USSR 1991

Page 45

The low-paid white-collar workers in the New York square stopped their hurried steps, and they all looked up at the man's every move on the screen, as if they were silently crying.

The down-and-out artist who played the violin on the street corner raised his head, looked at the facts stated word by word, and remained silent for a long time.

The blacks who were fighting on the street also stopped shaking their fists and listened silently to his last words.

Unlike those wealthy people sitting on the sofa watching this propaganda with a sneer, those struggling people in the lower society of the United States seemed to be frozen at this moment, silent.

Yes, hard-working people have forged national wealth that the whole world is proud of, but a small group of rich people take them as their own and wantonly erode their original humble wealth.Tear off that hypocritical face, the exploitation and oppression of the bourgeoisie is the real theme of the American dream.

"At this moment, the Soviets are saving the world and helping you regain your true freedom and democracy from the hands of the Americans, but you have chosen to stand by and watch. When they arrest the Communists, you don't speak up, and when they finally arrest you, you don't say anything. No one speaks for you."

"Everyone can call this video the propaganda of the Soviet Propaganda Department. Western proletarian comrades, when you think capitalists have become good people, when you think they suddenly have a conscience and start caring about your life and welfare when."

The eyes of the man in the video suddenly had an astonishing expression, as if shining brightly like a bright North Star.Slowly, he uttered the last inspiring words.

"Remember, it's because the Soviets still exist!"

Chapter 98 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness

If the statement of self-contradiction has been perfectly interpreted, nothing is better than what the US government has done in the past three days.First of all, it is a highly self-proclaimed God Bless America, praising the United States as a country where people can freely express their opinions without being banned, and insinuating that it is completely different from the largest centralized country on the European continent.

However, three days later, the Soviet propaganda film "Who is the Dictator" was ruthlessly banned by the US government after only one day of broadcast on major TV stations.The reason, of course, is to maliciously smear and slander the U.S. regime. The government requested all TV stations not to broadcast this video again.Although some TV stations had slight criticisms, they still chose to withdraw.

Only the television station in Texas stated that it is their freedom and right to broadcast any program, as long as it does not violate the national constitution, not to mention that this propaganda film tells the public history of the United States. Is there any need for them to revoke it?

So the tough-minded people of Texas said that as long as the police of the US government can shake the laws of Texas and the weapons in the hands of the people, then they will obediently cancel the TV station's video.

What the people of Texas have done is undoubtedly like a loud slap in the face of the American government, but at least it has made the people of the world see one thing clearly. The news media in the United States is not completely free. under supervision.Who wants to talk about freedom of speech in the American news media in the future?Eat me a communist punishment first.

This time the Bush administration has suffered at least two disadvantages. One is that they broke their promise and banned the opponent’s promotional video just after they said that the United States will live forever. It is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for the US government.

Even in Moscow on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Comrade Yanayev, the general secretary of the Soviet Union, gloated and sent a congratulatory message, saying that the people of Texas are the hope of freedom and democracy in the United States.

Poor Director Robert once again became the target of the furious President Bush. This time, instead of simply blaming him, he scolded him directly for his ineffectiveness. position.

The mission of the mocking United States was finally completed, and Comrade Surkov, who hadn't slept well for several days, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.After resting at home for two days, he received a call from Yanayev on the third day, saying that he asked Surkov to bring his staff team, and he prepared a celebration banquet for them in the Kremlin.

They were a little flattered by the general secretary's direct point. These people who had never seen other high-level Kremlin officials except Surkov were a little at a loss. They even carefully asked what Surkov would do by then. Dress well to talk and laugh with the general secretary.

And the answer given by Surkov is that you can do whatever you want, don't be too nervous, you are facing the most easy-going leader among so many leaders, but those team members who have heard the name of the cruel tyrant of the Kremlin But don't say that.

However, Yanayev's affinity at the banquet was indeed beyond the expectations of the team. Among these literary classics, it was not the first time that young people who looked up at Soviet politics unexpectedly discovered that This leader is not as scary as the rumors say to the society. Instead, he is like a kind elder, telling them his life experience.

