Then Weng Wenhao explained: "I majored in mineral resources, brother Wen Jiang majored in geological exploration and fuel. Specifically..."

Wang Zhenyu's head suddenly became dizzy, so don't tell him in detail about such a professional thing.

"Geology" Wang Zhenyu's eyes suddenly brightened. Doesn't he need talents in this field?

He quickly got up and said: "I figured it out, I really wronged the two great talents, so, Zhao Dongsheng!"

"Here..." Zhao Dongsheng heard the commander calling him, and hurriedly answered and ran over.

"You go with the two gentlemen and bring out their entire group. The person in charge of screening will reward me with ten army sticks. What's going on!"

Zhao Dongsheng took the order, Weng Wenhao and Ding Wenjiang quickly thanked them, and then left with Zhao Dongsheng. . .

At dinner, Wang Zhenyu specially hosted a banquet for these more than 20 young talents.These guys are very professional talents.

To be honest, whether it is political or military reform, Wang Zhenyu has a general direction and professional executors, so he doesn't bother much.

But only the economic aspect, tossing and tossing, so far, only the project that the future father-in-law is still active, the cement plant.Other than that, it's blank.

Without industry as the foundation, and only relying on land rent to unify China, do you think it is now the Three Kingdoms?

Therefore, Wang Zhenyu attaches great importance to these geological talents. He clearly knows that no matter it is mining or road construction, these professional talents are inseparable.And what the industry needs the most is abundant raw materials and convenient transportation.And these two points are very closely related to geology. Although Wang Zhenyu is from a later generation, he knows the truth that the former army is easy to get, but the general is hard to find.Especially at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, when basic education was still very weak, the experts in this period were not those shameless brick-and-mortar experts of later generations, they all had real skills.

Wang Zhenyu toasted these young students very politely. Ding Wenjiang, the oldest among them, was only 27 years old, and Weng Wenhao was 25 years old.

After drinking for three rounds, Wang Zhenyu brought out the bad habit that Chinese people are used to talking about at the wine table: "Mr. Ding, Mr. Weng, this time it is indeed the recklessness of Wang's officers, which has wronged you all. On Wang's face, don't blame him."

Everyone kept saying no to blame, no blame.

Seeing this, Wang Zhenyu asked with a smile: "In terms of age, Mr. Wang is actually younger than you, but Feng Yunhui is now sitting in the position of the governor of this mansion. I am really terrified! The polite words of young and promising people will be omitted. You have already seen that after thinking about it, Jingzhou Mansion goes west to Yunnan and Guizhou. There are endless mountains, limited products, and inconvenient transportation. The people's livelihood here is very difficult. That's why The root cause of such powerful bandits is that the poor people cannot survive."

Hearing this, everyone thought it made sense and nodded their heads one after another.

"Today, Wang relied on his brothers to use their lives to clear up the banditry in this place in one fell swoop. But if there is no way to make money and let the people of Li live and work in peace and contentment, the banditry will be like the grass on Liyuan. The wild fire will not be exhausted. live!"

Ding Wenjiang was the oldest, so he naturally stood up and toasted: "Commander Wang really has a sincere heart. The people of Jingzhou are really blessed to have a parent officer like you!"

Wang Zhenyu waved his hands again and again: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I, Mr. Wang, am just a martial artist. To put it bluntly, I can do nothing but kill people and destroy civilization. If we really want to talk about saving the country by industry, we have to rely on local business gentry and you guys." Cultured technical talents!"

After taking a sip of wine, Wang Zhenyu said very sincerely: "Mr. Ding, Mr. Weng, Wang wants to ask the two gentlemen today, what should be done if the land of Jingzhou is to develop?"

Ding Wenjiang hurriedly said politely: "We are all poor talents in mining. How dare we talk nonsense about these matters concerning the national economy and the people's livelihood."

