class destroyer to show the majesty of the Japanese navy, and not to be dwarfed by the Kiev-class aircraft carrier.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Prime Minister. I will definitely make everyone look at the Maritime Self-Defense Force with admiration." Zhong Guyuan nodded seriously, dealing with public relations issues is his strong point.

It’s just that Toshiki Kaifu forgot that the Soviet Navy was able to allow the four major fleets to conduct war exercises in different sea areas at the same time during its most powerful period, while Japan’s so-called Maritime Self-Defense Force was far from reaching such a height. 90 years ago, Japan was lucky enough to bully the declining Tsarist Russia. 90 years later, Japan is no longer the opponent of the declining red polar bear.

Kaibu Toshiki is also a man of his word. Within a few days, he announced his official visit to the Maritime Self-Defense Force, and landed on a Kongo-class destroyer that the Japanese are proud of on a sunny day.And Zhongguyuan did and did things beautifully in front of the media. The brand-new gray-black destroyer was displayed in front of the media. What is also eye-catching is the carefully selected tall and mighty naval image, formed into an air early warning formation. Helicopters and P-2 maritime patrol planes flew over Toshiki Kaibu's head. The neat and solemn lineup gave Toshiki Kaibu an unrealistic illusion of a powerful navy.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no aircraft carrier and the US military is stationed on Okinawa, Japanese reporters would almost think that they have returned to the level of the Imperial Navy during World War II.

Kaibu Toshiki stood on the destroyer, feeling overwhelmed. At the end of the visit, the Prime Minister gave a speech to the members of the Naval Self-Defense Force.The Prime Minister stood on the temporary podium set up on the side deck of the ship, while the people sitting under the stage were all naval personnel carefully arranged by Nakatani Yuan.

At this time, Gen Nakatani, the one-handed manager, stood beside Toshiki Kaibu, and asked in a low voice with a smile, "Master Prime Minister, are you satisfied with the scene I arranged?"

Feeling the coolness of the sea breeze on the deck, Toshiki Kaibu replied with satisfaction, "Of course I am, Mr. Gen Nakatani, you have well displayed the perfect image of our self-defense force in the new era."

Then he turned his head and said to the members of the Self-Defense Forces who were attentively listening to his speech in the audience, "I am standing here today, and I am very pleased to see everyone full of enthusiasm and hope. We in Japan have experienced various things. Despite all kinds of sufferings, we still haven’t forgotten to develop our army to defend our country. Similarly, even in today’s peaceful and stable world, in some areas where disputes have not been resolved, we still need our military control.”

The reporter on the side interrupted Toshiki Kaibu's speech when he paused just right, "So Prime Minister, will you really increase the military investment of the Self-Defense Force? Will this be seen as the re-emergence of the right wing of the military country? ?”

Kaibu Toshiki said resolutely, "No, our Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force exists to maintain peace and unity, but this does not mean that we will ignore other people's occupation of Japanese sea islands for decades. Insist on negotiating to resolve these disputes."

Having said that, he stroked the cold hull of the destroyer, and said slowly, "But this does not mean that our armed forces will sit idly by. For those countries that want to separate our sacred and indivisible territory, the Japanese navy will Fight them resolutely."

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Many members of the Self-Defense Forces hoped that the navy would break away from the shackles of the treaty and become a real national force. After all, every Japanese navy general had a dream of a great power to restore the naval empire of World War II.

And fools can tell who the Japanese Prime Minister is targeting, and Toshiki Kaibu deliberately used the Japanese Navy instead of the Maritime Self-Defense Force. A tough negotiation?All of a sudden, the media wrote down Toshiki Kaibu's conversation verbatim, preparing for the headlines of the newspaper the next day.

It's just that everyone is wondering, will this time, like the previous negotiations, end without a problem?

Chapter 39 dumbfounding

After visiting the Self-Defense Forces, Prime Minister Kaifu Toshiki announced that he wanted to sit at the negotiating table with the Soviet Union for peace talks. All of a sudden, domestic newspapers in Japan published photos of the Prime Minister’s speech on the destroyer, accompanied by pictures of Kaibu Toshiki The speech that the navy will be reorganized has caused an uproar in domestic public opinion.

Moreover, Kaibu Toshiki used the domestic media to create political momentum for himself, exaggerating the image of a tough Japanese supreme leader, one of the reasons is to increase his own votes, and soon he will face a new round of prime minister elections Even if he did not take back the four northern islands in the end, but returned without success in maintaining the stalemate, he could still get the support of the people's votes.

Yanayev, who was far away in Moscow, also saw this news that was published in the domestic newspapers of the Soviet Union. At this time, Yanayev had a rare opportunity to be freed from his busy work and enjoy the afternoon warmth on the balcony of the presidential holiday villa in the suburbs. Sunshine, he read the Japanese Prime Minister's speech word by word, while shaking his head with a disdainful expression, he said to himself, "The saddest thing for a country is that its comprehensive strength is not worthy of its ever-increasing growth." Political ambitions. Since experiencing the explosive economic development, the Japanese economic bubble must have gradually collapsed. The "Plaza Accord" in the United States has ignited the fuse. This year, the Japanese real estate economy will collapse like an avalanche. I am just a little curious. They When will China's economy collapse?"

