USSR 1991

Page 58

Seeing that the fruits of victory are within easy reach, the higher-ups issued an order to prohibit the armored troops from advancing. Although they were a little dissatisfied with this order, the troops still dutifully followed the orders of the higher-ups, and stood still again.Create a ring around Grozny.

Grozny means terrible and cruel in the local Chechen dialect. The city of Grozny, which was established in 1918, was designed as a combat fortress.So Yanayev will not make the mistakes Yeltsin made back then.

Engels' air force base dispatched nearly fifteen strategic bombers to launch the "Black Friday" offensive on Friday, prepared nearly 170 napalm bombs, and flattened the entire Grozny.

The fierce war has calmed down for a while, and both sides are resting and preparing to fight again. No matter how cruel the war is, it can’t stop the devout Muslims from praying. They knelt on the ground and bowed in the direction of Mecca, chanting words .The mercenaries sent by the CIA of the United States squatted under the corner, watching the empty streets vigilantly.

The corpses of those Wahhabi Chechen militants lay in the middle of the road, and no one picked them up. No one dared to step out of the house, because Soviet snipers were watching every move outside through the windows, and they would kill them immediately if they found them.

The bodies of comrades in arms were torn apart by wild dogs, but they continued to pray, ignoring the situation outside.Even Western mercenaries can't stand this point anymore. If it weren't for the high salaries paid by the Chechen government and the CIA, they wouldn't want to stay here for a day.

"Islamic Wahhabi forces are a cancer of world civilization. They use war and turmoil to spread extreme religious teachings and imprison people's thoughts and freedom. They believe that it is not allowed to accept other civilizations and religions, even different factions of the same religion. Those who are willing to accept, in short, do not believe in their sects are heretics who must be executed."

A former Navy SEAL suddenly remembered this passage from an intelligence officer, but the potbellied intelligence officer added an intriguing sentence at the end, "If you can turn them into pawns to attack the socialist camp, no matter how much They are all allies of the United States."

"Oh, this is really fulfilling what the intelligence officer said." The mercenary threw away the empty magazine in his hand, picked up another magazine full of bullets, and thought that he would be the only one to finish the job. He has completely washed his hands of gold, and earned enough 30 during this period to allow him to open a small bar in the California countryside and spend the rest of his life in peace.

When he closes his eyes now, he will think of those children who were executed by Chechen soldiers a few days ago, just because they were members of the Sufi sect. He originally wanted to stop the Chechens from attacking, but was stopped by his companions. Tell him not to mind his own business.

"Because this is Chechnya, not America," said the companion.

Because of this incident, he also felt guilty for a long time, especially when he was sleeping, he would always dream of the innocent eyes of those children and the poor heads hanging on the telephone poles.

The buzzing of mosquitoes came from his ears, and the mercenary couldn't help but raised his head and looked out the window. There seemed to be some small black spots in the sky in front of him. Based on his past experience, he preliminarily judged that it was a bomber or another fighter plane. type.

"Huh? What's the sound?" His companion also sensed that something was wrong, and he secretly kicked the mercenary who stood up to observe.The other party covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "It was the Soviets who sent bombers to bombard the entire city."

"Ah?" His companion was a little panicked. He glanced at the Chechen soldiers who were praying, pointed at them, and asked, "Should we remind them?"

The former SEAL shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's enough for the two of us to know. There are anti-aircraft facilities under this building, which are prepared for the enemy's bombing. Let's sneak past it pretending not to care."

"But so to speak, they are also allies. Wouldn't it be too extreme to do so." The companion frowned and asked.

"Absolutely, yes, just do the absolute best." The mercenary said coldly, he didn't like these Chechens at all, so he wished that these people would die.The mercenary pretended to stand up and go outside to collect information, and his companions followed him out, but the Chechen soldiers who were concentrating on praying did not find anything wrong.The two quietly entered the isolation facility, and then closed the thick door.

More than a dozen Tu-95 bombers finally reached the sky over Grozny. This cobweb-like fortress city can withstand the invasion of armored forces, but they lost their anti-aircraft guns, but they could not stop the Soviet bombers with absolute air supremacy.

Each driver took aim at his target and dropped napalm on the nearly 100-year-old city.Dense forts and buildings cannot resist the spread of fire, and the dry climate also provides sufficient opportunities for the fire to burn.

It wasn't until a hot orange fireball shot up from the ground that the praying soldiers realized that the Soviet army had chosen to launch an air strike on their Friday prayer day.They wanted to go to the air defense facility to take refuge, but the gate had already been closed by the mercenaries who took the lead, and it was useless even if they beat outside.

