USSR 1991

Page 66

The neighbor in the south wanted to buy the [-]-ton hydraulic press from the Soviet Union. It was quickly reported and presented to Yanayev’s desk. This kind of thing that is closely related to the country’s heavy industry foundation was originally a secret that should not be sold to the outside world, but Yana Yev directly signaled to Ryzhkov that as long as the price they offer is reasonable, we will reach this deal that you like.

After the armored forces in the Far East were abolished, the neighbors in the south let go of their inner fears and began to exchange checkpoints.The Soviet Union began to attract people from other countries to go north to develop agriculture with a large number of preferential policies, and the governments of other countries also encouraged their people to go abroad and go to northern countries to earn foreign exchange and increase income.

The current Soviet Union is like a menacing gold-swallowing monster. Whether it is drinking poison to quench thirst or a long stream of water, he chooses to swallow all the benefits that can be converted into money without hesitation, so as to make up for the long-term deformed and unbalanced body.

And the boldness of the Soviet Union gave the neighbors to the south a vague illusion, as if the one sitting opposite was no longer the gun barrel facing each other, trying to push his enemy flat with the torrent of steel.Instead, he became the only big brother of the Soviet Union who was willing to help him in the most difficult moment.

However, a country that has gradually matured on the international political stage is no longer the regime that did not ask for anything in return, but also tightened its belt to support its allies.After experiencing the betrayal of a group of white-eyed wolves, he is more proficient in calculations and plots than others.When faced with Yanayev's generosity, he still paid the Soviet Union a considerable amount in accordance with the regulations and procedures.The only difference from the previous transaction was that this time they did not choose to bargain with the Soviet Union, but agreed to the reasonable price proposed by the Soviet Union.

It's just that everyone knows that they only have a cooperative relationship of interests left. The pure revolutionary class friendship disappeared many years ago with the dissipation of the honeymoon period of Sino-Soviet relations.

Yanayev looked at the already yellowed poster of Sino-Soviet relations and friendship in his hand, feeling a little mixed in his heart.This picture album scattered among the people was passed through many hands before it reached Yanayev's hands. It experienced a period of friendship in the 50s, and later the relationship turned bad, and now the relationship has resumed normalization.

He also remembered that at the previous meeting, when some people opposed the sale of the [-]-ton hydraulic press by the Soviet Union, Yanayev refuted them plausibly, "Perhaps in this world, it is our last ally. Don't you just watch the Soviet Union arrive? Alone at the end, surrounded by the countries of the world like Hitler?"

It's not that these people can't see the current situation clearly, it's just that they have been rendered dogmatic for a long time and they don't think it is necessary to use this method to make friends with the southern countries, but only Yanayev can see clearly that the Soviet Union's desperate efforts to win over will inevitably lead to a catastrophe in the Atlantic Ocean. The vigilance of another country outside the country.They all fell in love with this potential power and its future position in world politics.

Yanayev continued, "We have changed from offensive to defensive in the European battlefield. Our sphere of influence has been gradually eroded by the West. Every day when you open the news, you can see which country has joined the European Community and which country has won Western economic aid. These countries that are hostile to the Soviet Union will not hesitate to be a pawn and serve the Western dignitaries."

"The internal troubles desperately trying to push the wall, and the foreign troubles holding a battering ram ready to break in at any time. Are all these what you comrades want to see?"

Although politics emphasizes national interests, there are only eternal interests and no eternal friends, the relationship between China and the Soviet Union is too delicate and complicated. Although there have been wars in history, at the last moment of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, only China Standing quietly in the birch forest where we once met, before the incomplete tombstone of sickle and hammer, we regret the lost red empire that guided us forward.

Yanayev finally convinced everyone and provided the neighbors in the south with the [-]-ton hydraulic press they urgently needed to solve the most urgent problems in industrial manufacturing.

This incident was called an ice-breaking trip by China and the Soviet Union.

After seeing the news, the United States, which just ended the honeymoon period between China and the United States, immediately reacted to whether Sino-Soviet relations had begun to warm up again.After the upheaval in Eastern Europe in 1989, the honeymoon period between the two countries that began in the late 70s ended completely due to political incidents. Since then, Sino-US relations have become normalized and are no longer as gluey as before.

President Bush, who has not left office, has two choices. One is to continue to win over China and obstruct the normalization of Sino-Soviet relations.The second is to list China as the target of sanctions and suppression, and carry out economic and military blockades, in order to achieve China's surrender and cut off the opportunity to regain friendship with the Soviet Union.

An ambitious country is rising, and the other is an empire that has declined but still has its roots. The ability of the two countries to join forces is enough to compete with a group of old industrial countries in Western Europe and the United States.

