USSR 1991

Page 74

Even Kozlovich, the representative of the United Nations and the Soviet Union, did not know what the high-level Moscow was thinking. He just received a call from the Kremlin, emphasizing that he should put forward an attitude of peacefully resolving the incident in Bosnia and Herzegovina before the vote. , to everyone's surprise, cast an abstention vote.

Adhering to the principle of "we must oppose whatever the Soviet Union supports, and we must resist whatever the Soviet Union calls out", the representatives of the United States, France and the United Kingdom celebrated a little bit, and only Kozlovich silently pushed He took off his glasses and stared gloomyly at the backs of the representatives of the Three Kingdoms as they walked further and further away.

"Do you really think this is over?" He raised the corners of his mouth, looking at the representatives leaving one after another with some reluctance, and the third country representatives who looked disappointed when they passed by Kozlovich, Koz Lovech clenched his right hand, holding a crumpled note in his hand, with only a few short sentences on it, waiting for orders.

On the Bosnian Serb side, Karadzic also felt something was wrong.The lower-level officers reported that the Croats and Muslims on the opposite side seemed to have obtained a batch of Chinese-made Kalashnikov rifles, Type 63 107mm rocket launchers, and some Soviet-made AKM rifles from nowhere.In particular, the Type 63 rocket launcher's attack on the armed pickup was simply fatal, and the pace of the Serbian offensive was greatly slowed down.

Even if Karadzic could guess that one of the five permanent members of the United Nations sold his arms to the opposite competitor, he would never have thought that it was actually China and the Soviet Union who jointly sold arms to both sides of the war, but the Soviet Union half Selling half of Serbia's heavy weapons is a little more, and China sells light weapons to Croatian guerrillas more frequently.

When Karadzic complained to Victor, he just suggested that the other party buy more tanks and heavy artillery.And said that there is no guerrilla that one T72 tank can't solve, if there are, then two.What?Already out of USD FX?That's simple, your gold savings and your resources can all be mortgaged to us.

Even knowing that the other party was urging him to jump into a fire pit, Karadzic still walked forward helplessly.If you go forward, you may die, but if you go backward, you will definitely die.Karadzic, who finally understood that this was a hoax, could no longer break free from the dog leash around the Soviet Union's neck.

In this way, China and the Soviet Union used arms sales to kidnap the three ethnic groups on the land of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.The Soviet Union said that I will do things like buying and selling arms, and I will be responsible for the reconstruction of urban facilities after the war, and you will be responsible for collecting money with local minerals as collateral. The division of labor and cooperation will drain the blood of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, making it a Soviet sphere of influence and inserting it into the Mediterranean Sea. a chess piece.

When the benefits of the Serbs are about the same, whether it is the militaristic Bosnian Serbs or the Serbian Republic that supports the great unity, they will all become debt slaves of the Soviet Union. At that time, the Serbs who owe China and the Soviet Union two huge sums of money will still want to Have independent ideas?

A mighty Serbian empire?Do your Spring and Autumn Dreams.

But at this time Yanayev still needs the Republic of Serbia to continue to shine. Just on the first night before the UN resolution came into effect, the last batch of obsolete arms from the Soviet Union was sent to the territory of Serbia, including some Outdated Sam 3 missiles, T54 tanks that can fight for another century.

Although the performance of the Sam 3 missile is mediocre and its performance is not good, it also has a record of shooting down the US F1999 stealth fighter jet in the Kosovo War in 117.So Yanayev was simply sold to the Yugoslav government.He hoped that under his own intervention, whether it was the Kosovo War in 1999 or the official disintegration of Yugoslavia in 2003, changes would occur in his own hands.

So when Yanayev received a questioning call from Milosevic on the phone, he continued to fan the flames, "Unfortunately, Chairman Milosevic. We have no ability to stop NATO's resolutions on UN agencies. Please understand the Soviet Union’s difficulties. As for the batch of arms, let’s regard it as a little compensation from the Soviet Union to its friends.”

