Zhu Heqi laughed, "It's okay, I will catch the rest soon!"

"My lord, you have to act quickly, or else all the Portuguese will retreat into the castle, and you will be helpless."

Zhu Hechi laughed happily, "Tell them to shrink, and if they shrink, none of them will run away..."

It's not that Zhu Heqi really doesn't want to be fast, but it's just that he really can't get up fast.

Because the East India Company's dedicated wharf is not very large, and it can rely on up to three ships at the same time, and thousands of people can come down at a time.The rest of the troops and supplies were either slowly barged by small boats or queued up with larger ships.

Moreover, the main reason why Zhu Heqi started the battle of Macau was not to fight against imperialism, but to pull people's heads!

So after "cheating" the battle at the East India Company's wharf, Zhu Heqi immediately called his general Lin Ahu to him.

"Huhulin, you immediately bring four infantrymen across the gate to support Su Zhanshan and Zhou Chaoxian." Zhu Heqi said, "Remember, we must control the big battle as soon as possible... After the incident, leave two The leading infantry guards the field, and the rest go back to the pier, and the lonely family will lead them to attack St. Paul's Fortress!"

Winning the East India Company Wharf and Grand Canal is only the beginning of the successful capture of Macau, and the capture of St. Paul's Great Fortress is the ultimate victory!

"Decree!" Lin A'hu responded, then turned to gather his subordinates.

As soon as he left here, Military Master Zhuge was helped down from the boat.This great strategist looked a bit haggard... Zhu Hexi said to himself: "It seems that he, like Zhuge Liang, is not used to water warfare!"

"My lord," military master Zhuge saw Zhu Heqi standing on the pier with a proud face, and hurried forward to remind him, "Now we have to hurry up and unload the ship... We still have seven or eight ships waiting to unload cargo and people." In addition, the pier is very close to the fort, if the Portuguese cannons fire, we will not be able to unload goods and people in peace."

In fact, they are not afraid of firing. Zhu Heqi brought enough smoke bombs to cover the ships and docks, but it is not convenient to unload ships in the smog.

"Military division," Zhu Heqi looked at the military division Zhuge who was shaking his feather fan, "do you have any tricks up your sleeve?"

Military Adviser Zhuge smiled and said: "We can let that Charlie Goff take the leader of the Portuguese soldiers who was just captured to the St. Paul's Fort to persuade him to capitulate... Once and twice, after two or three hours of persuasion, we will finish unloading the ship. ?”

"That's a way!" Zhu Hechi nodded, and said in his heart, "This great strategist is still a little clever."

"In addition," Zhuge Junjun said again, "there is also a Portuguese navy in Macau. They were deceived by us just now. Now that they have been deceived, they will definitely come to snatch our ships... We must prepare early!"

Zhu Hechi smiled and said, "Military commander, don't worry, I have already prepared! If the Portuguese warships dare to come, they will be wiped out!"

As soon as he said this, Yu Xiaoqian had already escorted De, Figo and Ji Dabao who was acting as an interpreter.

"Boss, caught a Portuguese soldier leader!" This Yu Xiaoqian is old man Yu's son, Xiao Zhu and Qi are two or three years old.Unlike Zhu and Qi, his biological father is the second master Yu, the brother of the old man, and he was adopted by the old man to inherit the incense.

He wasn't very familiar with Zhu Heqi at first, but since Zhu Heqi entered Jieyang, this round-headed and round-headed Yu Xiaoqian followed Zhu Heyi's buttocks and yelled like a big brother, and even said that he was the emperor of Chongzhen. Be a grandson!

Of course, Zhu Heqi also took good care of this little brother, and absorbed him into Jin Yiwei as one of the four leaders of the young artillery. , now Zhu Heqi's most direct line of troops, the personal soldiers of the personal soldiers!

"Go and bring the leader of the Portuguese soldiers here," Zhu Heqi said, "and call Charlie Goff!"