Wherever the napalm bomb passed was a sea of ​​burning flames, and those who were contaminated by the jelly-like gasoline could not extinguish the burning flames on their bodies, even if they tore their skin and turned into pitch-black coke.Many Chechens who were not killed were struggling painfully in the sea of ​​fire. Just like the scriptures described, the sinners will surely suffer the death penalty in Hellfire.

The napalm bombs dropped by the bombers exploded into fireballs in various areas of Grozny, and the houses were engulfed in raging fire. The soldiers trapped in the buildings had no chance of escape, and were directly suffocated by the terrible smoke and die.

All of a sudden Grozny turned into hell. Except for a few soldiers who were lucky enough to hide in the underground air defenses, most of the people had no time to escape because of prayers.The last soldier who ran into the air-raid shelter turned his head and saw those burned monsters struggling in the sea of ​​flames, trying to climb to the position of the air-raid facility.

On this day, Grozny turned into burning ruins. The raging flames quickly spread throughout the city. The fire that illuminated the sky could be seen from afar, sending all the believers of the extreme teachings of Chechnya to the Hell of Fire among.

Chapter 124 The red flag of victory is flying

Grozny's hellfire burned until noon the next day, and most of the city turned into black ruins. Many armed personnel trapped in the city also died in the fire.After that, the armed forces still used the SU-25 attack aircraft and MI-24 helicopters to cover and advance, and the remaining armed personnel could not stop the advance of the Soviet army at all.They soon surrounded the presidential palace in Chechnya.

The last part of the regular army led by Maskhadov and the members of the Presidential Guard went into battle. This is the last stronghold in Chechnya. They have no way to retreat and nowhere to escape.The flag of the Soviet army's victory was already flying hundreds of meters away from the presidential palace. To them, it was both clear and dazzling.

The political commissar of the Soviet army stood tall under the ruins and shouted to the soldiers, "Comrades, the armored forces have crushed every terrorist who dared to resist our will. In front is the last stronghold of the rebels, the presidential palace in Chechnya. They are trying to resist, refuse to surrender, take this last stronghold, and kill them!"

Relying on the ruins of the buildings on both sides of the street as cover, the Soviet army launched a push attack. This is not World War II. The Soviet army, which has absolute air supremacy, can call for air support to strike. The -25 attack aircraft swept it into briquettes with cannons.

After the outer firepower strongholds were cleared, the unbearable soldiers took up their guns and charged in the direction of the Presidential Palace from all directions. If anyone has experienced World War II, they will find that this picture is composed of armored vehicles and tank troops. , as well as the picture of soldiers shouting Ulla to attack, just like the scene of attacking the Reichstag in Berlin in 1945.

"Come on!"

Facing the powerful torrent of steel, the last Chechen terrorists didn't even have a chance to surrender. As soon as those Chechens raised their guns and wanted to surrender, they were shot dead by soldiers without any mercy.Because the political commissar issued an order to the soldiers that, except for Dudayev and Maskhadov, all be executed and no prisoners should be kept.

Use this method of killing one to warn others to tell those Islamic extremists in the Caucasus that are about to move, this is the end of your attempt to split the country.

In the office of the Presidential Palace, Dudayev's face was pale. He looked at the overwhelming Soviet soldiers outside the window, and he never felt so desperate.He rejected Maskhadov's breakout and absconding, saying that he would swear to the death with the Chechen presidential palace.

"Mashhadov, after you escaped to the northern mountainous region of Chechnya, Basayev sent a message saying that he was not killed by the bombing and that he was hiding there with a small remnant of armed forces. You go to seek refuge He is accumulating strength for the re-rise of Chechnya, and avenging me." Before Maskhadov left, Dudayev explained the last thing. He said that he was gone, and Maskhadov must Take on the important task of continuing to fight for Chechnya's independence.

At the beginning of the fall of Grozny, Maskhadov, who was ordered in a critical situation, escaped disguised as a Soviet army, leaving Dudayev alone in the Chechen presidential palace to stabilize the morale of the army.

There was the sound of fierce firefights in the corridor, the screams of Chechen militants, the shouts of the Soviet army to attack, and the explosion of grenades from time to time, shaking the ceiling and shaking the dust on the ground.Dudayev just sat quietly in his seat, waiting for the arrival of the Soviet army.

The door of the presidential palace was kicked open, and soldiers rushed into the presidential office, aiming their guns at Dudayev.He slowly raised his hand, and said with a smile in front of a group of red-eyed soldiers, "Young man, take it easy. I don't have a weapon."

At the same time, the red flag symbolizing the Soviet Union was also flying above the presidential palace. The mighty Chechen War of Independence lasted for two months, and finally ended with the complete victory of the Soviet army.

The news that the Presidential Palace in Chechnya had been captured and Dudayev had been captured reached Moscow, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, secretly glad that this damn war was finally over.Only Yanayev frowned slightly when he heard the news, because Dudayev was the only one when the presidential palace was captured, and Maskhadov was missing.

