After a series of calculations, Zhukov and his staff made the following assessment on the effect of fire counter-preparation: When the Soviet army launched shelling, most of the Dragon Army's attacking infantry were still in bunkers. , shelters and deep trenches, their tanks should also be hidden in the standby area, and they did not appear at all.Therefore, Zhukov believes that if the Soviets can shoot 3060 minutes later, the effect will be better.Zhukov's point of view is indeed reasonable, but it must also be taken into account that delaying the shooting must risk the Dragon Army's first fire preparation.On the whole, although the shelling by the Soviets may not have caused serious losses to the Dragon Army's vital forces and equipment, it did throw them into chaos.The attack time of the Central Army Group was forced to be delayed by two and a half hours, while the South Army Group was delayed by 3 hours.It was this shelling that completely kicked off the prelude to the decisive battle in Moscow.

At 6:1 a.m. on June 2, when the cannons were roaring, Stalin called Zhukov: "How is it? Has it started?" Zhukov had just picked up the phone when he heard Stalin's anxious words.

"It's started!" Zhukov replied quickly and firmly.

On Monday, June 6, International Children's Day, at 1:4 a.m., dawn began to break on the Moscow skyline.At around 38 on May 5, the Chinese armored forces began to go to the assembly area and arrived at around 31:2021.Since 24:5 on May 31, it began to rain heavily in the south of Moscow, making the ground somewhat muddy, and this situation lasted until June 3.

For the Chinese Air Force, June 6st was a fine and sunny day.The airports of Longjun ushered in a crowded and busy morning.After some tense preparations, amidst the thunderous roar, a large group of horizontal bombers took off first and assembled over the airport, waiting to join the fighter jets that took off later.On the frontline where the gunpowder has not been exhausted after the Soviet bombardment, as the sun falls over Moscow, it will no longer be the silence that lasted for nearly 1 days, but roaring artillery fire and burning flames!


One day in July 1929, Guan Xuqing had just listened to the report on the situation of the Sino-Russian war. His expression was a little heavy and complicated, and he always seemed to be absent. He suddenly asked Zhao Bingjun: "Is Mata Hari No. 7 really Is it hard to fix?"

This incident can be traced back to the end of last year, when Mata Hari [-] was conducting the third teleportation experiment, a strange thing happened suddenly. The strength and equipment of one of the divisions did not reach the target area as planned. On the contrary, the communication of this division was suddenly interrupted, and since then it has disappeared without a trace.

Einstein said in his report to the emperor that this may have been caused by an error in the vector calculation of the space-time orbit, but the specific reason is still unclear.

Guan Xuqing asked further: "Where did these soldiers go? Is it possible to find them?"

Einstein said painfully: "Maybe... maybe the space-time machine is not as perfect as we imagined. On the contrary, before many problems are clarified, this experiment must not continue, because the officers and soldiers of that division are very It may have been transported to another time and space."

"Another time and space? If this is the case, can't we go back to any historical node?"

"In theory, yes, but we can't really do it because we can't control the target time and space, which means we can't teleport people or things to the predetermined time and space, and as I said in the past, time and space teleportation technology has a A huge paradox, when time changes, all objects in the space will also change, so the soldiers of that division may have disappeared due to the sudden change of time and space.”

"Is there a way to fix this?"

"No, at least for me, I don't have this ability anymore. Mata Hari No. [-] has been a mistake since the day it was produced, and it is a mistake that cannot be saved at all."

If it is said that Guan Xuqing had a little fantasy about traveling through time and space, then now this fantasy has been burst like a bubble. Maybe, maybe in this life, he will never be able to return to the era that haunted him forever. For him who now possesses supreme power and honor, I don't know whether it is a kind of luck or a kind of regret.


Who Controls Ups and Downs: The Third World War (Closed Volume) Chapter 370 I Am Legend (The Finale)

ps: Tomorrow is the postscript of this book, and the feelings of this book will be reflected in it.

In 1952 AD, Guan Xuqing was 80 years old, and it had been 20 years since he lived in the eldest prince Pu Yin.

