The three of Chen Guangfu exchanged glances, and they seemed to be quite satisfied with this. Although they didn't know how much the monthly salary of Wang Zhenyu's regiment commander was, it was not low when he thought about it. Wang Zhenyu himself was only a brigade commander.

Chen Guangfu tugged at the corner of his clothes and said, "It's a blessing for me to work for the commander in chief, but I don't know if there is a trade-off in the scope of business for the three banks? In addition, who will coordinate in terms of management? And the initial equity capital is willing to give How much?"

As expected of a businessman, he directly asked for ideas.Although Wang Zhenyu is not very proficient in the banking industry, he still knows the general direction.

"Xiangxi Construction Bank is mainly responsible for loans for industrial construction projects, Hongjiang Commercial Bank is mainly responsible for loans for commercial projects, Yuanjiang Development Bank is mainly responsible for loans for transportation projects, and other businesses can also be done. The current bank or something, I The meaning is to merge into Hongjiang Commercial Bank. So we can decide here first. The general manager of Hongjiang Commercial Bank will be held by Brother Guangfu. As for the Xiangxi Construction Bank in charge of industrial projects, Brother Hanzhang will take care of it. Brother Gongquan, my eldest brother I read your letter and heard that you are interested in railway construction, so I thought, this Yuanjiang Development Bank will be handed over to you."

The three of them had no objection to this arrangement, and immediately expressed their willingness to work hard for Wang Shuai.

"You and I will be colleagues in the future. I believe in your character, and I am willing to hand over the entire money bag of Xiangxi to you. I hope our relationship will last forever and become a good story." Wang Zhenyu said very sincerely, which moved Chen Guangfu and others. .

Wang Zhenyu thought of Chen Guangfu's previous question again, and continued to answer: "The problem of specific coordination and management is this. On top of the three major banks, the government will establish Xiangxi National Bank. This bank not only supervises all banks in the country, but also There may also be businesses such as issuing banknotes. This bank is mainly policy-oriented and closed to the outside world. The three concurrently serve as the vice president and president of the bank. I am not avoiding relatives, so Ye Laoyi will be the one. I am the chairman of the Xiangxi Development Company, so Mr. Ye is also the president of this company. In the future, you will help Mr. Ye handle the bank affairs, and Mr. Ye can directly decide on minor matters. , don’t tell me.”

Ye Zuwen didn't delay, and nodded to the three of them, expressing his acquiescence.

"In addition, the bank is currently in its infancy stage. In other words, there is nothing you want, and a lot of funds are needed for various constructions, so the funds invested in the construction of the bank itself will be very limited, so many difficulties need to be overcome by ourselves. As for the share capital, it will be relatively sufficient. The three banks will have a total of 2400 million yuan in share capital. At present, the development company has [-] million ocean funds to allocate, and the money will be allocated to the three banks according to the project. For specific matters, you should as soon as possible After completing the preparatory work, you can invite some professionals from Shanghai with high salaries, and report to Mr. Ye after the specific plan is out. I hope that the three banks can open one after another next month at the latest."

The three of Chen Guangfu quickly entered the role, and naturally took out their small notebook and pen, and began to record Wang Zhenyu's words one by one.Since then, this move has also affected all walks of life in the military and government in western Hunan. All leaders' speeches have been carefully recorded with small notebooks and pencils or pens.

When Frankie and the others heard that the Xiangxi Development Company had raised [-] million yuan, their eyes lit up instantly. . .

Thinking that the three of them would have the opportunity to take charge of the three largest non-state-owned commercial banks in China, the slightly excited Chen Guangfu and others immediately stood up and said goodbye to Wang Zhenyu. They will return to their temporary residence to continue discussing how to carry out their work.In their view, the opportunity to make a big splash has come.

Now only our classmate Wang Dashuai, Mr. Ye Zuwen and three foreigners are left in the study.Don't be surprised, Ye Zuwen, Wang Zhenyu's father-in-law, is a translator who is proficient in English, French and German, and has also worked in the Prime Minister's Office.As for the Belgians and Luxembourgers, they speak French and German.

The first person to speak was Frankie, the representative of the Belgian Belgian Belgian Bank who claimed to have discovered a gold mine. On the Governor's sale of the Luhan Railway.The profit earned from that business is astonishing. If I can follow suit, I will definitely be rewarded by His Majesty the King when I return to China, and maybe I will be awarded the title of nobility by His Majesty the King.

