USSR 1991

Page 77

Putin deliberately exaggerated the facts. After hearing his words, the overwhelmed parents also worried that their recklessness would harm the children inside, so they unloaded the weapons and handed them over to the soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for safekeeping.Putin cleverly resolved a potential crisis by taking advantage of the parents' eagerness to save people.

"Please wait patiently. We will definitely resolve this attack properly and give everyone an explanation." Seeing that most of the parents put down their guns, Putin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Ideological work can still be done, if it is delayed for half a day, it might not be possible.

"Commander, I have a request." The parent standing beside him said emotionally, "I beg you to give me a chance to shoot the terrorists. Anyone who hurts my son, I will never let him go!"

"Don't worry, the Soviet Union will not promise to let those terrorists live. They will execute all of them."

Putin at this moment showed the toughness and determination of the Kremlin's future gray cardinal.

Chapter 161 The Beslan Incident (2)

Not only the Soviet people are concerned about the safety of the Beslan Middle School hostages, but even Chechen armed leader Kadyrov is also closely watching the development of this incident in his safe villa.Because this incident is very likely to affect the legal status of the Sufi faction in Chechnya and Moscow's attitude towards the Chechen armed forces.

So Kadyrov, regardless of other people's objections, insisted on appearing in front of the TV station and issuing a statement strongly condemning the extremist armed forces.Although this approach has little effect on the hostage incident, the most important thing is to show Moscow an attitude that his armed faction is on Moscow's side and has no connection with the group of Wahhabi terrorists.

"My father, it is enough for me or Uncle Ahmadov to make such a statement. It is too dangerous for you to show your face. You know those extreme armed forces, especially Doc Umarov. A reward of [-] U.S. dollars. At this time, you have to step out of the safe house, so Wuya provides these people with an opportunity to attack."

Little Kadyrov stood in front of his father, watching him take off the camouflage uniform that symbolized defiance, and put on a dark gray suit for the first time.Kadyrov Jr. could guess from the change of serving that his father's doing so means that he will thoroughly communicate with Moscow through peace talks to resolve the endless wars and explosions that have occurred in the past six months.

"Opportunities and dangers go hand in hand, my child." Kadyrov turned around after putting on his tie, and said with a smile, "Although the Soviet armed forces have eliminated most of the Chechen extremists, it is now impossible for them to come back. We have firmly controlled our life and death as before. Moscow has solved the most difficult opponent for the Sufis, and then they will support a pro-Soviet Chechen agent no matter what.”

"In a real sense, we have broken away from the control of the Soviet Union and become an independent country. Moreover, after the Soviet army took control of Chechnya, they did not attack the Sufi territory anymore, so if we let those extreme armed forces continue to make trouble, I'm afraid It would be bad for us."

Kadyrov is most worried about this matter. The increasingly extreme approach of the Wahhabi faction will cause great misunderstanding to the Muslims in Chechnya. What's next?Yanayev, who couldn't bear it, estimated that he would destroy the entire Chechnya with bombs.

So at this time, Kadyrov must be the first to jump out to support Moscow and condemn the extremists' practices, which is also to show his loyalty to Yanayev.

"I understand all these principles, father." Little Kadyrov helped his father hang up the bulletproof vest, and after checking that there was no negligence, he helped him put on the suit.Standing behind Kadyrov, he whispered, "Actually, the best way to show our loyalty is to give Moscow all the information on extremists in our hands as a bargaining chip after this incident is over. In this way, the Kremlin will at least understand Be grateful."

"You must not think so." Kadyrov turned his head, and blamed Kadyrov Jr. in a somewhat displeased tone, "It is correct to hand over information as a bargaining chip, but there is no gratitude between political interests. The Soviet Union Originally, we did not want to continue the war, and when we saw our attitude of understanding the overall situation, we would naturally prefer more peace talks. But we should not give up our vigilance against the Soviet armed forces, and force is the last resort.”

"I see, father." After experiencing a series of previous incidents, little Kadyrov was obviously more mature than before, and he no longer thought about refuting his father's words.

At this moment, the door behind little Kadyrov was gently pushed open, and Kadyrov's assistant Ahmadov walked in. He said to Kadyrov, "We are ready to go. I have arranged nearly More than 40 guards escorted the convoy."

Kadyrov shook his head and rejected such an approach, "They really want to kill me, a bullet or an improvised bomb is enough, there is no need to take such a mobilizing form. I understand the thinking of those extremists."

Hearing what Kadyrov said, Ahmadov quickly bowed his head and said sorry, he will go to rearrange the staff again.

