"After he got the gold, didn't he go anywhere? Did you see it?"


Everyone shook their heads again and again, saying that they didn't know.

When talking, several people can clearly see the unnatural tension on their faces.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a problem.

"Is that so..."

"I see that you are also very frightened by the robbers, so I won't bother you any more, and have a good rest!"

Hear everyone's answers.

The commander-in-chief had a regretful expression on his face,

Turn around and leave.

Just stepped out of the tent.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

While these people were talking, their eyes were dodged, and they were accompanied by inexplicable small movements.

As an experienced police constable.

The commander-in-chief saw through the lies of these people at a glance.

After all, it is golden gold.

Even just one root can make an ordinary person live a nourishing life.

What's more, there are so many of them.

Faced with such a temptation, how many people can resist?

He was sure that these people must know where Lu Ming hid the gold.

However, in order to prevent surprises.

The commander-in-chief did not pursue them immediately.

after all.

With the greedy characters of these people.

After the police team withdrew.

They will definitely go to get gold at the first time.

I just need to send someone to follow them.

It would be counterproductive to force them too hard now.


After the commander-in-chief left the tent.

The four hostages immediately formed a circle.

Started to discuss in a low voice.

"Did you really see it?"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses spoke excitedly.

Even the thick lenses could not block the sparkle in his eyes.

"I see, he..."

Another young man in short sleeves was about to speak.

It was interrupted by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced cautiously at the overweight woman next to him.

Women understand and know that middle-aged men are afraid of being overheard.

He nodded silently, and then walked to the door of the tent.

Start lookout.

After confirming that there was no one outside, the middle-aged man signaled the young man to continue talking.

"I saw it! When he came out of the toilet, there must be no gold in the bag!"

"It must have been hidden in the tank of the toilet's flush toilet!"

Several people heard the news.

Everyone was blushing, and they were all so excited.

Four people at this moment you look at me, I look at you.

thoughts about each other.

It has long been tacit understanding.

Only the young man was still a little worried.

"You said if we took the gold, would we be caught by the police?"

The young man asked the other two worriedly.

The middle-aged man with glasses was older after all.

He is also much more courageous than young people.

"What are you afraid of? The gold was taken by robbers!"

"You and I don't tell, who knows where the gold is?"

The middle-aged man spoke angrily.

As for gold, he seemed bound to win.

"But... if the robbers are caught and the gold cannot be found by then, they will definitely..."

Young people are very guilty.

For him who can only earn four to five thousand a month, one hundred thousand is simply an astronomical figure.

This huge sum of money really made him restless.

"No, but! Even if he is caught and tells where he hid the gold, the police will definitely suspect that he is lying if they can't find it!"

"What's more, he is a robber, who would easily believe him?"

The middle-aged man said these words.

The other three showed suddenly enlightened expressions.


Who is stupid enough to easily believe what the robbers say?

Even if he told the truth.

If no gold is found by then, the scapegoat will still be held on the robbers' heads.

Even if the robbers realized it later, they knew that they were the ones who took the gold.

But for committing such a big case, the death penalty is life sentence.

What chance is there to get revenge on them?

As such.

The gold is like a free gift to them.

Figured this out.

The four became even more excited, and even their breathing became short of breath.

"It's not too late! We'll go in and get the gold when the police team in the bank is withdrawn! I'll make an agreement first, and we'll distribute it equally at that time!"

"Everyone has to take it, and at the same time keep this secret, even if you are asked alone, you will not let go!"

"When the policeman asks anything, they just say they don't know, and they have nothing to do with us."

The middle-aged man wearing glasses gave the other people a shot of vaccination in advance.

In order to prevent infighting.

He proposed that everyone take gold.

Not only that, but also told a few people not to relax.

Having watched several criminal investigation dramas, what he is most afraid of is the prisoner's dilemma.

As long as they insist that they don't know.

The scapegoat for the missing gold will be firmly held on the heads of the robbers.

"Don't worry! I will never say anything!"

"If you ask me then, I'll pretend to be a fool."

"I'll just say I don't know!"

The other three agreed to the matter.

Start taking turns to pay attention to the movements of the police officers in the bank.

At the same time, pray in my heart that the police will never find the gold hidden in the toilet tank.

So that they can go and take it.

But they don't know.

At this time, the commander-in-chief sitting in the car was watching them secretly.

"Tell the team members in the bank to withdraw!"

"Let the two team members change into plain clothes, and after the four hostages leave, they will follow behind them."

The commander-in-chief looked out the window and spoke calmly.

The assistant standing aside nodded and began to carry out the commander's order.

"Lu Ming! You should thank me, or if you really lost the gold, you might not be able to make it back for the rest of your life."

The commander-in-chief raised the corners of his mouth slightly, muttering to himself.


The team members in charge of searching the bank withdrew one after another.

Seeing this, the four hostages who were paying attention to the movements of the police officers were extremely excited.

"The police officers in the bank are gone! The cordon has been removed, and they found no gold!"

The young man who was peeking behind the tent spoke excitedly.

Even the voice trembled.

"Wait first! Don't rush in, let's enter the bank after they lose their attention!"

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses.

Also very excited.

After ten minutes.

The team members in the bank have all left.

The four of them saw that the time was right.

Lie about having something left in the bank.

He walked into the bank.

After the four of them walked into the bank lobby, the young man was about to head for the toilet.

But he was grabbed by a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

"hold on……"

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