"It seems that the matter is not over yet." Yanayev stubbed out his cigarette, picked up the phone and dialed Comrade Kryuchkov's number, and told him to pay attention to the movement of dangerous goods in Moscow during the recent period, especially It is necessary to pay attention to the white sugar flowing into the city, because Basayev mixed explosives into white sugar and mixed it into Moscow, causing a sensational subway bombing case.

Although Kryuchkov had some doubts, he faithfully carried out the orders issued by Yanayev to strengthen the security of Moscow and the surveillance in the Soviet Union.If the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB were previously the Soviet Union's terrorist means to control the people, then in the hands of Yanayev, these two notorious organizations have become shields and swords to safeguard the interests of the country and the people.

The war in Chechnya is over, but the situation in Chechnya is far from over.In addition to continuing to annihilate the armed forces of the remaining cities, we must also consider how to divide the new cake.After all, Kadyrov and his son are also watching every move of the central government, because after the war they are the most powerful armed forces in the entire Chechen territory.

Meanwhile, images of the red flag flying over the presidential palace in Chechnya, juxtaposed with Yanayev's generous speech before the army march, made headlines in Moscow newspapers.The Yanayev accurately captured by the military reporters is like the stalwart figure of Comrade Lenin when he made a speech, and he has the courage of a supreme leader in every gesture.Even the content of the title implies a satire on the Gulf War.

"Our leaders encourage soldiers on the most dangerous front lines, while leaders of other countries chat and drink coffee in the safety of the back."

All these propaganda offensives are due to the Propaganda Minister Surkov who has been working hard to create a steel and people-friendly image for Yanayev.

The first urgent thing after the war is to try the reactionary rebels.Almost a few days after Yanayev declared the end of the war, the Soviet Supreme Court ushered in two special prisoners, former Georgian President Zvyad and Chechen armed forces leader Dudayev.This is almost a trial without any suspense. Except that Western newspapers will advocate them as free and dedicated heroes, Soviet newspapers without exception denounce their behavior of splitting the motherland.

In addition to the Supreme Court sentenced Zvyad and Dudayev, other regions also brought those intellectuals who advocated freedom to court, but none of them were convicted for freedom of speech, they were all convicted for other reasons Sentenced to imprisonment.

Sentencing them on the same day as Dudayev is also a political signal released by Yanayev. This is the Soviet Union, the world of the proletarian people, and the heresy that advocates evil capitalism to control the country will be sanctioned and punished!

In the end, under the conclusive evidence, Zvyad and Dudayev were sentenced to life imprisonment in the Vorkuta prison in Siberia for the crimes of starting a war, inhumane massacres and treason. A prison for special prisoners. This is a gift specially prepared by Yanayev for liberals. Political prisoners and intellectuals who advocate Western freedom will be sent here to receive baptism in Marxism and education in coal mining.

Moreover, Yanayev also put the biographical information of these jumping clowns on the table. After carefully reading their "glorious history", he felt that the public knowledge in the world is the same thing. He looks dead, but in fact he is full of thieves and prostitutes.

That being the case, then Yanayev also decided to play a dark humorous joke with this group of people, didn't he shout all day long to care about the suffering of the working people?Then you first experience the hard work of the people at the bottom.Comrades, the coal mines of Siberia need you, hurry up and contribute to the motherland.

This is a small-scale political purge. Those who advocate freedom and split the motherland will all be assigned to mine coal in Siberia. I will make you regret the act of splitting the motherland!

Chapter 125 Crazy Ivan

The report published by the Soviet Union, "Our leaders encourage soldiers on the most dangerous front lines, while leaders of other countries chat and drink coffee in the safe rear" was reprinted in a column by some American newspapers to satirize Washington for not caring about The economy does not care about people's livelihood.

In 1990, the United States experienced a periodical economic crisis again. In the eyes of some journalists and political commentators, the Gulf War was an interventional war to divert domestic attention.

However, the Bush administration has become immune to the cynicism of the Soviet Union. After all, Uncle Sam has been shameless for so many years, and his calloused skin has been tempered.On the contrary, a group of intellectuals in the United States who were dissatisfied with the government applauded the Soviet article, accusing the U.S. government of disregarding people's living standards and economic recession and depression, and only thinking about its evil dream of global domination.

The submarine commander Marcos Remus was reading the news about Chechnya's victory in the Moscow newspaper with relish in his room. He was the captain of the Sierra-class nuclear submarine K-276 of the Northern Fleet.Now his nuclear submarine has just left the port of Murmansk and is preparing to perform routine patrol missions in the Arctic Ocean.

The patrol mission is long and boring. The only hope of the sailors on the ship is to meet the tracking American submarine to stimulate their nerves, especially to use the crazy Ivan to scare the other party into a cold sweat.

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