USSR 1991

Page 30

"According to the information we have, there will be a beheading operation next week. If successful, we can disintegrate most of the high-level figures in the opposition. It will be even easier to defeat those mobs who have lost their leadership one by one." Al Kasha scratched his hair, and said in a typical Soviet simple and rude style, "If you want me to say why send ground troops there, you can just drop a few thermobaric bombs and get the job done. It's even simpler."

"We are here to maintain law and order in name, and fighting wars is just a part-time job." Gordon kindly reminded Alkasha not to speak too much, otherwise he would be caught.But other people didn't care much, they came here all the way, didn't they just want to kill people?

Soon the bus arrived at the camp code-named "Punishment" under the escort of an armed pickup truck. Gordon poked his head out and looked out. In addition to an armored vehicle stationed at the gate of the camp, there was also a sentry post equipped with PKM heavy machine guns. The guns were aimed at black Africans except whites.

As the vehicle drove into the camp, Gordon discovered that the camp was no less than an overseas military base of the Soviet Union. Three parked Hind gunships were being inspected, and there was a row of BMP-2 infantry combat vehicles equipped with composite armor. Ready to go, it is undoubtedly a terrible weapon for a country without heavy firepower.

The thinking of the Soviet Union is very simple. When the opponent does not have enough firepower to fight against itself, don't worry about minimizing the loss, just use the track of the tank to crush them over.Presumably those rebels active in the dark alleys have not realized that they are about to meet a terrible enemy nicknamed the red polar bear.

Chapter 68 TIA (2)

The Mozambique Resistance Front is mainly active in Niassa, Zambezia and other provinces, controlling one-third of the country's land. If the Mozambique government and the South African government signed the Nkomati Agreement in March 1984, South Africa promised to stop the resistance. The movement's support, with military aid from countries such as Tanzania and Zimbabwe, the Mozambican government will struggle longer in the abyss of civil war, with more than 3 million people killed in the 2-year conflict between the 20-strong resistance movement and government forces.

Although the Mozambican government and the resistance movement started peace talks in Rome, Italy in July 1990, they did not make significant progress. He did not have the ability to unify the country, so he pinned his hopes on the military operations organization established by the Soviet Union.

According to Chemezov, they are all elites who have just retired from the army, and they are more than enough to deal with the militiamen who have not experienced any formal military training.That's why they carried out an operation against the leader of the resistance movement, Drakama, with reliable intelligence resources.

Passing through from Solafa’s identity is the Maradique diamond mine in Zambezia, which has always been one of the opposition’s financial revenue mines. A steady stream of diamonds has been excavated from here, and then passed through the hands of diamond black market dealers Flooded to Europe, became a blood diamond to fund the war.

The hot summer in Africa is often accompanied by sudden torrential rains. The mines that have just been washed by the rain are muddy. All the hard laborers wash the gravel in the earthen pits where the yellowish brown muddy water soaks their calves, in order to see a dream diamond. Almost every day There were convicts who collapsed from malnutrition, and others who were shot trying to steal diamonds.

Most of the people here are poor people who were captured by the resistance militia and spent a dark time in this death camp.Around the mine pit, there are African child soldiers holding rusty AK47s. Their faces show fierceness that does not match their age, and they are staring at every move of the miners with fierce eyes.

And Gordon followed Alkasha in ambush in a nearby jungle, looking at every move around the mine. This time the beheading operation was in charge of Colonel Kozye, and Alkasha was the captain of the commando Make a raid.

"If you want to live a long life, don't touch diamonds." Alkasha, who was lying in ambush in the grass, whispered to Gordon, "This is a long-standing African proverb, expressing the greed and pathetic desire of these chimpanzees. desire."

Gordon moved the muzzle of the gun slightly so that he could aim at the nearby sentries more quickly. He looked at the children cruising around with their rifles in their hands, and felt an inexplicable pity in his heart.Whispered, "These children are poor."

"Poor? Listen to my advice to my friends, don't have any compassion for these children with rifles, they are all trained killing machines." Alkasha spit out the grass root in his mouth, "until Until they put down their guns and surrender, you have to keep your finger on the trigger all the time, and as long as they dare to point their guns at you, you will shoot."

"Didn't they wait until they fired the first shot before fighting back?" Gordon asked puzzled.

"This is the rule for dealing with underage African child soldiers." Alkasha narrowed his eyes slowly, with a grim expression on his face, "These people have taken drugs before going to war, and they don't know what surrender is, so we rewarded them directly They're a bullet."

At the end, Alkasha added another sentence, "You have only been here for a week, and you have no idea what kind of cruel things these so-called children have done. Believe me, it is something you never want to see again scene."