But Kadyrov didn't blame him, he just waved his hand to hit Ahmadov.He stroked his son's hair and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my boy, I'll be back soon."

"Please be careful." Little Kadyrov emphasized again. For some reason, ever since his father decided to go to the TV station, he had an increasingly ominous premonition.Although little Kadyrov reassured himself that this was just an illusion, looking at the background of his father's disappearance, little Kadyrov became frightened.

When he went to the front line alone, he was never so afraid.If his father really left like this, then can he hand over the large amount of political inheritance left behind smoothly, can he control the veteran generals in the army, and can he avoid the militants? Assassination attack.

Little Kadyrov shook his head, trying to let himself put aside these unrealistic thoughts, as long as his father hadn't fallen, it was not his turn to worry about these things.Try to do what an heir should do, and Kadyrov will naturally arrange things for himself in the future.

In the black car, Kadyrov was discussing with Ahmadov what to do next.Because Kadyrov knew that it was not enough to provide intelligence to the Soviet Union. He also needed to do something to please Yanayev in order to ensure the ruling status of the Sufi faction. In this regard, Ahmadov gave his opinion It was to let the Sufi Chechen armed forces assist the Soviet army in fighting extremists in the Caucasus mountains.

"That's a good idea, Ahmadov." Kadyrov said slowly, looking at the desolate scenery constantly receding outside the window, "But have you ever thought that doing this will make us traitors in the eyes of Chechen Muslims? "

"So we have to work hard on propaganda." Ahmadov said, "For example, the Beslan hostage incident this time is the best opportunity to use this incident to vigorously publicize the difference between us and those extremists. In other places, they use national independence to unite believers, and we use opposition to extremism to resist this wave of ideological invasion."

"That's what I said, but when it comes to uniting people's hearts, obviously national independence is more convincing..." Before Kadyrov finished speaking, the armed pickup truck in the front suddenly shot out a ball of bright fireball from the ground , Overturned a heavy car to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Ahmadov quickly covered Kadyrov's head, shouted that he encountered an enemy, and moved the driver to avoid the car elsewhere.But before he finished speaking, he only felt a huge force rising from the bottom of the car, even if he was wearing thick military boots, he could feel that majestic and scorching force.He just felt that the world in front of him seemed to be spinning, and there was a feeling of being lifted up to the sky lightly, and then being thrown to the ground fiercely. Ahmadov's spine and left hand were greatly hurt when he fell. He only felt a buzzing sound in his ears.

He climbed out of the car that was overturned by the explosion. At this time, the car was already on fire. Regardless of the pain in the wound on his left hand, he kicked open the deformed car door forcefully and pulled Kadyrov out who was covered in blood.He put Kadyrov's left hand across his shoulder, and then helped Kadyrov limped away from here. Before he walked 20 meters away, there was another frightening explosion sound behind him, and he was not injured. The damaged car turned into burning scorched iron in this instant.

Ahmadov looked up and looked around vigilantly. In addition to the vehicle he was riding in, three other vehicles were attacked.This was obviously a targeted plot by extremists. They not only attacked the middle school, but even wanted to assassinate Kadyrov, who maintained peace in Chechnya.

"Why are you still in a daze, call an ambulance quickly." Ahmadov commanded the members of Kadyrov's guard while enduring the severe pain, shouting hoarsely.

At this time, Kadyrov opened his eyes as if regaining consciousness. He grabbed Ahmadov's sleeve and said softly, "Take care of my little card, cough cough, and don't let go of an extreme, extreme molecular."

Before Ahmadov could reply, Kadyrov's voice became weaker and weaker, and he fell into a coma again.

This time, his eyes never opened again.

Chapter 162 The Beslan Incident (3)

No one thought that the extremists would attack the leader of the Sufi Chechen armed forces while attacking the Beslan school. Kadyrov died of his injuries when he was sent to the operating room.The little Kadyrov who hurried to the hospital only saw his father's cold body, the suit jacket stained with blood, and the manuscript paper that was stained red in the pocket, which he hadn't had time to read out in the live broadcast room.

Ahmadov didn't know how to face Kadyrov Jr. It was his fault for failing to protect the leader, but what was even more frightening was the loss of Kadyrov's leadership. Whether Kadyrov Jr. could suppress Can live with those rebellious veterans in the army.But little Kadyrov didn't blame himself, just patted Ahmadov on the shoulder, and whispered that uncle had worked hard.

Apparently little Kadyrov was still immersed in the grief of losing his father and the extreme hatred for the terrorists. Facing the sudden bad news, he vowed in his heart to make those terrorists pay with blood.