Based on this idea, the more Frankie, who is already a little mentally disturbed, looks at Wang Zhenyu who is calm and composed, the more he feels that this person is his own Zhang Zhidong.

"Dear Marshal Wang, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please allow me to extend my sincere regards to you and your family on behalf of Belgian Bank." In fact, foreigners also pay attention to the necessary courtesy and greetings.

Wang Zhenyu responded with a natural and polite smile: "I wish your bank business prosperity and wealth!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Frankie immediately returned to the essence of a western businessman: "Dear General Wang, we very much hope to establish a cooperative relationship with you and make our own contribution to the development of human society. Specifically, for me, I am full of interest and curiosity about your Xiangxi development plan. Judging from the content, this should be the project with the most investment value and social benefits I have seen in this era. Let's imagine that a barbaric, desolate and backward To become the most modern and prosperous area in China, such a genius idea requires enough courage and wisdom, and of course, money.”

Wang Zhenyu looked at Frankie who was full of enthusiasm: "Yes, Mr. Frankie, you are right. I am very interested to know that you and the bank you work for can propose for this great plan full of social benefits. What a valuable opinion."

Frankie tapped lightly on the table and said: "Funding, dear king, we Belgians can provide funds for your project. Of course, the premise of all this is that your project has investment value."

Wang Zhenyu was about to speak, when Ye Ziwen's personal maid Shizuka came in with a plate of winter dates.Everyone stopped talking immediately. After Xiaoyue married Song Haomin, Wang Zhenyu had already planned to let the young couple end their service work and live another more real life.But Miss Ye still needs someone to serve her, so Ma Xicheng chose 14-year-old Shizuka to serve Ye Ziwen, who is actually only sixteen or seventeen years old.Because they were afraid of Madam's majesty, the guards naturally did not dare to obstruct the maid who was ordered to deliver Dongzao.This phenomenon made Wang Zhenyu frowned unhappily. It seems that there are still huge loopholes in the security work around him, and he wants to say hello to Zhao Dongsheng later.The next day, the guards on duty tonight, Zhao Dongsheng's nephew Zhao Songyang and cousin Zhao Chong were personally executed by Zhao Dongsheng with [-] army sticks. All the guards watching the sentence were terrified. . .

Don't talk about it, after eating a winter jujube, Wang Zhenyu asked Zhu Cihan to hand over the latest copy of Xiangxi Development to Ye Zuwen, and then looked at the three foreign devils with great interest and listened to his father-in-law bragging.

What the foreigners heard was exclamation, more than 500 kilometers of railways, steel factories with an annual output of one million tons, as well as textile factories, soap factories, hydropower stations, military factories, and cement factories. . . . . .And a model city that surpasses Qingdao - Anjiang.

"My God, this is simply building a new Luxembourg." Felix, the consul of Luxembourg in Hankou and commercial charge d'affaires of Albeid Steel and Equipment Company, was the first to exclaim.

"This is impossible, a model city that is more beautiful than Qingdao, this is impossible, general, you are making too much of a joke, you must know that Berlin, the capital of our German Empire, is not as good as Qingdao in some aspects. How dare you. ..." The upright German Hans raised his doubts on the spot.

Only Frankie did not express his opinion immediately. He was still carefully reading the plan full of great ideas, and at the same time nervously estimating how much money such a huge plan would need to support.Unlike Hansen, Frankie basically agrees with the feasibility of this plan, but whether it is a railway or a steel plant, it will take a relatively long period to take effect.

Frankie is not the same as Felix, he is playing with capital, and what he has to consider is profit, that is to say, if he lends money to this young and somewhat excessive general, how much he can gain for the company The profit and whether the money can be recovered safely are what he has to consider.As for whether the plan itself is reliable or not, how feasible it is is only a consideration of the latter's safety, not the former's decision. . .

Wang Zhenyu ignored the surprise and questioning. He looked at Frankie, who was the leading role, with a smile on his face, waiting for his speech.

Frankie said in a deep voice: "Dear General Wang, have you ever calculated how much money is needed for such a huge plan? And if our Belgian Bank can provide loan support for the general, in addition to interest, we can also get those Protection of interests?"

Wang Zhenyu said leisurely: "Gentlemen, a plan is a plan, and it will never keep up with changes. I never care about how much money I have to spend. The only thing I have to worry about is whether I can pay for what I want to spend when I earn money. Frankie Sir, compared to the total investment in the development of Xiangxi, I am more concerned about how much support your Belgian Bank can provide me? You know, input and output are directly proportional. The more input, the higher the output, so the money Naturally, the more the better. Of course, we will work hard to protect the interests of our friends when harvesting. So dear Frankie, how much help can you give me?"

