But Geng Jingzhong has ghosts in his heart!Moreover, he was not very courageous. Hearing what Kangxi said, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground on the spot, and pleaded guilty: "The slave is guilty, the slave deserves to die..."

Faced with Geng Jingzhong's plea, Kangxi didn't take it seriously.Because his Great Qing Dynasty was fought by a group of masters of the Aixinjueluo family who led a group of slaves and slaves of slaves. There was a clear distinction between masters and slaves.Just be the master and listen. If you really want to "arrest if you are guilty" and "death to death", the Qing Dynasty itself will be gone.

Moreover, during this period of time, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, and Qiongzhou fell one after another. Some big officials in Guangdong and Fujian all gave Kangxi an indictment. It was really "everyone is guilty and everyone deserves to die."

So Geng Jingzhong's current attitude is not very strange... It's still a bit strange, his head knocked a little loudly, and the voice of pleading guilty was a little trembling, those who didn't know thought this guy really had some heinous crimes!

However, Emperor Kangxi knew Geng Jingzhong better... Everyone with the surname Geng is counseled!

His grandfather Geng Zhongming violated the "Law of Fugitives" because his generals took in [-] "fugitives". He was questioned by Dorgon, but he was so frightened that he hanged himself. Just to ask, why did he die?

At that time, Geng Zhongming was overseeing the army in Jiangxi, and he was going to fight Guangdong with Shang Kexi. He had [-] troops under him.How could the Qing court kill him because of [-] "runaways"?So at that time, everyone in the court was trying to excuse him, saying that he wanted to be lenient... In the end, this guy frightened himself to death.

And Geng Jingzhong's father, Geng Jimao, is also a coward, so it's enough to report his father's illness and death.But dare not, must report truthfully.As a result, Dorgon felt that he could not get down, so he charged Geng Zhongming for committing suicide in fear of crime, and refused to let Geng Jimao take the title... But Geng Jimao actually endured it, and diligently followed Shang Kexi to beat Nanming and kill Cantonese.Later, Emperor Shunzhi, who was in charge of the government, felt embarrassed and bullied the honest traitor too much, so Geng Jimao became the prince.

Because of the characters left by two generations of honest traitors, Geng Zhongming and Geng Jimao, Geng Jingzhong's "honest image" can easily become popular in the hearts of the people—what kind of bad intentions can this Geng Jingzhong have?

Looking at Geng Jingzhong who kowtowed to plead guilty, Emperor Kangxi had no choice but to comfort him: "Forehead, don't plead guilty, I know your loyalty to the Qing Dynasty."


Geng Jingzhong is a guilty conscience, he is really rebellious!

Seeing that Geng Jingzhong's mood had stabilized a bit, Kangxi asked again: "Forehead son-in-law, if I entrust the full power of Fujian to you, how do you plan to deal with hypocritical traitors?"

"Reporting to the emperor, the slave will concentrate the manpower and material resources of the whole province of Fujian, and focus on Chaozhou to fight!"

Of course Geng Jingzhong had already prepared his speech, he and Zuo Chunqiu had discussed it all the way!

"Fight Chaozhou?" Kangxi was a little puzzled, "Is Chaozhou very important?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know something," Geng Jingzhong said. "Although this Chaozhou is located in a remote corner of Guangdong, its people are strong and there are thieves everywhere. There have been many bandits, pirates, and powerful people there since ancient times. And since the end of Ming Dynasty, Chaozhou There are a lot of people who go to sea, and Chaozhou people are all over Southeast Asia. Although the imperial court temporarily cut off the contact between Chaozhou people in Guangdong and overseas Chaozhou people with the law of sea ban and relocation... But after all, the sea ban has only been in place for ten years, and it is not difficult to restore this connection. .

At that time, the hypocritical rebels will be able to collude with foreign countries, monopolize maritime trade, and reap huge profits!What's even more frightening is that many of the Chaozhou people who went out to sea are engaged in pirates and pirates. Once they are used by the pseudo-Ming court...the pirate Zheng Sen's northern expedition to Jiangning may happen again!And Zhu Ni and Qi's use of troops is much stronger than the pirate Zheng Sen! "

Geng Jingzhong is now an honest man telling the truth.Among the three major ethnic groups in Guangdong, the Chaozhou people are the biggest threat to the Qing Dynasty right now!

Although the Hakka people like the Chaozhou people, they also like to form big clans, and they like to hold groups and fight with weapons, and all of them are very vigorous.

However, in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the Hakka people had not expanded to the seaside, and not many people went out to sea, while the Chaozhou people went to sea in groups, going to Nanyang and the world with the Hokkien people.