On this morning, in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Imperial Palace of the Forbidden City, there were displays of the emperor's brine books, umbrella covers, cloaks, banners, festival battleaxes, bows and arrows, knives, halberds, scorpions, spears, fans, furnaces, bottles, bowls, Bamboo, chair, star brush, imperial stick, brown recommendation, static whip, flag melon, my stick...all are complete!There are yellow covers and cloud pans in Danchi, an imperial edict is set in the east of the hall, and a yellow case is set in Danbi.Outside the Meridian Gate, there are Longting and Xiangting.Clouds and golden phoenixes, which are both practical and decorative, are placed in the pheasant mouth of Tiananmen Tower, and there is a Xuanzhao platform in the east.The princes and officials all dressed up in court clothes gathered at the Meridian Gate.

Guan Xuqing came to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, walked slowly to the throne, and sat down upright. He was actually very excited, but he tried his best to restrain himself and never let himself show any haste!

He accepted the worship of the princes and ministers, and his appearance appeared unprecedentedly serious and unprecedentedly majestic!However, more than 70 years ago, the scene of the "pro-government" ceremony held by the former Qing court for him kept flashing before his eyes and in his heart... At that time, he was only four years old!Among all the memories at that time, what left the deepest impression on him was the feeling when he sat on the same throne to accept the worship of the princes and ministers: he only felt that his heart was empty, and his whole body was at a loss, as if he was hanging in the sky. The black night sky between the cliff and the abyss is like... At this time, he is already 80 years old!He has been in power for 76 years!At this time, sitting here, looking at the dark crowd of ministers, I only feel that my heart is still, and I no longer have the feeling of passionate worship.

After the pilgrimage, Hu Shi, the former Minister of Culture, took the "Convention Law of the Republic of China" that had been treasured at the Qianqing Gate, and sent it to the eaves of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and displayed the edict on the yellow case set up in Danbi. superior.After the princes and ministers saluted the edict, they held the edict into the Danchi, put it in the cloud plate placed in it, and covered it with a yellow cover.

Hu Shi led the way with a cloud disk containing the "Convention of the Republic of China", and walked out of the Taihe Gate from the middle road, and other civil and military officials followed them, walking slowly.After the group of them came outside the Meridian Gate, Hu Shi put the cloud pan into the Dragon Pavilion.Then, eight eunuchs lifted the Dragon Pavilion and sent it to the south of the bridge outside Tiananmen Square. At the same time, Hu Shi and other civil and military officials also followed the Dragon Pavilion.Hu Shi took the cloud disk out of the Dragon Pavilion and placed it on the yellow table on the high platform.

According to the general rules of issuing imperial edicts, the emperor does not have to go up to the Tiananmen Tower to listen to the imperial edict recited by the imperial edict himself.However, in order to show that he paid special attention to the ceremony of promulgating the "Constitution of the Republic of China", Guan Xuqing broke the general regulations for issuing imperial edicts. On the throne, together with civil and military officials, listen to the Xuanzhao officer recite the "Constitution of the Republic of China".

On the south side of the bridge outside Tiananmen Square, the civil and military officials who stood facing north in order knelt down together in accordance with etiquette, and the ink was spread on the ground...

After the sound of the whip, the audience quietly...

A proclaiming official with dazzling court clothes stepped onto the high platform. He first stood facing the north, facing Guan Xuqing, who was sitting upright on the Tiananmen Tower, respectfully and meticulously performed three kneeling and nine kowtowing salutes, and then he stood up. Get up, take out the "Constitution of the Republic of China" from the cloud disk on the yellow case, hold it with both hands, stand facing west, and recite the imperial edict...