Weng Wenhao was not as polite as Ding Wenjiang. He said directly: "The railway construction has solved the traffic problem. In fact, I have been wandering here for more than a month. The products here are not lacking as Commander Wang said, but incomparably rich. , all kinds of wild game are not too much compared to the Northeast. But the traffic is really bad, the mountain roads are rough and difficult, and the freight is all dependent on caravans. Let’s see how many inexhaustible and inexhaustible products there are in each village every year Rotten in the stockade, it would be strange if he could get rich."

Wang Zhenyu raised his eyebrows, and immediately leaned over to listen.

Ding Wenjiang saw that Weng Wenhao had spoken bluntly, and he couldn't be more polite. He answered, "Actually, the Xiangxi area is not completely inaccessible. The Hongjiang River is close to the Yuanjiang River, and the transportation is extremely developed. In addition, to develop the economy, the key It still depends on industry. Ding has been surveying the land of Hunan, Guizhou and Guangxi for several years, and some information is available. For example, Liuzhou produces iron, Laibin produces coal, and Jingzhou produces limestone. These are the necessary raw materials for steel and cement industries. .If we really want to develop industry, the land in western Hunan may not be worse than the plains.”

Wang Zhenyu immediately became interested in Ding Wenjiang's information: "Mr. Ding, where are these materials now?"

"I guess they were all used as toilet paper by those bandits in the mountains." Ding Wenjiang smiled wryly, and replied with regret.

Wang Zhenyu was furious after hearing this. These uneducated bastards have what kind of butts. They just wiped them with popular science materials. They are simply bastards. . .

Seeing that Wang Zhenyu's complexion was not good, Ding Wenjiang quickly comforted him: "But Commander Wang, don't worry. In fact, we all have these data in our heads. As long as we walk around in the field, it will come out."

Only then did Wang Zhenyu heave a sigh of relief, and asked his adjutant Song Haomin to inform the kitchen to add more food, so that everyone can eat happily and eat enough.

To be honest, Ding Wenjiang and the other [-] or so people have really endured hardships these days. There are so many delicacies all at once, and they are naturally made with their stomachs open.

Everyone had a great time at the dinner. After Wang Zhenyu asked a few questions, he arranged for someone to take everyone to the place where they lived, take a bath, and then each of them got a new military uniform, and changed their rotten clothes. . .

The next day, Wang Zhenyu started his development plan for Xiangxi on a sketch of Xiangxi drawn by Weng Wenhao.

"Mr. Ding, are you sure there are coal mines and copper mines in Yuanzhou?..."

"Mr. Ding, are you sure there is a gold mine right here in Jingzhou Prefecture?..."

"Mr. Weng, is there really no iron ore in Xiangxi?..."

Facing such sincere inquiries from Wang Zhenyu, Ding Wenjiang and Weng Wenhao answered them carefully like a teacher teaching a student.

Finally, the focus of the discussion came to the issue Weng Wenhao mentioned yesterday, which was the railway issue.

Weng Wenhao didn't dare to talk nonsense at this time. He looked at the sketch seriously and thought for a while and said, "Actually, there are not many mountains in Jingzhou Prefecture, and most of them are hills, so it seems that it is very difficult to build a railway. There are not many tunnels, and they are not long. I personally think that it should be feasible to build a railway from Liuzhou to Chenzhou here."

Wang Zhenyu looked at the map without saying a word, roughly understood Weng Wenhao's thoughts, and shook his head unconsciously. What he can control now is Jingzhou Prefecture. In other words, in reality, it is impossible for this railway to be built like this. long.

But Wang Zhenyu knew the story of one person, that is Shen Hongying.If he remembered correctly, this guy from banditry made his fortune during the Second Revolution.Liuzhou and Guilin are the territory of this kid, so in this regard, I can still make up my mind.

As for the northern end, it is better to go to Hongjiang. When you get here, you can basically change the freighter.

After passing the traffic guarantee, I should be able to start a large-scale industry in Xiangxi, build a steel factory, and a textile factory. There are too many things that can be built, as long as the action is fast enough.Catch up with the last train of World War I, then these industries will be able to earn a lot of money for themselves, and their power will further expand. . .

