Bai Sheng was very happy to accept the service, thinking whether to let Pan Jinlian and Yan Poxi open a sports fashion store in Bianliang City, forget about Jordan and Adidas, the brand will directly focus on the "Bai Sheng brand", and the LOGO can be designed as a An embroidered little mouse is specially designed to provide high-quality goods for underworld customers who are nocturnal, and maybe they can make a small fortune!

After wearing the red, green and green nocturnal sportswear, when he came out again, he passed the gloomy house, and Bai Sheng's footsteps were slightly delayed—from the information he heard just now, there must be something mysterious about Xiao Feng's two loads of books!But obviously now is not the time to explore this matter, and there is still Yin Sheng guarding, so I have to put this aside for now, the most important thing is the ancient magic weapon!

Bai Sheng was the last person to leave the inn. When he came to the street, there was no one around. The two lanterns hanging at the entrance of the inn were swayed by the night wind, and the surrounding area was pitch black.

The moon is dark and the wind is high!

"Good luck today!" Bai Sheng sighed in his heart, because even if he didn't live with Xiao Feng tonight, he would not be able to practice the Red Fist Mind Technique, because there is no moon and no stars.

Looking at the east end of the street, I saw a few lights on the corner of the street in the distance that had just disappeared. "This is turning to the north." He took a deep breath, and chased eastward. In just a moment, his figure was also hidden in the darkness.

After running a hundred paces to the east, and turning north again, the dark shadow of the city was already faintly visible, but he slowed down and walked away instead.Because he found that the dots of lights ahead, that is, the lanterns in the hands of the people who had left the inn before, seemed to be stagnant, and these lights were converging, and there were also lights converging from the vertical road ahead. What's going on?Why don't these people leave the city?

He approached the shops along the street quietly, and stopped when he was dozens of steps away from the city gate. At this distance, the people at the city gate could not see his existence, but he could hear people's dissatisfied questioning, and could See the faces and dresses of the people in the light of the lantern torches.These people are dressed in strange shapes, there are monks, Taoist priests, nuns, Taoist nuns, green forest practitioners, and beggars. They really have all kinds of religions and nine streams. Xiao Feng and Yang Shuai are also standing on the periphery of the crowd. People in the crowd are constantly questioning:

"Why don't we get out of town?"

"When is this the rule? Why don't I know?"

"That's right, this city gate has been closed day and night for several years, why did you change the rules without notifying?"

"Yeah, it was fine yesterday, why aren't you allowed to leave the city today?"

At the gate of the city, there were twenty neatly dressed soldiers with swords and guns standing in a line. The gate was also closed and bolted.A heavily armed officer with a strange-shaped weapon explained with a calm face: "The head of the capital told you one last time that the gate of this city cannot be opened until dawn. This is an order from the commander. Anyone who dares to trespass will be regarded as a rebel and will be shot to death. Exterminate the Nine Clans!"

There was a civil servant standing next to the head of the capital, shaking a feather fan in his hand, looking at the crowd with a smile on his face, as if he was silently demonstrating to the crowd: "What's the matter? Does any of you dare to barge in?"

Although there were few officers and soldiers, the people who were blocked really didn't dare to break in.

Although the behavior of tomb robbery is hateful, although it is also an act that violates the laws of this era, it will not be ransacked and exterminated after all.But if it is to attack the officers and soldiers, the nature of the problem will change!Even if there are bandits who kill without batting an eye in this group of people, even if there are heroes who are not afraid of death, no one is willing to take such a big risk to go out of the city.

After all, these [-] officers and soldiers were only following the orders of their superiors to seal the city gate, not to hurt these people who were eager to leave the city. What reason do you have to kill them?

So the crowd confronted the officers and soldiers inside the city gate, forming a stalemate. The officers and soldiers did not disperse the crowd, but they were not allowed to go out of the city. No one could do anything about this group of soldiers.

When everyone was at a loss, only Bai Sheng, who was hiding behind, showed a smile, and he almost immediately figured out a way to get out of the city!

Just now, when he saw the face of the capital, he was startled, but when he saw the civil servant again, he almost laughed out loud, what the hell is this?Why did these two guys come to Wei County to pretend to be aggressive?Isn't this too ridiculous?

This serious person is none other than the short-lived Erlang Ruan Xiaowu!It was only because he was fully clothed that Bai Sheng doubted his eyes.As for the civil servant waving his fan, Bai Sheng can recognize him at a glance. This person is the dog-headed military adviser on the Liangshan Mountain in the future—Wu Yong, who is called Zhi Duoxing in the world!

