USSR 1991

Page 50

The joy of being lost and found again made Ivanov sit quietly on the blown birch trunk holding the harmonica, looking at the fallen comrades' bodies and the devastated ruins around him, as if his heart had been deprived of it. All emotions were left behind, leaving only a numb body guarding the place.

He cleaned the harmonica with his clothes, and played the unfinished "Birch Forest" silently, as if he was silently telling the sorrows of the past.

"The sky is still cloudy, and there are still pigeons flying. Who will prove the love and life without tombstones."

The melodious tune sounded, and the dry branches of the birch forest swayed in the cold wind, as if it was a soft accompaniment for this requiem. Ivanov closed his eyes, and he could feel that those dead comrades might be sitting Beside him, talking and laughing, listening to him playing the last unfinished song.

The birch forest buried the gunpowder smoke, as well as those fresh lives.

"The snow is still falling, the village is still peaceful, young people disappear in the birch forest."

Chapter 1: The Man Who Inherited the Iron Will

From the moment it declared independence, Chechnya was doomed to a tragic end.The commander of the Caucasus Military District stood in front of Yanayev and told his battle plan. The offensive route was basically the same as the Russian army's combat thinking in history.Yanayev held his chin and asked one more question, "How many troops do you plan to invest in this war?"

Seeing that the general secretary did not object to his plan, the overjoyed commander-in-chief of the Caucasus military region patted his chest and said that only three divisions were needed to plant the red flag on the capital building in Grozny and completely put down the rebellion.

"Only three divisions?" Yanayev scolded the commander-in-chief before he came to his senses, "Three divisions? Do you think this war is a riot to suppress civilians? The three main divisions went in and waited to be killed." Is there no bone left in the human body? If the three divisions can capture Grozny, I will take the position of general secretary!"

For the first time in history, the Russian army invested three main divisions in the Chechen war, and the result was that Grozny paid a life price for every step forward.In the end, only eleven members of the combat regiment that entered Grozny left alive. In this tragic battle no less than Stalingrad, the Russians used blood lessons to occupy this city that was destined to become a sad memory.

Obviously Yanayev's anger scared everyone. When the commander-in-chief carefully asked how many troops were needed, Yanayev gave a clear figure, "The Soviet army needs at least 72 regular troops, and 80 for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Troops. T90, T27, T29 tanks, Su-[-], MiG-[-] fighter jets, Hurricane and Hail rocket launchers, except for our nuclear weapons, all weapons of mass destruction that can be used, oh yes, don’t forget Thermobaric bombs and white phosphorus bombs, if they are still unwilling to surrender, I will use the soman and sarin gas stored in Pozluz Island to greet him. Are there civilians in the war zone? Fuck your civilians, those women are just potential It’s just black widows. Civilians who don’t want to surrender can be regarded as militants. What will this group of Islamic believers not do? After Comrade Stalin exiled these people to Central Asia, they shouldn’t be allowed to go back. Everyone should died in those labor camps."

What Yanayev said is definitely the toughest among the previous Soviet leaders, and there is another one like him, the steel leader Stalin.

"General Secretary Yanayev, with all due respect, is this formation planning to start a war with European countries?" The people around said with lingering fear. The president almost asked them to use all the weapons of war to deal with a tiny Chechnya.

In addition to the factors that have learned the lessons of history, there is another reason that Yanayev must use the bloodiest war to warn everyone that if everything he did to suppress the riots before is considered a trivial matter, then When it comes down, people all over the world will know what it means to be a man who has inherited the will of Comrade Iron and Steel.

"Then let me tell you about the combat power of the Chechen armed forces. The so-called Dudayev government has 9000 regular troops, 2500 National Guards, 1400 Islamic Guards and State Security Forces, and 5000 Internal Affairs Forces. They also have T62 tanks and self-propelled artillery on the Shilka River. Have the intelligence work of your Ministry of Internal Affairs detected the types of these weapons and the number of people?" Yanayev said seriously about the entire armed forces of Chechnya. These historical data can be found in Before the war started, it was extremely valuable information.

