Under the leadership of Wang Gang, more than 200 warriors who had found their way to the depths detoured to the bottom of the hillside where the artillery group was positioned.There are 5 guards in front of them, surrounded by barbed wire, and a wooden sign is hung on the barbed wire, which says Forbiddentoentermilitaryareas (Military important area, strictly forbidden to enter)

"Biaotong, what is written in the foreign code?"

"Whatever bird language he wrote, everyone is ready. I will reward him with a grenade first, and then rush in after blowing up the barbed wire. Definitely destroy all their cannons." Wang Gang pinned it to his waist The grenade was taken out, and the cap was unscrewed to reveal the lead wire.


There was an explosion and a few chaotic shouts.A deafening shout of killing came from the bottom of the hillside, "Kill...kill..."

The British army defending in front of the artillery group didn't respond at all. Seeing the flood of Chinese troops rushing over, they had lost any ability and idea of ​​resistance.He just squatted on the ground with his hands raised high.

The artillerymen of the British army heard the chaos below, and ran out curiously to watch the excitement.But seeing Chinese soldiers like demons, how can this not surprise them?How did they suddenly appear here?

More than 200 warriors rained grenades among the British cannons, and the sound of explosions continued for a while.

Some threw grenades into the barrels of British cannons, and some simply threw grenades into British ammunition boxes. In short, they did whatever they could to deal the biggest blow to the artillery.

This extremely destructive force was like a whirlwind. Wherever it went, the British army was destroyed and killed, without a trace of life.

At the same time, both Feng Zicai and Wallace discovered the colorful fireworks on the top of the mountain, but their moods were in two extremes.

"Okay, that brat Wang Gang is a bit interesting. Let the commandos who didn't rush up to meet Wang Gang and them. Let Cai Ning blow out the city wall for me, and the rest of the troops are in their positions and ready to attack the city." Feng Zicai swept away the decadence just now. The look on his face, the excitement is beyond words.

Wallace also heard the movement on the top of the mountain at the headquarters.

"Call the artillery position quickly, what's going on?" Wallace asked with restrained anger.

"General, the phone is dead."

"Then send the communications corps to take a look, figure out the situation as soon as possible and report immediately."

Before the staff officer could answer, a British signal soldier ran in and said breathlessly: "General, it's not good, the Qing army's defense on the cliff is quite tenacious, we just occupied the Qing army's position on the cliff, look Until the artillery group positions were occupied by the Qing army and destroyed."

Wallace felt his eyes go dark, and he collapsed on the chair.How is this possible, how is this possible.

He kept asking himself repeatedly, isn't the Qing army on the cliff?Isn't it already wiped out?

How could it be possible to arrive at the artillery position?How is this possible, even though the first and second line positions are lost.However, there are three, four, and five lines of positions in front of the artillery positions, and the Qing army must not rush up.

Could it be that the Qing army that fell from the sky went directly to my artillery position?

This is incredible.

"General, the Qing army in the front launched a group charge against our third, fourth, and fifth line positions, and the covering artillery fire was also fierce. The city gate was also smashed, and at least 3 Qing troops have already entered the city. "A British staff officer with a dirty face rushed in and said.

Wallace sat on a chair in the command post, and he couldn't listen to any reports, even if the Chinese army had broken into the city.Indeed, he has no way out.But he still didn't understand how the Chinese entered his artillery position. Could it be that they really knew magic tricks?

"General, what should I do?"

"Gather the remaining troops in the city and defend the headquarters building. Wait for reinforcements!" Wallace gave the last order weakly.

In fact, a reorganized field division of the British army consists of 2 brigades and 6 regiments with a total of 2 people. When the first and second-line positions were breached, the strength of 2 regiments had already been lost.Now the artillery position is destroyed, the third, fourth and fifth line positions are suppressed by a charge of the ground attack team and Cai Ning's artillery, and the British's proud head has been raised with both hands. What awaits them will be China. The hard labor of railway construction has already lost the strength of 4 regiments in the entire position outside the city, and nearly 7 troops have shrunk to the headquarters, ready to fight against the trapped beasts.

"At the military gate, the British are all huddled inside their command post. The brigades have already occupied the rest of the city, and Wang Huan and Lu are moving around it. It is estimated that they are almost surrounded." A correspondent reported.

