USSR 1991

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All of this seems to be telling the heavy pain that this group of people have brought to others in pursuit of so-called democracy and freedom.

Propaganda Minister Surkov, under the guidance of Yanayev, who is well versed in the offensive of public opinion, downplayed the daytime repression incident, focusing on how the thugs cruelly hurt the people, without focusing on the glamorous and stalwart Soviet Union The image of high-level characters is only the powerlessness, anxiety and fear of small people in the face of the changes of the great era.

The release of the report quickly reversed the disadvantage of the Soviet Union in the field of public opinion. Those people who were disgusted with the Soviet government did not show obvious support after experiencing these reports, but their disgust was much reduced.

The title of the report also used the most famous phrase during the French Revolution, "O liberty, how many crimes have been committed in your name".It seems to be a harsh satire on the justice and freedom advertised by the United States.Especially the last paragraph of the report, written by Yanayev himself, as the beginning of the war of public opinion.

"American politicians and media always proudly advertise themselves as the leader of the free world, while calling our motherland an evil empire and our army gray cattle. But the prevalence of McCarthyism has persecuted Free-thinking intellectuals. General MacArthur suppressed WWII peace parade veterans. Police suppressed students who opposed the Vietnam War and shot people dead. The CIA instigated coups around the world to support those out-and-out military dictatorships and monarchical dictatorships , They also shipped drugs back to the country to lure African-Americans into drug trafficking. You keep saying that the Soviet Union threatened world peace with war, so how many people died because of these actions of the United States? We don’t know, it must not be a small number. The United States is not Do you call yourself a fighter for human rights and freedom? Why do you scold us for dictatorship while supporting those real dictators who slaughter their own people? When the US government does this, where does the American media’s sense of justice go? Why? You all chose to remain silent? Since you have slandered us as a symbol of dictatorship, how do you, who claim to be free, treat the people?"

The official reports of the Soviet Union are as pungent and ironic as the vodka beloved by the Slavic peoples, countering the distorted and exaggerated reports of the Americans with facts.The public opinion propaganda in the United States quickly collapsed, and this report was not only reprinted on a large scale in the Soviet Union, but the specially translated English text was reprinted by Western reporters to their newspapers, which caused a shock in Western public opinion. Fear and uproar.In particular, those Popular Front who worshiped the Nazis slapped the Western journalists who slandered the Soviet Union as Nazis hard.

The English title of this report is "Counterattack from the Red Empire".

Without the pedantic bureaucratic propaganda format of the past, a new Soviet propaganda department popped into the newspapers.

That day, the Soviet people felt the roar and growl of the red polar bear.

That day, the frightening red siren sounded again in the skies of Europa.

Hello, Free World of the West, after more than ten years of absence, the Soviet Revolutionary Propaganda Department, which once made you tremble, is back.

Now, are you ready for our counterattack?

Chapter 89 The Judgment of Justice

The trial of Chantulia and Kostava did not take place in the Supreme Court of Georgia. They were extradited directly to the Supreme Court in Moscow for trial. Although this is somewhat inconsistent with the Soviet trial system, given the complexity and sensitivity of the case, They must receive justice at the Supreme People's Court in Moscow.

The difference from the trial three years ago was that Chantulia and Costava no longer appeared in the trial court as successful villains three years ago, but as prisoners in shackles, standing dejectedly in the trial court. The seat accepts the judgment.

The court was already crowded with people who were paying close attention to this matter. After the propaganda reported by Putian, no one wanted to believe that they were innocent patriots, but bloody executioners.

During the court session, the atmosphere became tense and solemn, and the judges and jurors took their seats one after another. Chernov, as the president of the Moscow Supreme Court, undoubtedly fell on his head to try the case.Just like the famous Tsarist Russian saying, the left hand of the judge is the long sword that ends evil, and the right hand is the scale of justice.

And Chernov will, in the name of the Supreme Soviet, let these rioters accept iron and blood punishment.

At the same time as Chantulia and Costava, the captured rioters were also brought to court. Before the Ministry of the Interior took care of them, they were frightened and confessed all the incidents, and pushed all the responsibilities to The planners and conspirators of the unrest attempted to make Chantulia and Costava bear all the responsibility.

