The staff officer asked suspiciously: "Then shall we still fight?"

"Since it is the North Korean troops, there is no need to fight. They came from the south and just asked about the situation. Tell the troops to rush down and not shoot."



There was a loud gunshot, and the North Korean army in the middle of the road looked around in horror, only to find that there were densely packed soldiers in uniforms of navy blue uniforms, and they could be recognized as soldiers from the Celestial Dynasty at a glance.

A North Korean translator said loudly: "We are the First Division of the Qing Army, and we were ordered to help put down the rebellion. Which part are you?"

A middle-aged man walked out of the North Korean army and shouted in pure Chinese to the place where the gunshot fired: "General, we are the Pyongyang Guard Army of North Korea. The rebels have already broken through Pyongyang, and we are retreating north."

Luo Ming walked forward and asked, "Where is your king?"

"I don't know. After signing the agreement with the rebels, the capital has been moved to Pyongyang. A few days ago, the rebels tore up the agreement and attacked Pyongyang, and the king disappeared." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

"Then whose retreat order did you receive?" Luo Ming continued to ask.

"I received an order from General Li Chengwan, and he is currently in Chongjin."

Luo Ming thought for a while, then turned around and whispered to the communication soldier beside him: "Go, inform the Seventh Division that the North Korean troops we intercepted said that Pyongyang has been occupied by the rebels, let Commander Zhang find out the situation, and if it is true, report to him immediately." Chongjin is close, and we will plan in the long run."


Luo Ming shouted again, "Then I will help you lead the way. We will go to Chongjin with you. Meet your General Li Chengwan and discuss how to counter the rebellion together. But the situation is dangerous now, and I can only wrong you." , turned around and said: "Pay their weapons and keep them properly."

"General, general, why is that?" the middle-aged man said awkwardly.

"There is no reason, if what you said is true. Of course this general will return your equipment. We still have to work together to counter the rebellion, don't we?"

Although the Koreans were reluctant, but faced with such a gun pointed at themselves, they reluctantly obeyed the arrangement of the Qing army.

The two armies marched towards Chongjin mightily.

In the Forbidden City, Guan Xuqing received three telegrams at the same time in one day.One is from Zhao Bingjun, one is from Zhang Xun, and the other is from Luo Ming. The time sequence is almost the same, and the content is similar.

They all reported that with the help of the Japanese army, the rebels tore up the armistice agreement and attacked Pyongyang, and Pyongyang had already fallen.The whereabouts of the king of North Korea are unknown!Japanese troops have occupied Pyongyang.

This time we can basically determine the situation in North Korea, but there is still no news about the 29th Brigade of the 87th Division in North Korea.Could it be that the whole army was wiped out like this?Guan Xuqing was deep in thought when Wang Shang's voice came softly.

"Your Majesty, Lord Li Hongzhang seeks an audience."

"Huh? Let him in."


After a while, Li Hongzhang hurried in.

"Come to see the emperor."

"Calm down, what's the matter with Hongzhang so early?"

"Your Majesty, today I received a telegram from the governor of Shengjing outside the customs. A person who claimed to be a North Korean envoy asked for help from the Qing Dynasty, saying that the civil strife in North Korea was serious, and the rebels had already broken through Pyongyang with the help of the Japanese." Li Hongzhang said excitedly.

"I already know." Guan Xuqing said coldly without raising his head.

"Your Majesty, the Japanese are so rampant that they actually instigated civil strife in North Korea, and even sent troops to North Korea under the pretext of defending the people of North Korea. I think this rebellious behavior should be condemned." Li Hongzhang said righteously.

"You said, if you go to lodge a protest and denounce them, they will withdraw their troops?" Guan Xuqing raised his head and asked.

"Uh... Well, the emperor's reputation spreads far and wide, I think he will not dare to be an enemy of my Qing Dynasty." Li Hongzhang said awkwardly.

"Hehe, Hongzhang, my prestige was earned by my troops. It is the prestige of our Qing Dynasty. Now that the Japanese dare to provoke us in North Korea, it shows that they are not afraid of us at all. Where are our North Korean troops? Don’t you dare to be an enemy of my Qing Dynasty, but dare to kill my Qing soldiers?” Guan Xuqing said angrily.

"Eh..." Li Hongzhang was speechless for a moment.

"Since the situation has been clarified, we need to have a clear attitude. Discuss with your military aircraft department and come up with a plan for me to see." Guan Xuqing continued to look down at the notebook.


Although he asked the Military Aircraft Department to discuss the plan, he had already decided to declare war on Japan in his heart.Guan Xuqing stood in front of a 1:200 map of Asia in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, staring at the Yellow Sea in the middle of Qingdao, North Korea, and Japan for a long time. In his impression, the famous Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War in history, the Beiyang of the Qing Dynasty It was here that the navy was completely annihilated after being hit hard.After losing the command of the sea, Japan landed from Lushun under the cover of warships, and the Japanese army in North Korea also crossed the Yalu River and invaded the mainland of the Qing Dynasty. These humiliating histories will not be repeated on him.

Guan Xuqing firmly believes that he who can change history and win the Sino-French War and the Sino-British War will never be defeated by this little Japan.In particular, the war will be moved forward three years. Although Japan's armament is much stronger than in history, the Qing Dynasty is not the Qing Dynasty in history.

