USSR 1991

Page 19

"Is the Soviet Union still planning to sell its heavy industry to Japan?" Toshiki Kaibu was delighted in his heart. Not only did he regain the four northern islands, but he also got industrial facilities from the Soviet Union. This is definitely a beautiful thing that kills two birds with one stone.If this is the case, he doesn't mind raising the loan by a few hundred million more, after all, the money will eventually return to the hands of the Japanese government.

"No, no, I think Prime Minister Kaibu Toshiki may be thinking too much." Pavlov rolled up his sleeves and glanced at his watch, then said slowly, "As long as you have money, the heavy industrial facilities in the Soviet Union can certainly Sell ​​it to you, in fact, as long as you have money, we can even sign an order for ballistic missiles, but there is one thing I hope you can not misunderstand."

"What's the matter?" Haibu Toshiki asked puzzled.

Pavlov threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and the moment he raised his head, his eyes became sharp. He looked at Toshiki Kaifu, and said word by word, "The Soviet Union will not take half a step back on the issue of the Kuril Islands. This is not something you can pay back with a loan of tens of billions. If you want to take it, then just let it go, as long as your navy and air force can walk over the corpses of the Far East Air Force and Pacific Fleet.”

Pavlov's words were so domineering that the translator beside Toshiki Kaibu thought for a while before telling the prime minister in another euphemistic way. It became gloomy, and his voice became a little cold, "It must be that the sincerity shown by your Excellency before was all a disguise. Or you didn't intend to have a sincere negotiation at all."

"Neither have you." Pavlov retorted, "You are a small country, don't you just want to take a piece of meat from the Soviet when the situation is critical? Now I can tell you, you will never We want to win the Soviet Union by chance, we love peace, but when it comes to vital interests, we only speak with our fists."

Kaibu Toshiki clenched his fists. If the opponent was not the leader of the country, he really wanted to punch Pavlov in the face.I was actually being played like a monkey by these communists, and whoever was replaced was angry.

"Very good, really good, Prime Minister Pavlov." Kaifu Toshiki pretended to clap his hands, and said sarcastically, "A country whose economy is facing collapse can say such words without shame, I'll just wait and see you The economy collapsed, the regime was overthrown, and the brilliance of democracy pierced the cloud of communism. Maybe when you come to Japan again, we will just watch you die."

"Before you satirize us, you should worry about your own situation." Pavlov sat on the sofa, resting his chin on his left hand, and said unhurriedly, "It is estimated that someone will bring you a bad news later. What's the news?"

As soon as Pavlov finished speaking, a Japanese official whom he didn't know rushed in anxiously, and said a few words in Toshiki Kaibu's ear, and the other party's face paled a lot.

Pavlov knew what the guy said without even looking at it. Probably during the state banquet just now, an unidentified bomber from the north approached the airspace of Hokkaido, Japan, and the Air Force Self-Defense Force rushed into the air to intercept this There is also a bomber flight brigade escorted by fighter jets.The bombers first circled the four northern islands before approaching Japan's airspace.

Kaibu Toshiki turned his head, looked at Pavlov with a little shock in his eyes, bit his lip and said, "Are you planning to restore the state of war with us by doing this?"

"Continue the unfinished war with you decades ago?" Pavlov, who was watching the excitement, said something extremely cruel, "Do you think you are worthy?"

Chapter 43 Backfire over the Thousand Islands

Although Yanayev took courses in fixed-wing aircraft when he was young, and also got a pilot certificate, this does not mean that he can play backfire bombers, which look powerful and are actually real. Very powerful bomber.Moreover, in order to ensure the safety of the president, this backfire flight did not carry "Kitchen" or "Kingfish" air-to-ground missiles.

When taking off from Nakhodka, there were two Su-27s escorting them. After all, the supreme leader was on board. There is a dangerous and costly political show, but for him, opportunities are often accompanied by dangers.

Looking down from the glass window on the side, they are far away from the land. The sunset on the left side has not yet completely set, and the golden light shrouds Backfire's fuselage, rendering him a brilliant golden color, as if accompanying God Angels with white wings spread out to punish evil and filthy enemies with bauhinia and spears.

It was already night when we flew to the South Kuril Islands. Through the glass window, Yanayev found that the sea was pitch black, except for a silver moon rising in mid-air, casting gentle moonlight on the faces of the two Su-27 fighter jets beside him. The fuselage shines brightly.