When Chernov sentenced Chantulia and Kostava to murder, treason and secession, and sentenced them to death, the two almost collapsed on the ground. Some so-called democrats refused to accept the court's judgment He booed the court, but was directly expelled by the police officers with guns.

Gritting his teeth and bearing all the charges, Kostava did not dare to say that Zviad was the real mastermind behind the scenes, because he always remembered what he said to them under the dinner table that night.

"You can choose to flee Georgia after this turmoil, take the money that the US aided you and go away. Go to the western world and start a new life. Or expose my crimes to the Soviets and explain to them that I guess I am behind all this. But I can assure you that even if you are sent to the gallows in the end, someone will continue to hunt and kill your family members who have already been sent abroad, leaving you to live in the shadows for the rest of your life. Costava, your youngest son is here Studying at Columbia University, isn't it?"

Zvyad's attitude shows that he wants to monopolize all Georgia's political achievements. If the two collaborators are unwilling to accept his conditions, the result will be much more tragic than imagined.

"Yes, I agree with all the charges and obey the court's judgment." Chantulia said in a deep voice, who had no choice but to kill him alone to save his family, or to be buried together in the political whirlpool. Chantulia made a decision made his own choice.

Costava, who was trying to struggle before, has now completely given up and accepted the Supreme Court's judgment.

The members of the democrats who were sent up later did not have the calm courage of the two opposition leaders, and collapsed to the ground when the judge pronounced the death sentence.Some of these college students cried bitterly, regretting that they had listened to the demagogy of others and joined the turmoil against the Soviet regime, and begged the country to give them another chance.

Judge Chernov patiently listened to their defenses, showed the photos of the victims in front of everyone, and then said sternly to this group of ignorant young people, "If I forgive you, what shall we do?" Faced with these photos of people who died in the riots? Did you consider the feelings of those innocent citizens when you did it again? I don’t think you have, and you never will. So we don’t need to forgive you, forgive you for being priests And God, we just have to send you to them."

Everyone was ashamed, and Chernov closed the last door of hope in front of them.

"Punish them!"

"The Soviet will not spare the enemy!"

"You bastards, all go to hell!"

When these people were escorted out of the court, the indignant crowd outside the Moscow court shouted at the mob angrily. If there were not a large number of policemen on the scene to maintain order, these people might be torn to pieces by the rushing crowd .

In the face of justice and order in the court, no one can be an exception.

No one can go unpunished for destroying the order of the Soviet Union. Yanayev used the most severe punishment to tell all the rebels who were about to move, not to try to challenge the bottom line of the Soviet Union.

We will not be afraid.

On January 1th, the Russian Orthodox Christmas, Moscow was filled with joy and peace at minus ten degrees on this day, and everyone gathered at home to celebrate this festival of thanksgiving to Jehovah.Old people who believe in the Orthodox Church hold a cross and sit at the dining table to thank the Lord for the gospel they have brought to them.The little girl wrapped in a white headscarf was lying on the window sill covered with snow, watching the snow bend the green coniferous forest, and the Volga River not far from the wooden house was covered with a thick layer of ice.

Suddenly, a military truck roared past the dirt road outside the cabin, carrying a group of pale-faced people, as pale as the continuation of this winter.Military trucks shuttle past in an endless stream.The little girl just wanted to ask her family to watch this scene, but the panic-stricken grandmother covered her eyes and told the child not to watch, then stretched out a hand to close the curtain, and carried her back to the dining table to pray with the adults.

The old man added a sentence to his final prayer, "May God forgive their crimes."

On the day when the family was supposed to be reunited, a group of people were charged with treason and sent to the execution ground next to the Volga River for execution. The bitter wind dried up their regretful tears. Only regret accompanied these people on the last journey. Choked and speechless.

The pale-faced Chantulia raised his head, took a last look at the blue sky that he had seen countless times, and forced a smile to the silent Costava beside him, "Don't look mournful, we Isn’t the end of the situation all self-inflicted? It’s not good to learn from others, to learn from other people’s coups. The hateful end fell into the hands of one’s so-called political alliance.”

The sound of the Kalashnikov rifle being pulled was extremely harsh, Chantulia closed his eyes subconsciously, and muttered silently, "Zviard, don't get too proud, we will be in hell waiting for you."