Chapter 44 Give You a Chance to Pretend

Bai Sheng was just wondering, how did Wu Yong and Ruan Xiaowu come here?

But he didn't know that the treasures of the ancient tombs and even the ancient magic weapons that had been passed down for two or three months, how could it not be spread to the vicinity of Liangshan?As the saying goes, money touches people's hearts. Hearing about getting rich like this, how could Master Wu easily let it go?Immediately contacted Chao Gai, the king of Tota, Liu Tang, the red-haired ghost, and the three heroes of the Ruan family.

Of course, when it comes to the original team, there must be one missing white squirrel Bai Sheng.

As for how Wu Yong and his party got here, it's even simpler.He, Bai Sheng and Li Qingzhao deliberately avoided Liangshan and chose the opposite direction, so they set off first but it took them longer to reach Wei County.However, Wu Yong and others walked straight through Liangshan, so how could Chao Gai and others be afraid of Wang Lun and his gang?You can walk however you want, and you can leave whenever you want, which is in line with the lyrics of Teacher Liu Huan - let's go if we say go!

Wei County is really not far from Yuncheng County, at least much closer than Bai Sheng's itinerary, and there is no need to pass through the jurisdiction of Tangyin County, so it will not be blocked by any obstacles.Therefore, although Wu Yong and his party left a few days later, they arrived in Wei County earlier than Bai Sheng.

After arriving in Wei County, Wu Yong came up with this ingenious plan to seal the city gate after some on-the-spot investigations and investigations.Even stealing and cheating, spending money to buy, and hiring a tailor to imitate urgently, I finally got these more than 20 military outfits.

After the props were ready, I bought some local idlers in Wei County to wear the clothes, and promised that the Xinpi would pass on the outfit tonight, come to the gate of the city to pose, and then you can get an appearance of one tael of silver per person Fei, why would the rogues not do it?This is easier than the car models of later generations to make money.

As for whether it will attract the attention and suppression of the real Xiang army and regiment training army, how is it possible?In a time of relative peace, this county with no strategic significance would not encounter wars at all. Which sergeant officer would come to the gate of the city to drink the northwest wind in the middle of the night?

As long as they persist in this stalemate until dawn, when Chao Gai and Liu Tang get the treasure on the north slope and fly away, Wu Yong and Ruan Xiaowu's mission will be completed!

It's just that, even though he was so smart, he failed to count the change of Bai Sheng, the white day mouse. Since Bai Sheng found out that something was wrong, even if he couldn't figure out the whole truth, he could at least know the truth about Ruan. Xiao Wu is a fake!

Leaving aside the matter of winning the treasure, just talking about the beating that Ruan Xiaowu received more than a month ago, Bai Sheng couldn't swallow it!Let's just talk about this deep hatred, when will we wait if we don't report it now?

Revenge must be reported, but how to report needs to be considered.

The first thing to consider is whether you can beat Ruan Xiaowu.Although there was a fact that Guo Sheng and Zhang Mangdang had won in seconds, he was still not sure if there was an element of Guo Sheng giving way and hitting by mistake.What if a blind cat met a dead mouse that time?If you go straight up to fight now, if you win, it's revenge, but if you lose, isn't it just looking for abuse?

Secondly, even if he can beat Ruan Xiaowu, what about Wu Yong?It is certain that Wu Yong knows martial arts, but is Wu Yong's martial arts high or low?There are different opinions in later generations, with different praises and criticisms. Some people say that Wu Yong is very skilled in martial arts, and he can use two iron chains to separate Liu Tang and Lei Heng who are fighting fiercely. Regarding the ancient ruler and the modern pointer, there is no accurate statement.

"Don't fight a battle you are not sure of." This is a quote from a great man. Under the premise that Wu Yong's strength is not sure, it is definitely not the best strategy to challenge Wu Yong himself.Moreover, it is also uncertain whether the soldiers behind them are hiding masters they don't know.

Thirdly, let’s not talk about these blocked people of the three religions and nine streams. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just talk about Xiao Feng who has many doubts. Xiao Feng knows Hu Sanniang and knows that he came from Tangyin. , Will the case of Liang Zichao come to light in the future?This is the most important thing.

Based on the above considerations, Bai Sheng decided to use a borrowed knife to kill people. He only needed to expose the fact that Ruan Xiaowu and Wu Yong pretended to be Wei County officers and soldiers.