The plan to develop Xiangxi became more and more clear in Wang Zhenyu's mind.

Chapter 084 Hongjiang Raiders ([-])

As the capital of the state, Jingzhou has an advantage that other places do not have, that is, it has a post office, to be precise, it has a telegraph machine.

When he first heard the news, Wang Zhenyu was very happy. He excitedly ran to the Post Office to look at the telegraph, but to his disappointment, the thing was too big and different from what he had imagined.

In May, the Beijing Department of Post and Communication issued an order to upgrade the Jingzhou Post and Communication Office to a bureau. This has little to do with Wang Zhenyu.

But Ye Zuwen felt very convenient, because he didn't have to send someone back to Wuhan to deliver the letter, and he could find Cheng Zufu directly with a telegram.

Cheng Zufu quickly called back and said that he would set off for Jingzhou with his technicians, Ye Zuwen's second son Guowei and his daughter Ye Ziwen were also traveling with him.Ye Zuwen didn't know the situation in Jingzhou back then, out of caution, he didn't bring his daughter with him, which made Ye Ziwen very unhappy, lost his temper at home and broke a lot of things.Ye Zuwen was still so angry that he said to Ye Ziwen: "How can you marry a woman with your appearance?"

Ye Ziwen smiled triumphantly and said nothing, which meant that the girl had found a market, Ye Zuwen could only smile wryly at this.

When I arrived in Jingzhou, I saw that the future son-in-law was so good that he not only subdued the local business gentry and clan power, but also wiped out all the bandits who had troubled the neighborhood for decades. I admired and loved him at the same time.Originally planned to visit Wang Zhenyu's parents in Baoqing Mansion, and then finalize the marriage, but Wang Zhenyu was busy with official duties every day, so the itinerary could not be finalized.

After much deliberation, Wang Zhenyu decided that it would be better to invite his parents over.Because of multiple considerations, my family is only a little Susukida in the application, and it is not worth protecting.Moreover, clan uncle Wang Longzhong is about to lose power, once he embarks on the road of expansion and hegemony in the future, his family will inevitably be implicated.That being the case, it is better to move the whole family to one's own sphere of influence to avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Naturally, this matter can only be handled by Ma Xicheng, firstly, his parents recognize him, and secondly, if he wants to move in, it is not just his family, Ma Xicheng's own family also wants to move in together.

Wang Zhenyu thought over and over again, and simply ordered his subordinate officers who wanted to move their family members to settle in Jingzhou, each family should be compensated with 80 Dayang toll fees and 120 Dayang settlement fees.With this order, many battalion-level officers asked for leave to go home, and Yang Wangui signed and approved them all according to Wang Zhenyu's wishes.

It was June [-]rd when Cheng Zufu arrived in Jingzhou. Ye Ziwen smiled sweetly when she saw Wang Zhenyu from a distance, and looked at Wang Zhenyu eagerly. If it wasn't in front of everyone, she would have thrown herself into Wang Zhenyu's arms long ago. up.

Wang Zhenyu also felt a sense of emotion in his heart. After not seeing him for a few months, this little girl has grown a bit, and her appearance is even more beautiful.Wang Zhenyu couldn't help thinking of a sentence: "A woman is like a flower, and she only blooms once in her life for the man she loves."

Thinking of this, Wang Zhenyu couldn't help feeling hot, and looked at Ye Ziwen's big black eyes, motionless.

Ye Zuwen noticed it quickly, and shook his head in his heart, he was still a young man after all.So he coughed softly a few times as a reminder to Wang Zhenyu to check the occasion.

When Wang Zhenyu heard that the future father-in-law was coughing, he immediately came back to his senses, strode forward, and shook hands with Cheng Zufu: "Senior, I have heard about the name for a long time, and it is the blessing of the younger generation to meet you today. The younger generation has set up a banquet today. To drink heavily, not drunk, no return."

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