Chapter 096 Guarding Envoy ([-])

Zhao Hengti smiled wryly and shook his head: "Okay, okay, brothers talk about money when they meet, isn't it tacky."

Wang Zhenyu laughed loudly after hearing this: "Yes, yes, the younger brother looks like me, so I will invite the elder brother to dinner and punish him with three glasses of wine. It's fine to make an apology."

Zhao Hengti felt much more relaxed: "You, you are still such an extrovert, don't rush to eat, I have an appointment to read to you first."

Wang Zhenyu teased deliberately: "Tan Dudu's superior, who is that, Zhu Cihan, hurry up and set up the incense table."

Zhao Hengti kicked Wang Zhenyu angrily: "Come on, let's stop doing this, who doesn't know who you are?"

Wang Zhenyu sat down on the chair with a chuckle, Erlang crossed his legs, and waited for Zhao Hengti to read the order.

Zhao Hengti shook his head resignedly: "I won't read any more content, but focus on the main points. Wang Zhenyu is hereby appointed as the guard envoy of Xiangxi, and the troops will be reorganized into the Xiangxi garrison. The military salary will be settled on the spot, and I will give it to you."

Wang Zhenyu took it with both hands, and then suddenly shouted: "Song Haomin, go, find a frame to frame it, and hang it on the wall. I am now a guard, haha."

Then Wang Zhenyu grabbed Zhao Hengti, who was about to run away, and went to eat.

This meal is very rich. Wang Zhenyu does not advocate frugality in his private life, but he emphasizes rules, that is, he can only consume as much as he is at any level, and the excess is paid by himself.Xu Yuanquan, Wan Yaohuang, Yang Wangui and other confidantes also accompanied him, and Zhao Hengti drank too much when he was happy.

In fact, Tan Yankai had an explanation for this trip to Xiangxi, mainly to see if he could bring Wang Zhenyu over. After all, the territory of Xiangxi is already in the hands of this kid.

But Zhao Hengti knew very well that although Wang Zhenyu had a good relationship with him, he would never separate public and private interests.Even if Wang Zhenyu lost his mind and turned to Dudu Tan under his own persuasion, how reliable is this man who has been the emperor of Tu?

So Zhao Hengti simply didn't say anything, lest he hurt his brother's feelings.

Halfway through the drink, Liu Xing was also called, and Wang Zhenyu immediately shouted: "Brother-in-law, this is my brother-in-law Zhao Hengti. He helped run the pardon last time. You have to respect him."

Liu Xing hurriedly offered a toast to Zhao Hengti, and Zhao Hengti hurriedly said, "My foster brother, it's just that this is not good. I have to mention some things that should be shared at the wine table. I haven't even been notified of a marriage. Everyone Say, should I be punished?"

Everyone immediately booed, Wang Zhenyu also knew that he hadn't done a thorough job, so he had to punish himself with three cups, and ended up getting drunk.

Finally, when the guards carried Wang Zhenyu back to the bedroom, Ye Ziwen was fainted by the smell of alcohol, she immediately lost her temper, and the eldest lady lost her temper, and a ladle of cold water directly woke Wang Zhenyu up.The embarrassed Wang Zhenyu had no choice but to hug the quilt and go to the study to sleep. While walking, he shouted angrily: "A good man doesn't fight with a woman. Don't think that your husband is afraid of you, a little girl."

As a result, a pillow flew out, and all the guards were giggling, and then they all pretended to be blind. . .

In the first year of the Republic of China, on July 1912, 7, Wang Zhenyu officially took office as the guardian envoy of Xiangxi. Zhao Hengti presented the seal of the guardian envoy to Wang Zhenyu in public on behalf of the governor Tan Yankai.

Wang Zhenyu then announced the latest administrative divisions and administrative systems within the jurisdiction of the Xiangxi Guardian Envoy:

Xiangxi Township has three prefectures and twelve counties under it; Chenyuan Mansion, which governs Fenghuang, has four counties under it: Fenghuang, Chenzhou, Xuzhou, and Yuanzhou; Qianyang Mansion, which governs Qiancheng, and has Hongjiang, Luyang, Qiancheng, four counties of Anjiang; Jingzhou Prefecture, governing Jingxian County, with Huitong, Jingxian, Tongdao and Suining four counties under it.

County level self-government, the establishment of county councils.

