Li Chao, the leader of the platoon, followed his gaze and saw the smoking grenade on the ground. The grenade at the end of the second delay was kicked out.Immediately after, the company commander also reacted, a hungry tiger pounced on Li Dachao and Shi Yong to the ground.There was a slope below the bomb site, but the grenade exploded before it rolled down completely, and the sand and stones it stirred up naturally fell on the backs of the three of them.

The explosion at such a close range shocked the soldiers who were queuing up and waiting for the bombing position. As soon as the explosion was over, the group of people all fell down reflexively in accordance with the requirements of the training code.The brigade commanders and battalion commanders who were blowing water more than [-] meters away were shocked. They didn't figure it out for a while, thinking that a large area was blown up.

Wang Zhenyu rushed over immediately with several battalion commanders. *** just stood up at this moment, shook the ashes from her hair, touched her arms, kicked her legs, and felt relieved that she was fine. , said with a very rare smile: "Li Dachao, I didn't see that, your kid is usually hip-hop, and you are very reliable at critical moments."

Li Dachao also spit and stood up to slap the dust on his body: "That is, who am I, company commander, I didn't blow it up, when we were in Henan..."

This is what Li Dachao used to brag about, but what happened to him in Henan was unclear.

At this time, Li Dachao suddenly thought of Shi Yong, and turned around to see that the boy had stood up. He immediately lost his temper and kicked Shi Yong on the side of his thigh: "Well, you are bold, Shi Yong, thanks to the fact that you always Bragging about being brave, grandma, throwing a grenade almost failed to take my old Li and the company commander away, I will beat you to death, you coward."

Shi Yong was kicked and fell to the ground, Li Chao wanted to make a move, but seeing the brigade commander coming up, he immediately stopped and stood at attention.

"What's going on? What's the situation?" Wang Zhenyu asked as soon as he came up.

*** hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Report to Brigadier Wang, just now a soldier dropped a grenade because of nervousness. Fortunately, Li Dachao, the second platoon leader of my company, reacted quickly and kicked the grenade away, avoiding casualties."

"Oh..." Knowing that there were no casualties, Wang Zhenyu felt relieved and looked at Li Dachao who was standing in front of him in an orderly manner: "You are Li Dachao, the platoon leader of the second platoon of the eighth company."

"Report to the brigade commander, I am" Li Chao is worthy of being an old fritter, and his answer is completely in line with the new regulations.

"Well, very good." Wang Zhenyu was very satisfied, "I announce that Li Dachao will be rewarded with [-] oceans and a second-class merit once."

After hearing this, Li Dachao saluted Wang Zhenyu excitedly, and Wang Zhenyu returned the military salute very kindly.

Then he turned around and looked at Shi Yong who was stunned: "Are you scared?"

Shi Yong didn't know what to do when faced with the brigade commander's questioning, so he could only stay there without saying a word.

Wang Zhenyu didn't say much, he asked for a grenade from the policeman, and then stuffed it into Shi Yong's hand: "Either pull the string and throw it out to prove that you are a real man of kind; or you pack up and leave. I don't want cowards and useless people here."

Shi Yong trembled all over, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, but he still didn't say anything, but his body uncontrollably stood back to the projectile position.And Wang Zhenyu unexpectedly stood beside him, and did not avoid him.Many brothers from the Eighth Company surrounded him now, looking at Shi Yong with wide eyes.

At this time, Shi Yong didn't think about whether he would die. Instead, he was worried about what would happen if he made a mistake and hurt the brigade commander.

Sweat burst out of his forehead immediately, ran down his face, slid over the tip of his nose, slid over his chin and fell to the ground.

Finally Shi Yong roared, pulled the string, and threw the grenade out.Boom, it exploded.

Then Wang Zhenyu patted Shi Yong's shoulder with a smile: "Good job, this is a real man, this is a good soldier, hehe, I'm not calling you battalion commander."

With just such a sentence, Shi Yong, who was extremely guilty and inferior just now, looked at Wang Zhenyu's leaving back with tears in his eyes.

While walking, Wang Zhenyu proudly said to the officer following him: "Soldiers are not born to be able to play with weapons and fight. You have to teach and encourage them. Today is an example. To overcome psychological obstacles, it is actually It's so simple, just let them do it again successfully. In the future, our team will expand, and I ask you to pay attention to the use of various methods when training recruits. Specifically, I will show you; Then you show me and comment. Then I will show you again, and you show me again, and then comment. You can’t teach good soldiers with sticks. Hehe, I emphasize again that I am not telling you to battalion long."

