"Master Li, Master Li..."

Li Hongzhang seemed to hear the beautiful women calling his name, nodded his head vigorously, and walked towards those women unconsciously.

"Master Li." Itou Hirobumi grabbed Li Hongzhang's hand.

"Ah? Oh! Brother Ito, you called me?" Li Hongzhang regained his composure.

"Hehe, Mr. Li, these beauties were dedicated to the Qing emperor by my Japanese emperor. If Mr. Li is interested, I will give him a role after I return to China." Hirobumi Ito said generously.

"I'm ashamed. Brother Ito's kindness, I accept it." Li Hongzhang calmed down and continued: "As for these beauties, after the peace agreement is signed, I will personally send them to the capital to present to the emperor."

"Ah... Well, to tell you the truth, Mr. Li, the terms of the peace talks proposed by your country seem to be a bit harsh. I, the Emperor of Japan, want to send these beauties to the palace as soon as possible for the Emperor of Qing Dynasty. I hope the Emperor of Qing Dynasty can do it when he is happy. Lower the conditions appropriately, so..." Ito Hirobumi deserves to be called an excellent diplomat, and his on-the-spot response was first-rate.

"Oh, haha. That's reasonable. I'll arrange someone to send them into the palace as soon as possible. Li is here waiting for the emperor's will!" Treat Japan as an enemy equal to the Qing Dynasty.

In Li Hongzhang's view, Japan is the same as the previous North Korea, Burma, and Vietnam, or is close to their small subsidiary countries.It is common sense to come to court every year and pay tribute every year, not to mention offering a few beauties to please the emperor.Didn't feel anything wrong at all.

In addition, Li Hongzhang also had another thought in his mind.If the peace talks were successful because the Emperor Longxin was overjoyed after presenting the beauties and broke the rules and lowered the standards of the peace talks, then he would have done a great job!

After sending Hirobumi Ito away, Li Hongzhang said to the guards beside him: "Go, arrange the local guards to escort these beauties to Beijing. Immediately let the telegraph room generate electricity, just say..."

Competing in East Asia Chapter 149 Assassination ([-])

"What is this Li Hongzhang doing for me in Tianjin?" Guan Xuqing threw the telegram in his hand, and said angrily to Prince Gong, Prince Jin, and Peng Yulin below.

Prince Gong picked up the telegram and said with a smile: "My emperor is powerful everywhere. The Japanese pirates are now ravaged by our great Qing lions and cannot find their way to the north. It is not uncommon to send a few beauties to show their sincerity. Li Zhongtang It's hard to turn down the kindness, and I ask the emperor to appease his anger."

In fact, Guan Xuqing is also very curious about the beauties sent by Japan, but subconsciously, Guan Xuqing does not want to look at and despise Japan like other ministers. Guan Xuqing clearly knows that Japan has occupied the northeast of my Qing Dynasty for more than half a century.

Today, the main force of the Japanese navy is still there, and the elite of the army is still there.In Guan Xuqing's view, asking for a sum at this time was just a trick to delay time, so he made a condition that they could not agree to.

But at this time, presenting a beautiful woman is for the purpose of numbing himself or for other purposes?Is it also a secret talk?Hehe, Guan Xuqing smiled to himself, even if he found something in the backyard of the deep palace, where could he get the news out.

So what is their purpose?

While Guan Xuqing was thinking hard, Prince Jin frowned and said, "Since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, there have been examples of presenting beauties everywhere, but in order to ensure the purity of the blood of the Qing Dynasty, these beauties cannot be canonized as concubines."

"Won't that embarrass the Japanese?" Peng Yulin asked worriedly.

Guan Xuqing waved his hand, and said, "Now is not the time to discuss this. Tell Li Hongzhang that the terms of the peace talks remain unchanged, and let the Japanese express their stance as soon as possible. Let Feng Xianghua, Lu Yiwei, Deng Shichang, and Yan Fuquan pretend that there is no peace talk, and give it to me with all their brains." Consider how to attack Japan with force!"


The guard company escorting the Japanese beauties finally entered the capital, and under the leadership of Koji Ono, the deputy head of the Japanese peace talks delegation, these Japanese girls finally entered the Forbidden City amidst the high walls.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Guan Xuqing had just finished his morning court.The Japanese envoys brought the beauties they presented into the hall, and immediately after the ten beauties lifted their veils, all the civil and military ministers in the hall were mesmerized, only Zuo Zongtang, who had just recovered from a serious illness, didn't pay any attention.

It's so beautiful, it's like a fairy coming down to earth, so that these literati who usually speak well can't find adjectives to describe these beautiful and moving women. I don't know if there are other words to describe these beauties besides sinking fish and wild goose, closing moon and shameful flowers .

In the early morning, the golden sunlight shone into the hall and shone on the faces of these women.The skin as fine and white as jade, set off by the golden sun, looks like a cherry that has just ripened, and one can't help but want to pinch it.

At this time, in addition to the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, there are only five personal guards from Guan Xuqing, Yanzi Li San, Huo Yuanjia, Huang Feihong, Du Xinwu, and Dao Wang Wu.These five people were famous for their kung fu in the late Qing Dynasty, because the imperial guards in the palace were getting older, and it was not convenient to carry guns on duty in the palace.So after Guan Xuqing recruited these five personal guards, he used their innocent disciples as the Imperial Forest Army.