Chapter 105 Great Development ([-])

Zhu Cihan took the order to leave. Ye Zuwen watched the people walk away, and asked his son-in-law in a low voice: "Wen Zheng, is this [-] million loan too much?"

Frankie thought for a while, and pretended to be honest: "Dear general, we have a loan that has just been returned from your country's central government in our hands. The total amount is 1000 million pounds, which is about the same as your customs bank. 1000 million yuan. I think you have heard about the aftermath of the big loan, so I won’t say more. I am currently in charge of lending this amount. Since the lending plan is approved on a yearly basis, the current amount of money It is idle. What I am worried about is, can you afford such a large loan?"

Wang Zhenyu was overjoyed when he heard the words, 1000 million to [-] million, this foreigner is not lying to me, if he can really get such a huge sum of money, then the progress of the construction of Xiangxi will be greatly accelerated, and his power will rapidly expand like blowing a balloon stand up.Wang Zhenyu secretly made up his mind that for a better tomorrow, he would get this loan no matter what, no matter how unreasonable the seemingly polite Belgian asked.

"Dear Mr. Frankie, you can turn over the map and see how big the area I am managing now is larger than the entire area of ​​your country. Within such a range, there are huge resources. Take a look. The resources that have been developed, such as timber, tung oil, and pig temples alone, can bring in an income of 3000 million yuan a year. So if we build hydropower stations, steel plants, railways, and industrial development in this place How? Dear Frankie, you will definitely say that my population is only 220 million, and the market is too small. In fact, this is not a problem. Compared with Belgium, which one of us is closer to the huge market of China? There is a market in the market, and the only thing lacking now is a brave heart. I admire you early Europeans. No matter how big their original sins are, at least they dare to take risks with their lives to find new wealth. Xiangxi is the largest in China. Now it depends on whether you dare to take the risk to come here and take a chance, gentlemen, when the supplies come to the Yangtze River through the Yuan River, you will see huge rewards."

Frankie and others ignited their ambitions in their hearts with this passionate speech to Wang Zhenyu, but they kept their heads clear enough. No matter how good the blueprint is, if they get too little benefit, it will be bullshit.

"General, what can we get, or how can you protect our interests? You know, everything else is easy to talk about. The construction of the railway is probably beyond your current authority. With all due respect, even if someone in the central government of your country If you agree to build the road, the ministers of various countries will also intervene in this matter, which has been a rule since the Qing Empire." Frankie continued to ask questions on behalf of everyone.

Hearing these words, Wang Zhenyu felt grief and indignation in his heart. Lao Tzu, Chinese people have to get the consent of foreigners to build roads. What is wrong with this world.However, the matter of cooperation finally came down to the most substantial thing. After Wang Zhenyu and Ye Zuwen communicated in Chinese for a while, Ye Zuwen proposed a loan cooperation plan.

"First, we hope that the bank will lend this huge loan to Xiangxi Development Company. In fact, it is impossible for the central government to borrow this money anymore. The loan conditions remain the same, the total amount is 1000 million pounds, and the interest is [-]%. Ninety-seven deduction, the payment is made [-] days after signing the contract, and the purpose is not specified.

Second, build a railway from Anjiang to Tongdao, hereinafter referred to as Antong Railway, passing through Anjiang, Luyang, Qiancheng, Huitong, Jingzhou, and six counties of Tongdao, starting from Anjiang and ending at Yatunpu, with a total length of 200 kilometers. Both are mountain roads, and the railway construction cost is estimated to be 900 million yuan.Considering the situation of the Luhan Railway, the quality is now required to ensure that the running speed of the vehicles can reach 40-60 kilometers per hour.

Third, repayment, with Antong Railway as the guarantee, and the loan will be repaid in 30 years.

Fourth, as an additional condition, the construction of the Antong Railway Project was handed over to the Belgian side and supervised by the Transportation Bureau of the Chinese Xiangxi Guardian Envoy.

Fifth, Belgian Bank can open banks within the scope of General Wang's comrades, but cannot issue currency. "

These conditions are very conservative. I was waiting for Frankie to bargain, but I didn't expect the other party to agree to it immediately. They just said that they need the final confirmation from the Shanghai headquarters.This made Wang Zhenyu and Ye Zuwen not quite believe it, and it was Frankie who said something that made Wang Zhenyu suddenly realize: "Dear Wang, since you know Mr. Xiong in Beijing, I can believe that the central government of your country will eventually Will agree to the construction of this railway. Besides, I don't expect to get anything other than commercial benefits from this loan, and I hope that I can become friends with a young general like you who makes people jealous."