"Mr. Drakama, you are welcome to visit the Maradik Diamond Mine. As you can see, our large mine produces enough diamonds every year to continue buying bullets and guns to deal with the government forces."

The person in charge of mines standing next to Drakama is a sturdy black man with a very obvious scar on his face. He is Drakama's confidant, General Moraira, who is called crazy by the Mozambican government. The devil's methods are extremely cruel.Not only against government troops, he also planned bloody massacres against civilians.

"Very well, the government forces have begun to show softness and are ready to negotiate with us. We must have more weapons and numbers in order to gain more political seats in the negotiations." Drakama clasped his hands behind his back, somewhat proudly Looking at this busy scene, I look forward to the scene where he will transform into the president of the government in the future.

"Commander Moraira, something is wrong." A soldier in a green camouflage uniform ran over from behind with a communication phone, and he said breathlessly, "The sentry informed that two helicopters are flying over us from the southeast. Come."

"You mean helicopters." Drakama took a step forward in astonishment, not even noticing that his leather shoes were stepping on the muddy ground, "Damn it, when did the government army own helicopters?"

Realizing that the situation was wrong, Drakama turned back to the anxious Moraira and said, "Hurry up and ask your people to withdraw from this place with the diamonds, I have an ominous premonition."

As soon as Drakama finished speaking, two Hind gunships suddenly jumped out from the corner of the valley in the southeast, and flew towards the mine with a powerful rocket launcher nest.Colonel Kozye, who was wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses on the helicopter, said to the crew pilot through the walkie-talkie, "Don't pay attention to the civilians below, use rockets to kill them all."

"Yes, Colonel." The driver who was authorized to use the weapon aimed at the militiamen who tried to use Kalashnikov to resist. 24 rocket pods vented their anger towards the mine below. It exploded in all directions, and the air waves mixed with muddy water knocked everyone to the ground.

The bright fireworks turned people into burning corpses, and the land favored by the rockets turned bloody red. Those who were fortunate enough to escape the rockets did not expect that there was a PKM general-purpose machine gun to take care of them, and they were shot instantly. into a pile of sieves.The recalcitrants were still trying to pierce the hind's thick armor with their rifles.

Those affected by the hallucinations of drugs finally realized that their flesh and blood bodies were completely unable to resist the ravages of the helicopters. They dropped their guns in panic and ran back desperately.

"These people have passed through the gap in the canyon in the northwest direction. Please pay attention to the ambush team, and don't leave a single bite behind." Colonel Kozye had just issued the order, and he said to the others, "Sniper, Drakama is going in your direction , we just need to incapacitate him, don't kill him."

"Received." The sniper adjusted the PSO scope of the Dragunov sniper rifle, and Drakama's flustered face appeared on the scale of his scope accurately. The task received by the sniper Yes, leave no one alive except Drakama.

The sniper took a deep breath, and slowly put his finger on the trigger. When Drakama's calf was aligned with the crosshairs, he pulled the trigger.

Then the target in the scope fell instantly, and the people around froze in place, holding their rifles and looking around, not knowing what was going on.The snipers didn't give them a chance and continued to shoot. The next guys were not so lucky, and they all had their heads knocked off one by one.In the end, there was only one leader of the resistance movement struggling painfully on the side of the road clutching his calf.

"Colonel Kozye, the mission is accomplished." The military personnel ambushing on the side of the road swarmed up and firmly subdued Drakama who was still trying to escape.The sniper also looked away from the scope and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Very good, I will escort him here after I have dealt with everyone." Colonel Kozye yelled while shooting at the ground, and the corpses of the two aerial reapers were strewn across the field.Hind helicopters using wheel tactics hovered at low altitude and fired machine guns around the mine. All the militiamen who did not escape turned into bloody corpses.

"Colonel, some of the militia and refugees fled to the northwest gap." The helicopter pilot said to Colonel Kozye.

"It's okay, there will be troops coming to meet these annoying chimpanzees later." Colonel Kozye said, the PKM machine gun in his hand finally stopped roaring.

Colonel Kozye put down his PKM machine gun and looked at the small building storing diamonds with a smile. This was one of the key purposes of this attack.According to the information, the contents inside have not been transferred out, but there is an astonishing amount of "blood diamonds" deposited there.

Chapter 69 TIA (3)

The remaining militia fled to the gap in the valley to the northwest, preparing to go out from the road leading to the outside world.Just when these people were glad that the hunting god behind them did not catch up, the surviving militia once again felt the horror of the Soviet armored forces.

The woods on both sides of the muddy road began to vibrate, and the birds perched on the branches were startled, as if there were terrible monsters in the jungle preparing to charge towards them.The branches of the low trees in the front were broken by the steel tracks. While everyone was dumbfounded, a BMP infantry chariot floated up at a crazy 45-degree angle, crushing all the obstacles in front of it. The mud and dust raised blinded everyone's sight.