Igorberg put his opinion before the President of the United States, "We advocate the EU countries to impose an economic blockade on China, an arms embargo, and prevent the rise of another red country. Western European countries, which are deeply tortured by the shadow of communism, will inevitably vigorously Support. Then we only support the arms embargo, but we still maintain good economic cooperation with China.”

"In fact, it is not completely an arms embargo. We can sell some weapons that do not involve confidentiality but they lack to their country through Israel. In fact, the republic still needs to import a large number of Black Hawk helicopter parts from our country, so We can also consider this aspect." Although the honeymoon relationship was severed after [-], Igorberg never wanted the East Asian country to completely fall to his old rival.

The only thing they can do is to keep that country on the sidelines in an impartial direction.

The thawing and normalization of Sino-Soviet relations made it possible for the United States to increase arms sales to retain East Asian countries.After all, Sikorsky once hoped to sell about [-] Black Hawk helicopters to East Asian countries, but it fell through after the honeymoon relationship ended in [-].

Igorberg knows the importance of economically cooperating with newly emerging countries. With a huge market of 13 billion people, only those fools in Europe who have not turned the corner from the Cold War mentality are still thinking about how to contain a new round of The expansion of redism.

"In terms of the specific situation, I hope that Minister Igorberg can come up with a reliable plan for reference. If possible, I hope to let Sikorsky people through some channels to avoid the European arms embargo. Bill, secretly passed through Israel to export those weapons to countries in East Asia."

"Okay." Igorberg nodded. This time they were going to cheat their European allies once. On December 1991, 12, the European Community summit passed the "European Union Treaty" and decided to change the name of the European Community to Europe. alliance.The treaty stipulates that, no later than January 10, 1999, if the European Council confirms that more than 1 member states meet the "convergence criteria", the single currency can be implemented.This is not a good thing for the United States, which is determined to maintain its global financial hegemony.

"Also, we can also release the wind and prepare to propose a new round of arms sales to the island chain countries to curb the development of the navies of East Asian countries and lock them on the continental shelf. If you get a lack of weapons in your hands, you will also think carefully when the national interests are damaged."

"This is my plan. I also use internal and external troubles to persecute them and exert diplomatic pressure, President Bush." ​​Secretary of State Igorberg pushed his glasses, and the light reflected from the lenses made it difficult to see his eyes clearly.

"Very good." After listening to Igorberg's plan, Bush nodded in satisfaction. There are still five months before the next presidential election. Chess game, to maintain their status as a world power.All in all, if it goes well, everyone except the Americans, including the EU, will lose in this game.

"By next week, submit the detailed plan steps to me, Igor Berg. I think this time, our allies will make a small sacrifice to contain the development of the red wave for the time being." President Bush is very Don't be shy and say.

Chapter 1 Forty

One of the most troublesome things for Yanayev is to coordinate the conflict between Chemezov and Victor. Although Chemezov is Victor's superior in name, in fact Chemezov As Yanayev's right-hand man and Victor, he has an inseparable relationship.Chemezov maintains the country's ostensible military interests, while Victor handles the gray area of ​​arms revenue and collects some underground intelligence through his special status as a death merchant.

Therefore, when Victor reported to Yanayev that the American Sikorsky company was about to start a Black Hawk helicopter deal with China, it was blocked by Chemezov, and the two even quarreled in the office.In short, this is an intelligence agent who sells arms and likes to give Europe a sick look every now and then.

For example, Victor generously sold a batch of C-4 explosives and detonators to the Irish Republican Army, which was shrinking due to suppression by the Iron Maiden, through a third-party platform.And tell these people that detonating the London Underground can cause a global sensation.As for the day when London will cause a big riot, that is not what he cares about.

For example, after the United States launched the Gulf War, it aroused the resentment of the religious world in the Middle East. Some extremists even targeted the United States and Western Europe. Victor took the opportunity to fan the flames and resold a large amount of arms to the Islamic world.

"Let me tell you, Comrade Victor, I have never heard of the incident you mentioned. Assuming you are telling him something that is completely out of nothing, you are also responsible for yourself." Chemezov said angrily.It is impossible for him to tell the general secretary this unconfirmed news on the basis of one-sided words and influence Moscow's judgment.Especially now that the relationship between the two countries is in a delicate state.

"What is something made out of nothing?" Hearing this sentence, Victor was a little angry. He had seen too many deaths in the war zone, and he lived a precarious life every day. This is not a decent job. No, your next month's salary will be sent to your family in the form of inheritance.

"Comrade Chemezov, please clarify one thing. You are just sitting in the office with the air conditioner blowing on, and you are followed by a car team when you go out. I am different. Do you know why I am called a death merchant? ?Because every time I enter a war-torn area, the number of guards who are responsible for accompanying me will survive no more than five."

"I try my best to collect intelligence from the front line every day and provide the most reliable judgment for the motherland. This is what I want to do, not for people like you!" Victor roared at Chemezov.