Therefore, if Zhu and Qi get the support of the Hakka warriors, at most they will fight northward step by step from Hunan and Jiangxi.

If you get the support of Chaozhou people, especially overseas Chaozhou people, you will be able to travel northward, directly to Dagukou or even go to Shanhaiguan to land outside!

Emperor Kangxi didn't know much about fighting, so he turned his head to look at Yue Le who accompanied him to meet Geng Jingzhong.

Yue Le previously advocated concentrating efforts to conquer Guangzhou, but now Geng Jingzhong has brought up the "Chaozhou Threat Theory", which sounds quite reasonable.

"Er Fu," Yue Le asked, "With the power of the whole province of Fujian, can Chaozhou be conquered? Now that the pirate Zheng's family has occupied several counties in Quanzhou, Fujian still has the power to manage Guangdong's affairs?"

"My lord," Geng Jingzhong said, "if the whole province of Fujian plus Liu Jinzhong's troops in Chaozhou can be deployed in one place, even if the counties of Chaozhou and Quanzhou can't be defeated for a while, it won't be the case... completely We can concentrate our forces, and sometimes go to Chaozhou and sometimes Quanzhou, making it difficult for the rebels to take care of both the head and the tail, and they are exhausted, so they will not be able to support Guangzhou."

Yue Le nodded, and asked again: "So with the troops under the command of General Dingnan, can Guangzhou be taken?"

Geng Jingzhong frowned and asked: "My lord, how many soldiers are under the jurisdiction of General Dingnan you said? Is the military in Guangdong respected by General Dingnan? In addition, the green camps in Huguang, Jiangxi, Jiangnan, Zhejiang, etc. are now all Didn't move out...is it too underestimating the enemy?"

While talking, Geng Jingzhong turned his head to Kangxi and said: "Your Majesty, I have something from the bottom of my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Just talk about it," Kangxi said, "You are my cousin-in-law, what can the family have to say?"

Geng Jingzhong said: "Your Majesty, now that the false Third Prince Zhu has conquered Guangzhou, he must no longer be regarded as a lonely and poor thief. We should kill chickens with a sledgehammer! Even if we don't use the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers, all the elite soldiers from the green battalion in the southeastern provinces should be sent out! !"

He glanced at Yue Le again, "And we should send a minister who can really command the whole army to Guangdong to oversee the army..."

At first glance, Geng Jingzhong's suggestions are all for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, but in fact they are all defrauded by discussing with Zuo Chunqiu...not only the Qing Dynasty, but also the third prince Zhu and the third grandson of Zhu.

Because once Emperor Kangxi sent the main force of the green battalion and the most capable princes in the southeastern provinces to Guangdong, the Yangtze River Basin in the north would be empty!

Unlike Wu Sangui, who hadn't seen the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners for more than ten years, Geng Jingzhong is also a "Beijinger", so he knows the level of the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners.

So in his opinion, he only needs to get Yue Le and the elite soldiers from the southeast green battalion to Guangdong, then his chance will come...

Chapter 193 Eight Banners Celestial Soldiers Are Coming!

"Prince An, Tu Hai, do you two think what Geng Jingzhong said makes sense?"

In the South Study Room, only Emperor Kangxi and a few confidants were left discussing matters.

Geng Jingzhong has already left with a lot of worries, and is going back to wait for the news!He is betting everything this time!Either successfully get the right to manage Fujian, or simply withdraw from the domain and stop playing!

Of course, Emperor Kangxi couldn't let Geng Jingzhong leave... This "little holy master" is quite capable in terms of grand strategy. Of course, he knows that San Francisco must be stabilized at this time.

But Kangxi also has a shortcoming-he is not very good at fighting!Not only is he not very capable of fighting himself, but he doesn't have any particularly outstanding generals under his command.

Especially after the killing of Obai and Murima, it seems that there are only a group of "pen stickers", Jinshi, and pampered "second-generation kings" and "third-generation kings" left in the court.It was not easy to leave Prince An, Yue Le, as if he was a national treasure, he was not willing to be sent abroad... especially to a place with dysentery like Guangdong.

If he got sick and died on the front line, who would Emperor Kangxi use to scare Wu Sangui who didn't know if he was dead or not?

"Your Majesty," Tu Hai knew the Emperor Kangxi's thoughts best, so he rushed out of the class and knelt down before Yue Le. The general's inscription also stated that only the 2 men he brought from Guangxi and the 4000 men from Zu Zeqing could fight in Guangdong.

In addition, General Dingnan is indeed unable to command the various soldiers and horses in Guangdong..."

Sun Yanling, the "soft rice general", is indeed difficult to convince the public!