Let the brigade commander keep joking with his name, the third battalion commander Hao Bing can only stand by the side depressedly and keep smiling bitterly.

Then Wang Zhenyu said to the police: "Commander Li, you are in charge of summarizing, and then communicate with other company commanders. If you encounter similar situations in the future, don't be in a hurry and don't fight. Simple and rude things don't matter."

Unknowingly, the officers have become accustomed to listening to Wang Zhenyu's preaching.

With new equipment, Wang Zhenyu, who has further strengthened his strength, plans to go to Nanjing. . .

Nanjing in modern history, like Beijing in the late Ming Dynasty, can be said to be full of disasters.

First, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom came here to kill the king, then the Hunan army burned the city after looting, then Zhang Xun broke the city to kill the rebels, and finally it was the turn of the Japanese devils to simply massacre.

Anyway, Bengguan was the army that came to Nanjing, killing people and massacring the city, and the drama of blood flowing into rivers had to be staged until 1949 when the troops of Wu Huawen, a family slave with four surnames, entered the city.

It's just that Little Japan's massacre in Nanjing was really unprecedented in space, and it was simply a classic anti-human existence.Compared with the evil deeds of the previous three families, they can be regarded as good deeds, so the ghosts can only bow down and obediently give up the chief notoriety in the history textbooks to Japan.

However, since history brought our Wang Zhenyu to this era by accident, the shameful stroke in the textbook is naturally not allowed to be staged again.

Before setting off from Wuhan, Ye Ziwen changed from her usual arrogance and followed behind her father Ye Zuwen very quietly.It's just that her eyes were a little red and swollen, obviously she had cried, and no matter how much Wang Zhenyu teased her, she just ignored her.

It wasn't until Wang Zhenyu had shaken hands with Ye Zuwen and was about to turn around to board the boat that Ye Ziwen suddenly grabbed Wang Zhenyu's arm from the side, pinched her hard, and said, "You big villain, you are not allowed to get married until I get married."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wang Zhenyu's reaction, he ran away blushing, and Ye Zuwen couldn't help but scream.

Ye Ziwen's sudden action made Wang Zhenyu and her father Ye Zuwen feel bad. Wang Zhenyu still didn't understand the inevitable connection between her marriage and the marriage of this unruly young lady.As a father, Ye Zuwen probably understood it, but as a father, it was inconvenient for him to say it clearly. He just smiled awkwardly at Wang Zhenyu and said that he had indulged this girl too much on weekdays, and now he was talking nonsense. . .

Wang Zhenyu's mind had already drifted to Nanjing at this moment, and he was thinking about the rules after his departure, so naturally he didn't get too entangled in this matter. In later generations, he was slower than ordinary people in matters of men and women.

Chapter 041

Grabbing the boarding ladder, he was about to board the ship, but he heard someone calling Brigadier Wang behind him.Looking back, the person who stopped me was a vigorous young man with a white face and thin beard, elegant temperament and gentle manners. He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before?

Seeing Wang Zhenyu like this, the two guards at the front and rear knew that he was not an acquaintance, so they immediately touched the gun case nervously.These are the details that Zhao Dongsheng, the head of the guard, specifically explained to them, but Wang Zhenyu believes that he is still a small shrimp, and he has no conflicts of interest with others, and those who have conflicts of interest are also sent underground by him, so at present all safe.

The man naturally knew that Wang Zhenyu didn't remember himself, and he didn't care about the excessive tension of the guards in front of him, so he just smiled naturally: "Brigade Commander Wang, you are busy with personnel, and I am Wan Yaohuang, the combat staff officer of the wartime headquarters." Ah, the little staff officer who received you when you returned from the great victory in Hankou."

"Oh! Haha" Wang Zhenyu remembered that there was indeed such a small staff officer who treated people and things well at that time, and he even asked him about the details of the battle at Yudaimen. "Counselor Wan, it's your fault that you're not wearing a military uniform. Forgive Wang for his poor eyesight. I couldn't recognize him for a while. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Shouldn't you go to Nanjing with Commander Huang? Why are you here? "

Wan Yaohuang: "Hehe, there, you don't know, Brigadier Wang. I was a servant in the military government of Hubei before. Chief Huang was promoted, so I couldn't follow my job because of my duties. But I resigned yesterday to work in the military government. I am planning to go to Nanjing, looking for an errand to participate in the Northern Expedition. No, I am just waiting to take your ride along the way, you don’t think I’m troublesome, do you?”