"Your Excellency, we are going to the South Kuril Islands soon." The pilot turned his head and said to Yanayev. At this time, there was a trace of uneasiness on his face, and he was vaguely worried that this flight would lead to some accidents.

Yanayev nodded at him, "Thanks for your hard work, boys." Then he continued to wait quietly for the Japanese to show up.

Although in the Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration in 1956, the Soviet Union agreed to return the two islands of Habomai and Shikotan to Japan after the conclusion of the peace treaty, and exchanged the two islands for a peace agreement with Japan.However, due to the interference of the United States and Japan's insistence on returning the four islands, the 1956 treaty was not implemented.Up to now, the Japanese still want to take back the four northern islands from the Soviet Union, and Yanayev was the first to disagree.And according to the Soviet tradition, as long as there is a Japanese who dares to cross the border, no matter whether he is a fisherman or a soldier, the Soviet navy has the right to shoot and kill him directly, which is absolutely unambiguous.Anyway, I have not signed a peace agreement with you, and your crossing the border is equivalent to a violation of territorial rights in my eyes.

"Your Excellency, why are these four islands so important to us? No matter how you look at them, they are all in a disadvantageous geographical position." One of the pilots asked suspiciously.

"Oh?" The pilot's words brought Yanayev back to reality from contemplation. He thought for a while and replied in a simple and easy-to-understand way, "The total area of ​​these four islands is 4996 square kilometers. Not only strategic The status is very important, and it has abundant resources. The continental shelf gas reserves are about 16 billion tons, the gold reserves are about 1867 tons, the silver is 9284 tons, the iron is 2.73 million tons, and the sulfur is 1.17 million tons. In addition, Iturup Island is also rich in gold that is more precious than gold. The reserves of rhenium are as high as 36 tons. Although Habomai Island and Shikotan Island are small, the nearby continental shelf is rich in seafood, with an annual output of about 80 tons. According to the statistics of Soviet experts, the total resource value of the four islands and the continental shelf is 458 billion U.S. dollars.”

"So, do you think we will give up on such an important place?" Yanayev said, "And Japan's wings cannot grow full, these guys are moths who can't get enough, once they choose to compromise in some aspects, They will make more progress. So if the Japanese want to take back the four northern islands, they can tear up the armistice agreement with us if they have the ability."

"What if he really wants to do this?" Pilot Vasily asked anxiously.

Yanayev stretched his waist and said nonchalantly, "If you really want to do this, every inch of land in South Korea and Japan will be filled with red flags symbolizing communism."

When the backfire bomber approached the airspace of Hokkaido, the Japanese Air Force Self-Defense Force, which responded from the radar, urgently dispatched two F-15 fighter jets to intercept it, and reported this information to the Director of the Defense Agency Gen Nakatani as quickly as possible. .The director of the Defense Agency, who was still preparing to go home after the state banquet, was shocked when he received the news, and hurriedly went to the prime minister to discuss countermeasures.

When he learned that the prime minister was discussing the land issue with the Soviet prime minister, Zhong Guyuan could only ask others to pass the news to the prime minister, because he didn't want to see that embarrassing scene either.

The emergency situation in Hokkaido is still simmering, but in fact Japan dare not provoke the Soviet Union at all. The painful lessons of Nomenkan and the Kwantung Army in memory let the ambitious Empire of the Rising Sun know that its neighbors in the north are not easy to provoke.It is already thankful that the Soviet giant bear did not come to provoke Japan, but now the Prime Minister is facing the danger of the ceasefire agreement being torn up again because of the problems of the four northern islands.

The pilot of the Japanese F-15 fighter jet spoke to the pilot of the Backfire bomber, "Please identify the unidentified aircraft and leave this airspace. This is Japan's inherent territory. Please leave the airspace for unidentified aircraft. Repeat, please unidentified Ext. leave the airspace or we'll shoot it down. Repeat or we'll shoot it down."

"Your Excellency, what should we do? They have issued a shootdown warning." Vasily said anxiously, and the other pilots also looked at Yanayev, as if he was the supreme commander of the bomber.

But Yanayev still sat calmly and calmly, and replied to him with confidence, "Just tell him that this is the Southern Kuril Islands of the Soviet Union and belongs to South Kurilsk County, Sakhalin State. If the other party dares to do something If anything threatens the Soviet aircraft, our escort plane Su-27 will never let it go. By the way, one last thing to add, the top Soviet leader is now on this backfire bomber. If they dare to intercept it, it is equivalent to unilaterally tearing up A cease-fire agreement with the Soviet Union.”