"What kind of monster is this!" The militiamen of the resistance organization, who had never seen a BMP infantry fighting vehicle, thought they had seen a devil.

These will only point their guns at innocent militiamen for the first time to experience what is called Soviet Red Army infantry and tank coordinated operations. The 30mm 2A42 cannon tore the people in front of them into pieces, and the soldiers hiding in the bushes also faced Watching them shoot, those militiamen who had no time to escape fell on the yellow land like harvested rice.

Gordon watched the bewildered African children fall in front of him. He wanted Alkasha to stop attacking, but how could the red-eyed soldiers calm down.Those people were killed by bullets before they could put down their guns and surrender.As the gunfire became sparser, fewer people could speak, and no one could stand up until the dust and mist cleared.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke mixed with sulfur, and the battle didn't even exceed 1 minute from the beginning to the end. A perfect beheading operation won a complete victory with zero casualties of Soviet paramilitary operators.

"Check to see if there are still people alive." Arkasha held a Kalashnikov rifle in his right hand, and made a commanding gesture with his left hand to let the military operators in the bush go outside to finish up.

Gordon walked onto the road, where a group of people fell densely, some were soldiers of the resistance movement, some were unarmed villagers, and some dissatisfied children looked up at him with wide eyes, and the dilated pupils ruthlessly declared that he death.

"God, what have we done."

Looking at the scene of corpses strewn all over the field, Gordon said with a remorseful expression. He dropped the gun in his hand and ran to a child who was still alive. The child's Kalashnikov rifle was thrown aside. Blood was continuously oozing from a shot in his abdominal cavity, his whole body was twitching non-stop, his lips opened and closed slightly, and he wanted to say something.

Gordon put his hands on his wound, and shouted to the soldiers searching around, "Is there a medical officer, there is still a living here!"

Arkasha, who was communicating with others, turned his head and saw Gordon was helping a child soldier stop the bleeding. He shook his head helplessly and walked towards him, unfastening the buckle of the holster around his waist with his left hand.Gordon saw Alkasha walking towards him, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but who knew that the next move of the other party was to directly draw out a pistol, and shot the child soldier in the head in front of him.

This shot completely cut off his vitality, and the blood splashed on Gordon's face. He didn't even expect Alkasha to do it so neatly.

"Asshole! Do you know what you are doing? This is a violation of the Geneva Convention." Gordon stood up and grabbed Alkasha's collar angrily, raised his fist and wanted to punch him in the face, but The wrist that was grasped by Alkasha.

"Don't be naive, these people are not protected by the prisoners of war agreement. In fact, we are not protected by the Geneva Convention." Alkasha pointed to the body behind Gordon, and said coldly, "You are saving him, so you know What did this man want to do before he died?"

Gordon turned his head and saw that the corpse behind him had groped his finger on the trigger of the Kalashnikov rifle before he died. I'm afraid Alkasha hesitated to find out that Gordon would lie on this land forever just like them up.

When Gordon hesitated for a moment, Alkasha shook off Gordon's hand, picked up his collar instead, and carried Gordon to the other side of the valley, saying, "Didn't you want to see The truth? I'll let you know the whole truth right now."

At the end of the road, a large pit could be vaguely seen, and before approaching, there was a strong smell of rotting corpses. Gordon couldn't help covering his nose, and when he really came to the edge of the pit, what he saw made him bend over. Vomited.

This is a mass grave full of corpses, including not only men and women, but even babies as young as a few months old.Because of the hot weather, many of them had already shown a highly rotten appearance. Pieces of flies spread blackly over the corpses, and white maggots wriggled non-stop, gnawing on the carrion.

"These are the people they caught in the mine a few months ago." Facing the disgusting scene, Alkasha was surprisingly calm. He even lit a cigarette before introducing the origin of the dead to Gordon. "After they tortured the poor women enough, they dragged them and the useless babies to this place and shot them to death. As for the men, they were usually seriously ill or died of overwork, and they were directly thrown away. It’s much easier to fill it with soil here, anyway, they have a steady stream of slaves, and they don’t care about the lives of a few people.”

"And the executioners responsible for executing refugees are those child soldiers. Do you still feel sorry for those underage beasts? There is no Madonna in Africa, because they all died. Only those in the Western world who have not experienced war will have a Madonna. Stuff, stand on the moral high ground and accuse us? These people don't know why someone would kill someone for a bag of food, and they are not willing to understand their interests. The high-level is the driving force behind these disasters. Re-establish order in this chaotic country. You did not kill a child, but a poor and hateful victim of this civil war."

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