Chapter 120 You Have Black Magic, I Have Lord Jesus!

"What? What are you talking about? The third grandson of Zhu in Chaozhou? How is this possible? How dare they offend the mighty Portugal, oh, and England is stronger than Portugal? Figo, Goff, are you making a mistake? Isn't it big? The Qing soldiers pretended to be the third grandson of Zhu?"

"No, no, we did not make a mistake, it is indeed the army of the third grandson of Zhu!"

"Your Excellency, Governor, we were kidnapped by the third grandson of Zhu in Dahao..."

"Shameless! Despicable! Absolutely unforgivable!"

On the wall of St. Paul's Fortress, the Portuguese Governor Rotoni, who found that something was wrong, had just issued an order for all the Portuguese to withdraw into the fortress and prepare for the battle. of the envoys.

Charlie Goff and De Figo planned to explain the situation first, and then made Zhu and Qi's request, but before they could finish what they had to say, Rotoni jumped into a rage.

He thought he was being attacked by the Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, so he remained quite calm—at worst, he would go to Beijing to become a "slave Luo Dongni". He had already inquired about it. Slaves", but actually nobles.

He, the governor of Macau, wants to join the Qing Dynasty, so he can earn a job as a leader, maybe he can become a bigger official, and he can even greedy for more money!

There is another benefit of being a banner man in the Qing Dynasty - you can legally marry many wives!And it is said that you can continue to believe in God, killing two birds with one stone!

So Rotoni is not very resistant to being a bannerman... The question is just how big a bannerman he is!

But when he heard that it was the third grandson of Zhu from Chaozhou who raided Macau, he became impatient.

Zhu San's grandson doesn't have the master of Eight Banners for him!

Moreover, the third grandson of Zhu's career has just started, with only half of Chaozhou's territory.And the Qing Dynasty has ruled almost the whole of China.

With such a disparity in strength, how could the third grandson of Zhu win the final victory?

If he seeks refuge with the third grandson of Zhu now, if the third grandson of Zhu fails in the future, won't he be beaten like a chicken?

This will not work!

"Governor," Charlie Goff, of course, had a heart for the Portuguese, so he kindly reminded him at this time, "This third grandson of Zhu is very likely to have mastered powerful black magic!"

"Black... black magic?" Rotoni was taken aback for a moment, and his expression immediately became serious.

"That's right, it's black magic!" Charlie Goff nodded, "It is said that it is a magic handed down by an ancient Chinese wizard named Zhuge Liang, which can greatly enhance the power of gunpowder. It can also use spells to create a large amount of smoke... ..."

"What? You said that the smoke just now was created by the wizard of the third grandson of Zhu?"

"Yes!" Charlie Gough nodded with certainty, "That's evil black magic!"

"Charlie, you can't talk nonsense in Macau!" A majestic voice suddenly remembered, interrupting the ongoing conversation.

Charlie Gough followed the sound and saw an old man with a white beard who was dressed in black, with a little red hat on his head and a red belt around his waist.

Charlie Goff frowned subconsciously, he knew the old man.The old man's name is Paul Santos, and he is the current bishop of Macau.

Macau is different from Dahao. Macau is not only the largest trading port along the coast of China at that time, but also a stronghold of Catholicism in China.

There are a total of eleven branches of the Catholic Brotherhood in this tiny piece of Macau, as well as the St. Paul's Cathedral.

In addition, although the Catholic Bishop of Macau is not a cardinal, he is in charge of missionary affairs in China, Japan, Korea and the Indochina Peninsula, which can be described as a high position.

And the current Bishop Santos is old and confused, and he is still a staunch opponent of "Chinese rules"... His old man even opposes Chinese believers worshiping ancestors and Confucius, let alone Chinese black magic?

Now, this Portuguese with a white beard who looks like Santa Claus also brought several priests, and with the help of one of his legal illegitimate sons of mixed Portuguese and Japanese, he climbed up the city wall of the Fort Cannon and heard what Charlie Gough said. .

