
The valley was boiling, and the forbidden soldiers couldn't help celebrating with their foreheads and hands, and ran to tell each other. Even Song Junyi jumped up excitedly, cheering for Bai Sheng's victory.

But he found that Bai Sheng didn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, he just stood there blankly, staring at the mountain with his brow furrowed.

"Brother, we won, why are you unhappy?"

Bai Sheng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Where did we win? Take a closer look, isn't that purple lantern hanging in place?"

On the side of the forbidden army, only Bai Sheng himself knew that he hadn't won at all.Because after the feather arrow was shot, his eyes followed the arrow feather closely, and he saw the feather arrow pass through the middle of the lantern, but the lantern was like a transparent image, completely unharmed!

At this time, Fan Rui's words made the valley quiet again. What he said was: "Brother Bai, I told you a long time ago that you can't shoot this lantern. Let me tell you the truth, because it has magic power." Prohibition in Protection"

Hearing this, the valley was full of wailing, Bai Sheng also touched his forehead in pain, and pinched his temple with his thumb and middle finger.Song Junyi wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to start.

Fan Rui's words continued: "Now you know why I don't want to bet with you? Well, as long as you haven't conceded, the bet is not over yet. Brother Bai, do you want to try again? ?”

At this moment, including Song Junyi, everyone was thinking in their hearts: It's over, what else can I do except admit defeat?Those lanterns are protected by spells, and if they hit it, it's the same as if they didn't.

However, Bai Sheng raised his head stubbornly, his eyes became firm and sharp again, and said, "Shoot! Of course you have to shoot! Why don't you shoot?"

While speaking, he lifted Wang Wenbin on the left, and threw the living man wearing seventy catties of armor out of the ditch, then stretched out his left foot, and lifted the iron pot covering the pile of poop in the ditch .

Chapter 105 Breaking the "Taiping Essentials"

Just like Bai Sheng's stubbornness, a crescent moon worked hard to climb up the mountain, illuminating the whole valley.The soldiers in the valley had nothing to hide, and everyone was looking forward to the arrow of Bai Sheng's declaration.

But what Song Junyi saw was Bai Sheng poking the pile of poop with the fangs of the arrow, and he couldn't help being puzzled: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Bai Sheng didn't answer, but only carefully stirred the feathered arrow, trying to make the arrow as full as possible, and finally pulled out the feathered arrow, and looked at it for a moment, as if admiring a just finished handicraft, but he didn't like it. Sighing very satisfied, he said to himself: "It would be nice if Pan Jinlian and Yan Poxi were here."

Song Junyi was even more surprised, and asked subconsciously: "Why are they here?" He racked his brains and couldn't figure out what effect Pan Jinlian and Yan Poxi would have on the gambling situation in front of him, but he forgot to cover up and exposed himself. He knew the fact of Pan Yan's second daughter.

However, Bai Sheng didn't pay attention to what was wrong with Song Junyi's extremely unreasonable question. At this moment, he was secretly praying that this spiked arrow lacking "seasoning" could destroy Fan Rui's demon technique!

As early as when he finished digging the trench, at the moment he came out, he was preparing for the current arrow. Of course, at that time, he could not have foreseen the current bet, and this preparation was not designed for that purple lamp. of.His original intention was to let Song Junyi shoot Fan Rui with an arrow stained with dirt.

The use of filth can break the magic, this is what he heard when he was filming before the time travel. At that time, the director and the screenwriter were talking about this matter, and it was just a chat after dinner.

The screenwriter said that in fact, Fan Rui's spells in "Water Margin" are not terrible, and they can be broken easily.Just use Filth Smash.

The director expressed his disbelief, and asked the screenwriter what evidence he had. The screenwriter said that Fan Rui's magic is just chanting a mantra, and the sky is dark and the sky is dark.This kind of spell is exactly the same as the spell of Zhang Bao, the local general of the Yellow Turban Army at the end of Han Dynasty. At that time, Zhang Fei broke Zhang Bao's spell with filth and won a big victory.

At that time, Bai Sheng felt that the screenwriter had a great brain, and he was able to connect Zhang Bao and Fan Rui, so he remembered this matter.

At the same time, he still remembered the types of filth that the screenwriter said, saying that the ancients believed that the most effective filth was women's aunts, followed by black dog blood, black donkey hooves, etc., and then human feces.

Now that we meet Fan Rui, there is nowhere to get the black dog's blood and black donkey's hooves, so we have to produce some filth by ourselves, which is better than using someone else's.So he regretted that Pan Jinlian and Yan Poxi were not around at the moment, because he couldn't get more powerful filth.

Although Huang Chang's wife and that maid are squatting beside her, how can she ask them for help in such a matter?You can't directly ask people about their ovulation period, right?And even if he has a big aunt at the moment, it is impossible for him to use it.

The moonlight fell, leading the sight of everyone on the mountain and down the mountain, all focused on the ditch in the valley, and the armor of the soldier holding the bow in the ditch was bright.

Stepping down, standing up, drawing the bow, nodding the arrow, a series of movements are done in one go.Although it was difficult for people to regain confidence, they couldn't help being broken by his persistence.At this moment, his firmness and determination conquered all bystanders.

The bow is full moon, and the arrow is like a shooting star.

People with good eyesight, such as Song Junyi, can see that silver light flashing across the sky, flying like lightning.

Turning his eyes back to Bai Sheng, he saw that he had jumped out of the ditch, stood upright under the moonlight, raised the longbow above his head with one arm, and shouted: "We won!"