This is not a large-scale tribute meeting. Except for Surkov and his team, Yanayev and Pavlov attended the meeting, but the weight of the two Soviet high-level leaders has far exceeded other people.

"Relax a bit, don't let the atmosphere be too dull. Everyone here is familiar with comrades, haha, there are no outsiders except me and Comrade Pavlev. Try to be like a gathering among friends , I don't want to be told that the owner of the Kremlin is a rigid and boring guy."

Yanayev held up his wine glass, and those present who had never experienced a big scene were secretly relieved by his amiable appearance, and gradually let go of their hearts.

"The achievements of all of you are obvious to all. You severely hit the arrogance of the US imperialists and gave the Soviet people confidence. Here, on behalf of the country, I would like to thank you for your efforts. We will not attribute your contributions to To the name of a certain leader, but you are actually saving our ideal, our great socialist construction."

Yanayev bowed slightly to the young people, which flattered them a little. It was unprecedented for a national leader to bow and bow to ordinary people before him.Just ask which Soviet leader was willing to bow their noble heads to the masses before.During the long years in power, they seem to have forgotten one thing, being more and more trapped in the political ivory tower, the power of the Soviets comes from the people, and their power also comes from the people.

"President Yanayev, I feel that you are not as cruel as the folklore says, you are a very kind and kind leader." One of the guys whose IQ is not proportional to EQ suddenly said some taboo words , Surkov, who just took a sip of red wine, almost spit the wine on the table when he heard this sentence.

Comrade Pavlov on the side laughed a little dumbfounded, and at the same time watched Yanayev answer this tricky question gloatingly.

Yanayev was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the young man to speak so directly, but he nodded to him and said with a smile, "Young man, you have the courage to ask a question that everyone wants to know but dare not answer." Question to ask. Am I a tyrannical lord depends on who I am up against, if I am up against the enemy of the Soviet people, you will see a cold blooded and cruel tyrant. If that is what I want to protect people, then you see an amiable leader."

Yanayev's answer was impeccable, and in fact, he has been implementing this belief after time travel, serving the people and fighting for communism.

Yanayev's words got everyone's approval. Surkov, who was still on tenterhooks just now, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head and looked at Yanayev cautiously. Unexpectedly, the other party's gaze happened to intertwine with him. At the same time, Yanayev just smiled at him, as if he didn't care at all, and he raised his glass and said, "Let me drink tonight to the first step of a great victory."

"Cheers!" Everyone stood up and clashed their wine glasses together with passion.

After the others toasted, they returned to each other's positions, completely relieved of their psychological pressure, and they treated this reception as a gathering among friends.Looking at these energetic young people, Yanayev felt that it would be great if the object of his crossing was Putin.

If you are younger, you can do a lot of things.

If you are younger, the situation will not be worse than it is now.

However, Yanayev's happiness didn't last long. Defense Minister Yazov who rushed in suddenly surprised everyone present. He glanced at Yanayev with a gloomy face, and took a step closer to Yanayev. Fu whispered, "I'm sorry, General Secretary Yanayev, something happened in Chechnya."

With a bang, the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground. Even Yanayev himself could not believe that Chechnya would jump out to rebel at this juncture.

"Let's take a step to talk." Yanayev with a livid face walked out with Yazov, closing the door by the way.

Chapter 99 Crazy Chechnya

Yanayev did not expect that Chechnya, which had lost the support of Georgia, would be the first to jump out to launch a military coup, and he also did not expect that Dudayev would still choose to launch an armed separatist even though he could not be the president of Chechnya. It is not a good thing for Yanayev's deployment.

He originally thought that the unfounded Baltic countries would be the first to launch the rebellion. For this reason, Yanayev deliberately attacked Georgia first. You must know that Georgia is the behind-the-scenes funder of Chechnya's arms supply.Successfully controlling the situation in Georgia is tantamount to cutting off the hotbed that may breed Chechen independence and preventing a possible Chechen war in the future.

