USSR 1991

Page 515

The Soviet army, who had been waiting at the border for a long time, quickly entered Ukraine without firing a single shot, and occupied the entire country within five hours.

Twenty-four hours later, the Belarusian Defense Minister announced the entry of national troops into Ukraine and the imposition of nationwide martial law.

The world was shocked.

9: Kill the Nazis

An explosion on the Ukrainian border has touched everyone's hearts. The whole world wants to know what happened on the border and why there is a huge crater with a diameter of ten kilometers.

However, the European monitoring station did not detect the radioactive dust and the earthquake source when the nuclear bomb exploded. It was as if millions of troops disappeared in an instant. Except for an exaggerated huge crater, before the Soviet army completely took over Ukraine, the Hind Helicopter will be the last The footage was captured and quickly spread among European and American countries.

Everyone took a deep breath when they saw the giant pit.

The first reaction of Trump, the emperor of the White House, was that the Soviet Union started to make Ivan the Great again?But the report shows that the gamma value has not changed at all, which means that the huge crater was not created by a nuclear bomb explosion, but by some other means.The CIA's previous intelligence satellites showed that the Soviet Union launched an intercontinental missile in the direction of Eastern Europe, and the audio was lost on the border between Russia and Ukraine. Now it seems that they have finally found the missing intercontinental missile.

It is strange why the news of the nuclear warhead explosion has not been detected throughout Eastern Europe. It seems that a huge crater after the meteorite fell appeared out of thin air, and then the Ukrainian army assembled on the border lost the news inexplicably.

Among the information provided by the chairman of the US Intelligence Committee to the emperor Trump, no one can explain why the current situation occurs.

In the end, only one such explanation can be given to the President of the United States. The chairman of the United States Intelligence Committee, Devon Neluth, pointed out that the new Russian regime may have a new type of strategic weapon comparable to nuclear weapons, and it is more efficient and clean than nuclear weapons-they will hardly Cause any ecological pollution, and there is no aftermath of the explosion, the army can continue to fight almost after use.

Within 2 hours after the explosion, the Soviet armored forces marched to the Ukrainian border and quickly occupied the entire territory...

Thinking of this, his spine was chilling.

The new evil empire called the Soviets obviously went further than the United States in terms of technology trees.

Trump squinted his eyes, and the "American Big Mouth" showed a dignified hospitality, although the expression seemed a little ridiculous to Neilus.

"Can we maintain a wait-and-see attitude in the early stage like World War II, and go into battle until the later stage when both sides are about the same?"

The essence of a businessman is to obtain the greatest benefit at the smallest cost. The neutrality policy of the United States during World War II brought him wealth in war and established the world pattern after World War II.

Now, the emperor Trump hopes to reproduce Roosevelt's classic glory and use the wealth of war to revive the United States from recession and sinking.

"But who are we going to help this time?"

The European Union is an indispensable ally of the United States, and it is also the backbone to curb the development of communism after World War II. According to the past situation, the White House will not hesitate to stand by Buckingham Palace and the Prime Minister's Office, but this time he has deep concerns in his heart.

It all started with that damn explosion.

The ultimate hole card held by the Soviet Union should be their ultimate weapon. Obviously, they no longer need nuclear weapons to maintain their strategic needs.

"Nelous, I want to ask you a question. The nuclear bundling strategy is to automatically set all the important cities of the country as targets when the country is attacked by missiles, right?"

Nelusi nodded, not knowing what Trump was thinking.

"If Moscow hadn't used a nuclear bomb to strike, then this binding treaty would be void, right?"

Neilus thought for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

Trump showed a smug smile, "That is to say, after being attacked by nuclear strikes, the other nuclear-weapon states can use the combined force of the four countries to plow the land of Eastern Europe again with nuclear weapons?"


"okay I know."

Trump took a deep breath, "I will negotiate with the leaders of the three European countries. It would be best if we can win the strategic deterrence between Britain and France. These old foxes should realize how bad their current situation is. Either compromise with Eastern Europe or carry it to the end, the United States is the last straw to shake their decision, we stand there and decide what the future of the EU will be."