At the beginning of the founding of China, I took the position of extreme position, guarded against fear day and night, and worried that I would not be able to live up to the expectations of the people.Husband China's political poison has been rampant for more than two hundred years. Once the power of the people is used to pay for it, the incident will only last for a few decades, and the horse has stepped into more than ten countries and regions. Since history, there has been no success. There is also the speed of the past.The matter of construction is urgent, so the responsibility of organizing the Republic of China belongs to each other.In terms of the concept of self-promotion and ability, I am old and dare not let it go.It is the purpose of using the right to vote for Pu Yinmian to follow the people, to sweep away the poison of feudalism, to confirm the republic, to benefit the people's livelihood, to achieve the purpose of prosperity, and to fulfill the wishes of the people.Dare to speak out for the people. "

Next is the main content of the agreement: "Article 82. The Republic of China is organized by the Chinese people. Article 11. The sovereignty of the Republic of China belongs to all citizens. Article 12. The territory of the Republic of China consists of 13 vassal states and regional provinces. Article 14 The Republic of China exercises its ruling power through the Senate, the President, the State Council, and the courts. Article 15 The people of the Republic of China are all equal, without distinction of race, class, or religion. Article [-] The people shall enjoy all kinds of freedom. According to the law, no arrest, detention, interrogation, or punishment is allowed. People’s homes are not allowed to be invaded or searched unless they are in accordance with the law. People have the freedom to keep property and conduct business. Freedom. The people have the freedom of residence and migration. The people have the freedom of religious belief. Article [-] The people have the right to petition the Parliament. Article [-] The people have the right to make a statement to the administrative office. Right. Article [-] The people have the right to complain to the Pingzhengyuan against the violation of the law by officials. Article [-] The people have the right to take an examination for officials. Article [-] The people have the right to vote and be elected. No. Article [-] The people have the obligation to pay taxes according to the law. Article No.[-] The people have the obligation to serve in the army according to the law. Article No.[-] The rights of the people mentioned in this chapter can be used in accordance with the law when it is deemed necessary to promote public welfare, maintain public order, or be extremely urgent. Restrict it...”

After the Xuanzhao officer recited the edict, the civil and military officials bowed respectfully three times and kowtowed nine times, and shouted "Long live" to the emperor...

The Xuanzhao officer held the edict solemnly, and walked up the Tiananmen Tower step by step, and came to the cloud and golden phoenix placed in the mouth of the pheasant.He put the imperial edict in the colorful clouds, put it in the mouth of the seven-treasure golden phoenix, and then let it hang down from the Tiananmen Tower with a colorful rope...

Hu Shi received the "Convention of the Republic of China" that was sent down to Tiananmen Tower by the golden phoenix holding a cloud in his hand, and placed it in the Dragon Pavilion again.

The eight eunuchs raised the Dragon Pavilion again, walked out of the Daqing Gate to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites amidst the lively music...

When Longting arrived at the Prime Minister's Office, Hu Shi also led his subordinate officials back to his office.

The "Constitution of the Republic of China" was published in all regions and provinces of the country on the second day...

Guan Xuqing returned to the harem and saw the white-haired Jingfen looking at the familiar furnishings in the palace in a daze, he smiled and caressed his wife's back: "These are all external things, there is nothing worth nostalgic about. "

Jingfen turned her head and said, "It's not nostalgia. After all, I've lived here for so many years, and every plant and tree has feelings. Now I have to leave."

Guan Xuqing sighed and said: "Everything in the world is changing one after another, whether it is prosperous or rich, there will always be a time when it will be wiped out. Let's go, it's getting late."

Jingfen nodded, and walked out of Kunning Palace with Guan Xuqing.

Outside, Wang Shang took the lead, knelt down and overwhelmed a large group of people, all of whom were old people who often waited in the palace. Wang Shang said tearfully, "Master, you are leaving. Everyone is reluctant to part with you, so you all come to see you off."

Guan Xuqing smiled and said: "I didn't ascend to heaven, so there's nothing to be sad about. I just moved out of the Forbidden City and found another secluded place to live my life." He sighed: "Let's go away. According to my instructions, the country has arranged other livelihoods for you. This place has been lively for hundreds of years and has been ruled by autocracy for hundreds of years. Now it's time to be quiet and keep it intact. Wouldn't it be better to come down and pay respects to the people? China has been autocratic for thousands of years, and history has developed to this point, and it should be changed. I also made this decision for the sake of the country."

"Yes, this servant doesn't understand the truth, but I know that the master's decision must be right, but...but...after the emperor leaves like this, this servant always feels that he has no backbone, and so do the people of the whole country. You have lost your backbone." Wang Shang couldn't help but burst into tears again.