A series of gunshots sounded from the quiet Volga River, which startled a group of jackdaws perched on the trees, and flew to the deeper coniferous forest with their throats.The intermittent gunfire continued for 15 minutes before everything returned to calm.After the forensic doctor checked whether the prisoner was dead, the soldiers who cleaned the scene dragged the corpse to the cemetery where the cross was placed. The dried blood stained the pure white ice, showing a chilling dark red in the sunlight.

In this way, the script of the massive Georgian turmoil was written with bullets by the Soviets with the end of the whole play.

Chapter 90 Calculating and Being Calculated

"The people in Georgia are simply trash. We spent so much money to provide them with weapons and funds before, and this is what we got! If I had known earlier, I might as well have given the money to the entire CIA as a bonus. Really!" Robert Gates threw the newspaper on the table to the ground. The contents of the newspaper were the inside story of the alleged transactions between the CIA and the Democratic Front of Georgia, and it was accompanied by photos of innocent civilians who were killed by the Democratic Front during the turmoil. photo. The title "Taxpayers Funded Such a Mob" is a biting satire of what the CIA has done.

Perhaps because he couldn't get used to the smiling Yanayev on the headlines, Robert raised his foot and stomped on the newspaper a few times.The Voice of America radio stations previously supported by funds have all lost their function, and the United States has even been reversed infiltration, and a secret radio station advocating the Red Revolution appeared. Of course, after being discovered, the United States took decisive measures to ban it, but Americans are still worried. Worried about whether the Soviet Union will continue to propagate and infiltrate through other means.

The free world, which originally wanted to comprehensively calculate the communist camp, was counterattacked by the opponent. All offensive methods seemed to be easily resolved by the opponent, and after reintegration, they became weapons against the free world.

"Director Gates, the President is calling."

As soon as Gates returned to the office, the secretary holding the microphone in the office whispered to him.Robert Gates quickly put down the document in his hand, took the document passed by the secretary, and said hello after calming down.

However, President Bush did not show a tendency to lose his temper, and even asked about Robert Gates' physical condition with great concern. This made Gates, who was waiting for criticism, a little nervous.

Finally, unable to wait any longer, Gates asked, "Is there nothing the president wants to say about Georgia?"

"Oh? Are you talking about the Georgia issue?" Bush was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly, "I said Gates, why do you look sullen, so you are worried that I will blame you for this matter."

"Yes, but I messed up the issue of Georgia." Robert Gates never concealed his mistake and directly apologized to President Bush. The offensive was calculated by Moscow's top officials, and to be honest, President Bush, I have completely failed your trust in me."

"No no no, Robert, my friend, you did a good job. No need to blame yourself, I know you did your best."

Bush's hearty laughter even made the CIA director doubt his own life. Did the Soviet Union disintegrate today? Why did the president behave so excitedly?He asked again cautiously, "President Bush, I want to know why you are so relaxed? Could it be that we have won a major victory in the offensive against the Soviet Union?"

"My friend, there are plans that people in your position cannot understand." Bush's tone became calmer. "Although the crisis in Georgia seems to you to be our failure, in the larger plan , The Georgia incident is a good start. It marks that we have fired the first shot to split the Soviet Union. There will be more incidents waiting for Moscow to have a headache, just watch it.”

Only the White House chief of staff and presidential advisers who got together to discuss at the beginning knew that they had formulated a plan on how to disintegrate the forces of the Soviet Union countries, and the huge and complicated plan involved almost all the Soviet Union countries that had the idea of ​​​​separatism.That's why Zviad has sat on the throne of Georgia's president with confidence after failing to fire the first shot of division, because he knows whose dog he is and his value to the free world, so he doesn't will fall.

Even if he is sitting in the Kremlin facing Moscow's supreme leader Yanayev at this time, he will not appear guilty and flustered.

"I have to say, President Zviad, you are indeed the most courageous leader of a member country I have ever seen." Yanayev spoke as if it was a casual chat between two old friends, but in The words are full of killing intent, "I can always find a reliable master accurately, and I can also please my master's enemies, and seek development in the cracks. You are more like a Georgia fox, cunning, without any flaws."

Kostava and Chantulia are just chips he dropped to curry favor with Moscow. Georgia can only have one leader, and his former allies and collaborators are now his stumbling blocks.

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