"Enough! Both of you, please be quiet." In the end, Yanayev's severe criticism stopped the two people from arguing, and he asked, "Where did you get this news?"

Victor put it in his pocket and said nonchalantly, "I have an informant in Sikorsky, and all the information is bought at a price. Recently, one of my old customers wanted to get some information about Sikorsky through me. technical information. And this news was also provided to me by him.”

"Is it accurate?" Yanayev asked.

"Unless that guy plans to spend the rest of his life in prison in the United States, the last guy who gave me false information died in the desert, and no one has been able to find the body until now." Victor glanced at Cheme next to him Zoff snorted coldly, "Some people don't educate me with the office's set of requirements all day long. People like this can't survive more than two chapters in the novel."

"You!" Chemezov wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Yanayev's eyes. He crossed his hands and held his chin, and asked, "So do we have anything comparable to the Black Hawk helicopter?" Yanayev scratched his head. He didn't expect that after seven years, Sikorsky would still be trading with the Chinese side.

It's just that I'm afraid that this so-called private transaction is actually managed by both governments behind the scenes.

However, Victor gave Yanayev a disappointing answer, "Unfortunately, among the helicopters currently in service in the Soviet Union, there is no one that can match the combat capability of the Black Hawk plateau. If you have to say it, the Mi-17 It may be more suitable for the Chinese side. Service has proved that the Mi-17 is suitable for use in plain areas and has high transportation efficiency. And it has been improved to basically meet the use in plateau areas. American helicopters are indeed far ahead of us in this regard.”

After talking about the shortcomings, Victor also mentioned his advantages by the way, "Although the main components of the Mi-17 have a short working life, the aircraft has mature technology, high cost performance, good economical practicability, large cabin space, and strong carrying capacity. And a very big advantage is that the price of our Mi-17 helicopter is two-thirds lower than that of the Black Hawk, which is our strength."

"We can do this. As long as China buys a helicopter, we will provide a set of replaceable parts, and the price of these things will be included in the total unit price. And we can also provide free maintenance for the first and second times. The Blackhawks are better, but we can surprise other players."

"That's an idea. Well, Comrade Victor, you go to the Kazan aviation factory as a representative of the government to provide them with this large order. This factory has been half dead since last year."

"But we don't know yet whether the Chinese representative will pay the bill." Victor shrugged, "I am only responsible for providing information."

"Then you have one more task now, go to the capital to meet the military representatives over there. I will ask Chemezov to communicate with the Soviet Union and ask for the opinions of the Chinese side." Yanayev directly threw it to Victor has a new mission.

"But we only sold 24 Kazan helicopters to them last year. If we go again now, will we be directly rejected?" Chemezov said hesitantly.

"Last year?" Yanayev slapped his head and almost forgot about it. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, and said, "Last year we sold ordinary Mi-17 helicopters. You tell them our helicopters this year All the professionally formulated plateau versions are naturally different. They are more adaptable to the harsh plateau conditions. Moreover, we already have ready-made plateau modification projects, so we don’t need to spend time and energy on research and development.”

It seems that Yanayev did everything he could to disrupt the American business. The United States wanted to block the further development of Sino-Soviet relations, and Yanayev was the first to disagree.

"Okay, I will complete the task assigned by the general secretary." Victor nodded slightly, said goodbye to Yanayev, put on his hat and turned to go out. He was the only secret figure allowed to freely enter and exit the Kremlin.

It’s just that Chemezov asked somewhat puzzled, “General Secretary, why did you agree to Victor’s request? You must know that he is just a free trader who sells arms. To put it bluntly, you and I may not be able to guarantee him loyalty."

"Among so many countries in the world, why is it that only the five permanent members of the United Nations have the most terrible arms sales?" Yanayev asked Chemezov for no reason.

"Huh?" Chemezov was slightly taken aback, and he didn't understand why the general secretary asked such a question.

"Sometimes it is very embarrassing to find the fingerprints of leaders on guns. Whether it is the United States or us, we all need free businessmen like Victor to work for the country. Only in this way, the amount is huge and considerable. Arms revenue can become an important source of finance for us. Otherwise, why can we start another war in Chechnya when the economy is so depressed?"

"Also, do you really think that I will 100% believe the information he provided? The KGB department also specially set up a team to monitor Victor's every move. With the increasing gray income, it is difficult for me to Guarantee that Victor will not be tempted when faced with such interests. So Comrade Chemezov, I will handle some things more easily than you, so you should do the job at hand before you talk about it." Yanaye The husband said earnestly.

For a moment Chemezov was speechless.

Yanayev held his chin and said slowly, "Maybe the only difference between us and the Americans is that the Americans are for their own interest groups, while we are for the interests of the people."

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