"Mr. Goff, please be careful with your words!" The old man didn't understand the believers of the Anglican Church, and when he heard Charlie Goff say "black magic", he immediately said sternly, "As a believer in God, how can you advocate heretics? black magic? This is dangerous heresy!"


To be burned!

Upon hearing this, both De Figo and Ji Dabao dared not speak.They are both "non-fireproof" Catholics!

But Charlie Gough is used to being free, and he doesn't know how powerful the stake is, and he is an Anglican believer. The Catholic stake cannot burn Anglicans... Otherwise, it will trigger a religious war, and Mr. Sang can't afford it pot!

"My lord bishop, I am not advocating black magic, but seeking truth from facts!" Charlie Goff said to Mr. Sang, "They really have black magic, which is different from what you say they have black magic! Your stake is really black." Magical infidels have no effect...otherwise the Ottoman Sultan would have been burned!"

Santos was so angry that the heretics of the Anglican Church almost blew his beard, but the Anglican Church has big fists, so believers are "fireproof" and cannot be burned!

At this time, his illegitimate son, Antonio Santos, who paid the Pope to become a full-time member, whispered a few words in the old man's ear, and the old man had something to say immediately.

"Mr. Goff, regarding the suspected black magic in Chaozhou, Brother Nan Huairen has submitted a report to the Inquisition in Rome. If it is true, the Holy See will send someone to find out. Even if there is, God will help us defeat black magic. !"

As he spoke, the old man made a sign of the cross on his chest.Then a group of foreigners, half-foreigners and fake foreigners who believed in the Roman Catholic Church also made the sign of the cross.I don't know if the master in the sky has seen it?Anyway, the big guy's confidence suddenly increased.

Then, the old man announced loudly: "I will go to St. Paul's Cathedral now, and lead all the teachers and students of St. Paul's Theological Seminary to pray to God, and ask God to help us defeat the enemy's black magic!"

As soon as they heard that the old man was going to invite God in person, the backs of the Catholic believers present stiffened immediately.

It is impossible for black magic to defeat God!

And it is impossible for a gunpowder weapon that is not blessed by magic to break through the solid defense of St. Paul's Fort... So no matter what, he can hold the fort for the time being.

If Grandson Zhu San wants to seize the big fort with 36 12-pound guns, the only way is to besiege.

Thinking of this, Rotoni said confidently to Charlie Gough and Ji Dabao: "Go back and tell the third grandson Zhu that his Ming Dynasty has long since perished... Macau now belongs to the Kingdom of Portugal, and his current behavior is against Portugal. A brutal violation of the kingdom's territory!"

Charlie Gough added: "In fact, he has violated the interests of the Kingdom of England and the British East India Company..." He glanced at the old man Santos with righteous indignation, "Father, if you can really ask God to help us overcome The black magic of the third grandson of Zhu... I am very happy to see him captured and hanged by the soldiers of the British and Portuguese!"

"It's the stake!" After the old man finished speaking, he swaggered and led the legal illegitimate son and a group of men down to pray to God.

"Yes!" Rotoni nodded heavily, and then said to Charlie Gough, "Mr. Gough, please tell the third grandson Zhu... no matter what despicable black magic he possesses, he can't break through the impenetrable St. Paul's Fortress!

And we Portuguese are all children of God, we have God's blessing, we are not afraid of his black magic.If he is willing to leave the territory of the Kingdom of Portugal immediately, release the detained hostages, and make corresponding compensations, then the benevolent Portuguese can forgive his mistakes!

Otherwise, the Portuguese Armada will raze his Dahao port to the ground in the near future! "

Chapter 121 You have Jesus, I have Confucius!