Yanayev deliberately omitted the specific situation of those Western government mercenaries in Grozny, CIA agents, retired Navy SEALs, and former members of the French special forces. It is estimated that they are now hiding in the Muslim camps and Abkhaz camps of the militants .For those executioners who take money to kill, it is not Yanayev's turn to deliberately mention that the lackeys of the capitalist world, the Soviets will use incendiary petrol bombs and scorching white phosphorus bombs to educate them on how to behave.

Any foreign mercenary who dares to enter the Soviet Union, Yanayev will definitely let him go back in pain and death, and warn the Western world that this is what happens when you dare to interfere in the internal affairs of the Soviet Union.

The commander-in-chief wiped the sweat from his forehead. He didn't understand where Yanayev got the information, so he had to explain to him, "Our intelligence personnel are still investigating, but..."

"But what? I don't want to hear anything at all. But, I just want to let the world know through a Chechen that as long as the red regime survives, all rebellious officials will be crowned. If a Chechen dares to jump out and make trouble, I will let everyone see Know what will happen to it." Yanayev stood in front of them majesticly with his hands behind his back, making people involuntarily look up at the portrait of Stalin hanging high behind him.At this moment, Yanayev has the demeanor and figure of the founder of the Red Empire in the frame in every gesture.

Some timid people in the office also mistakenly thought that Yanayev was possessed by Stalin's spirit at this moment.

"What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and prepare for me!" Yanayev yelled, and all the officers left the office fearfully holding the documents. They said before that Yanayev had a majesty that did not belong to Stalin. Today's reprimand Let those unconvinced officers bow their heads, no one dared to resist Yanayev's decision, just like the order not to take a step back during the Great Patriotic War.

In an instant, the entire office was empty, leaving only Yanayev standing in the office, quietly thinking about the future direction of the Soviet Union.The use of weapons of mass destruction is Yanayev's bottom line. After all, it is impossible for him to wipe out the entire Chechnya with the Great Ivan as written in the novels he has read before.

The evil thought flashed through his mind and was rejected by him. Yanayev looked at the gloomy sky with his face, a little confused, how to go next?Suppressing all the rebel forces is not difficult. The difficulty is, can the country that is riddled with holes be able to come back to life in its own hands?

The reason why Stalin was great was not his iron and blood performance in the Great Patriotic War, but that he used the strongest means to forge an industrially developed socialist country in a short period of time.

Yanayev shook his head, suppressing unrealistic and sentimental thoughts. What he has to do now is to fight a wonderful Chechen war and let everyone know that the Soviet army is not the Russian army that was ruined by Yeltsin in history. It still has quite terrifying combat effectiveness, not to mention conquering Chechnya, even pushing Central Europe, and conquering Paris before France surrenders is still no problem.

Our war weapons are advancing, crushing all the hopes and fantasies of the enemy. In the face of the torrent of steel, you have nowhere to hide!

Chapter 1 Worlds in Conflict: Soviet Offensive

Since Pozluz Island was abandoned due to a virus leak in 1988, it once again ushered in the figure of Soviet soldiers wearing chemical protective suits. The previous hasty evacuation almost abandoned the entire intact base, which was left intact three years ago. The moving armored vehicle parked quietly in place, covered by wind and dust.

Although three years have passed, the strains and poisonous gas kept in a sealed container are still lethal. Everyone takes precautions to prevent their skin or mouth from being exposed to the air.They came to the door of the sealed warehouse where the poisonous gas was stored. The wall more than half a meter thick and the isolation door made of steel separated the poisonous gas storage room from the outside world into two worlds.

The long-closed door has been reopened, and these weapons of mass destruction have been rediscovered.Since the birth of the Cold War, chemical poisons that were thought to be useless have once again brought indelible fear to the world.

Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX gas, mustard gas, anthrax strains, smallpox virus, Yersinia pestis, the Soviet Union’s biochemical troops built a closed storage base for each virus or poisonous gas, and the two camps of the Cold War for decades The confrontation created the Soviet Union's most terrifying biochemical weapon virus library.

