"Queen Dowager, Your Majesty is very much in the style of your ancestors. There is a generation of masters, and the ministers can't teach them anymore. Why don't you let the Queen Mother return to the Emperor. The Emperor will definitely make my Qing Dynasty stronger." Weng Tongsu said to Guan Xuqing Blinked.

As soon as the words fell, the court exploded.The emperor is only ten years old, how can he be in charge?This Weng Tongsu is crazy!Does he not want to live anymore?How can the Qing Dynasty teach a hairy child?

Next, your sentence and my sentence are in a mess.And Cixi looked at Guan Xuqing and then at Weng Tongsu.He replied: "I don't want to participate in political affairs, but the emperor is young. I have to do so. Since Master Weng said that the emperor can already govern personally, then tell me, or I will return to politics with the emperor?"

"Queen, you can't. The emperor is young, and the Qing Dynasty cannot do without you." Rong Lu was the first to jump out.

"Empress Dowager, I feel that something is wrong. The emperor is too young to be a leader." Prince Lu also said quickly.

Cixi looked at Prince Chun and said, "Prince Chun, what do you think?"

"Queen Dowager, I think the emperor still needs the support of the Queen Mother. He can't take charge of the government right now." Prince Jin was covered in cold sweat, secretly cursing Weng Tongsu in his heart.Isn't this trapping oneself in injustice?

"Why not?" Guan Xuqing stood up and said.

"Cixi, you fornicated the court and poisoned the Eastern Empress Dowager to death. What is the crime of forming a party for personal gain?" Guan Xuqing said righteously.

"You, you... Your Majesty, you are spitting blood." Cixi looked at Guan Xuqing in horror.

Perhaps she never thought that the emperor, who had been silent for the past few years, would suddenly explode.

"Come on, pass on the Imperial Physician" Guan Xuqing shouted.

But no one went to call the imperial doctor...

"Xiao Lizi, pass on the order. Close the nine gates and let Cologne call in a hundred Imperial Forest Army." Ci Xi panicked and continued, "Rong Lu, go and protect the four gates of the palace with the inner and outer firearm battalions, vanguard battalions, and infantry battalions. .”

"Zha" Li Lianying and Rong Lu replied at the same time.

"Bang... bang..." After two loud bangs.Rong Lu and Li Lianying fell into a pool of blood as soon as they walked out of the palace gate.

The ministers in the hall were terrified, and they found objects to cover up.

"Hahaha, Cixi, it's already this time, why don't you plead guilty? To tell you the truth, the master who captured the king entered Beijing last night. Three thousand guard warriors who are proficient in marksmanship are ambushed in the palace. Huang Kao had expected you You have such wolfish ambitions. Wang Shang, bring out the secret edict you found in the bedroom of the Eastern Empress Dowager." Guan Xuqing said loudly.

Wang Shang handed over a forgery written by Weng Tongsu.

"Master Weng, please read it in front of all the ministers." Guan Xuqing handed it to Weng Tongsu.

Weng Tongsu cleared his throat and said, "Empress, after a hundred years, Concubine Yi will help her mother because her son is precious, so she has to be respected as Queen Mother together. However, she is definitely not a stable person. , coquettish and lawless, you can call the courtiers to declare this decree, and immediately grant death to prevent future troubles. Imperial pen on July 11th, [-]th year of Xianfeng."

"It's fake, it's fake. If it's real, I'd burn it a long time ago." Cixi yelled frantically.

"Empress Dowager East takes out the secret edict, and you kill her. I want to avenge the Empress Dowager today. Come and take Cixi down." Guan Xuqing shouted.

Suddenly more than 50 people sprang out from around the palace, all of them were boys in black clothes about eighteen or nineteen years old.Never seen it before, don't know where it came from.

"Who dares to touch the Queen Mother? Do you want to rebel?" Gui Xiang shouted immediately.

Guixiang is Cixi's younger brother, 14 years younger than Cixi.He has a big temper, but he has no skills.Relying on his sister's relationship, he also became the commander of the infantry.

As soon as Gui Xiang yelled, nearly [-] imperial guards rushed towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but halfway through the rush, they heard the constant gunshots of bang, bang, bang.

The hall has become a mess.Fifty young men in black with guns and live ammunition in the hall have a clear division of labor, escorting the guards, guarding the officials, detaining Cixi, and detaining Guixiang.It looks like a well-trained team.

Gongqin Dynasty Prince Chun looked at it, and thought in his heart: Lao Qi really has a way, such a big event can be counted as complete, and I don't know where he got such a terrifying team.It seems that he wants to be too emperor.

Guan Xuqing was also extremely nervous, the battle outside the palace was over.Of course, the Imperial Forest Army's cold weapons were not easily solved by their opponents.

"Zhang Yu kowtowed to the emperor, and all the rebels outside the palace have been killed." Zhang Yu knelt down and said.

"Alright, where is Prince Chun?" Guan Xuqing asked.