"Then what are you waiting for? Tell Cai Ning to move the cannons forward and bombard me for half an hour at his headquarters, and then they all rush up to harvest the corn." Feng Zicai shouted.


Wallace's headquarters shook for a while, as if it was experiencing an earthquake.The surrounding staff officers and guards all escorted Wallace to a safe place, but where in the entire headquarters was safe?

"General, the Commander-in-Chief of the 18th Group Army called and was blocked by the Chinese army in Ilowa. We can't break through in a short time, and we guarantee that we can break through the defense line and join the defenders within 10 days."

"General, the commander-in-chief of the 20th and 21st armies has called. They have been blocked by the Chinese army since they landed in Yangon. The Chinese forward positions have been breached under the cover of our warships. The second and third line positions have repeatedly changed hands. The artillery fire of the Chinese army is very strong. It will take about 10 days to break through the blockade."

It was these two reports that completely broke Wallace.There is no longer any hope for the war. If he knows that behind these two blocking forces, there is a second round of blocking by Liu Mingchuan, he will probably choose to surrender immediately.

But now, there is no practical point in resisting any longer.Now, his headquarters is being bombed by Chinese artillery, surrounded by more than six times the force surrounding his headquarters, and any further resistance will be nothing but unnecessary casualties.

"We lost, stop resisting, and surrender like the Chinese army!" Wallace, who was slumped on a chair, said weakly.


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Compete in East Asia Chapter 94 Recover Mandalay City

Mandalay was finally recovered, and Wallace lowered his proud head.A British Royal Army field division with a complete establishment wiped out 5000 people and captured more than 16000 people.

This is the rare defeat of the British army in the past 100 years, and it was lost to the Chinese army they despise, an army composed of people smoking opium in their view, giving their greatest British Royal Army to the Chinese army. defeated.And the defeat was so thorough, so straightforward!Didn't even last a day.

The news of the defeat immediately spread like a plague to the British soldiers on the battlefield in Burma.The most elite Royal Army in the UK was defeated, and those colonial armies had no fighting spirit.The frantic attacks in recent days stopped, and the war in Myanmar suddenly seemed to have stopped for a while.

In the United Kingdom, fierce conflicts arose because of this failure.

"My God, these yellow monkeys actually defeated our great British Army. This is impossible!" David slapped his desk and shouted at the telegram in front of him.

Holden was holding a cup of coffee at this time, and said leisurely: "Don't worry, respected Mr. David. In fact, from the very beginning of the war, I did not agree to entangle with the Chinese in Burma, but should directly attack the mainland of China. Actually, it's not too late now."

"No, no, no, we have lost our best fighter. Now Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkey are being attacked by others. The empire has no more troops to deal with China." David shook his head Said.

"A cabinet meeting should be held immediately to discuss the current situation. Discuss the most reasonable plan."

The war between China, Britain and Burma, a local war in South Asia, has affected the hearts of most powerful countries in the world.The peace treaty between France and China has just been signed for a year, but he doesn't mind turning it into a piece of waste paper at any time. The key is how much he has to pay. After all, he doesn't have much bargaining chips now. Almost all the navy in the Far East has been wiped out by China. Once empty, the army was immobilized by the millions of German troops. What the people wanted was to get back what was lost in the Franco-Prussian War. As for the Far East, many people did not have a clear concept.Of course, if it is easy to get cheap, just like 20 years ago, the French will not miss such an opportunity, so the Paris authorities have been paying close attention to this war, but now it seems that there is little hope. The threat made it impossible for them to send a large army to the Far East.

The Russians, on the other hand, rejoiced that China held back Britain's footsteps, and they finally had a chance to break the blockade that stretched from the Near East to the Far East.After the signing of the Sino-Russian Military Alliance Treaty and the realization of the demilitarization of the border between the two sides, Alexander III has ordered the deployment of troops from the Far East and Siberia to reinforce their battle in Afghanistan, and strive to win this base leading to India as soon as possible. In the Balkans, the Russian army has crossed the Prest River, and in the event of a war, they will approach Istanbul like the tenth Russo-Turkish war. Alexander III has no doubt that without the British blocking, he will finally win The mouth of the Black Sea.