Standing behind him, Pavlov was grinding coffee in the kitchen, while Foreign Minister Boris Dmitrievich was sitting on the big sofa on the balcony. Yanayev did not have the slightest leader's posture in private. So Boris will not feel at a loss when facing his two immediate bosses.

"Who knows, the Japanese will solve their economic problems, and what we have to solve is the inevitable island dispute." Foreign Minister Boris asked, crossing his hands, "It is obvious that our small country in the south The leaders wanted to take advantage of the most difficult time for the Soviet Union's economy to risk cutting off a piece of flesh from us. When Gorbachev visited Japan this year, the Japanese Prime Minister proposed the condition of "islands in exchange for economic aid", but nothing happened in the end. .”

"You mean that the Japanese who heard that we are planning to disarmament plan to take another risk?" Yanayev was a little surprised. He had no idea that the outside world would look at the issue of disarmament in the Soviet Union in this way. If the Soviet Union's economy was really so difficult, It wasn't just a small-scale attempt at the beginning, it was a desperate attempt to sell the entire army.

"The Japanese want to take the risk of taking back their four northern islands through negotiation and political pressure. Of course, these defeated soldiers of the Far East Army are not qualified to negotiate with us." Pavlov said disdainfully as he came in with coffee. .

"But I don't think things are that simple." Yanayev was thinking about Japan's next move. He stood up and walked to the railing. White birches were planted around the villa. Yanayev's favorite thing to do is to look at the These birch forests are in a daze.His thoughts gradually became clear in this peaceful atmosphere. He turned his head and said to Pavlov, "When we were discussing the issue of the four northern islands and the attitude of the Japanese government, we forgot one very important thing. .”

"What's the matter?" Boris and Pavlov asked in unison.

"Wait a minute first." Yanayev turned around and walked into the living room, then took out a book about Japan's political system from the bookshelf, turned to the page he wanted to read, and finally fixed his eyes on the third line, and then Yanayev breathed out as if waking up from a dream.

Pavlov also leaned forward curiously and asked, "What's the matter? Comrade Yanayev."

"We have been ignoring one thing before, and that is the general election of the Japanese prime minister." Yanayev explained to Pavlov and Boris, "Next month is the general election of the Japanese government. If I If I am not mistaken, the reason why Kaibu Toshiki showed a tough attitude at this moment is nothing more than wanting to win more public support."

Boris scratched his head and asked puzzledly, "It is true that the island dispute will stimulate the centripetal force of the nation, but it is a bit too much to say that you can win the support of public opinion. They just sit at the negotiating table with us to discuss some issues. Something that was destined to fail, not that we surrendered four islands to the Japanese."

Yanayev shook his head and said, "You are wrong, Comrade Boris. In fact, as long as Kaibu Toshiki can get us to the negotiating table, his goal will be achieved. Think about it before Kaibu Toshiki was on the Kongo-class destroyer The speeches he gave and the new warships on display all point to his intention to fabricate a certain illusion of the strength of the Japanese navy to satisfy the national self-confidence of the domestic masses that has also inflated due to the rapid economic development. If we choose to negotiate, we will Japan's naval power is believed to have brought the Soviet Union to its knees and willingness to come to the negotiating table, so that regardless of whether Kaifu Toshiki succeeds or not, his political votes will skyrocket like an equation."

Speaking of this, Yanayev was a little dumbfounded, "I didn't expect Kaibu Toshiki to be so scheming. If we do this, it will not affect the mood of our Soviet Union, and it will take care of the self-confidence of the domestic people. What a beast Old Fox."

"Of course we will not let Prime Minister Kaibu Toshiki's plan come true." Yanayev tapped his fingers on the table, thinking about how to embarrass Japan on this issue.Of course, it is impossible for the Soviet Union to send tanks and bombers directly to the territory of the allied countries like the Baltic Sea crisis.Japan is a sovereign country, and such a provocation is tantamount to launching a war.

Another Pacific Fleet exercise?Yanayev shook his head. Now is the time when the Soviet Union's fiscal policy is tightening. He will never support such a costly and labor-intensive military exercise.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, Yanayev suddenly got up from the table, startling both Boris and Pavlov, and said to Boris, "Comrade Pavlov, I would like to invite you to Tokyo once." Meet with Kaifu Toshiki once. And Comrade Boris, after Pavlov arrives in Tokyo, you will immediately draw up a statement and publish it, claiming that the Southern Kuril Islands are an indivisible and inherent territory of the Soviet Union."

"Is there any point in doing this?" Boris asked puzzled.

"Of course it makes sense." Yanayev narrowed his eyes. He looked at the green shade outside the window and said with a smile, "Since Kaifu Toshiki wants to use the issue of the four northern islands to hold a political show to win votes, so do we. The issue of the South Kuril Islands can be used to create a political show that changes the image in the minds of the people.”