The pilot replied these words verbatim to the Japanese pilot of the F-15 fighter jet. Because he was too nervous, he referred to the Southern Kuril Islands of the Soviet Union as the Japanese Islands of the Soviet Union.This innocuous slip of the tongue terrified the Japanese pilots, who mistakenly thought it was the prelude to the war.

Yanayev had predicted Japan's reaction long ago, and now the Soviet Union is fully armed, a desperate poor lunatic.And the Japanese economy is booming, so it is doomed not to dare to have any conflicts with itself.Otherwise, not to mention sending the economy back to the early days just after World War II, it is possible to directly turn capitalist countries into socialist alliances.

During the embarrassing confrontation between the two sides, Yanayev repeatedly reassured the pilots not to be nervous. If you press the wrong launch button, the problem will be serious. You should just take a trip to Hokkaido.

So an interesting scene appeared in the night sky. A Backfire bomber led two Su-27 fighter jets to fly unscrupulously over the Japanese territory, while the two F-15 fighter jets followed helplessly behind them.

"What should I do, Director Zhonggu Yuan? If you really want to open fire on the opponent, I'm afraid it will not cause a diplomatic dispute." The head of the Air Self-Defense Force of the Defense Agency repeated the original words of the Soviet pilot to Zhonggu Yuan The director, then looked at each other with an embarrassed expression.

Holding the paper, Zhonggu Yuan couldn't calm down for a long time.It is also clear that Japan is so weak that the Soviet Union, which can push European countries in a few weeks, faces Japan, which has only a few islands, and whoever loses and who wins has become a foregone conclusion.The only way now is to ask the United States for help, but as long as the Soviet Union does not really attack Japan, they will not care about such things that make the Japanese government lose face.

The current situation is tantamount to letting Japan, which is weak in military strength, directly face the most powerful war empire. Everyone will watch him being humiliated by the Soviet Union with compassionate eyes, and then pretend to not see it, but they just don’t want to see it. Will lend a helping hand or issue a statement condemning the aid.Maybe the United Nations will pretend to mediate after losing all face, but by then it can no longer suppress the resentment of the domestic people.

Calling for help from the Republic neighbors to the west?Forget it, they are flirting with the Soviet Union now, and the relationship is heating up rapidly.Maybe it's just a slap in the face, with an attitude of rolling up your sleeves and watching the excitement.At this moment, Zhong Guyuan tasted how ridiculous it is for a country without strong military and political support to seek the status of a great power.

"It would be great if we could abolish the civil and military system and the unequal treaties around our necks." Zhonggu Yuan, who is not yet old, sighed, and for the first time, the idea of ​​wanting to abolish these shackles came into his mind.

Chapter 44 Backfire over the Thousand Islands

Sitting on the sofa, Pavlov looked at the Japanese Prime Minister who was still pretending to be calm, picked up the teacup and lifted the porcelain lid, took a sip slowly, and said, "Now the whole world is probably watching Japan's reaction, Think about what kind of news will appear in your country the next day. 'Soviet fighter planes are approaching Japan's airspace strongly, and the Self-Defense Force fighter planes dare not intercept' or 'Soviet anger, Japanese prime minister may face resignation'?"

Japan didn't dare to do anything, because he didn't know whether the tyrant was really sitting on the Backfire bomber.But the Soviet Union will not stop provoking, and Prime Minister Kaibu Toshiki is destined to pay the price for his remarks a few days ago.But in Pavlov's eyes, this has a deeper political meaning. Taking the first minion of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region is also a silent warning to the heavyweight opponents across the Bering Strait.

The Japanese Prime Minister took a deep breath, calmed down, and then asked, "Then, what kind of ending does President Pavlov want to see? My fighter jet will shoot down the bomber that may be carrying the top leader of your country, and then start the war." Is the model of the Soviets conquering Japan, and even the world? Or is it Japan’s submissiveness, allowing the Soviet Union to trample on our sovereignty, and we express our serious protest?”

"No, no, His Excellency Toshiki Kaibu, we passed by the Thousand Islands just to reaffirm our sovereignty. As for the trade agreements we said before, they are still valid. We have recently been abolishing the army on a large scale, and the prices of tanks and helicopter gunships are cheap. It is affordable, and there is also a quantity discount, everything is negotiable, why not His Excellency Kaibu Toshiki.” Pavlov added at the end, “And those weapons are not foreign trade versions, they are the essence of the original Soviet Union.”