When it comes to "slave generation", what are Jin Guangzu, Zu Zeqing, Shang Zhidian and Liu Bingquan inferior to him?Didn't he just marry Kong Sizhen, a tigress, to eat a mouthful of delicious soft rice and become a general of soft rice?How could this be convincing?

And Kong Sizhen is a girl, and Kong Youde's old department sold her face, but Jin Guangzu, Zu Zeqing, Shang Zhidian, Liu Bingquan and others still refused to accept her... If she was Kong Youde's son, it would be fine, but she is not.

Therefore, it is difficult for the Qing army in Guangdong to be twisted into a single rope, unless the imperial court sends a truly prestigious Manchurian boss to supervise the army.

And the ideal candidate is not Yue Le, but Tu Hai himself!

Although Tuhai came all the way from the pen post style, he is not completely without military experience.In August of the second year of Kangxi, Tuhai was appointed as General Dingxi, and led a small number of Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers to the junction of Huguang, Shaanxi, and Sichuan provinces to support the Zhengdu army in besieging Hao Yaoqi and Liu Tichun's Murima.During the period, there was also an experience of confronting the rebels who came to rob the camp!

Although it can't be compared with Obai and Murima, who have experienced many battles, they can be regarded as proficient in military strategy in the withered Qing court.

Moreover, as a civil servant, he has already become a Bachelor of Zhonghe Dian, which is the largest of all the bachelors, equivalent to the Shoufu University of the Ming Dynasty.It is no longer possible to "progress". If he wants to climb up again, he can only lead troops to make meritorious service.

Thinking of this, Tu Hai gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, "Your Majesty, my servant Tu Hai is willing to send a brigade of troops to Guangdong to eradicate the false Third Prince Zhu and his gang of rebellious thieves for the court!"

Emperor Kangxi looked at Tu Hai who had stepped forward, and nodded in relief, "Very good! The chief scholar dispatched troops, this is a good general... Tu Hai!"

"The servant is here!" Tuhai said loudly.

"I will entrust you with great power, and I will grant you the seal of General Ningnan Jingkou!"

Ningnan Jingkou General Yin once granted it once when the Qing Dynasty attacked the Yongli regime in the Southern Ming Dynasty. It was awarded to Shuerhaqi's grandson, Gushan Beizi Luoto.It's a pity that this Luo Tuo passed away in the fourth year of Kangxi, otherwise he would be more suitable than Tu Hai to go to Guangdong to quell the chaos.

Kangxi went on to say: "Tuhai, I will order you to restrain the soldiers and horses of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian provinces!" He thought for a while, and then said to Tuhai with a serious face, "I will give you another five hundred elites of the Beijing Banner, so that you can be strong and strong." prestige!"

The elite of the Five Hundred Capital Banners is the legendary elite of the Eight Banners who is invincible!

The third prince Zhu and the grandson of Zhu third grandson have become such a mess in Guangdong, and Kangxi is not willing to send out the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers.

This time Tu Hai was sent out to supervise the army, and he was actually given five hundred heavenly soldiers at once as a front, which shows how much Kangxi attaches importance to Tu Hai.

Of course, the five hundred heavenly soldiers were there for show, not for tough battles... Otherwise, the five hundred heavenly soldiers would be bombarded by one or two hundred Zhu Heqi grenadiers, and the Qing Dynasty would be in great trouble.

So Emperor Kangxi then took another look at Yue Le, Prince An Yue Le knew that the emperor wanted him to come up with a strategy for dispatching troops.So he immediately went out of class and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, this servant proposes to transfer [-] elite soldiers from the Green Battalions from various provinces to go south to Guangdong with General Ning Nanjing Jingkou.

In addition, the slaves recommended Sun Sike, the general of Gansu Province, to accompany General Ningnan Jingkou on the expedition! "

"Okay!" Kangxi nodded with satisfaction, "A chief academician plus five hundred Manchurian soldiers, plus a brave general like Sun Sike and twenty thousand elite soldiers from the Green Battalion, there is also an army of fifty thousand led by General Dingnan and others in Guangdong... Even if the father and son of the false third prince Zhu have three heads and six arms, they will not escape defeat."

He considered it for a while, and then said: "In Fujian, I also plan to withdraw the governor of Fujian at the request of Geng Jingzhong, and set up the post of governor of Fujian, which will be held by Jingnan Wang Geng Jingzhong. Fujian affairs should be treated as fake Geng Fan. It is cheap and does not repeat the middle system. When employing people and soldiers, the officials and soldiers must not restrain them, and when using money, the household department must not delay!"

This time Emperor Kangxi really paid for it, not only in Guangdong, but also in Fujian!