In fact, when Frankie was negotiating with Yuan Shikai about the loan from the National University of Belgium, he was dealing with Xiong Xiling, the then Chief Financial Officer.Ten days ago, Xiong Xiling, who had resigned and was at home, received a telegram from his hometown, saying that Wang Zhenyu, the new Xiangxi Guardian envoy, came to his door to send a greeting card and a gift of three thousand oceans.Xiong Xiling from Phoenix is ​​also a very nostalgic person. It happened that Frankie was about to leave Beijing and go south to bid farewell to Xiong Xiling.Xiong Xiling just mentioned it in passing, and as a result, Frankie began to pay attention to things about western Hunan. The subsequent things happened by chance. Frankie, who had just arrived in Wuhan, saw the Xiangxi Development Plan. . .

It is difficult for foreigners to understand the so-called relationship in Chinese society, and Wang Zhenyu didn't point it out. He just nodded and said: "As for the great powers, you don't need to worry about it. With the example of the Luhan Railway, it is not a big problem... "

Hans from Lihe & Co. and Felix from Luxembourg can't sit still now. God, this Frankie from Belgian Bank must be crazy to lend 1000 million pounds to this guard who looks like a rich man. .This guy is not a kid who has just arrived in China. In case this Wang Zhenyu is transferred, or other bad things happen, how will the loan be recovered?

But soon they don't care about that, and they start trying to sell themselves.

"Dear General Wang, our German company Lihe Yangxing is very experienced in urban construction, and we have a group of professional and technical personnel. You must know that the beautiful Qingdao has our company's contribution, so I hope that the project of Anjiang Model City can be handed over to We." The German Hans, who was still questioning Wang Zhenyu's bragging just now, is now the first one to take the initiative to participate in the development of Xiangxi, and no one will make trouble with the British pound.

"Dear General Wang, our steel industry in Luxembourg is very famous in Europe. You must know that the Hanyang Iron and Steel Plant in your country was built in cooperation with us, so I hope that your steel plant project will consider our Albeid Company, In terms of equipment, our technical level is definitely not inferior to their Germans, and the price is more affordable."

Wang Zhenyu nodded, but said with a smile: "It's very late today. I think Mr. Frankie will send a telegram to the headquarters in Shanghai for instructions on the loan matter, so I don't think there is any rush. Everyone should go to bed early... "

Now that the host had issued the order to evict the guests, the three foreigners with different moods had no choice but to politely get up and leave. . .

After seeing off the three foreigners, Ye Zuwen returned to his study, looking at his son-in-law who was lost in thought, the more he looked at him, the more he admired and loved him.

"Wenzheng, what are you thinking?"

"Father, I'm wondering if all this is true?" Wang Zhenyu looked at his father-in-law sincerely. All this feels unreal. If the Shanghai headquarters of Belgian Bank agrees to borrow money tomorrow.Then the funds that Wang Zhenyu can control now will reach an astonishing 2000 million silver dollars, and 1000 million pounds are included in it.

What does this mean? If you call back the three financial people who left before, they will tell you that you can use the 1000 million pounds as a guarantee to print your own banknotes.

For Wang Zhenyu from later generations, this means that the funds he can currently deploy have actually surpassed that of Yuan Shikai in Beijing.According to historical records, the 500 million pounds that Yuan Shikai obtained through the aftermath loan came after the Song case occurred in 1913.At present, our president's finances are still very tight, and even if he gets this loan, Yuan Shikai has to pay much more than Wang Zhenyu, who only controls a corner of Xiangxi.

Maybe Xiangxi can really build itself into a special zone. After all, it is definitely not a joke to concentrate on big things.

Wang Zhenyu seems to have seen factory buildings rising from the ground, trains rushing away, and then the influx of wealth makes his army mighty and his flag is planted all over the country.Thinking of this, Wang Zhenyu almost couldn't help drooling, maybe he can really reach the pinnacle in this life.

Seeing Wang Zhenyu's appearance, Ye Zuwen immediately understood. He immediately reminded his son-in-law, "Wen Zheng, you can't reach thousands of miles without accumulating silicon, and you can't form rivers without accumulating small streams. Even with such a large amount of money in hand, You still have to be careful and keep your feet on the ground!"

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