After a while, Wang Feng hurried in.

"See the military gate, the left wing is as solid as gold. There is no trace of the French army!" Wang Feng said intentionally.

Liu Mingchuan looked at Wang Feng, who was known as a lunatic, and said slowly: "Back then you rushed to the enemy's position alone and killed 13 enemies. Now I want you to lead a team to the opposite fortress and destroy it for me. The heavy artillery in the opposite fortress. Are you sure?"

"Junmen, just look at it. I can't guarantee anything else. It's enough for me to lead a battalion." Wang Feng said, patting his chest.

"There is no joke in the army." Liu Mingchuan said with a sullen face.

Wang Feng said affirmatively: "I would like to issue a military order, and hope that the 20 artillery battalions of the military gate will cover the fire for a quarter of an hour. If the task cannot be completed within two hours, I would like to be dealt with by military law."

"Okay, I'll give you half an hour of cover firepower. The firepower can extend forward with your advance. It's noon now. You go back and prepare to launch an attack at midnight. Destroy their fort before dawn." Liu Mingchuan Said excitedly.

PS: The two changes are over, and there are flowers or emerald diamonds before 10:[-].Add one more thanks again to Fairy Neck!

The Lion Wakes Chapter 64 Destroying the Fort

Wang Feng gathered his troops and came to the attack trench, his domineering arrogance was undoubtedly revealed.He said to the ten battalions under his command: "Brothers, the brothers in front have been attacking continuously for two days and two nights, and the French army has not performed together for three days. Now General Liu is giving us half an hour of artillery cover. When the French devils are dazzled, rush up to me and destroy the enemy's fort. Today is the day when we repay the emperor and the court."

The Qing army, which had been attacking for two consecutive days, did not fire a single shot or let go of a single shot in one afternoon.Everyone relied on each other to rest, and the artillerymen fell asleep directly on the top of the mountain.

The French army did not dare to relax at all. The quieter the enemy was when they were besieged, the more dangerous they would be.Guba, the commander-in-chief of the army, was on the fort position at this time, looking at the Qing army in front of him with a telescope.

"General, they may be unable to attack for a long time and want to besiege us. You see, they are building a defensive position. They have set up barbed wire!" An adjutant analyzed.

Gu Ba said worriedly: "Probably not, it is impossible to besiege us. Let alone that they are afraid that our domestic warships will come to reinforce them. Even if there are no reinforcements, there are three big mountains behind us. inexhaustible food and water.”

In the mountains behind the fortress, there is a freshwater lake formed by a natural waterfall. When the French army just occupied this place, they dug a river artificially and introduced water into the fortress.In the mountains, pheasants, ducks, and boars are even more abundant, and there is really no shortage of food, but they don't know it.A force of 5 troops from the Qing army has come in from the mountains west of the fortress.All routes to the west were blocked.

It was another quiet night, until after 11 o'clock in the evening.There was still no movement from the Qing army, and the French troops on the ground were snuggling up and sleeping in the trenches.The French army on the fort also relaxed their vigilance.

The pointer of the pocket watch in Liu Mingchuan's hand has already pointed to 12 at the same time, "fire"

One order!

There was another earth-shattering sound of artillery, which woke up the French soldiers who were sleeping in the trenches and in the fort.French soldiers were looking for shelters after continuous bombing.The bullets moved forward slowly, and the soldiers of the Qing army also moved forward bit by bit, changing the previous group charge.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the French army had no idea that the Qing army in front had approached their position little by little.

Under the cover of fierce artillery fire for half an hour, the Qing army suddenly jumped up.Rushing to the French position, suddenly there were crowds of people in front of the position.The French army is inexplicable, where did these Qing troops come from?Could it be that the dead bodies on the ground suddenly came back to life?

The inner turret spoke again, but this time it only fired once before stopping.

Because the Qing army that rushed up had already been entangled with the French army in the position, the Qing army charged this time without any guns at all, and each had a machete.

After rushing into the fortress position, they strangled with the French army almost instantly, and started a fierce hand-to-hand battle. The inside was filled with their corpses layer by layer, some were killed by the artillery, and some died with the French army. They almost tore apart the front positions of the French army layer by layer with their teeth.

"General, the Qing army is rushing up. Do you want the first brigade to go down for reinforcements, or the forward position will be lost." An adjutant said.

Gu Ba looked at the anxious fighting between the two armies on the ground below, and couldn't imagine in his heart, is this still the Chinese army 20 years ago?The ferocity and fighting will they showed reminded Guba of the German Army.Where did their hatred of wanting to devour themselves come from?

"No need, that position has been blown to the ground by the artillery of the Qing army. It doesn't make much sense to bring it back. Let the front team move back appropriately, back up a bit, and let the fort open fire on the Qing army on the forward position. .”

After receiving the order to retreat, the French army in the trench retreated like a tide.Before the Qing army came and took a breath, the fort above had already opened fire on them.

In just 30 minutes, the roles changed immediately. Thirty minutes ago, French soldiers in this trench suffered painfully from the shelling of the Qing army. Thirty minutes later, the soldiers of the Qing army also suffered from the bombing of the French artillery in this same trench.