There are not a few countries and organizations that are concerned about this large-scale arms sale by the Soviet Union. Some of them are even illegal organization groups that are not recognized by the international community, such as Peru's Shining Path and the notorious Colombian Escobar Group.Because Yanayev’s order to Victor Bout is that, except for the direct opponents of the Soviet Union, any organization can come to buy arms. Of course, illegal organizations can only trade in cash on the spot, and the unlimited trade will sell Victor’s arms. The talent in sales was brought into full play, and the amount of arms transactions reached 3 million U.S. dollars in just a few days.It is expected to break his record of US$20 billion in arms sales after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, Japan received special care from the leaders of the Soviet Union, and did not know whether to cry or laugh.In the end, his own economic aid turned into arms sales from other countries. Toshiki Kaibu smiled wryly, "You mean the Soviet Union, while provoking the armistice agreement, told us that the Soviets came from Russia with peace? By the way, sell second-hand arms to strengthen Japan's armed forces ?”

"Otherwise? I remembered that there is an organization called the Red Army in Japan. I heard that since 1979 their actions have been hit mentally and turned into a low ebb. Of course, they regard the Japanese government and our Soviet Union as As an enemy, but it is an out-and-out extreme leftist force, if the Soviet government settles down with them and cooperates friendlyly, what do you think will happen to Japan?"

Pavlov added another sentence that made Kaibu Toshiki's eyelids jump, "Ah, I think about it, Japan will probably encounter terrorist attacks every day. But I think the most unlucky ones may be the ashes in the Yasukuni Shrine The altar is gone, and no one will be left behind by the bomb."

"Are you a threat?" Kaifu Toshiki narrowed his eyes, and looked at the calm Prime Minister Pavlov with a terrifying look.But the other party was unmoved, and continued to say to himself, "Of course not, Your Excellency Prime Minister. We just want to tell you who the potential targets of the Soviet Union's arms sales are. For us, doing business with you and Doing business with the Red Army is the same principle, if you don’t buy it, he will buy it. If the relationship between you and me deteriorates, the Red Army will get more weapons subsidies, so.”

Pavlov, who continued to attack the psychological warfare, stretched his waist, paused deliberately, and said, "You think about it yourself."

Abandoning ideological confrontation, Soviet arms sales are like a businessman with no moral bottom line. As long as he has enough funds, he will sell you deadly weapons without pressure. It will not stop because the Japanese government intervenes in the arms business. The big deal Instead of selling biological and chemical weapons to the Red Army, sell more Kalashnikov rifles and RPG shoulder-fired rockets.

Just when Toshiki Kaifu was at a loss, Pavlov murmured to himself again, "Oh, Pozluz Island is going to be renovated again, and the sand forest, Tabun and Soman's stocks in it will all be destroyed." It's urgent, we have to move out a batch of old ones to accommodate new biochemical weapons."

Kaibu Toshiki took a deep breath, and his tone softened, "Okay, I agree to your request. I will temporarily abandon the dispute on the land issue. As for the issue of arms sales, I hope that the Soviet government can have a reasonable preferential price. It is true. We also don't want a fleet of high-end weapons to fall into the hands of the enemy."

Obviously, he was moved by himself and wanted to strengthen the armed forces of the Self-Defense Forces, but he insisted on showing that Japan purchased weapons and armaments under the coercion of the Soviet Union. Pavlov gave the hypocritical prime minister a middle finger in his heart.

"Japan is a reserved little bitch. Don't expect to successfully conclude an arms deal with them. After all, there is a shadow of American imperialism behind them. They will definitely come out to disrupt the situation, but it would be best if the deal can be completed. If It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, anyway, we still have potential customers in Japan, the Red Army and the Aum Church. These people are eager to get weapon support from us.” Yanayev analyzed and summarized the current situation in Japan before Every detail.

What if these two extreme terrorist organizations really overthrew the Japanese government?Yanayev has also maintained his gloating vision.

"Let your Soviet planes evacuate the airspace near Hokkaido, Japan now, or we won't make any deal with you." The prime minister who had no confidence ordered his opponent to speak humbly. This is the world of fighting with fists.

"Of course, in fact they are just a very ordinary patrol." Prime Minister Pavlov, who has completed the task, stood up and said goodbye to Toshiki Kaibu, "The agreement will be signed tomorrow, and I hope you can have a safe night tonight." Good sleep."

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