The power that Geng Jingzhong got from Kangxi this time is exactly the same as the power that Wu Sangui got when he pacified Yunnan back then!


Kangxi appointed Tu Hai as the general of Ningnan Jingkou, and the edicts awarded to Geng Jingzhong as the general manager of Fujian were issued explicitly, that is, they were made public to the whole world.

Moreover, in order to cheer up the Qing army far away on the front line in Guangdong, Kangxi also dispatched [-] miles to rush to send the copies of the two Ming Dynasty's edicts to Shaozhou and Zhaoqing.

Therefore, less than half a month later, Zhu and Qi obtained the copies of these two edicts from Yang Qilong.

Yang Qilong is now still the Deputy Military Adviser of the Military Commander's Mansion, and he is specifically in charge of intelligence work... In Zhu Hexi's camp, when it comes to intelligence, no one is more powerful than him!

In history, this man was able to launch an armed uprising in Beijing in the Kangxi year!

As early as when Zhu Heqi met Yang Qilong for the second time and promoted him to be the deputy military adviser of the right assistant, he took out 500 taels of gold from his private pocket as Yang Qilong's activities.

Yang Qilong used this money to buy off the two masters around Zu Zeqing, and established a Zhaoqing-Guangzhou intelligence transmission line.That's why Zhu Hexi was able to see the Ming Dynasty's edict issued by the Qing court at the first time.

"Tu Hai is coming...Mr. Yang, did you recognize Tu Hai when you were in Beijing?" Zhu Heqi knew about Tu Hai in his previous life. He first knew about him when he was a child watching the TV series "Emperor Kangxi", but he never expected to meet him this time. It's real!

"I know." Yang Qilong really knows quite a few people, "he is a capable official... the son of the world, he is the chief scholar, he is also a Manchurian dignitary, and he came to Guangdong with five hundred and eight banner soldiers. I am afraid that all the generals in Guangdong will know him." Driven by it, I will no longer disobey orders like when I was with Shang Kexi."

"Oh." Zhu Hexi nodded, and asked again: "Then what about Zhou Peigong? Has the military advisor ever heard that there is Zhou Peigong beside Tu Hai?"

"Zhou Peigong?" Yang Qilong was taken aback, "I've never heard of... who is this person?"

Zhu Heqi smiled and did not answer, but brought the topic to Geng Jingzhong, "Then what does Geng Jingzhong mean? Why did he become the governor of Fujian?"

In Zhu Heqi's memory, Geng Jingzhong's performance during the San Francisco Rebellion was still very positive. What's going on now?Why did he become the governor of Fujian... Did he sincerely take refuge in Kangxi, or did he use some tricks to deceive Emperor Kangxi's trust?

Chapter 194 Highly imitating a great talent, one test determines the world!

Yang Qilong is quite familiar with Geng Jingzhong, and he also knows the prophecy that "the son of heaven is divided into ears", so he smiled and shook his head and said: "Master...you don't have to worry about Geng Jingzhong, he must have used some means That’s why he got the post of Fujian Governor. The purpose is not necessarily to be my enemy, maybe he is also taking advantage of the chaos in the world to make a big fortune!”

Zhu Hechi nodded, "Then can we contact him to fight against the Qing?"

"My lord, this matter is difficult to handle..." Zhuge Sanhe was the one who spoke, and he was focusing on two things at the moment, interjecting while reading a summary of information... There were a bunch of miscellaneous news on it, and it seemed that it didn't matter , so the two downlines developed by Yang Qilong wrote the news on a piece of paper and sent it out.

"What's the problem?" Zhu Hechi was still very confident in countering Geng Jingzhong.

"Fujian is the place that Yanping Palace is determined to win!" Zhuge Sanhe said slowly, "At the same time, it is the root of Geng Jingzhong... If we go to contact Geng Jingzhong, we will be placed between Yanping Palace and Geng Jingzhong. It’s not easy to please others. So let Yanping Wang and Chen Junshi contact Geng Jingzhong, as long as we can drag Wu Sangui into the water, that’s enough.”

"Wu Sangui?" Zhu Heqi frowned, "Is he really willing?"

"It's up to people..." Zhuge Sanhe handed the summary of information in his hand to Zhu Hechi at this time, "Master, you should read this first."

"Oh." Zhu Heqi took the information summary, and then glanced in the direction of Zhuge Sanhe's finger, "My lord, all students from Guangdong, regardless of whether they are shaved or braided, can participate in the Jinke Township Examination, and I will treat them equally ..."

Zhu Heqi also frowned, "What does Kangxi mean? You can take the exam without braids? He wants to..."