The straight-line distance from St. Paul's Fortress to the East India Company Wharf in Macau's Haojiang Inner Harbor is less than Sanhuali.However, Charlie Goff and Ji Dabao, who came out of St. Paul's Fortress, walked for nearly an hour before arriving at the East India Company's shop where Zhu Hexi was located.

The reason why they walked so slowly was not because they were afraid of being punished by Zhu Heqi, but because a large number of Portuguese and Englishmen who traded with Chinese merchants in the market on the north bank of the Guanzha River already knew that the Chinese were coming!

So they didn't dare to continue to do business anymore, they all packed up their belongings, and ran towards the Fort with their tails between their legs.

In addition, there were as many as 5000 Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese living in Macau at this time!Of course, it is impossible for so many people to live in the Fort St. Paul - the Fort is a bastion, but it can accommodate so many people.But it's too crowded to live like that... and Macau has never been attacked by a strong enemy since 1625.

Therefore, a large number of Macanese Portuguese and mixed-race Portuguese bought spacious residences on Macau Island. Now that they knew that Macau was being attacked by the enemy, they naturally headed for Fortress in droves, dragging their families with them.

With several groups of people together, the road to the Fortress is full of people, and it is impossible to walk fast.

So when Charlie Gough and Ji Dabao saw Zhu and Qi in the courtyard of the East India Company's commercial building, it was already evening and the sky was quite dark.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the East India Merchant Hall was so busy that it was unbelievable. The merchant hall was a bit like a big construction site.Hundreds of shirtless strong workers are sweating profusely. Under the command of the young Jin Yiwei, they are stacking bags of white rice or straw bags filled with soil against the low courtyard wall of the commercial building.

It was even busier at the pier. The Great Eastern and the other two old lock boats that first docked had been removed, and the three old lock boats replaced had a total of ten gangplanks lowered from the side deck.The soldiers of Dahaoqiu's family continued to work as if they had gone crazy. They went on and off the boat and kept bringing down bags and barrels of goods.

There are also a dozen or so small sampans that keep going back and forth between the other three old lock boats that are "queuing up" and the wharf, bringing in heavily armed soldiers one after another.

Qiu Rong and Zhu Heqi brought Mr. Guo, who was in charge of the logistics, to sit on the pier and direct the dispatch.

The Qiu family army of the brigade has already begun to gather and marched south to occupy the position north of the St. Paul's Fort.

The Zhuqiu two allied forces brought in by sea had a total of more than [-] people, including about a thousand sailors, and the rest were land divisions, but they had no cavalry.Therefore, they had to be equipped with a large number of spears to resist the Portuguese cavalry.

The Qiu family army that is now going out to occupy the position is a combination of pikemen and turtledove muskets.As the team moved forward, the tip of the spear fluctuated and fluctuated under the twilight sun, glowing with a cold light, very eerie.

However, Charlie Goff and Ji Dabao, who have dealt with the troops of the Yanping Palace for a long time, both know that neither the Zheng family nor the Qiu family's Lu division can be considered top-notch.Although they would imitate the tactics of the Westerners, they did not get the essence.It is difficult to coordinate between pikemen and musketeers, and there is no artillery that can move quickly on the battlefield.Cavalry is an extremely rare type of arms...

In a sense, they have only learned a little bit of Western military science, which looks a little bit different, but they have not grasped its essence.

Although such an army can compete with the Portuguese soldiers in Macau in the field, it is absolutely impossible to quickly conquer the Fort St. Paul.

Unless...they really have some kind of black magic!

When the two were thinking about black magic, they happened to be brought by several young Jin Yiwei to Zhu Heqi and Zhuge Junshi who had changed into "Confucius clothes".

Master Zhuge rested on the land for a while, and his energy was already up.He was shaking the fan and counting his fingers, with a clever appearance of being able to pinch and count.Seeing Charlie Gough and Ji Dabao walk in, the military adviser immediately pinched his fingers, and pretended to say to Zhu Hechi: "My lord, I have already settled the matter! The Portuguese governor, Rotoni, is stubborn and vainly trying to Resisting the heavenly soldiers... Santos, the bishop of Macau, is insane and rebellious, trying to ask the Lord Jesus of the West for help, and break the spell handed down by the ancestors of the minister's family!"

