After An Liman finished speaking, he took a careful look at Lao Hu, and was relieved when he found that Lao Hu had no doubts.

"When I was a soldier in the army, I learned a way to get water in the desert. It was to dig down from the roots of this desert Haloxylon grass. Wet sand and salty water could be dug down three to five meters. Then dig a sandpit more than one meter deep, and spread a plastic sheet on it, and the wet sand below will condense into water droplets when it touches the plastic sheet."

As he spoke, he looked up at the sun above his head and continued: "After simple sunlight evaporation and filtration, it will not take long to get a small amount of fresh water. Although it is small, it can save people's lives. This way I believe you will too!"

"Yes!" An Liman didn't expect Lao Hu to know a lot.

"But go further, the Haloxylon grass will be gone, nothing will be left!"

An Liman's words made Lao Hu and Zhou Xun beside him understand how dangerous the real depths of the desert are!

The black desert is inaccessible, and even the plants in the desert cannot survive here, like a forbidden zone of death!

Everyone continued to move forward against the wind.

The more I went forward, the more I found that there were yellow sand everywhere, and some plants that I could see before were now less and less.

The people who had consumed a lot of water in the past few days became more and more depressed and silent!

After walking for most of the day.

The wind is also getting stronger.

Zhou Xun could only stop by a sand dune for everyone to rest.

Arrange for young people to start building a barrier with yellow sand to get out.

"The wind has been blowing for a whole day, when will it stop?"

The fat man shouted while digging sand to build a barrier.

"Wind season, that's what it looks like"

While collecting firewood, An Liman said: "The scary place in the Black Desert is not the quicksand that traps people, nor the ants that eat everything, nor the black sandstorm."

"It is said that in the depths of this desert, there is a land of dreams. When people go in, they will see lakes, rivers, beauties and beasts, but until they are thirsty and exhausted, they can't go there, because there are many people there. It's a trap set by the devil to lure people to die there."

"He's talking about a mirage in the desert. For people with dehydration, it's really easy to be confused!" Shirley Yang explained.

Zhou Xun brought so much water and some wine in the system space, but he didn't take them out all the way, isn't it just for this time!

But I'm not going to take it out now, because it's not the most dangerous time yet, and everyone still has some water.

At this time, Ye Yixin ran to Xueli Yang's side and gently pulled Xueli Yang.

"Let's do something behind the sand dunes!" Shirley Yang said.

"Wait, take this!"

Zhou Xun handed over a whistle used by the team leader.

Shirley Yang took the whistle and walked towards the distant sand dunes with Yexin.

Just after handing over the whistle, Zhou Xun saw the fat man running to An Liman to beg for goat milk wine.

Speechless for a moment, there is almost no water here, and you still expect others to share your goat milk wine...


After calling the fat man, Zhou Xun threw the flagon over.

The fat man took the jug, and immediately felt refreshed after taking a sip of the wine, he laughed.

"Don't have fun, don't share it with everyone!" Zhou Xun said.

The fat man took another sip, and then took the jug and shared some with everyone.


"Where are you coming!"

A few people have just finished drinking and are reminiscing.

Suddenly, the shouts of Shirley Yang and Ye Yixin came from a distance!

"Come on!"

Zhou Xun led his people and ran over quickly.

"Hurry up, come here!"


Here, Shirley Yang clings to Ye Yixin, who is trapping the yellow sand, and shouts non-stop.

And Ye Yixin was already half-sinked.

Zhou Xun brought people over to take a look, and it was obvious that he had fallen into quicksand.

Although Zhou Xun knew it wasn't quicksand, he hurried over to Xueli Yang to drag Ye Yixin up.

"Okay, don't be afraid, this is not quicksand!"

Zhou Xun looked at the faces of the two who had escaped from death and said.

"If this is quicksand, the two of you have already been swallowed by quicksand, there should be something under the yellow sand!"

Zhou Xun explained.

"Indeed, if it's quicksand, it's impossible for Ms. Yang to hold Xiaoye for so long by herself, and Xiaoye still stops there without continuing to sink!" Lao Hu thought for a while.

"That's right, if it's really quicksand, you won't be able to stay around!" An Liman said.

After thinking about it carefully, Xue Liyang nodded and said: "Yes, it seems that it is true from what you said. Just now, Xiaoye stopped moving when it got halfway in!"

When Xiaoye thought about it, she nodded and sobbed, indicating that it was so.