They carefully moved the sealed soman gas and sarin gas cylinders out of the sealed bunker, and then put them into larger sealed containers. These weapons of mass destruction will be installed in the warheads of air-to-surface missiles , and then brought them over the cities occupied by Chechen militants, giving them an unexpected surprise.

The volatility of soman and sarin will not cause long-term pollution, so it is very suitable for release before the large-scale intrusion of troops. Perhaps the effect that the armored forces could not achieve in the Chechen war in history, poisonous gas can easily achieve it.

Napalm bombs, white phosphorus bombs, thermobaric bombs and other lethal weapons have all appeared one after another in the Engels Bomber Air Force Base in Saratov Oblast, where air strikes on Chechnya are being prepared.

Yanayev hates accusations of humanitarian violations by so-called human rights groups.The United States has done more dirty things in Vietnam than anyone else, including Agent Orange, petrol bombs, and massacres of civilians. Their indiscriminate killing of civilians still allows the sanctimonious Uncle Sam to continue to play the role of world savior.The photos of those children who have been burned by petrol bombs to the point of leaving only a layer of flesh are far more visually shocking and shocking than the so-called beautification propaganda.At least Yanayev is only fighting against the rebels, while the United States is nakedly carrying out benevolent massacres as the executioner of the aggressors.

Power is justice, and range is truth. Yanayev believes that weapons of mass destruction can make opponents kneel down and beg for mercy, rather than trying to sit down and gain an inch or bargain with themselves.Wasn't Chechnya trying to force the Moscow government to sit down and agree to their unreasonable demands through terrorist attacks?

It's just a pity that this time Dudayev in history did not meet the weak Yeltsin, but killed the decisive red tyrant, Yanayev.

On the other hand, the combat plan formulated also showed Yanayev's determination to wipe out all the Chechen armed forces once and for all.The first step of the Soviet offensive was to occupy the two cities of Naurskaya and Gudermes, and then use this as a base to press on Grozny step by step. Hoymartan, Urusmartan, and Shali surrounded and approached Grozny at the same time, using an offensive method similar to a strategic siege to contain the retreat route of the Chechen armed forces, and at the same time forced them to stay in the Chechen capital. Prevent these people from fleeing to remote mountainous areas to engage in guerrilla warfare with the Soviet Union.

In the early stage, endless bombing and air strikes will be carried out to disrupt the deployment of Chechnya, and then the quick reaction force will advance to all the major cities in Chechnya, control the transportation hub area, and lay the foundation for the occupation of the entire country.

Engels Air Force Base has ushered in the busiest time in the past few years. There are continuous planes taking off and landing, preparing for the upcoming war. It will also become one of the important bases for attacking Chechen air forces.

The An-124 large transport plane parked at the airport opened the cabin at the tail, and the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle was being transported into the cabin. These armed forces belonging to the rapid reaction force will be stationed in Chechnya as the first shot of the war. Let those militants feel the horror of dropping tanks.

Soldiers carrying parachute backpacks are embarking on their journey in an orderly manner. These are the crew members of tank vehicles. They will accompany the tanks and drop from the sky, directly cutting off the connection between the enemy and other armed forces. Fast attack effect.

The An-124 transport plane continuously took off from the taxiway of the airport and flew to Naurskaya and Gudermes.At present, the Chechen armed forces' control over these two cities is far less firm than the Grozny axis area, and it can easily become a breakthrough for the Soviet army.After all, the few Shilka Rivers are equipped in the capital of Chechnya, and the Soviet Air Force in other regions has complete air supremacy.

If the citizens looked up that day, they would see the strategic transport planes all over the sky like densely packed locusts, covering the blue sky above the city.On this day, the whole city sounded shrill air defense sirens, and only some Chechen rebels armed with pickup trucks frantically searched for battle positions, preparing for the arrival of the Soviet steel torrent.