Hearing Zhuge Sanhe's words, Charlie Goff was taken aback and said everything!It's black magic!

Ji Dabao next to him had a look of disdain - he knew the methods of these fortune tellers, if they could pinch them, they would be considered fake, but if they could read their words, it would be true.

"Military teacher," Zhu Heqi said in a timely manner, "I have heard that the Jesus of the Western Catholic Church has magical powers and is very effective... How should we break it?"

The devout believer Ji Dabao sneered in his heart: "Is it wishful thinking to break the spell of Lord Jesus?"

"What's so difficult about this?" Zhuge Sanhe said, waving a goose-feather fan, "Westerners have the Lord Jesus, and Chinese people have the sage Confucius. If you want to break the way of Jesus, you should use the way of a saint!"

Ji Dabao sighed in his heart: "This Zhuge military master is not good...how can you use Confucius as a target for Jesus? You should invite the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun to come out to fight Jesus! No matter how bad it is, you should invite Taibai Jinxing and Qi Tianda Saints or something, how can you invite Confucius? Can Confucius beat Jesus as a scholar?"

"Military Master, Confucius also used it in the same way?" Zhu Heqi asked, "Are you going to invite the sage Confucius?"

"No, no need," Military Master Zhuge waved his hand, "Even Santos has no ability to ask Jesus to come down to earth."

There shouldn’t be any… Zhu Heqi thought to himself: “The only one who can invite Jesus to come down to earth is Xiao Chaogui, the [-]-year-old Western King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom!”

Zhu Hexi seemed a little worried, and asked Charlie Gough and Ji Dabao with a smile: "Mr. Gaofu, Mr. Ji, are Zhuge's military advisors right?"

"Yes, yes..." Charlie Goff nodded, and said after deliberation, "Governor Rotoni is unwilling to surrender, and Bishop Santos still thinks that your spells are probably black magic!"

Ji Dabao said: "Bishop Santos really won't invite Jesus... He is just a diocesan bishop with average magic power. There are purple bishops, cardinals and white popes on him. As far as I know, there are probably only white popes." Only then can you invite Jesus to come down to earth!"

What?Can the Pope invite Jesus to come down to earth?Zhu Heqi was almost amused by the words of Ji Dabao, a Chinese Catholic... Does he really understand?Those people from the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom would not be his disciples and grandchildren, would they?

Military Master Zhuge nodded and said with a smile: "As long as the pope in white doesn't come to China, the poor have nothing to worry about."

This is bold enough to directly challenge the Pope of Rome!

"How can the lonely family break Santos' spell?" Zhu Heqi asked solemnly.

"As long as the son is wearing a Confucian robe and reciting "The Analects of Confucius" it will be fine!"

"Okay!" Zhu Heqi laughed, "The Gu family has already put on Confucian robes, and the Gu family can read "The Analects" best..." He looked up at the sky, "It's getting late, it's time to send troops Yes! Military division, I have taught you from the pier. Dao Barong and I led the troops to attack St. Paul’s Fortress. If the Portuguese navy comes to sneak attack, you will let people burn them with “Sanmai real fire”!”

When talking about "Sanmai Zhenhuo", Zhu Heqi deliberately raised his voice, just to say it to Charlie Gough and Ji Dabao who were present.

In the seventeenth century, it was not a bad thing to have "black magic"!

Then he said to Charlie Gough: "Mr. Gough, please go to the Fortress again and tell Rotoni... Since he wants to fight, starting from tonight, the lonely family will take down the Big Fort within 24 hours." fort!"

Zhu Hechi's words announced the end of the brief ceasefire between him and the Portuguese in Macau.

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