Trump nodded, indicating that Neluth could back down.

He leaned on the presidential chair, slowly thinking about the last question.

Who will be the button to open the end of the world?

The same question lingers in Makarov's mind. As a Slavic fanatic, he doesn't care about throwing strategic nuclear weapons on the heads of Western leaders. After the power of the vacuum implosion bomb, the inner group he led became the most loyal dog of Romanov.

He once proposed to use nerves like Soman to paralyze the opponent's defense system in Europe, and then carry out an army invasion, but Romanov vetoed his request.

The scenario that Romanov hopes to see is to take advantage of the surging communist movement in Europe to overthrow the existing bourgeois corrupt government. Force is only the last resort to end the problem. Instead, Paris, Berlin, and London were reduced to rubble with vacuum implosion bombs.

How can poisonous gas be used by vacuum implosion bombs? A trivial singularity can destroy all substances.

"Defense Minister Makarov, everything is ready."

A lower-level official came over and said to Defense Minister Makarov who was sitting opposite, "Poroshenko is waiting for your arrival."

Makarov nodded, turned around and asked, "What about the resistance movement in Kiev?"

"There are still some Nazi extremists rioting and resisting under the banner of freedom, and looting some residential areas. The army did not suffer much loss, and the casualties of civilians were slightly more serious. We have put the entire city under martial law, and soon This group of people can be brought out, don't worry, Minister Makarov, it won't last long."

"Give you 48 hours to wipe out the Resistance."

Makarov's voice was mechanical, indifferent without any compromise. He stood up and walked towards the door. The surrendered government officials were still waiting for his arrival.

"In 48 hours the big shots from Moscow will come to Kiev to supervise the battle, and you know what to do."

The execution order was issued mercilessly.

"Kill all those Nazis."

10: Execute the capitalists!

Makarov stood at the airport, a black car stopped in front of him, the door had already been opened, but he hadn't gotten into it yet.

Surrounded by heavy Apocalypse tanks, Ukraine has worked hard for the Belarusian Minister of Defense.Then a truck came towards the tarmac. The former Ukrainian President Poroshenko was grabbed by the collar by the soldiers, who threw him to the ground and kicked him in the face.

Makarov squatted halfway, smiled and said to him, "Welcome to hell, my comrade."

Poroshenko, who was beaten with blood all over his face, was dragged into the car like a dog. Makarov sat beside him, and a soldier with an Uzi submachine gun in the passenger seat watched him.Soon the car started. Poroshenko didn't know where these people were going to transport him, but an ominous premonition lingered in his heart, which could not be subdued for a long time.

Patrolling armed soldiers can be seen along the way, and they are methodically imposing martial law on the streets and alleys of the capital Grozny.Some Ukrainians who tried to resist were arrested and stood in a row in a corner with soldiers pointed at their backs at gunpoint.

Surrounding them were terrifying robots with sharp steel claws, and together with the armored Zebelos infantry, they guarded the entire street.

There are still some black and gray marks on the ground, which can barely distinguish the appearance of a person. Who knows what this group of people did.

The car turned left and drove into a wider road.There were gunshots here and there, and giant Apocalypse tanks that came from nowhere broke through the wall and moved forward to the conflict area that was emitting thick smoke and explosions. Poroshenko knew that this was a right-wing extremist organization in Western Europe exchanging fire with the Soviet army.

Undoubtedly crushed, the Soviet army's strong military superiority directly crushed the armed personnel of the extremist organization into bloody pieces of meat.

"The front informs that there is an exchange of fire ahead, sir, we have to take another road." The soldier on the co-pilot said to Makarov.

Makarov nodded, so far he didn't care what waves the militias in Kiev could make. All NATO troops had already withdrawn from here, and they were isolated and helpless.

The dead body of the capitalist was hanging from the telegraph pole, swaying in the wind.

Turning the steering wheel to the right, he drove the car into a narrow alleyway. At this moment, Poroshenko couldn't bear it anymore. He couldn't help asking, "Where are you taking me?"

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