Accompanied by several eunuchs and court ladies, Guan Xuqing arrived at the Military Aircraft Department.

"The emperor is here." Wang Shang's high-pitched voice terrified the first-rank officials inside.

"Your Majesty is auspicious" everyone said while lying on the ground.

"Get up, I'm impatient, so let's take a look. How is the discussion going?" Guan Xuqing asked while sitting on a chair.

"Your majesty, ministers and others all believe that it is appropriate to negotiate with the Japanese side first, and then declare war on them if they insist on not withdrawing their troops." Li Hongzhang said.

"Oh, then are they willing to retreat?" Guan Xuqing asked coldly.

Li Hongzhang was at a loss for words for a while, and he didn't know why the emperor asked this question.He hurriedly replied: "If Japan is willing to withdraw its troops, our Celestial Dynasty should not care about the Japanese pirates."

"Fart, the Japanese pirates who come and go when they want to come and go when they want to my country of the Qing Dynasty? Is he the one who kills my Qing army when he wants?" Guan Xuqing cursed angrily.

Li Hongzhang hurriedly knelt down on the ground, not daring to speak out.

"Peng Yulin, what do you think?" Guan Xuqing ignored Li Hongzhang who was kneeling in front of him, and turned to look at Peng Yulin.

"Back to the emperor, I feel that we should directly declare war on Japan. If we don't fight, we will beat the little devil to the ground." Peng Yulin saw the miserable Li Hongzhang, of course he understood what the little emperor was thinking, what he wanted What is it.

"Okay, very good! Japan, a small country, relying on the support of Britain and France, actually wants to compete with the Qing Dynasty. It is really beyond its control. Draw up an order for me and declare war on Japan. In addition, I ordered the Beiyang Fleet to set up defenses in the Yellow Sea to intercept all Japanese ships. Cut off its supplies to North Korea. Let the Nanyang Fleet withdraw its warships and go north to reinforce the Beiyang Fleet." Guan Xuqing ordered.


East Asia Chapter 125 Sudden Rise


In addition, the elites of the Beiyang Fleet are all out, "Zhenyuan", "Dingyuan", "Weiyuan", "Jiyuan", "Chengfeng", "Victory", "Triumph", "Break the Waves", "Sail", "Flying Eagle" ", "Sea Lion", "Rising" twelve capital ships and "Jingyuan", "Laiyuan", "Zhiyuan", "Jingyuan", "Pingyuan", "Guangjia", "Guangji", " Guangbing" and "Guangding" are five "Yuan" class gunboats with a displacement of 2000 tons, and four "Guang" class torpedo ships with a displacement of 1000 tons.Such a huge Beiyang warship seems to form a Great Wall at sea in the Yellow Sea.

But even so, Guan Xuqing was still worried.From the Nanyang Fleet, a team composed of "Changsheng", "Invincible", "Nanji", "Nanxiang", "Daqing No. [-]" and "Daqing No. [-]" (captured British Royal No. [-], No. [-] [-]-ton round) A fleet of six battleships headed north for reinforcements.

Lushun Naval Port, Dagu Naval Port, and Wusong Shipyard all stopped their ongoing shipbuilding work and were all on standby for emergency repairs to warships.A big battle is about to take place.

In teahouses and restaurants in major cities near the capital and the southeast coast, businessmen and students from all over the country were discussing Japan’s actions in Korea and the upcoming war.

In the imperial court, Guan Xuqing personally approved and completed the documents for the mobilization of troops and horses from various places.In addition, a secret telegram was sent to Zhao Bingjun, so that he could directly contact Dong Liang with a single line for any military situation in the future, and then play.

Internationally, the declaration of war by the Qing Dynasty on Japan aroused the attention of Germany, the United States, Russia, Britain, France and other countries.After all, both Britain and France were affected by various domestic situations in the two previous wars fought by the Qing Dynasty. Although the fighting power shown by the Qing Dynasty was quite strong, there were factors of fluke in several victories.Germany attaches the most importance to the Qing Dynasty. On the one hand, it wants to test the strength of its eastern ally through Japan, and on the other hand, it also wants to earn a good amount of arms expenses from the Qing Dynasty.Neither Russia has a good impression of the Qing Dynasty nor Japan, and it is happy to watch the fun. No matter who loses, it is the best time for Russia to expand to it.The ideas of Britain and France are even simpler. They just hope that Japan can wear down the increasingly powerful Qing Dynasty through war.Then the United Kingdom can turn around and attack Burma and the three northwestern provinces of the Qing Dynasty after dealing with the affairs of Africa.They don't care about providing more loans to Japan, and even say that the whole of Japan can become a British mercenary.If Japan is defeated, then there is no need to be polite to this incompetent lackey, and it is time for them to pay back the money after the sponsorship is stopped.According to the current situation in Japan, if it cannot defeat the Qing Dynasty, it must not be able to repay the loan. It is also a good choice to cut a few colonies in Japan at that time.The United States is concerned about the industrial capabilities of the Qing Dynasty, to see if the Qing Dynasty has the ability to do more industrial exchanges with the United States after several years of development.After all, the whole world is envious of China's grenades and mortars. I don't know what new gadgets will appear in China in this war.Who knows?

Just when the whole world was focusing on China and Japan in the east, a fierce battle suddenly broke out in North Korea.When the Japanese army continued to advance northward, it was surrounded by two Chinese divisions.

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