So far, Yanayev does not want to have a direct conflict with NATO. In order to protect a thankless country, it may be jointly dealt with by other countries. This is not the situation Yanayev, who wants to sneak behind the scenes, wants to see. .

"This is the President Yanayev, which is different from what we said at the beginning." Milosevic's voice was obviously a little angry. If Yanayev could see him now, Milosevic would be Pacing back and forth in the bedroom with a sullen expression on his face, "You promised to have peace negotiations between the three races on the Bosnia-Herzegovina issue, why did you go back on your word at this time? Now NATO is already planning to implement air strikes and economic blockade."

"You will sit at the negotiating table to resolve this issue, I assure you, Milosevic. But not now, NATO countries are not willing to let you sit down and negotiate easily, then we must let NATO countries see you determination, understand?"

Milosevic's footsteps stopped. He recalled what Victor hinted at that time before, and couldn't help but blurt out, "You mean us..."

"I don't know anything, Milosevic, it's your decision. I have no right to interfere." Yanayev interrupted Milosevic before he could reveal the terrible plan. , he said, "But you have to pick the right people and define this plan as a spontaneous act of Serbian nationalists, not a conspiracy with government manipulation or interference behind it, understand? Everything has to be done seamlessly. "

Yanayev is only in the role of instigating the prisoner, so he is not afraid of facing NATO's accusations after the incident.The Soviet Union did not take any action, so NATO could not find an excuse to suppress it.

"There is one more problem you have to deal with, Milosevic." Yanayev said, "Do you remember saying a word?" Kosovo, as the birthplace of the first Serbian kingdom in history, who Whoever abandons it will become an eternal sinner in the eyes of the Serbs. Now the ethnic conflicts between the Serbs and the Albanians are becoming more and more acute, and if they are not properly handled, it will cause a chain reaction.”

"What do you mean by bringing this up? President Yanayev." Milosevic mistakenly thought that Yanayev was going to make a fuss about the Kosovo issue.

"It doesn't mean much, Milosevic. I just don't want to see Kosovo end up like Bosnia and Herzegovina." Yanayev is well aware of how the group of Albanian Islamic reproductive cancers use uterine weapons to occupy the population The advantage is how to use violent and bloody means to expel local Serbian civilians, leading to the complete greening of Kosovo.

Kosovo Albanian Islam once planned several large-scale bloody conflicts, resulting in more than 850 casualties. Albanian extremists also burned more than 420 medieval Serb churches and [-] Serb houses, causing a large number of Serb residents to be forced flee from home.Since then, the shadow of green cancer has enveloped the entire sky of Kosovo.

"The best way is to completely expel this group of people from the land, as Stalin did back then, to disperse them and make them unable to reunite. Of course, if you don't want to do it yourself, I can let an international Armed groups work for you, as long as you can afford to pay them to operate."

"War against the Albanians?" Milosevic said hesitantly. Now his eyes were focused on the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and he didn't have much energy to pay attention to the Kosovo issue.

"It's not a declaration of war. We just need to let the Albanians in Kosovo be shrouded in the shadow of death all day long. They will be forced to compromise and submit, just like those religious extremists treated your people back then."

Just imagine, an armed force that is not under the jurisdiction of the government and claims to be loyal to the Serbs is active on the land of Kosovo, and adopts extreme means of bombing and attacking Albanian residences to cause panic among the Albanians, and then the Albanians begin to panic. live in peace, or evacuate from Kosovo.

Once the mass base is lost, the armed riots in Albania will have no soil to survive.The best way to cut off the foundation of the people is to harass and attack. However, this kind of practice that will be condemned by the international community cannot be done by the government forces themselves, and must be agents that are secretly supported.

Political correctness and a halo of the Virgin?Yanayev never thought that this kind of thing could be eaten, not to mention that Yanayev's methods were nothing compared to the despicableness of the CIA.