Establish Chenyuan Administrative Office, Qiancheng Administrative Office, and Jingzhou Administrative Office to set up commissioners who mainly play the role of supervision, inspection, and supervision. Under the Office, there are seven supervisory groups for finance, justice, audit, planning, culture and education, agriculture and forestry, and industry and commerce.

The magistrates of each county are elected by the county council composed of chambers of commerce, education, villages, and town representatives. The term of office is four years.

There are Government Affairs Department (including Transportation Department, Culture and Education Department, Health Department, Construction Planning Department, Agriculture and Forestry Department, Industry and Commerce Department) Legal Affairs Department (including Judicial Department, Integrity Department, Procuratorate, Audit Office) and Internal Affairs Department (including Smoking Ban Bureau, Internal Security Corps, Investigation Division, Archives Division), Finance Department (including Finance Division, Taxation Division, Inspection Corps, Materials Division).

At the same time, the Xiangxi District Court and local councils were established. . .

The latest orders were issued quickly in the name of the Xiangxi Guardian, and Wang Zhenyu, who had just been promoted to the Xiangxi Guardian, was busy stamping these orders.From this moment on, Wang Zhenyu, who owns the land of Xiangxi, is already qualified to be called a marshal. . .

Wang Zhenyu became the guardian envoy of Xiangxi, and before he had time to be happy for a long time, he saw the order sent back to him by the provincial government.It turned out that the guarding envoy was asked to be placed in Fenghuang, which surprised Wang Zhenyu for a while. Why is it Phoenix?

In fact, Tan Yankai was careful here, because he knew that Fenghuang was not under Wang Zhenyu's control at all, so he deliberately issued this order with the intention of triggering a new round of chaos in western Hunan.

And Wang Zhenyu also found that although he had been promoted to a higher level, the territory he actually controlled was Jingzhou and Qianyang.

Absolutely cannot allow independent forces to exist within the scope of his own territory, Wang Zhenyu shouted loudly, completely disregarding that he is also an independent force within the scope of Tan Yankai's territory.

For Phoenix, Wang Zhenyu, who has traveled many times in later generations, still knows it very well.This place in Phoenix is ​​really not simple:

Fenghuang was called Zhengan in ancient times. Before the Tang and Song Dynasties, it was basically an area controlled by the Miao people. Due to the population expansion, after the Song and Ming Dynasties, the imperial court came here through conquests and military reclamation.Continuous immigration and continuous war gradually formed the dividing line between Miao and Han.The continuous conflicts and wars between Miao and Han for hundreds of years have led to an army here all the year round. Because of the place name Zhengan, it is called "Gan Army".

In Fenghuang, as long as its history is involved, you cannot ignore the most classic expression of the honor of the residents of the city to their ancestors: without Hunan, there is no army, and without poles, there is no Hunan.During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, in the Hunan Army of Zeng Guofan who suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Uprising, the "Huwei Camp", led by the leader Tian Xingshu, moved to more than a dozen provinces and won more than 11 battles. ".The soldiers of the Gan army like to tattoo the green characters of "Tiger's Might and Ever Victorious Army" on their left arms. When attacking the city, they often stick their left arms, swing their knives and leap on their horses.When attacking Tianjing, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Tian Xingshu and his fellow countryman Zhang Wende took the lead in climbing the city wall to act as attacking vanguards. When celebrating their achievements and receiving rewards, two Phoenix officers and soldiers were promoted to admirals, six were promoted to commander-in-chief, and nine lieutenants participated in the attack. Will be [-] people.On the day of triumph, these people returned home with gold, silver, silk and satin rewarded by the imperial court, and the private clothes of ancient players looted from the Tianjing Palace.The soldiers who stayed in the small town and guarded the old battalion were so envious of these brothers who reached the sky in one step. After thinking about it, they decided that as long as they rushed out of Phoenix and fought all over the world, Hua Ling, the admiral and inspector of the mansion, might also have a chance to stand on top. .If you risk your life for an official position, return to the fields in your later years, and live at home to enjoy happiness, you can fish in spring rivers with coir raincoats and bamboo hats, and hunt in autumn wilds with yellow cangs.Those unlucky military officers and soldiers are proud of their bravery in their youth all their lives. If they have never died in battle, and have never exchanged military exploits for red and green crowns and flower feathers, they will be destitute or even reduced to beggars when they are old and weak. , I still have to find an opportunity to brighten up the tattoo on my left arm, and show the children how heroic my grandfather was when he killed "Long Mao".