He quietly stepped forward, walked behind Xiao Feng and patted his shoulder lightly, Xiao Feng turned around suddenly, his beautiful eyes were as sharp as knives, his expression softened only when he saw it was Bai Sheng, and he complained in a low voice with some surprise: "Brother Bai? You Why are you here?"

Bai Sheng also said in a low voice: "I slept until midnight, and found that you were not there by my pillow. I thought something happened to you, and I was very worried. I came out to look for you. No, I have been looking for you all the way."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Xiao Feng couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, the word "pillow" is really ambiguous to the extreme.After he finished listening to Bai Sheng's words, he was already sneering secretly, thinking that your lie was too false.

Why do you want to make friends with Bai Sheng? Xiao Feng has a clear intention. One is to fool around in front of Tang Yuka, and the other is to consider that Bai Sheng has a background of high-ranking officials in the court, so he may be able to help him in the future. Other than that , there is absolutely no other purpose, as for saying that they meet by chance and hit it off at first sight, that is something that does not exist.

So Bai Sheng is certainly wary of Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng is also wary of Bai Sheng everywhere, even though they call each other brother and brother on the surface, in fact they don't give each other much sincerity.

Under this premise, how could Xiao Feng believe that what Bai Sheng said was true?He can only think that Bai Sheng is also coveting the ancient magic weapon, there is no other possibility.

Bai Sheng didn't care what Xiao Feng was thinking, but he could be sure that Xiao Feng would definitely want to leave the city, so he smiled and said: "Brother, brother, I'm giving you a chance to act aggressive, do you want it?"

"Pretentious? What do you mean?" Xiao Feng couldn't understand, although he was proficient in Chinese, Khitan, Jurchen, Xixia and Tubo, he didn't know what it meant to be pretentious.

Bai Sheng patted himself on the head, complaining in his heart that he always didn't pay attention to his words, and spoke modern Chinese, so he had to explain: "Pretending to be tough is to tell others that you are the most powerful cow, that is, a powerful person, and let others treat you Awe, admiration and even worship.”

He almost said the word "beautiful" again, probably Xiao Feng also didn't understand what is "beautiful", so he changed his words in time.

Xiao Feng couldn't help chuckling, and turned to say angrily: "You're a bull, you always speak strangely, I'm just an ordinary student, what's so great about it? Why pretend? I won't pretend. "

Chapter 45

There is a reason for Xiao Feng's refusal to pretend to be coercive. He has been active in the territory of the Song Dynasty all year round. On the surface, he is traveling and cultivating his sentiments, but in fact he is secretly linking up with some local armed forces in an attempt to cooperate with the Liao Kingdom's southward invasion plan. While walking the rivers and lakes, draw the geographical map of the Song Dynasty mountains and rivers, and mark the garrison data of the Song Dynasty army, so that you can know yourself and the enemy when you attack in the future.

Such a person must always pay attention to disguising himself, how can he pretend to be high-profile?

Bai Sheng couldn't figure out Xiao Feng's details, so he was a little embarrassed when he was rejected, so he simply said clearly: "Don't pretend, right? Well, let me ask you, do you want to leave the city immediately? If you tell me that you don't want to leave the city, I'm going back to the inn now." Then he turned and left.

"Don't!" Xiao Feng heard that Bai Sheng seemed to have a way to get out of the city, so he grabbed Bai Sheng's wrist, "Who said I don't want to go out of the city? You really have a way?"

Bai Sheng felt the delicateness and softness of that palm, couldn't help his heart fluttering, and thought: "His hand really doesn't look like a man's hand." Turning around, he said: "Why? In Tangyin County, you believe that I can pass the test. You don’t believe this Wei County?”

Xiao Feng's face showed shame, "Brother Bai, I didn't mean that."

In fact, Xiao Feng really doesn't believe that Bai Sheng has any way to get out of the city at this moment, even before the checkpoint in Tangyin last time, he didn't think that Bai Sheng could pass the checkpoint.At that time, the reason why he wanted to join Bai Sheng's team was to use Bai Sheng as a shield!Because he saw the abnormality of the carriage that Li Qingzhao and others were riding in, he didn't believe that the carriage riding by three women would make such deep ruts on the road!

So he wanted the officers and soldiers to ignore his two shoulder poles when searching the carriage. Just imagine, if the officers and soldiers found seven or eight pieces of gold and iron weapons on the carriage, would the officers and soldiers search the four poles containing books?

But now Bai Sheng actually said that he has a way to get out of the city, so no matter what he said is true or not, he should listen to it.Seeing the smile on Bai Sheng's face, he couldn't help urging anxiously: "Quickly tell me, what can I do?"

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