Seeing that Milosevic was still a little uneasy, Yanayev continued to enlighten him with a smile, "The other party is just a military mercenary group, which will not have much impact on the general situation in Serbia. I can assure you of the loyalty of this army. degree. Although violence is not the best way to resolve disputes, it is definitely the most direct way.”

Chapter 156 The Great Heroic Spirit

Kryuchkov and Pugo have never been as busy as this April. In order to protect this temporary organization and show a grand military parade, they both inside and out the hidden dangers that may exist around the Red Square On the other hand, for the Soviet people, this may be an ordinary military parade, but for Yanayev, the significance of this military parade is no less than that of the Red Army Parade on November 1941, 11. A big parade.

Yanayev is arranging his suit in front of the mirror. This is the first time he has appeared in front of the leaders of socialist countries, except Castro of Cuba, General Secretary Du Mai of Vietnam, representative of the Republic of Mongolia, Czechoslovakia The leader of the Republic Jan Strusky, the leader of North Korea, and representatives of the neighbors to the south.The mighty socialist camp fell apart with Gorbachev's stupid reforms, and now there are only six countries that are tenaciously surviving in the precarity.

Yanayev looked at his haggard self in the mirror, and took a deep breath. He didn't know how to face his former allies. Because of the mistakes of a stupid leader, the entire country that could compete with the West The faction no longer exists.The Soviets are worthy of the leaders of those socialist countries.

At this time, the door behind him rang, and Yanayev said please come in.Pugo and Kryuchkov set up one after another from outside the door. They reported to Yanayev, "Everything has been arranged, General Secretary Yanayev. We will arrange the security this time. watertight."

"Hmm." Yanayev replied, then turned around and said to Pugo, "How about the security measures of the leaders of various countries? If there is any accident in the military parade, they must be the first to ensure their safety, you know?"

"There will never be any accidents in the military parade." Pugo emphasized again, and he said with some doubts, "But General Secretary Yanayev, I have never seen you worry like you are now. Could it be that this Is there anything in the military parade that you are particularly concerned about?"

"It's nothing, I'm just feeling a little emotional." Looking at the colorful flags flying outside the window of the Kremlin, Yanayev said slowly, "Everyone, I miss the once glorious Soviet. All sentient beings. Instead of wearing gorgeous clothes on the outside as they are now, they are already rotten. It only takes a slight shock, and the entire Soviet Union will fall apart."

"But we survived the most difficult times, didn't we?" KGB Chairman Kryuchkov said, "Everyone thought that the Soviet Union would cease to exist in the August [-]th coup, but we still survived, and the Soviet Union It is still one of the few superpowers. Isn’t it all thanks to General Secretary Yanayev? Although we have suffered setbacks, the Soviet will not fall, and we will only get better and better.”

"I also believe that the Soviet Union will get better and better." Yanayev smiled at the two of them. On this festive day, he shouldn't put on a sad face. Yanayev restrained his expression and spoke calmly. He said to the two people around him, "Let us go to Red Square now to inspect the army and meet the eyes of the people."

The clean and tidy Red Square in Moscow is preparing to welcome the arrival of the army. The blue sky and the red walls of the Kremlin contrast with each other. The crowds that have already gathered are looking forward to the inspection phalanx passing by.Those Soviet World War II veterans also gathered together, quietly waiting for the start of the military parade.

Some of them also stood in disheveled clothes on Red Square in November 1941, waiting for the call to assemble. They also saw the brutal artillery fire of the German Nazis and the blurred backs facing the bullets.He also followed the torrent of steel into Berlin and witnessed the flag of victory being planted on the roof of the Reichstag.

They are proud of the strength of their motherland. Although the war deprived them of their most precious things, the great motherland did not let these war-torn people lose more.

Veteran Vasily participated in a grand military parade for the first time. He came from a small town in the country and looked at the solemn Red Square in Moscow. He instantly remembered those comrades who had long been separated from him, and said with a sob, "Did you see that?" ? Dear comrades-in-arms, this is the powerful motherland you have been looking forward to!"