After lifting the fixing device of the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle, the driver got into the cockpit of the infantry combat vehicle, and the other paratrooper members of the crew carried the parachute bag and prepared to parachute.So far, even with the high-end technology of the Soviet Union, it can only be airdropped by the driver following the airborne tank.

The tail hatch of the transport plane opened slowly, and the strong airflow blinded people's eyes. The BMD-3 airborne station vehicle, which was unfixed, rushed into the cockpit like a violent wild horse. In an astonishing high-altitude environment, Opened red parachute in.After that, the paratroopers trotted and jumped out of the cabin one by one in order.The crew of the An-124 transport plane gestured to them and shouted, "God bless you, comrades."

Over Naurskaya and Gudermes, bright red mushrooms bloomed one after another. They were the elite of the Soviet Quick Response Force, carrying death and artillery fire, and a perfect death fell. .

At this moment, those armed Chechens who were ready to fight really felt the horror of the Soviet army.

Some airborne troops landed on the ground first, and immediately exchanged fire with the militants. They hid behind the car and fired at the militants, firing the first shot to attack Chechnya.Relying on the power of armed pickups, the militants suppressed the offensive of the airborne advance troops. As more and more paratroopers successfully reached the ground, the originally one-sided state became evenly matched.

A huge red shadow covered the figure of the airborne paratroopers. Everyone looked up, only to see the huge steel body of BMD-3 slowly descending from the sky, and the paratroopers hiding on the back of the car evacuated one after another. It landed on the open space and crushed a car into scrap iron.The huge impact overturned several cars around him.

The empty parachute covered the BMD-3, and the Chechen militants on the opposite side didn't know what happened.Only a crisp "ding dong" was heard, the buckle of the parachute was untied, and the BMD-3 airborne combat vehicle slowly turned its tracks, aiming the 3mm cannon at the armed pickup truck in Chechnya.At the same time, all the soldiers stayed close to both sides of the infantry fighting vehicle, guiding the BMD-[-] to attack the opponent's firepower stronghold, and clearing out militants who may be carrying anti-tank weapons.

The machine guns continued to slaughter and harvest the soldiers on the opposite side. When the car exploded, the dazzling fireball overturned all the enemies. The fragile pickup truck could not resist the fierce artillery attack at all. The weak Chechen armed forces had no chance of winning in front of the mechanized Soviet army. So much so that only the red steel figure remained in their eyes.

On this day, in Naurskaya and Gudermes, the Chechen rebels who tried to take a share of the Soviet Union's weakest time finally realized their own insignificance and the strength of the Soviet armed forces.

Steel tracks are advancing, crushing their will to resist!

Chapter 1 The Ring of Steel

What if your ground troops are blocked in the city and unable to move forward?For the Soviet army, there is no more effective weapon than aerial bomb coverage air strikes, or rocket bombing carpet bombing. If a city blocks the progress of the great Soviet, then let it become a flat ruin and then cross over !

Yanayev has learned the lessons from Mogadishu and the first Chechen war. Steel Hail BM21 rockets and Hurricane 220mm rockets have been deployed, and the Soviet rapid reaction force's ring encirclement will further evacuate those Chechen rebels to the city center , Hiding in those high-rise buildings to resist.

Stepping on the bricks and ruins, the Soviet armored troops marched all the way forward. After a rapid march, they finally reached their destination. Naurskaya and Gudelmes, the Soviet political commissar sitting on the BMP tank from the roof Jumping down, looking up, the city buildings in the distance are emitting black smoke, the sound of fierce artillery is constantly heard, and the Hind helicopter keeps passing overhead, flying to the fierce battle zone to carry out air strike missions.

"Soldiers, Naurskaya is ahead, the first city that our great army will conquer." The political commissar said to the soldiers behind him with his rifle on his back and his boots on the ruins, "The barrage of the hurricane will Will tear apart the city ahead, fear and defeat will disintegrate our enemy's will to resist, soldiers, use your bullets, your bayonets, your hands, do the same to their dirty deeds of killing their fellow countrymen! "

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