Wang Zhenyu liked this well-spoken young man a little bit, so he said there and there, and then motioned to the guards around him to help Wan Yaohuang carry the suitcase, while he and Wan Yaohuang got on the boat while talking.

The relationship between people is sometimes so strange. Some people meet every day, but they can't say a few words, and often they don't talk too much when they speak; Wang Zhenyu and this Wan Yaohuang are probably the latter. After boarding the boat, the two chatted about the current situation and folk customs. The more they talked, the more speculative they became.

"So, you are not familiar with Chief of Staff Li, you are only temporarily assigned to the headquarters, so what is your plan to go to Nanjing?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Commander Huang and Chief of Staff Li are now big figures in the Central Provisional Government of the Republic of China. If I go as a small staff officer, I may have to go to the Ministry of War to register first. If there is no acquaintance We may not be able to see the two of them yet, but staying in Hubei won’t do much. Now Li Dudu is content with the status quo, and most of the people in Wuchang are exhausted. I think the revolution still needs to be done. Go to Nanjing."

Wang Zhenyu thought for a while: "Let me tell you. Don't ask your acquaintances to trust you. My Ninth Brigade has just been established, and I have no idea about the expansion. You and I are about the same age, and our conversations are very similar. Just Ah, you will come to me to be the chief of the training department, and you will follow me and be responsible for the specific work of the expansion. First, you will be wronged by the rank of major, and then you will be appointed according to the situation, Xiao Wan, what do you think?"

"Okay, Brigadier Wang thinks highly of me. I, Wan Yaohuang, have no reason to refuse. I will follow your orders." Wan Yaohuang also felt that the Wang Zhenyu in front of him was very tempered with him. Although he was a major general, he had no airs, so he I am willing to work with him, so I naturally agree to it without any affectation.

After dinner, Wang Zhenyu and Wan Yaohuang left the bedroom to watch the sunset on the deck.Zhao Dongsheng, the teaching team, and the guards are all on this boat, so there is no need to worry about safety.

When they got to the deck, they found that the sun had already set and it was dark. The two of them were not in a hurry to go back to the boat, but stood on the deck against the side of the boat to feel the oncoming, slightly chilly river wind.

Wang Zhenyu suddenly wanted to test Wan Yaohuang's ability: "Xiao Wan, now we are on our own, and I have been unclear about some problems, and I need help to refer to them."

Although Wan Yaohuang is not used to the name Xiao Wan, he is also happy to be so close to him: "Brigade Commander Wang, it's okay to say it, but don't make fun of Wan who is ignorant and say the wrong thing."

Wang Zhenyu nodded: "What do you think our country will be like in the future, just talk about your predictions, and don't worry about other things."

Wan Yaohuang had a delicate mind, knowing that Wang Zhenyu was testing himself, he smiled lightly and said, "Then forgive me, judging from the current situation, the demise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is just around the corner, maybe we don't have to wait With the Northern Expedition, the Qing Dynasty will collapse on its own."

Wang Zhenyu was immediately amazed, he was from later generations, so he naturally knew about Man Qing's abdication, but how did Wan Yaohuang, who is a small staff officer, know about it?You know, the ending of imperial power in history has always been endless.

"Where does this conclusion come from?"

Wan Yaohuang said: "Since the First Uprising in Wuchang, Brigadier Wang has seen how many local governors have died for the loyalty of the Qing Dynasty? Not to mention the governors, it is the princes and nobles who have been supported by the court for more than ten generations and the children of the Eight Banners. How many people went south to fight? The group that benefited the most from this court is not willing to work for the court. Do you think there is anyone who can reverse the situation? Since the nobles of Manchuria do not even have the courage to commit suicide, What else can they do but kneel and surrender, anyway, this is what they have been used to kneeling against foreigners for decades."

Wang Zhenyu nodded, obviously agreeing with Wan Yaohuang's point of view: "Then what do you think will happen after the fall of the Manchu Tartars?"

Wan Yaohuang scratched his eyebrows with his middle finger, and the sword eyebrows were already wrinkled into a ball.The son said rather hesitantly: "Brigade commander, don't blame me. Wan may look at the problem more negatively, but he has something to say."

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