Then a video released by the next TV station completely angered Kadyrov Jr.Adhering to the principle of continuing provocation, the bearded Umarov in the video claimed responsibility for the attack on Kadyrov, and said that the punishment of Kadyrov came from the will of Allah, and those who do not abide by the teachings, and the Islamic world Traitors who cooperate with the enemy will be severely punished.

"All infidels, all traitors will be punished with the severest punishment by the will of Allah. Heretics of communism, this is only the beginning, we will spread fear throughout the Soviets, from Moscow to Stalinger Le, and then to every city in the franchise countries, let you feel our fear."

Little Kadyrov finished watching the video in silence, without any emotional outbursts or hysteria, he just turned around and said to Ahmadov calmly, "Uncle Ahmadov, please make arrangements, I Get in touch with Yanayev."

"Contact the Soviet leader at this time? Is it too urgent?" The calmer Kadyrov behaved, the more afraid Ahmadov became.It is only when he decides to do something that Kadyrov Jr. shows a calmness that is not suitable for his age.

"Yes, it's now. Since those Chechen extremists are eager to die, I definitely don't care about sending them off." When Kadyrov raised his head, his eyes were indifferent like a demon.

Yanayev had not been in the government building in Beslan for long when he received a call from Moscow.On the phone, Minister of Defense Yazov reported to Yanayev about the unexpected incident in Chechnya.

"You mean Kadyrov was assassinated?" Yanayev's opponent who was holding the phone trembled a little. He had been surprised enough in the past two days.He felt that his head could not turn around. The Beslan incident in 2004, Kadyrov was assassinated in 2004, how come these two incidents were 12 years earlier at the same time.

"Yes, just two hours ago Kadyrov's convoy was bombed." Defense Minister Yazov also added, "Also, Moscow received a report from Kadyrov's son Ramzan. Kadyrov called, and the other party asked to talk to the general secretary, you see...?"

Yazov's last sentence was obviously asking for Yanayev's opinion, but Yanayev said without thinking, "Let him call, I will discuss with him on the phone if there is anything. Chechen It’s time to end the problem.”


Now is the time when the opponent's mood is the most unstable. Yanayev obviously wants to use Kadyrov Jr. as a breakthrough, and completely win the Kadyrov faction who is vacillating to his side.I also want to tell others that there is no good end to being a fencer.

When Yanayev answered the phone, a slightly immature voice sounded on the other side, as well as unconcealable anger and sadness.Before little Kadyrov could speak, Yanayev said first, "I am very sorry for what happened to your father, and I ask you to express your condolences."

"Thank you. We are also very concerned about the incident in Beslan, and condemn and protest against the cruel behavior of the terrorists." Kadyrov Jr. replied politely and generously.

"I have some information about extremists in my hand, and I hope to cooperate with the Soviet government." Kadyrov Jr. said straight to the point, "My father is dead, and I want these people to pay with their blood."

Yanayev froze for a moment. The question was unexpected and reasonable. He added, "How do you want to cooperate with us? Joint military strikes?"

"I can use the intelligence in my hands, together with the troops of the Soviet government, to attack the Chechen armed forces and wipe them out from the Caucasus region. I will make all of them pay the price." Kadyrov said bitterly. , Hatred completely blinded his heart.

Hearing Kadyrov's answer, Yanayev felt a little rejoiced in his heart. It seems that his city is not half of his father's.One of the bargaining chips in the negotiations with Moscow is the extremists in Chechnya. Although Kadyrov talked very well about the joint attack on the Chechen armed forces, he actually did not take any specific actions.Because he also knows very well that once the Chechen separatist forces are eliminated, for the Soviet Union, its own armed faction will lose its existence value.Chechen agents can develop long-term stability, isn't it because of the existence of a common enemy?

"What if someone blocks your plan? Or those people don't want you to take revenge, what should you do?" Yanayev decided to win over Kadyrov, and the old man in the Sufi faction who could see through this did not A few more.Only by provoking the gap between the factions in Chechnya can we firmly control the lifeline of Chechnya.

Yanayev will not allow a religious force whose military and politics are independent of the country to appear on the land of the Soviet Union, as in history. This is like a sharp thorn in the throat.

"Purge them out of my father's political legacy. The old man who doesn't conform to the rules should abdicate." Little Kadyrov replied calmly, but there was a sense of decisiveness in the words of the Chechen lord. momentum.

"After this matter is over, I hope to meet you personally in Moscow. We can sit at the conference table and negotiate amicably to resolve the ownership of power in Chechnya, instead of choosing to fight each other." Yanayev said with a smile, " Also, Kadyrov, I'm glad you made the right choice."

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