It is forbidden to use firearms in the palace, and all cold weapons are used.Originally, they didn't want the guns to go off and frighten the women in the harem, so there is the current rule that they are not allowed to carry guns.

Suddenly a reflection of sunlight hit Guan Xuqing's eyes, it was strange how could the light be refracted without a mirror?In an instant, Guan Xuqing understood everything, but it might be too late.

"Be careful, Your Majesty." Huang Feihong also reacted with Guan Xuqing, and he stood in front of Guan Xuqing with a stride.Pulling out the sword in his hand, he waved it in the air.

"Ding... Ding"

After two metal impacts, two ninja darts appeared on the ground.

"Take it down." Guan Xuqing remained calm in the face of danger, showing his true colors as a generation of emperors.


Dao Wangwu, Yanzi Li San, and Du Xinwu turned over and went down to the hall at the same time, attacking the ten Japanese girls.Seeing that their actions had been exposed, those Japanese girls couldn't care less, and took out a seven-inch dagger from their clothes to kill Guan Xuqing.

"Escort..." "Take the emperor first..." The hall was chaotic for a while, and the Imperial Forest Army outside the hall rushed into the hall one after another.The civil servants looked for shelters one after another, and military officials such as Peng Yulin rushed into the escort team with his half-life experience in the battlefield, even though he was over half a century old and unarmed.

Huang Feihong and Huo Yuanjia crossed in front of Guan Xuqing. Guan Xuqing calmly watched the fierce fighting in the hall without fear.

A petite girl held a one-foot-long dagger in her hand, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Guan Xuqing's heart.Fleeing from His Highness to the top of the hall, at the same time, another girl who had just killed a Royal Forest Army, and Ono Koji who brought these girls in also rushed towards Guan Xuqing at the same time, the three of them formed a corner and surrounded Guan Xuqing .The incident happened suddenly, and everyone was shocked. It was hard for them to imagine that these ten seemingly weak girls in Japan actually had special skills. One shot at a time, why bother.

Guan Xuqing also had a look of horror on his face, he couldn't imagine the determination and confidence of the other party to kill him.At this time, Huang Feihong blocked a girl's attack in the air, and Huo Yuanjia also blocked an assassin.

However, Ono Koji successfully attacked to the front, seeing that the dagger in his hand was about to pierce Guan Xuqing's throat...

At a time of crisis, Prince Jin, who was born as a military general and whose physical condition has deteriorated in recent years, desperately stopped his son.The biological father of Emperor Guangxu forcibly blocked the fatal knife for Guan Xuqing.

At the critical moment, Ama in the palace blocked the sharp knife of the Japanese assassin with his flesh and blood.At almost the same moment, Yanzi Li San turned over and pierced Koji Ono's heart with a sword, and died on the spot!

"My lord?" Guan Xuqing tearfully hugged Prince Jin who blocked the fatal knife for himself, "Ama, Ama..."

Guan Xuqing was crying and screaming, and the memories of his childhood flooded into his heart. He hadn't served him well in the past few years, but now he wants to let him die for himself.How could it not make Guan Xuqing sad?

On the other side, Dao Wang Wu blocked the two girls, Du Xinwu quickly followed after he realized it, and even Peng Yulin rushed forward to rescue Guan Xuqing, His Royal Highness's imperial army was getting more and more, and the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony was crowded with people .

Zuo Zongtang wanted to help him many times, but he was firmly held back by the Imperial Forest Army, protecting him from left to right.After all, the 76-year-old is neither suitable nor able to play in person, let alone recovering from a serious illness.

Even though Japanese girls are very skilled, they are no match for four hands.After throwing the last dart towards Guan Xuqing, he gave up killing Guan Xuqing, because there were no less than 30 masters around him at this time.This operation failed completely, but the girls did not stop their actions.

It's just that their target has changed from Guan Xuqing to His Highness' civil and military ministers. These are the pillars of the Qing Dynasty. Even if Guan Xuqing can't be killed, killing a few more of them will be of great benefit to the development of Japan.

Those first-rank officials, the elderly and infirm, such as Zuo Zongtang, Weng Tongsu, Prince Gong, Li Zhen, etc., all became the main targets of the attack. Their clothes that were different from others had already told these assassins their special identities.

Zuo Zongtang, who carried five general stars on his shoulders, of course became the most important thing among them, and the three girls killed Zuo Zongtang all the way.Zuo Zongtang showed a smile on his face and roared, "Good job."



There were painful roars one after another, and now everyone was irritated by these beastly Japanese spiders.

"There is no need to keep alive, kill them all as soon as possible." Guan Xuqing said with grief.


Da Dao Wang Wu, Yan Zi Li San, and Huang Feihong jumped down together, showing no mercy to the Japanese ninja.

It has to be said that these Japanese ninjas are so strong in fighting power and firm in their minds that even when they stand to the last, they keep killing their targets.

After half an hour, the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony finally fell silent.

After counting, there are a total of 15 people in Japan, 10 girls and 5 officials are first-class people.The assassination of Guan Xuqing this time has already reported the confidence to die and the determination to win.

Although Guan Xuqing was not able to kill Guan Xuqing in the end, he killed the emperor's biological father, Prince Jin, Emperor Weng Tongsu, Minister of Military Aircraft, Prince Gong, and Commander-in-Chief Zuo Zongtang of the Qing Dynasty.

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