Then Song Junyi discovered that not only the purple lantern, but all the lanterns all over the peaks had been extinguished!Suddenly, his nose was sore and tears flowed down his cheeks, he couldn't help rushing over, hugged Bai Sheng in his arms, and choked speechlessly.

"Oh! I won!" People up and down the mountain were cheering, Xiang Chong was applauding, Li Yan was admiring, Bai Sheng's victory turned out to be what everyone expected.

Mrs. Huang, mother and son and the maid also crawled out of the ditch, stood beside Bai Sheng and thanked him repeatedly.The soldiers rushed over immediately, snatched Bai Sheng from Song Junyi's arms, and threw him high.I don't know who gave Bai Sheng the title of "God of Arrow", so the voice of "God of Arrow" resounded through the mountains.

Even Fan Rui had to be willing to admit defeat: "Brother Bai, I never expected that you could break my "Taiping Essentials", I give in to you! Little ones, go back and kill cattle and sheep, we can't do it!"

After finishing speaking, he saw that Huang Chang was already standing in front of him, staring at him coldly, so he straightened his neck and said, "What are you looking at? You didn't break my spell. I didn't have the arrow of Bai Sheng. Can you find me?"

Huang Chang wanted to vent his resentment by saying a few words on the scene, but he was blocked by Fan Rui's sharp words. Yes, it is easy for him to take Fan Rui's life at this moment, but if he really does, he will never see him again. people.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng gave him a step to come out: "Master Huang, we are already hungry after working all night, so let's go to the cottage to have a big meal, and we have to go on the road tomorrow."

The main peak of Mount Mangdang is Xiannv Peak.

Fan Rui's Demon King's Village is located in Xiannv Peak, forming a tripartite rivalry with Xiang Chong's two cottages in Lishan and Li Yan's in Xishan.

When the moon was in the mid-heaven, the Fairy Peak was full of people, and dozens of banquet tables were lined up inside and outside the Juyi Hall. This banquet had a name, called Sanhuo Wine.

Fan Rui is a person who cares about face, he is willing to bet and admit defeat, and will never renege on his debt.Now that he lost, he decided to follow Bai Sheng with his two brothers. As for the three thousand minions and the female relatives on the mountain, they were not in the betting agreement, so they didn't force it.

But everyone is always getting together, and this break-up wine is a must, and at the same time, it should be an apology to Huang Shang, Bai Sheng and others and clean up the dust.

At the chief table of the Juyi Hall, Huang Chang and Wang Wenbin, who had unlocked the acupoints, took the two positions of the guest of honor and vice-guest. Yan and Bai Sheng faced each other, and they also sat in the seat of accompanying guests.

The adjacent table was the second seat, where Huang Chang's wife, adopted son and maid sat, accompanied by the wives and concubines of the three brothers Fan Rui.

Unlike the warm atmosphere at most banquets, the atmosphere at the chief and second tables was somewhat deserted.

The problem lies with Huang Chang.

Huang Chang's attitude was very cold and perfunctory.Treasure your words like gold in conversation, and taste them lightly when drinking.But he still sat in the position of the guest of honor, and no matter who it was, he had to pass him first when speaking and toasting, and he acted according to his face, so the atmosphere was still unable to be active, which seemed very embarrassing.

Strictly speaking, Huang Chang is neither a martial arts man with profound experience in the world, nor an official official who is good at speculation, he is just a bookworm.

By chance, he realized a set of martial arts from Taoism. From then on, he changed from a nerd to a martial arts idiot.

People like him don't like to follow their power to curry favor with the powerful, nor do they like to make friends with friends.Apart from knowing to be afraid of heaven and earth, obey the imperial power, be filial to parents, respect teachers and be kind to relatives, I don't pay much attention to other things.

Taking the reconciliation after the current dispute as an example, he didn't think there was any benefit in taking Bai Sheng and Fan Rui brothers as his subordinates.

In his eyes, going to Jiankang to take office is to obey the emperor's will. He doesn't even know that the emperor's will was originally arranged by Cai Jing, and he doesn't want to know about it. He thinks he just needs to rush to Jiankang to guard his magistrate's office Then go to Hangzhou to challenge Fang La directly, defeating Fang La will complete the mission.

He felt that the struggle between the Great Song Emperor and the leader of the Demon Cult was such a one-on-one fight.So, what's the use of such a heads-up for Bai Sheng?What's the use of Fan Rui and the others?Is it more or less?Fang La has more masters under his command, leading more people will only bring shame on himself.

So, Huang Chang really didn't intend to make friends with Bai Sheng, Fan Rui and others.If he hadn't admitted that Bai Sheng did protect his wife and adopted son, it would be impossible for him to sit at the same table with a gangster like Fan Rui, drinking and eating.

Chapter 106

Embarrassment is really embarrassing, but the embarrassment does not belong to Bai Sheng or Fan Rui, but a common feeling of everyone at the table.

Even Huang Chang himself felt that the banquet was very boring, so after drinking for three rounds, he got up and said goodbye, and went back to the guest room to rest. Mrs. Huang, Huang Kunpeng and the maid didn't dare to stay for long, so they left the banquet and went back to the room.

Although Bai Sheng wanted to get close to Huang Chang to ask Tadpole Wen, but he knew that tonight was not the time, so he didn't want to keep him.

Huang Chang left, and the last embarrassing person at the banquet became Wang Wenbin. In the encounter that happened before, his majestic 80 Imperial Army coach beat soy sauce all the way, and it was embarrassing.Even if others didn't say anything, he himself felt ashamed, so after drinking a few bowls of wine indiscriminately, he went back to the guest room to sleep.

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