"Okay, okay, the country can't be ruled by one person all the time, and it will decline sooner or later. I believe that the country's development will be better in the future than it is now. Have you handed over all the edicts I wrote?"

"Return to the master, everything is ready, and it will be announced to the whole world soon."

"That's good, that's good, we're gone, come to our new home as guests when we have time, under the stove in front of the hut, we cook wine and tea, it must be a sigh of relief. Hahaha..."

While talking, Guan Xuqing and Jingfen walked around the crowd hand in hand, and slowly disappeared behind the red walls and green tiles...

At eight o'clock the next morning, the President of the Republic of China, Pu Yin, personally read Guan Xuqing's last will to the officials and people all over the country. Too many teeth.Since I ascended the throne at the age of four, I have brought down Empress Dowager Cixi internally, eradicated eunuchs, eliminated the bannerman system, reformed the official system, severely punished corruption, developed the economy, improved people's livelihood, and made our great China stand proudly among the nations of the world;

Exterminate the Japanese and slaughter the United States, slay the British and hunt the law, wipe out the Soviet Union, lead the imperial cavalry, hunt all over the world, wipe out the barbarians, and everywhere the horse rides is the country!I am not a perfect person. I once killed my brothers for my own selfishness, and lusted for my wife for my own lust. I have waged foreign wars for years and killed countless people. , Wife and children scattered.But all my life, I have a clear conscience. Even when the empire was the poorest and weakest, I never surrendered to the great powers. I bought the empire's 100-year peace with a body of steel and iron.My sincerity to the empire and the people is a lesson to be learned from the sun!Suddenly for decades, life is like a dream, several times of reincarnation, my wife is virtuous, my children are filial and honest, life is like this, what regrets?From now on, I resign the title of suzerain of the Great Federation of China and the title of permanent emperor of the Chinese Empire, retire to the bamboo forest, and weave nets to form a hut. I hope you will encourage each other!

Suzerain of the Great Federation of China, permanent emperor of the Chinese Empire, Guangxu!

(End of the book)

Ups and Downs: The Third World War (Closed) Postscript

With more than 300 million words, the book has finally come to an end today, but I believe that the stories about Guan Xuqing and the Chinese Empire are not over, and different readers will arrange an appropriate destination for it according to their own ideals. The charm of the novel lies in this.

There may be many people who are dissatisfied with such a vicissitudes of life ending. I have read a lot of alternate history novels. Some authors often end with suspense at the end. It seems very romantic, but it actually makes people feel painful.So I decided to roughly explain the fate of Guan Xuqing and the Chinese Empire, which can be regarded as an explanation for readers and friends.

Of course, many things and many characters in the book have not had time to make a final conclusion. Due to limited ability, I have no choice but to do so. I hope that after going through a series of complicated wars and political events, I can give this book a pure and crisp ending.

From the beginning to the end of the book, the controversy has never been interrupted. It is the first time for Xiaoguan to write a historical theme. Sometimes it is inevitable that he will be a little stretched for the huge historical structure, and there will be some inconsistent plots. It has been modified, but after all, there will still be many unsatisfactory places, and the ability is limited. Please forgive me, at least Xiaoguan has worked hard.

After a period of interruption in the middle, there was never an interruption until the end. There were several times when the promise of the outbreak was not fulfilled due to emergencies, but they were notified in advance, and they were all made up later.This aspect is the only thing I am gratified about. I don’t know if everyone agrees.

Although this book has some flaws, and some places are too YY, such as Resident Evil and Lightning Storm, Xiao Guan wants this book to be different from other historical fictional books, at least not leaving regrets for myself. Express the historical structure in the mind completely in words, and present a huge super empire in front of readers. Looking at other books, it seems that no one has written it like this. From this point of view, this book is the first to eat crab.On China Mobile's mobile phone reading base, this book has surpassed all the books of the starting point history masters, and has always been ranked among the top ten in the historical military category, and even once ranked as the champion of sales and clicks. Although those readers are not subscribing, but I would also like to say thank you, thank you for your long-term love.

After the end of this book, Xiaoguan switched to urban novels. The new book "My Wife Is a Superstar" has been uploaded, and I look forward to your continued support.We'll see you there.

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