This seemingly inspiring honor is actually linked to a tragic history, which is the life of Fenghuang people under the deformed social form of "all people are soldiers" caused by the system of "farming to raise bravery" implemented in the late Qing Dynasty.After the Qianjia Miao people's uprising, the Qing government built more than 7000 Xunbao, Tunka, watchtowers, forts, and closed gates along the damaged southern Great Wall, of which more than 4000 were built in Fenghuang, and 1 mu of farmland was requisitioned. There were [-] Yangting Ding Ding, [-] Zhan Ding Ding, and [-] Miao soldiers, a total of [-] people, plus about [-] soldiers in the imperial green battalion town. At that time, Fenghuang had a population of about [-] and [-] people were serving in the army all year round. , a surprisingly high proportion.Tens of thousands of Fenghuang people were tied to the chariots of the imperial court by the ropes of the garrison, so that It has become a tradition for generations to serve as soldiers and eat food.A small white wooden signboard is nailed to the door of every person who has served in the military, and the name, age and identity of the person serving in the army are written in red letters on it.Looking all the way through the streets and alleys, almost every family has such a "glory card", and they can go to the camp to receive a piece of silver and a ration every month. The situation of "every land is farmed, and all people are soldiers" has cut off all channels for the Fenghuang people to have another career, leaving only the way of exchanging flesh and blood for life.

In this way, it is not surprising that the Phoenix people are martial arts.When the city was still in the position of a frontier fortress, the rough temperament of the army influenced the population of the small town generation after generation.Children are used to watching soldiers in the barracks wielding guns and clubs since they were young. They like to watch adults hunt wild boars or leopards and slaughter them for meat. They like to watch murderers cut off their ears and hang them on the wall. The young daughter-in-law was tied to Shentan.They grew up in such an environment, and the only conceivable way to become prosperous was to serve as soldiers and eat food, relying on their own fearlessness and risking their lives to become a human being, become an officer, or even a high-ranking official, and then return home in good clothes.Before they have grown to the height of the table, they have already proclaimed themselves generals in a childish game, making the streets and alleys full of shouts and fights.These children joined the army before they could reach adulthood. There was one more ignorant recruit in the army, and one less mouth that could never be filled was missing on the dinner table at home.The young phoenix soldiers are bound by the strong tradition of advocating martial arts, and with infinite yearning for a bright future, they fight desperately on the battlefield, even spraying their blood on foreign lands, without complaint or regret.

However, the ending of the Ganjun was a bit sad. After liberation, they originally accepted our party's recruitment.But I don’t know which link went wrong. Maybe it was the Kuomintang secret agents who were soliciting dissension, or maybe it was because the cadres who went south were too rough in their work. As a result, a vigorous campaign to suppress bandits in western Hunan took place, and the entire western Hunan was smashed to pieces. , The Gan Army has also become history, and won the honorable title of Xiangxi bandits, while the real Xiangxi bandits are gloriously laid off and waiting for work. . .

Chapter 097

The unique regionality of Phoenix has created the Gan army. In this place where almost every family is a soldier, there are two big families, one is the Tian family and the other is the Shen family.

There is no need for the Tian family to say much. When they were in Nanjing, Tian Yingzhao was a good friend, a good brother. After a few meals, he told himself the glorious history of his ancestors.In comparison, the Shen family was somewhat mysterious, but there was one member of the Shen family, Wang Zhenyu, who knew about it, and that was Mr. Shen Congwen, a great writer who became famous later on.

Like the Tian family, the Shen family also made a fortune in the war. Shen Congwen's grandfather, Shen Hongfu, joined the Hunan Army during the Xianfeng period, and moved to several provinces in the south of the Yangtze River to fight against the Taiping Army.His father, Shen Zongsi, was born in martial arts. He learned good medical skills during his travels in the rivers and lakes. He once acted as the admiral of Guizhou.

But now it is none other than Shen Zongsi who gives Wang Zhenyu a headache.

Shen Zongsi, whose name is Shaoxian.The son of a general has determined to practice martial arts and join the army since he was a child.Later, he did become an officer, but unfortunately he was sent to guard the Dagu Fort with Luo Rongguang. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Tianjin in 1900, the fort fell. industry.

However, although Shen Zongsi had lost his future, he was unwilling to retire. When the Revolution of 1911 broke out in 4000, Shen Zongsi joined forces with various families, He Tian Yingquan (Tian Yingzhao's eldest brother), Zhang Shenglin, and Tang Shijun launched an uprising in Fenghuang, and seized the military and political power in Fenghuang in one fell swoop.At this moment, this man is holding a [-]-man gun in his forehand, occupying the phoenix to play against himself!