Before the ceremony began, Vasily visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden outside the red wall of the Kremlin on the northwest side of Red Square, leaning on crutches and supported by others.It was built on the eve of the Victory Day of the Great Patriotic War in 1967. On the dark red marble mausoleum facing north and east-west, there are bronze sculptures of steel helmets and military flags on the west side.

There is a convex five-star torch in front of the tomb. The flame ejected from the center of the five-star has been burning since it was built and has never been extinguished, symbolizing that the spirit of the martyrs will always shine on the world.

Vasily put pure white flowers in front of the tombstone. This tombstone built to commemorate the unknown martyrs who died in the Great Patriotic War reminded him for a moment of his comrades who resisted the Nazis in the trenches.Between the blurred eyes of tears, it seems to have seen the artillery fire that once raged, and the never-ending footsteps of the comrades who have been advancing.

"Dear comrades-in-arms, after so many years, I finally have the opportunity to see you again. Although I don't know where your corpses are buried in the motherland, I know that your souls will gather in this place and never die. So I choose to be here to present this bouquet of flowers to you."

What stands in front of Vasili is not a cold tombstone, but an immortal monument poured by countless martyrs with their blood and souls.The great heroic spirit is still holding a steel gun, standing in front of the unnamed tombstone, defending every inch of the motherland's territory, and never leaving the motherland.

Because of the imminent military parade on Red Square, the Alexander Garden looked extraordinarily quiet, only the burning flames accompanied Vasily, just like his former comrades-in-arms were talking and laughing with him.

"Thank you to the great martyrs for everything you have dedicated. It is your sacrifice of life and death that brought about the prosperity of our great motherland. Your achievements will be remembered forever by the world." The quiet atmosphere of the unnamed tombstone was broken, and Vasily appeared beside him A tender little girl was chosen, and she also added a bouquet of small flowers to the unnamed tombstone.

The little girl came here from Volgograd with her father to participate in this annual celebration.Before that, her father had been telling him the great stories of the heroes of World War II, so the little girl also wanted to visit the Tombstone of the Unknown Soldier. She said that when she grows up, she will be like those heroes, inheriting the will of the ancestors and defending the great country.

Vasily caressed the tombstone lightly. His white-haired face was engraved on the mirror-smooth marble tombstone, as well as the faces of the young soldiers wearing steel helmets that he saw suddenly.He knew that this was an illusion that had plagued him all these years.Those comrades died long ago in the cold winter of 1941. When they were gray-haired, their young, never-ageing faces were engraved on the tombstones.

"Look, isn't this the grand scene of the motherland that you wanted to see at the beginning? Our flesh and blood have brought us a stable and strong country, and the people will always remember you, just like remembering the October Revolution. Sacrifice. Your great deeds will never die, and your spirit will live forever."

After Vasily finished speaking, a wind blew up in the tranquil Alexander Garden, and the green pines on both sides began to sway, and the pine branches collided with each other to make a wave-like sound, just like those dead people were responding to Vasily's words.

"Grandpa, who are you talking to?" the little girl asked timidly in an immature voice, apparently it was Vasily's soliloquy that frightened her.At this time, the little girl's father was not around, so she quietly came over to ask Vasily.

"The person on the tombstone." Vasily looked at her gaze like autumn water, and said seriously.

The little girl also imitated Vasily and stared at the tombstone for a long time, but she didn't see the so-called person on the tombstone. She shook her head, pointed at the tombstone, and said to the weird old man in front of her, "You are lying to me, where is the person on the tombstone?" Who is there, look, there are only me and your reflection."

"Little girl, of course you can't see it, because I am the only one who can see these people." Vasily looked at the gradually blurred young faces on the tombstone, and said to himself, "They are all great heroic spirits."

Chapter 157 Unprecedented Grand Event

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