However, history continues to develop on a fixed track. For example, half an hour ago, Dudayev overthrew the legal status of the General Secretary of the Soviet Chechen Autonomous Region Kamarev and declared the independence of the Chechen Republic.Prior to this, he had secretly established an armed organization that eventually led to the separatist forces in Chechnya to fight against the Soviet war machine.

The troops under the command of Dudayev launched a sudden attack and stormed the weakly secured Soviet government building.Soon the outnumbered Supreme Secretary Kamalev was arrested by them. Soldiers with Kalashnikov rifles grabbed Kamalev by the collar, threw him to the ground, and kicked him in the face down.

Kamalev, whose face was covered in blood, was dragged into the car like a dog, and a soldier with an Uzi submachine gun in the passenger seat was watching him.Soon the car started, and Kamalev didn't know where these people were going to transport him, but an ominous premonition lingered in his heart, which could not be subdued for a long time.

Patrolling armed soldiers can be seen along the way, and they are methodically imposing martial law on the streets and alleys of the capital Grozny.Many innocent people were arrested and stood in a row in a corner with soldiers pointing their guns at their backs.

The car turned left and drove into a wider road.There were gunshots here and there, and armored vehicles were constantly carrying militants forward to the conflict area with thick smoke and explosions. Kamalev knew that these were GRU soldiers loyal to the Soviet Union exchanging fire with the militants.However, Kamalev is not optimistic about the combat effectiveness of the Soviet government. Dudayev is a carefully planned rebellion.

"The superior informed that there was an exchange of fire ahead and asked us to take another road." The soldier on the co-pilot said to the driver.

The driver nodded, turned the steering wheel to the right, and drove the car into a narrow alley. At this moment, Kamalev finally couldn't help it, and he couldn't help asking, "Where are you taking me?"

"Go to a place where you should go." The guy in the passenger seat looked at Kamalev with a ferocious smile. He turned his head and stared at the front again. He was not worried about whether Kamalev would escape, but he was worried about whether he would Soviet troops suddenly appeared to rescue the man.

It wasn't until the end of the alleyway that he breathed a sigh of relief, because he saw Dudayev's team reappeared in sight, which meant that the independence forces had defeated the Soviet army and taken another step towards Chechnya's independence.

Only then did Kamalev see clearly the real brutality of this group of separatists. Those people who believed in the Orthodox Church were captured by the militants and lined up in a corner. Then the militants raised their guns and shot at these people frantically. Poor The citizens fell in pieces like harvested wheat, in a pool of blood.

For them, isn't the meaning of existence fighting just to send the heretics to Hell?

At this time, the broadcast of loudspeakers everywhere attracted Kamalev's attention, and Dudayev's armed rebellion speech in the broadcast also attracted the attention of other fundamentalist believers.

"Today we gather together to work hard for the future of Chechnya." Dudayev's words were full of demagogy, and the armed men around him cheered in unison, as if welcoming their great leader.Frenzy has taken over these guys' heads and they've become complete killing machines.

"We once suffered the oppression of communism and were forced to move out of this land. But today, we are back. This is a great return. We have truly found our return in spirit. Today, everyone stands with me , to fight for our liberation."

A tidal wave of cheers flooded Kamalev's ears, and his pale face seemed to have foreseen what would happen next.The car drove to the central square of Grozny, where a large number of militants gathered, as if waiting for him to appear.

The car stopped, the door was opened, a pair of strong hands roughly grabbed Kamalev's collar, and then dragged him out of the car.He grabbed Kamalev like an animal and carried him on the ground as people around him started firing guns into the air and it became a Kalashnikov fest.

Dudayev, with a somewhat rigid expression, walked up to Kamalev and helped him up. His eyes were cold, like a poisonous snake with a large number of prey.Two soldiers around him grabbed Kamalev's arms and pushed him into the middle of the central square.The camera has already been set up, waiting for the final protagonist, Kamalev, the supreme secretary of the Chechen Autonomous Region.

Dudayev spread his arms and shouted to the surrounding crowd, "Today, let us fire the first shot to declare war on the Soviet Union. This man is the lackey of the government that oppresses us. Today is his end and the Soviet Union end."

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