Chapter 40 Visit to Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaibu threw an olive branch of peace to the Soviet Union with malicious intentions. Just when everyone thought that the Soviet Union would arrogantly reject Japan's kind request, the Soviet Union's reaction was once again beyond everyone's expectations. Prime Minister Pavlov said that he would visit Japan and conduct friendly consultations on the four northern islands.

The Slavic nation, which has always been known for being tough and warlike, is actually willing to sit down and negotiate with its old enemy. Once again, the political staff and elites of the governments of various countries are busy analyzing the Soviet Union's intentions in this move.White House chief of staff Samuel Skinner analyzed that the Soviet Union showed frightening toughness on the Baltic Sea issue on the one hand, and showed a completely different moderate side on the island dispute on the other hand.It can only explain two situations. The Soviet Union has already been strong from the outside, or the Soviet Union has been throwing smoke bombs at the free world to hide its true strength.After all, they are already familiar with this fraudulent method.

At the end of the hot summer, Pavlov, who took the special plane of President Il, went to Japan. Although this move was a little out of line with international practice, Kaibu Toshiki expressed satisfaction with the mildness of the Soviet Union.When the special plane entered the Japanese territory, the Self-Defense Force of the Defense Agency also dispatched two F-16 fighter jets to escort it and lead the special plane all the way to Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan.

Pavlov, who was sitting in his seat, looked at the ever-changing scenery outside the window, and couldn't help feeling a little sullen.He has always expressed his opposition to Yanayev's political catwalk behavior. If the president really has any troubles, he can't escape it. The most deadly thing is the Soviet Union's loss of an excellent helmsman.

Of course, with Defense Minister Yazov, Air Force Commander-in-Chief Shaposhnikov, and Navy Commander-in-Chief Chernavin, none of them persuaded Yanayev's stubbornness, so they had to follow Yanayev's plan. "Dangerous Catwalk Events".When Pavlov asked Varennikov why he didn't persuade Yanayev's reckless behavior, the other party said mysteriously, "Do you really think that General Secretary Yanayev was just a whim?"

Of course, Yanayev’s mood at this time is the same as the mood of the president riding a Siberian brown bear. The only difference is that the picture was synthesized by spoofing, but Yanayev is a real sword in other countries. Danger at the edge of the sea.

"Prime Minister Pavlov, we have arrived at Narita Airport." KGB agent Andrei Kharkov in a neat suit walked up to the Prime Minister and reminded him in a low voice that it was time to get off the plane.

Pavlov, who came back to his senses, smiled and nodded to Andrei. He got up and went out of the hatch under the escort of a group of bodyguards. After a 6-hour flight, he finally came to this city located in the southeast of the Soviet Union. end of the warm island country.The dimension is far lower than the city of Moscow. As soon as he stepped out of the hatch, the scorching and dazzling sun made him feel like he was on a summer vacation in Vladivosko.

The grand guard of honor played cheerful music, and the red carpet was laid from where the passenger elevator landed to the foot of Toshiki Kaibu at the end. Pavlov raised his head and saw the Japanese Prime Minister looking at him with a smile, gently Applause lightly.Talk to people around you from time to time.

It's a pity that the surrounding voices were too noisy. Pavlov, who had studied some Japanese at the Moscow University of Finance and Economics, couldn't hear what Kaibu Toshiki was saying. Kaibu Toshiki held Pavlov's hand and said, "Welcome to Japan, Prime Minister Pavlov."

Before waiting for the reaction from Toshiki Kaifu to speak, Pavlov said in fluent Japanese, "Nice to meet you, Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu. The Soviet Union and Japan are friendly countries separated by a strip of water. After our General Secretary Gorbachev, the Soviet Union visited Japan for the second time this year. I hope that the relationship between the two countries will become more and more harmonious, and we can negotiate and make progress together on some controversial issues.”

Pavlov's Russian-style Japanese surprised the Prime Minister a bit, but when he heard that controversial issues could be negotiated together, Kaibu Toshiki's eyes lit up. The politician's keen thinking made him realize that maybe this ice-breaking trip is really a real one. It is possible to find a breakthrough from the Soviet Union to take back the four northern islands.

If the Japanese Prime Minister pays more attention to Pavlov's face at this time, he will find the other party's looming contemptuous eyes. These words are all released to disturb Japan's sight.The real purpose of the Soviet Union will not show its claws until it sits at the negotiating table.

Yanayev smiled and made a metaphor to Pavlov before. Before we show our fierceness, let the Japanese think that we are a harmless rabbit with eyes only on small money.

The subsequent arrangement process was the same as other visits to other countries. In order to show the friendship of the landlord, Kaibu Toshiki specially took Pavlov to visit various small gardens of the Meiji Jingu Shrine. Yuenzhong praised this oriental building comparable to the Moscow Tsar's Palace in the Japanese historical sense, and said that if possible, he would also implore Japanese architects to build one in Moscow to show the friendship between the Soviet Union and Japan.

Pavlov's words flattered Kaibu Toshiki. In his mind, this statement was equivalent to a tactful request for a loan from Japan. mind to satisfy his thoughts.

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