"Bang bang." Two cannons fired one after another.The shells roared and hit Zhao Jun on the city wall.Since it is on the back, the effect is not very obvious.The fired shells flew over the city in a parabola.It fell into the footsteps of Zhao Jun in the distance.

Zhao Jun's archers originally stayed outside the city to provide support.Due to the rapid siege, they did not withdraw quickly, and the shells that flew out fell right into the formation of archers.

After the shell hit the ground and killed Zhao Jun, it rebounded to take the lives of more Zhao Jun soldiers.Fortunately, only limbs were taken.The archer camp was suddenly disrupted.

Li Mu vaguely heard some rumbling cannons, and couldn't help feeling something bad in his heart.Because only the Qin army could have such a loud weapon, he was really afraid that the Qin army would suddenly use such a weapon, or that the Qin army would help the Yan army defend the city.

When seeing the artillery shells flying out, the archers' hands were disrupted.Li Mu finally realized something was wrong.

"Hurry up, quickly withdraw the archers." Li Mu immediately ordered. "Here." A school lieutenant on the side immediately executed.

"Sima Shang, take the 5 troops from the headquarters and rush in through the south gate immediately. You must be quick." Li Mu shouted loudly.The situation has become very urgent.In the beginning, Li Mu originally planned to attack Yandu with two main attacks.On one side are his 5 elites, and on the other side are Sima Shang's [-] troops.Both sieges are critical, and the offensive will be very fierce.As long as one of them goes all the way south.Then the other way will be able to march victoriously.Zhao Jun made rapid progress at the beginning, and Li Mu didn't plan to use Sima Shang's team, after all, the low combat power was a huge shortcoming of that team.Once there is a slight setback and the morale of the army changes, the ending will be unmanageable.It is very likely that one's own army will suddenly become a defeated army.At that time, it will be out of control.

Zhao Jun on the top of the city, Wang Ben's artillery can't deal with it at all. Lowering the angle of the gun will directly bombard the city wall, reducing the defensive ability of the city wall.Only the Musketeers can complete the assault on the city walls.However, Wang Ben was well aware of the limitations of muskets, and muskets could not shoot continuously.Once the city is attacked from the city ladder, the angle of the musket will become smaller.The musketeers behind were unable to shoot in time.The musketeers who had finished shooting in the front had to directly face the charging Zhao Jun in a narrow section. Such an approach was undoubtedly suicide.Wang Ben was unwilling to do this.The number of Musketeers is small.If this is the case, the loss will be staggering.If Zhao Jun is blasted out, his Musketeers will also be completely lost.

"General Wang, can the Musketeers attack the top of the city? We have to recover the top of the city as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles." After seeing the power of muskets and artillery, Yan rare began to believe in these two weapons.

"General Yan, this is a bit difficult. The musketeers can't attack the city." Wang Ben said in a difficult way.

"Why?" Yan Han asked hastily.

"If muskets attack the city, they must fight on the city ladder. The muskets are slow to reload and cannot shoot continuously. Once they are in close combat, they will be hacked and killed by Zhao Jun, and the loss will be huge." Wang Ben said.

"Isn't there no other way?" Yan rarely said.

"General Yan, there is a way, but it depends on you, General." Wang Ben said.

"Oh, tell me quickly." Yan Han asked eagerly.

"General, the Zhao army has been unable to enter the city, and there are not many worries. I will resist here for a while, and the general quickly mobilizes troops to quickly attack the city. It is best to dispatch archers and shoot randomly from below the city." Wang Ben said some of his thoughts .

"That's good, then there will be General Lao." Yan Han clasped his fists and saluted, turned and left, and quickly mobilized troops to go.

"The Musketeers continue to shoot." Wang Ben shouted loudly.

Zhao Jun on the top of the city has been completely suppressed.After Zhao Jun suffered huge casualties, he began to learn to lower his body and hide behind the city wall. Yan Jun could not organize an effective attack and could only shoot randomly.Some Yan troops began to block the city gate again, but Zhao Jun could not fight back.The Yan army was also unable to fight back.The two sides are at a stalemate.

In the palace of King Yan, King Yan heard that the east city had been breached.Already panicked.King Yan, who spent the night with his concubines, was ready to run away, regardless of the messy clothes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." A servant hurried over.

King Yan ignored him at all and prepared to run away with both hands and feet.

"Your Majesty, defend it. Dongcheng is defended." The attendant shouted loudly.

139 Cannon Show off

"Hold it. Be good." Yan Wang was relieved from the tense state just now.

"Okay, okay." King Yan sat on the ground with some exhaustion.

"Your Majesty, it's all thanks to the musketeers. Those muskets are too powerful. Zhao Jun was like a clay figurine. And the cannon. Zhao Jun was like that little clay figurine. It fell." The attendant said vividly.

King Yan smiled when he heard that.

In Dongcheng, the situation of the Yan Army is not optimistic. Such a stalemate between the two sides is very unfavorable to the Musketeers and Artillery Teams.Ammunition is dropping rapidly.Soldiers of the Yan Army never knew what it was to save ammunition.The three-row shooting principle of the training has gradually become one row in the panic shooting, as long as the loading is complete, shoot immediately.Wang Ben can no longer effectively control these idiots.

