With the protection of the water-dividing sword, I walked around the soul repression coffin, and only tried to open the coffin when I could no longer see any mystery.

To my dismay, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find a way to open this coffin.

The soul-suppressing coffin was completely integrated, without a single gap.I tried to use the water-dividing sword to carve it, but it was invulnerable, and there was no trace left.

Back when the Yin Division killed the Demonic Patriarch, he must have thought about whether future generations would open this coffin. There must have been some kind of restriction, otherwise anyone would be able to release the demonic Patriarch's remnant soul.

But if this is the case, how did Xie Liuyun open it?

How did those people in the Demonic Dao leave behind the magical powers of the founder of the Demonic Way in the coffin?

Later I found out that the whole body of the coffin is made of Geng gold, and the five elements produce grams of gold that sink in water. As long as it is in water, it is impossible to open the coffin no matter what.Not only that, but in order to open the Soul Requiem Coffin, one must be someone who can crack the gateway of life and death.

Not to mention the era of Xie Liuyun, but looking at the number of people who have condensed the primordial spirit in the entire Dharma-ending era, there is no need to mention the Taoists who have broken through the gateway of life and death.I'm afraid that Zhang Zhiyuan would not be able to open the coffin at that time, otherwise he would not have said that if he had Xie Liuyun's ability, he would be the one who went down to the Nine Dragon Cave.

Beforehand, I also thought about the possibility that the coffin of souls could not be opened, but when I really faced this situation, I still felt a sense of powerlessness in my heart.If the coffin can't be opened, I can't get in. I know I'm inside but I can't do anything about it.

This feeling is like asking how much sorrow you can have, just like a group of eunuchs going to brothels.

Calculating the time, I should have been in the water for a long time. Although it does not consume physical strength, the confined space underwater consumes a huge amount of mental power.If I'm outside, I can think of a way slowly, I don't want to stay in this dark bottomless cave for a moment.

I was thinking hard about how to open the coffin, and when I was thinking about it, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Soul-suppressing coffin, soul-suppressing coffin, can only souls enter, and the living have no chance?

Thinking of this, I began to sit cross-legged on the ground, trying to get out of my body.

The out-of-body experience is not only available to practitioners, ordinary people can do it too, but it is easier for practitioners to do it because they have no distracting thoughts in their minds and their minds are clear.

When people are half asleep or in a trance, sometimes they feel that they are flying, and they can even see their own existence. At this time, the human soul has already left the body.

As the old saying goes, you must not make a face of a sleeping person, because you are afraid that the soul that flew out of the body will not find its own body and will not come back.

At the moment, I emptied my consciousness and kept my spirit in a state of half-asleep and half-awake.

I don't know how long it took, but gradually I felt myself flying.

The soul flew out of the body, as light as a feather.I saw myself in the mask of the water-dividing sword, my face was full of vicissitudes, my stubble was sighing, I don't know how long I haven't taken care of it.

The appearance can only barely be regarded as above-average, and the physique is not strong, but I am pleasing to the eye no matter how I look at it.

Because I know that this ordinary man is me, Xie Lan, the unique me.No matter how good or powerful Master Mo Dao or Xie Liuyun is, it's not me after all.

When my soul flew directly above the coffin, a strange thing finally happened.

I felt a mysterious pull tearing at my soul, trying to pull me into a requiem.As soon as this feeling occurred, the next moment I felt a trance, and I fell into a coma.

When I woke up, I found myself in a mysterious space.Here there is no sun, moon, stars, and nothing grows.The ground is full of bones, and the earth is full of death.

There was no limit to the surroundings, only a high platform made of white bones in front of me, and two people sat on the high platform.

These two people, one black and one white, seem to be playing chess.

Behind each of them is a banner for the soul-calling. On the banner of the soul-calling man behind the black-clothed man is written the word "Dou Da", and on the banner behind the man in white is written the character "Dou Da Dao".

I stepped up to the high platform, and when I went up, I saw that the man in white was exactly the Xie Liuyun I had seen in the portrait, but the face of the man in black was blurred, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see it clearly.

They are indeed playing chess, but the chessboard is engraved on a coffin, and the Chu River and the Han Dynasty are clearly separated.

"You're here." Xie Liuyun said lightly, but his eyes didn't look at me, he was still staring at the chessboard.

"I'm here." I thought for a while and said these three words, because I really didn't know what to say.

"Watch from the sidelines until we finish the game." Xie Liuyun said.

"What are you betting on?" I asked.

"We're betting whose life is yours."


Chapter 64

I stood quietly between the two of them, watching the game between them.

The moves are very slow, as if each move takes a lifetime to play.

I tried my best to figure out how the two played chess, but the two played chess in a completely unconventional way.There is no iron horse to fight against each other, and there is no fairy to turn the tide to guide the way.

The generals of both sides are besieged on all sides, but there is no general.They seem to care more about the gains and losses of one soldier than about dying.

This closed space has no concept of time, and I can't feel the passage of time.It seemed that three or five days had passed, and it seemed that many years had passed.

Finally, the chess game between the two is almost over.

The men in black had only one general, one prime minister and one chariot left, while Xie Liuyun had two chariots in his hands, complete with horses and guns.

"General." Xie Liuyun said.

At this time, if the man in black wants to make a rescue, he must sacrifice the last bicycle.

However, he didn't look at the bicycle at all, and directly abandoned the child, and sighed in his mouth: "I lost."

"This was the ending 3000 years ago, and it will remain the same after 3000 years. Do you want to continue?" Xie Liuyun asked.

"After all, I still can't beat him."

"Fate is the board, all beings are children, you and I are all chess pieces, how can we get rid of the shackles of the chess board." Xie Liuyun sighed.

After abandoning his son, the man in black got up with a flick of his sleeves, picked up the spirit-calling flag with the magic word written on it on his back, and flew away.

The backs of ordinary people, the farther they go, the smaller they become.

But I don't know if it's my illusion, I always feel that the farther his back is, the taller he is.

I stared blankly at him leaving, only to feel that the figure at the back finally became towering, and finally directly tore a gap in the sky, shattered the void, and walked out of this space.

Xie Liuyun also looked at his back in a daze like me, his eyes full of desolation.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"you know."

I naturally know who he is, and who else can play against Xie Liuyun in the space inside the soul-suppressing coffin, except the Patriarch of the Demon Dao.

"Hasn't his remnant soul already disappeared?" I asked again.

"The disappearance of the remnant soul only made him cut off the chance of direct reincarnation, but did not completely annihilate him. He has reached the realm of the Patriarch of the Demon Dao, and he can no longer use the three souls and seven souls to determine life and death." Xie Liuyun said.

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