As for the emerging countries such as Germany, the United States, and Italy, they also have their own ideas.Germany's position is actually the most ambiguous, regardless of who wins or loses.It is of great benefit to him.Originally, he should have hoped that Britain would win, so there is no doubt that they will be able to get the colonies and various rights and interests they want from the weak China, but now if the British are allowed to get Burma, according to the comparison of German and British naval power, this It is obviously impossible for a piece of fertile land to fall into German hands again.This makes German policy vacillating, but at least one thing they are very happy with now is to sell arms.The massive orders from China have greatly stimulated the German economy.

Compared with Germany, the ideas of the United States and Italy are somewhat simpler.Under the banner of the Monroe Doctrine.The United States is trying to expand their influence in the Americas, and the Americas have become the back garden of British colonial trade after the decline of Spain, which naturally produces fierce conflicts; Italy wholeheartedly hopes that Britain will air its fleet in the Mediterranean Sea to facilitate their expansion to Africa.

All these changes come from China.

The situation in Myanmar has reached a deadlock.This is something that the London authorities could never have imagined. How could a country that was beaten by its own small army of several thousand people helpless to fight back 20 years ago suddenly become a strong enemy on the other side of the earth.You know, 300 years.Even in the Seven Years' War to suppress American independence and France, the British Empire did not dispatch as many troops as it does now.

The 20 army still seems to be at a disadvantage.The Chinese army that has grown up in recent years has surprised Britain from top to bottom.And their government officials are more worried about the shaken British hegemony.For hundreds of years, Britain has mastered world hegemony by virtue of its strong industrial strength and naval strength, such as the Anglo-Spanish War, the Trafalgar Naval Battle, and the Crimean War.One by one the opponents fell.Made for almost 30 years.No country dares to challenge his hegemony, but now China has opened the door.The Battle of Burma made all of Britain's opponents more alert.All countries eligible to challenge Britain will be watching the performance of the British military. If China is not defeated quickly, British dominance around the world will be in flames.

A cabinet meeting was soon convened under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, the Marquess of Salisbury.The first one to speak was the Secretary of the Army, Admiral Dennett. Although he was old and silver-haired, he was still full of spirit and his voice was loud.He participated in the Crimean War and personally commanded a brigade at the Ineda Fortress to defeat the two divisions of the Russian army: "We should send troops to China as soon as possible to completely defeat them as we did 20 years ago. This is not only It is related to Myanmar, and it is also related to the life of the British Empire. Now our opponents are helping the Chinese overtly and secretly. Defeating the Chinese will deter our opponents, boost the morale of the people in the country, and solve many problems of the current government. The proposition of the staff department is to increase the number of troops as soon as possible, and the number of troops should be as strong as possible to deal with all possible situations.”

Listening to his words, the thin Marquis of Salisbury groaned and said softly: "According to the general, how much more troops do we need to deal with all possible situations we may face."

Admiral Dannet hesitated, and pondered: "The plan of the staff department requires the cooperation of five to seven infantry divisions and the navy..." Hearing Dannet's vague and hesitant words, the Marquess of Salisbury couldn't help but frown. wrinkled.

"This is the opinion of the staff department? Five to seven divisions. The staff department knows how much materials such a scale will consume every day, and it is still in the far east, and how many ships will be needed for transshipment. Now that the domestic economy continues to slump, our export volume It has shrunk by one-third compared with ten years ago, but our import of wheat and meat has increased greatly due to environmental pollution. There have been major financial problems. This year’s fiscal deficit is already certain. If the scale of the war is expanded, the deficit will It will be too serious." The Minister of Finance said unceremoniously.

Admiral Dennett was so angry that his beard trembled: "If you don't send troops to China, will you surrender to the Chinese? Or continue to fight in Burma?"

Holden watched these politicians who controlled the direction of the British Empire with cold eyes. He told them that the Chinese were different, but they still used the old way of thinking, and now they were finally hurt by the Chinese.Fortunately, there is still time, the strength accumulated by the British Empire for 300 years cannot be shaken by the Chinese, as long as the vital points of the Chinese are controlled, the Chinese can be forced to submit to the British Empire again.

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