Such a place of martial arts, if it is handled well, it will be the source of my next expansion of soldiers; if it is not handled properly, I may be here for three years like the People's Liberation Army of later generations, and it is not certain who will wipe out who in the end. ?Moreover, Wang Zhenyu, who is familiar with the local customs and customs, has a unique view on dealing with such bad things. Do not use force unless it is absolutely necessary.Because most of the local people are relatives, and the relationship is intricate, once the fighting starts, casualties are inevitable, and if you are not careful, you will be bloody and bloody.So this phoenix is ​​a bit hot, Tan Yankai is really calculating!

Just thinking about it, Zhu Cihan came in and reported that someone claimed to be Tian Yingzhao, an old friend of Lord Guardian Envoy, and asked to see him.

Wang Zhenyu was overjoyed when he heard that, and when he said Cao Cao, Cao Cao came. As soon as Tian Yingzhao came, Phoenix's problem would be easily solved.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you send someone to inform the younger brother, so that the younger brother can be prepared to go out of the city to meet him?" Wang Zhenyu also ignored the official authority, and hurried out to meet him.

Tian Yingzhao is also unhappy recently, the disbandment in Nanjing and the reorganization are basically completed. The 21st Brigade was downsized into a regiment. Tian Yingzhao felt that it was meaningless, so he resigned and went home.As a result, when the talent came to Changde, he heard that his good friend Wang Zhenyu had become the guardian envoy of Xiangxi in his hometown, so he didn't return to Fenghuang, but came directly to Hongjiang.

With Tian Yingzhao, Wang Zhenyu was naturally much more casual. He told this person very bluntly, the army from your hometown is now fighting against me, look at my hair, it is almost falling out.This seedling planted by your father, you, a son, have to help me clean it up.

After listening to Wang Zhenyu's complaint, Tian Yingzhao laughed loudly: "I think it's something, isn't it just that the boss of the Shen family dominates the territory? Well, let me talk about this matter. My daughter and their third boy have been children since they were young. Dear, he and I are in-laws. I also know this person, and he is very reasonable. Besides, my elder brother Tian Yingquan is also a leader in their military and government branch office, so we can talk about anything at that time. But Wen Zheng, we Except for fighting, other skills are really not enough to make a living. You have to give them a way out, otherwise even if I go to clean them up today, they will have to toss if they don’t keep them together tomorrow. Especially my in-law, who is addicted to being an official, It's a pity that I have been unsuccessful, but I still have some skills, so you can use it."

Wang Zhenyu nodded: "Well, big brother, I will take your younger siblings to Phoenix with you, and meet your in-laws. This background must be given to one."

Tian Yingzhao thought it was not safe to do so, but out of his confidence in the Tian family, he finally agreed.

During this period of time, Wang Zhenyu's wife, Miss Ye, was in a bad mood. She felt that her life was far from her original imagination. She couldn't see Wang Zhenyu all day long. Yue came from Wuhan, and he didn't even have anyone to talk to.

This unhappiness in my heart naturally needs to be vented, so Wang Zhenyu is in a tragedy.I didn't know that the bastard in the guards didn't keep his mouth shut, and the reputation of his wife's strict control spread quickly.

"Have you heard?...", "Really, fake...", "You don't even know this?...", "I really didn't see it..."

When some mid-level officers had lunch, such narrations almost filled the room.

Wang Zhenyu didn't care about this, he felt that what he did was really bad, and he should take his wife on a trip or something, in short, to make her happy.It happened that Tian Yingzhao offered to go to Fenghuang to recruit security. Wang Zhenyu thought of the ancient city of Fenghuang. This place is a good place to visit mountains and rivers. Ye Ziwen who grew up in the city must have never seen it before, so he immediately decided to go here. up. . .

There are not many accompanying personnel, but Zhao Dongsheng, Song Haomin, Zhu Cihan, Wang Hu, Zhao Chong and other guards must accompany them.On Ye Ziwen's side, she only brought her maid, Xiaoyue, and she didn't bring any of the maids that Wang Zhenyu bought for him after his marriage.However, Xiaoyue didn't seem to be qualified to be a maid, she didn't follow the rules honestly with her own lady, and from time to time she got stuck with adjutant Song Haomin.And Wang Zhenyu and Ye Ziwen were also happy to see this, and deliberately turned a blind eye to it, so everyone can only envy it.

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