"Biaotong, this cannon is too fierce. Brothers can't lift their heads up, what should we do?" a soldier shouted loudly.

"What? I can't hear you. Speak louder!" Because the cannons were too loud, Wang Feng couldn't hear the words of the soldiers next to him.

"The artillery fire is too fierce, we can't rush up." The guard shouted into Wang Feng's ear.

Wang Feng visually measured the distance from the trench to the fort, which was at least 1000 meters.However, there are powerful firepower networks such as French machine gun forts, dark forts, and forts at this distance, although they have occupied the forward positions.But it is quite difficult to continue to attack, so what should I do?

"Xizi, you lead the troops of the base camp to rush up along the right side to attract the firepower of the devils. Gather all the explosives and choose 20 brothers who are more agile and follow me. Let's slowly climb to their camp. Go to the fort, and the rest of the brothers stand by and wait for reinforcements."

"Biaotong, let me go, you are here to lead the whole army." Wang Feng's guard said.

"Fuck you, I issued a military order when I came out. If I can't blow up Gou Ri's fort, I will die if I go back. It's better to let me die on the way forward! Carry out the order."

Xizi's real name is Cao Tianxi, and he is the bravest battalion commander under Wang Feng.He has the most temper towards Wang Feng, so he let Xizi do all the important things.Both of them have a straight temper, and their words are not too big.

"Biaotong, you should stay here. The artillery fire is so fierce, if something happens to you, who will we listen to command? You give me the explosives, and our battalion will go straight to his fort." Xizi roared loudly. with.

"Fuck you, your battalion is here to attract firepower. You probably died within 200 meters with the explosives. Don't talk nonsense, get ready, your battalion will rush out in 20 minutes. .” Wang Feng ordered hastily.


There was another bombardment, but this time it was from the artillery barracks of the Qing army.The target accurately hit several exposed Ming forts and machine gun forts in the French positions.

"Okay, don't disappoint Liu Junmen's good intentions. Go!" Wang Feng roared.

Cao Tianxi's battalion jumped up and went straight to the opponent's command post along the right.

Brother, let's go!After watching Xizi rush out, Wang Feng thought silently in his heart.Turning around, he said to the more than 20 soldiers behind him: "Brothers follow me and ambush forward."

A group of people, holding bombs in their hands, kept crawling towards the fort under the cover of night...

"General, a small unit of the Qing army is coming towards our command post." A correspondent said expressionlessly.

"Let the first brigade eat him." Guba ordered with his back to the signal soldier.

Cao Tianxi's troops only attacked 400 meters forward before encountering a large number of countercharges from the French army behind the fort, fighting life and death in a small space.

Wang Feng saw clearly from behind, and was overjoyed in his heart.If it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Cao Tianxi is officially good at it.Even if the French devil's two strikes were not taken seriously, he was working hard to climb forward.

But when he climbed another 100 meters, he realized that the battle ahead was not quite right.The French army seems to have dispatched a lot of people, and Cao Tianxi's troops have not lasted long and are running out.

Cao Tianxi was nowhere to be found in the crowd, only the vast crowd of the French army drowned the blue Qing army at once!The battle lasted only 20 minutes, Cao Tianxi's battalion was all killed, no one retreated, no one was captured.

At this time, Wang Feng's heart felt as if a knife had been stabbed in his heart. After a while, the tiger general he admired the most was already separated from him, but Wang Feng was quite satisfied with the will to fight he showed.

"Xizi, good job. You go on the road with the brothers first, wait for brother, brother will be here in a while." Wang Feng said silently with tears in his eyes.

Wang Feng continued to climb and was only 200 meters away from the fort.There was an open field ahead, not even a French soldier's body.There is no need to climb anymore.

"Brothers, the artillery fire of the French devils is too powerful. If you don't blow it up, the brothers below will not be able to rush up. Today we will blow up the damn cannon even if we risk our lives." Wang Feng said in a low voice. .

"Biaotong, just tell me. How to do it?" asked a well-built soldier.

"We have a total of 21 people here, including me. We are divided into three groups of seven people. There are three cannons in front, one for each of us. Go straight up and stuff the ignited explosives into their barrels. Destroy the fort of the foreign devils, The brothers behind can directly rush up to occupy the fortress."

After the grouping of 21 people was completed, they held explosives.Under Wang Feng's order, he rushed straight to the opponent's fort like a wild horse running wild.

There was a soldier named Li Mo, who was originally from Hong Kong. After the British occupied Hong Kong, his family fled to Guangdong.Both parents were killed by foreigners during the Second Opium War.He is an orphan, raised by his grandmother.After the death of my grandmother, I joined the army and became a Qing army. The hatred for the French army radiated from the bones.

He took the lead and ran the fastest, and the machine guns and rifles of the French army were also staring at him and shooting.Li Mo's shoulders and thighs scored consecutively.After falling to the ground, he continued to crawl towards the fort, and the explosive bag in his arms was already stained red by his own blood.In my mind, I just want to avenge my parents and kill these foreign devils...

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