Chapter 33 Entering the Stone Tomb of the Wei and Jin Dynasties

"Have you stopped?" Old Hu asked suspiciously.

"That's why I said that there should be something or space under the yellow sand, otherwise it wouldn't sink!" Zhou Xun said.

"Yes, yes, I just stepped on a rock, and then I stepped on it and collapsed, and I just kept sinking, sinking..."

In retrospect, Xiaoye is already much better, but her voice is still a bit crying!

"Are you sure it's a stone?" Lao Hu asked.

"How can there be stones under the desert? But there is really space under the road?"

Shirley Yang couldn't help but also think about Zhou Xun's train of thought.

"If my guess is correct, there are either houses, palaces or ancient tombs under the quicksand just now!" Zhou Xun continued.

Zhou Xun knew that there was indeed a stone tomb below, and that it had just been stolen.

Now I just don't know if this kind of ancient tomb that has been stolen can increase the system space.

"Don't be dazed, go and have a look!" Lao Hu reminded.

The people who came back to their senses quickly brought their equipment to the yellow sand just now and started digging.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to dig for a "ding!" sound.

This is the sound of the collision of engineering shovels and stones!

"Old Hu, did you find it?" Shirley Yang bent down and asked.

"Dig it!"

After finishing speaking, bring up a hard broken stone!

"I dug here too!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he also brought up a piece of broken stone that was the same as that in Lao Hu's hand!

Lao Hu took a closer look at the stone in his hand, weighed it again, and said, "It's made of dynamite!"



Professor Chen and the fat man were puzzled.

Zhou Xun took the stone in Lao Hu's hand and looked at it: "This stone is very hard. If it is chiseled with tools, it will probably take a lot of time!"

Shirley Yang and Professor Chen saw that indeed, there were no traces of tools on it.

"Come on, shovel!"


Lao Hu asked for a shovel and started digging.


"I'm here too!"

Old Hu and Fatty followed up.

Professor Hao then handed Lao Hu a brush.

Lao Hu took it and began to brush away the dust on the stone, and then a large stone appeared.

Lao Hu looked at the brushed stones, and said with 100% certainty: "This is definitely explosive, and he is definitely an expert. The explosive force of this explosion is outward, so these gravels are all outside, and there will not be any debris inside." damage, small precisely targeted blasts, and..."

Lao Hu stopped and looked carefully at the gaps in these stones.

"And what?" Shirley Yang asked.

"Moreover, this is definitely not an ordinary explosive, it is a military explosive."

After the old nonsense finished talking, he and the fat man continued to dig down!

"Professor Chen, is it really possible that this is a stone tomb?" Shirley Yang asked.

"If there is a tomb, such a big hole must have been stolen!"

Professor Chen said pessimistically.

"Old Hu, you and Fatty go to rest first, who will continue digging with me!"

Zhou Xun looked at the two who were panting.

"I'm coming!" Chu Jian signed up.

Zhou Xun and Chu Jian dug for another ten minutes.

Only then was a hole dug leading directly to the tomb below.

"It's over, I'll go down first!" Zhou Xun shouted.

After speaking, he jumped down first.

"It's okay, come down!"

Everyone heard it and came down one by one.

After getting down, you can see the opened coffins one by one in the main tomb!

Seeing that the tomb was empty except for the coffin, sure enough, it had been stolen completely.

Professor Chen was distressed by this.

"Look, old man!"

The fat man aimed his flashlight at a backpack. The backpack was open, and a pack of explosives could be seen at a glance.

Old Hu took out a dynamite from his bag and recognized it at a glance, and said, "Su, Lianhuo, I played for two days when I was in the army."

"The gang of tomb robbers are from Su Lian?" Shirley Yang looked at Lao Hu and asked.

Lao Hu couldn't help but nodded, indicating that he was right.

Zhou Xun knew that this group of people was the same group that An Liman brought into the desert before.

It was also because of these people that An Liman was sent to the police station.

"It's really a crime, such an ancient tomb with research value has been ruined like this!" Professor Chen said sadly looking at the empty and damaged tomb.

"Teacher, let's carry out rescue excavation immediately!" Professor Hao comforted quickly.

"Hey, what kind of tomb do you think this is, there is nothing!"

The fat man turned around in a circle, but everything was empty, and he was very upset.

"If you were a tomb robber, would you leave something for the people who came later?" Professor Hao asked.

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