"Chen Zai" Prince Jin didn't know the son in front of him.

"Rong Lu conspired with Cixi and was shot dead. You immediately replace Rong Lu as the admiral of the Nine Gates and close the Nine Gates. Together with Wu Guang's Department of the Tianjin General Army, we will jointly defend the capital." Guan Xuqing arranged.

"Cha." Prince Chun looked at his son, of course he hoped that he could make his own decisions.

During the Xianfeng period, Prince Chun was the admiral of the Nine Gates, and most of the current ten battalions are his former troops.If he goes to take up the post, even if there is no letter of appointment from Cixi, it will still work.

Under the careful planning of Guan Xuqing, in 1881 AD, the seventh year of Guangxu.Guan Xuqing succeeded in eradicating Cixi, and Cixi was given to commit suicide.Li Lianying was shot dead on the spot, and Rong Lu and other henchmen were wiped out.

Seizing Power Chapter 18 One Emperor and One Courtier

After Cixi was forced to commit suicide, the forces attached to Cixi also collapsed instantly.Most of them stopped or arrested, and the rest turned their guns and vowed to be loyal to the emperor, or to Prince Jin.

This allowed Guan Xuqing to experience the harshness of the world in the officialdom, but Guan Xuqing didn't have much time to experience it slowly.He didn't want to waste the situation he had won so hard.

Guan Xuqing immediately issued four letters of appointment: [-]. Make Dong Liang, the former commander of the Shenji Battalion in the capital, serve as the governor of Zhili.The official title of Governor of Zhili is Governor Zhili and other local admirals, military affairs, food and payment, river management and governor.And because Zhili Province is located in an important place in Gyeonggi, the governor of Zhili is known as the head of the border ministers.However, Li Hongzhang, the former governor of Zhili, was transferred back to the capital to concentrate on the prime minister's Western affairs and travel in the military plane.

Second, let Li Zhen serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Households, and be a first-rank follower.Responsible for national land collection, taxation, official salary expenditure, etc., equivalent to the current Vice Premier of the State Council.He also serves as the head of the anti-corruption team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Wang Shang will serve as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and all corrupt officials will be removed after verification.

[-]. Let Weng Tongsu, the emperor's teacher, serve as assistant minister, minister of military aircraft department, and bachelor of Wuyingdian.Hang up a product.equivalent to the current vice president

Fourth, let Prince Chun serve as the admiral of the Nine Gates and lead the guards and internal ministers.Hang up a product.

Once the four appointments were made, the military, government, and finances were all in the hands of Guan Xuqing's cronies.It depends on the nationwide spread... The foreign ministers exclaimed, what happened in the capital! !

Foreign countries are in an uproar, and they are all paying close attention to all the amazing changes that have happened to this sleeping lion in the East!

March 23, Temple of Heaven.Guan Xuqing held a pro-government ceremony.

The youngest emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty.Guan Xuqing climbed up to the Temple of Heaven with a solemn expression. At this time, the incense table was set up in front of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, and he took three candles of incense from Wang Shang.Insert it into the copper tripod in front three times.There is a saying that every time you insert a candle, you have to worship three times. The first candle is to pray for God to bless the weather, the second candle is to pray for a good harvest, and the third candle is to pray to the ancestors to bless the Qing Dynasty for thousands of years.

After the tedious procedures were over, he drove back to the palace.

Finally returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Guan Xuqing summoned Dong Liang.It is also a tradition in the Qing Dynasty to listen to the emperor's hadith before taking office.Especially the special important position of Governor of Zhili.

"I kowtow to the emperor" Dong Liang knelt on the ground.

Compared to seven years ago, when Guan Xuqing first entered the palace.Dong Liang was obviously a little older, but more composed.Sophisticated.

"Stay flat." Guan Xuqing waved his hand.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dong Liang stood up.

"Come, sit and talk." Guan Xuqing sat on the dragon chair, pointing to the seat next to him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Dong Liang sat down, still without the slightest politeness.

"Dong Liang, I gave you the most important position in the Qing Dynasty. I brought back Li Hongzhang not because he did not do well. In the past few years, he has carried out the Westernization Movement with great fanfare, buying warships, building arsenals, and Jinling Machine Manufacturing The bureau has imitated the American Gatling machine gun. And it has been mass-produced and equipped with some units of the Hunan Army and the Huai Army. Do you know why I still decided to let you be the governor of Zhili?" Guan Xu said calmly.

"I'm afraid I can't do well. I'm just a warrior. I can't understand the emperor's deep meaning." Dong Liang stood up and saluted.

"Sitting and talking." Guan Xuqing waved his hands and continued: "Now I am living beyond my means, and officials in various provinces are filling their pockets. I have to return the previous war reparations every year, and I am unable to develop the military. But without development, I cannot resist foreign enemies. Therefore, I We must increase revenue and reduce expenditure.”

"Chen... I don't understand." Dong Liang scratched his head and said awkwardly.

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