"To poach our corner!" Zhuge Sanhe took over the topic from Zhu Hechi and said, "My lord...Tuhai's army will not reach Guangdong in three months! Before they arrive, Sun Yanling will not take the risk He came to fight Guangzhou recklessly. So the next thing the two sides will fight for is the imperial examination!"

Zhu Heqi has also been preparing to hold the imperial examination in Guangdong for a long time... Exam to become an official!This is the favorite of scholars, and the court of Zhu and Qi's family has only a grassroots team. There are too many vacancies in each yamen, and officials are urgently needed to fill them.

In addition, based on Zhu Heqi's understanding of the three major ethnic groups in Guangdong, the Cantonese people like to eat and drink, and they eat in Guangzhou!

Chaozhou people like to work hard to start a business...you will win if you work hard!

As for the Hakka people, they have always preferred to study to be a master of learning.

Therefore, in history, Hakka scholar-bureaucrats often fought with Cantonese and Chaozhou people over the problems of the imperial examinations!Well, they are obsessed with this matter. In history, after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, which the Hakkas made a fuss about, entered Yong'an Prefecture, in addition to conferring the king and the queen, they held a self-entertaining imperial examination. The leaders of the kingdom of heaven who failed to realize their dream of taking the imperial examination all set their own questions to test themselves... They have completely passed the addiction of learning masters.

Now Zhu Heqi has taken control of the stronghold of Cantonese people, the big brother Hui has controlled half of Chaozhou, and Zhu Tianwang is still in Jieyang County of Chaozhou.

Judging from the current situation, most of the Cantonese and Chaozhou people will follow Zhu Heqi, but it is hard to say what the attitude of the Hakka people is.

In the history of Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty, there were often "vicious fights between natives and Hakkas", and the Hakka people often opposed the Cantonese and Chaozhou people seriously.If one party wants to oppose the Qing Dynasty, the other party will support the Qing Dynasty.

If Zhu and Qi also encountered such an opposition from natives, it would be difficult for his Guangdong court to grow.

As for what Zhu Heqi can now use to attract the Hakkas, except for a part of the coastal land in Guangdong, the only thing they can do is the imperial examination.

And the land cannot be given too much, otherwise the Chaozhou and Cantonese people would be dissatisfied.After all, the land along the coast of Guangdong was originally owned by Chaozhou and Cantonese people.

So the upcoming imperial examination is very important. If it is done well, a large number of Hakka Jinshi, and even a large number of talents from other provinces will be selected... then the next thing will be easy to handle!

Thinking of this, Zhu Heqi's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said with a smile: "Yes...we must finish the Guangzhou imperial examination this time! Not only must we attract talented people from all over Guangdong to take our imperial examination, but we must also find ways to Attract talents from other provinces across the country to take the test!

We must let everyone in the world know that I, Da Ming, have returned, and I have won the hearts of scholars all over the world, and I am still the orthodoxy that all talented people in the world yearn for! "

When Zhu Heqi said this, his face was already full of color, and he looked at Zhuge Sanhe and Yang Qilong with a smile, "Two military advisers, what do you think of the lonely family's strategy? If Xuanye knows that the Han people in the world are still talented If you don’t forget your homeland, you will definitely be frightened? Maybe Wu Sangui, Geng Jingzhong and others will repent and return to our Ming camp?”

"My lord," Zhuge Sanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard Zhu Hechi's words, "If all the talented people in the world are looking for Ming Dynasty, then why are you still talking about Confucianism?"

Yang Qilong also sighed, and said: "That's right, every time there are more dogs slaughtered in righteousness, most of them are scholars who are ungrateful... My son, I have been wandering the world for many years in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. I have never seen many scholars who still have us They are from the Ming Dynasty. They are keen on the imperial examinations of the Tartars, and there are many people who want to be officials for the Tartars! Even if there are a few survivors of the Ming Dynasty, they are all old and embarrassing."

"The two military advisers misunderstood." Zhu Heqi smiled and waved his hands. "Gujia's meaning is not to find many talented and wise men through this imperial examination. It is to let the people of the world, Xuan Ye, Wu Sangui, and Geng Jingzhong People like me think that through this imperial examination, I got a lot of talented people and wise men... so we can fake it, no, it is a high imitation to produce a group of talented people!"

"High... imitation?"

"Master, how can you imitate this?"

One of Zhuge Sanhe and Yang Qilong is a "high imitation of Zhuge Liang", and the other is a high imitation of the third prince Zhu, and they can be regarded as capable people in the high imitation world.

But the two of them couldn't figure out how Zhu and Qi would imitate a group of talented talents?This thing is not only a "imitation", but also people have to believe it!

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