Such chaotic shooting can only illustrate the fear of the soldiers of the Yan Army.Although Zhao Jun has been beaten down now.But Zhao Jun is an elite team after all, and it is difficult for a group of idiots to drive out a group of elites.

Some of the musketeers, began to withdraw, their cartridges had run out.Ammunition for the musketeers was provided by sixty rounds.Is this the American Civil War? Is this the American Civil War?

"General, our ammunition is about to run out." A lieutenant of the Yan Army reported to Wang Ben respectfully.

"What else can I do if I run out, get the ammunition back from the armory immediately, hurry up." Wang Ben immediately roared loudly.

"Here." Colonel Yan Jun clasped his fists and agreed.

"Wait, there's still that cannonball, bring it here together." Wang Ben asked again.

"Slow down the shooting. Save ammunition." Wang Ben shouted loudly.

The soldiers of the Yan army rose up.He didn't hear Wang Ben's loud cry at all.

Wang Ben saw that no one was listening.Immediately add fists and kicks.After a beating, the shooting speed of the musket slowed down.

Zhao Jun began to realize that the musket shooting had become busy, and tentatively launched a counterattack.As soon as he showed his head, he was knocked to the ground by a musket.The rest of Zhao Jun immediately fled.

Then Zhao Jun began to use the shield to test.The musket could barely penetrate. Seeing this, Zhao Jun began to fight back boldly, and the number of people suddenly increased.The situation is not good for the Yan army.

What Wang Ben wanted was such a counterattack.If they kept hiding like this, it would be very detrimental to the Musketeers, bullets would not be able to penetrate the thick city walls, and the artillery would not be able to shoot at high elevation angles.As soon as they come to the ground, they are finished.

"The Musketeers retreat twenty feet. The artillery is ready." Wang Ben ordered loudly.

The Musketeers began to retreat sparsely.Yan Jun has no formation visible.Wang Ben was very helpless about this. These soldiers are good soldiers, but they don't have any discipline to talk about.It is not as strict as the Qin army can be controlled.

Retreating is a bit like running away.Because the soldiers of the Yan Army ran to the back in twos and threes, it was not one team after another at all.

The cannon has been loaded.Their target was Zhao Jun who rushed down.

The Musketeers had retreated to one position.Zhao Jun rushed down and stepped forward quickly. They had to make quick contact with the Musketeers, otherwise the terrible fire-breathing pipes would keep devouring their lives.

"The Musketeers disperse. The artillery fires," Wang Ben roared loudly.

The soldiers of the Yan Army just avoided the muzzle.The artillery started to fire, and the loud noise knocked the Musketeers to the ground.

Two shells shot out in parallel.Zhao Jun, who had just rushed down, was hit with two bloody gashes.

"put".Another two cannons roared and fired shells.

The soldiers of Zhao Jun who charged quickly were shot again, and Zhao Jun who rushed in front turned into piles of flesh and blood.Splattered chunks of meat splattered everywhere.The projectile passed through the human body and hit the soldiers in the back row with blood mist.Zhao Jun, who was rushing, collided fiercely with the fired shells.Zhao Jun suffered heavy losses.

"Shoot." Wang Ben shouted loudly.

"Bang, bang, bang." The sound of muskets sounded intermittently, and many soldiers' muskets had run out of ammunition.Those who can send out are few.

"Kill." Yan Han, who arrived in time, led a large group of troops drawn from various places, and quickly organized a counterattack.Wang Ben breathed a sigh of relief.If they are not killed in time, the Musketeers and Cannons will cease to exist.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was beaten to pieces by the artillery, Yan Jun's morale was greatly boosted, and he counterattacked very bravely.Because of the artillery, Zhao Jun's morale began to show signs of disintegration.After resisting for a while, they retreated one after another.Running all the way towards the city wall, the Yan army took advantage of the victory to pursue.Onslaught all the way.Zhao Jun couldn't resist.The Yan army successfully captured the top of the city.

Zhao Jun didn't have many soldiers defending the city.Coupled with the continuous shooting of muskets, people kept falling down.Many soldiers carried the wounded soldiers down. This counterattack basically exhausted the defensive strength.Yan Jun's sudden counterattack.Zhao Jun was caught off guard and couldn't resist Yan Jun's fierce offensive at all.Zhao Jun was driven off the wall.It was too late for Zhao Jun to retreat from the rope and the high ladder, but was forced to jump off the top of the wall by Yan Jun.

Li Mu saw Zhao Jun jumping off the top of the wall continuously.The anger in my heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Order the archers to step forward and shoot with random arrows." Li Mu frowned and shouted loudly.

"Here." The captain immediately conveyed the order.Zhao Jun standing on the chariot waved the battle flag.

Zhao Jun's archers quickly stepped forward.Only a few Zhao troops retreated from the top of the city.The others were killed by Yan Jun.

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