"Come in!"

Chapter 55 The black bear has become a genius, and he still wears a suit like a man?

The door of the office opened.

I saw Lu Ming carrying a bag.

He walked in without haste.

Zhou Hang followed behind him with a guilty expression.

"Hello! Are you Dr. Zhang?"

When the dean saw Lu Ming, he stood up enthusiastically.

Shake his hand.

When he spoke, he was full of smiles, and looked eager for talents.

"Hello, Dean Chen!"

Lu Ming nodded slightly, and spoke politely.

Well-behaved, really like a young doctor who has read a lot of poetry and books.

"Who is this next to you?"

The dean glanced at Zhou Hang who was sweating profusely behind Lu Ming.

asked with a smile.

"This is my assistant!"

Lu Ming said with a smile on his face.

He glanced back at Zhou Hang.

Zhou Hang didn't dare to wipe the sweat off his head with his hands, so he grinned at the dean.

See Zhou Hang's stiff smile.

The dean couldn't help being taken aback.

I thought to myself, which family of black bears has become a genius and learns to wear suits like others?

"Dean, shall we talk about my work?"

Lu Ming on the side reminded me gently.

Bring the dean back from fantasy to reality.

"Hey, that's right! Please sit down, please sit down!"

"Xiao Yang, please make a pot of tea and come to the office!"

The dean hurriedly asked Lu Ming to sit down.

A young female nurse came in holding a teapot.

He saw Lu Ming sitting on the sofa.

For a while, I couldn't help but feel happy.

I thought to myself that the young man who came here to apply for a doctor is too handsome, right?

But when her gaze shifted to the smiling Zhou Hang's face.

It was like a black cloud appeared overhead.

Make the whole face black.

The subtext seems to be saying, this person is so wretched!

After pouring the tea, he hurried away as if fleeing.


in the office.

After a few polite words from the dean and Lu Ming.

Then he pretended to be modest and asked Lu Ming some professional knowledge.

He didn't want to see how heavy Lu Ming was.

Instead, he wanted to wait until Lu Ming couldn't answer.

Say a word or two for yourself.

'oops!You don't know this, it seems that you should learn from us in the future! '

Once this sentence is exported, it will wait until the stage of discussing treatment.

Then Lu Ming's salary can be lowered by another level.

This tactic is familiar to anyone who frequently haggles on the street.

Get a dress!

Oops, the quality of your clothes is not good!

get an apple!

Oops, your apple has been bitten by a bug!

When saying these words, it was accompanied by a contemptuous expression.

It worked wonders!

Do you think he doesn't like it?

In fact, it is just to lower the price.


For the questions raised by the dean continuously.

Lu Ming was able to answer clearly and professionally.

Zhou Hang at the side saw Lu Ming who answered fluently.

The two eyes are staring like copper bells.


I was thinking in my heart.

Brother!Have you become a doctor behind my back?

But he didn't know that both the dean and Lu Ming were in a difficult situation.

One is the dean who is extremely stingy.

He wanted to stump Lu Ming with questions.

Reduce Lu Ming's treatment.

One is Lu Ming disguised as a doctor.

I'm afraid that if I don't answer professionally enough, the dean will see my flaws.

They are both smiling now.

In fact, at this moment, I am greeting each other's parents in my heart.

"Doctor Zhang is really knowledgeable! He is indeed a talented student who has studied abroad!"

The dean took a sip from his teacup and spoke with a smile on his face.

When he lowered his head, a gleam of light shone from Li Mouhao's small eyes, falling on Lu Ming.

He secretly slandered, "This guy is simply an encyclopedia? How can a surgeon know everything about obstetrics and gynecology like the palm of his hand?"

Lu Ming also picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

He smiled and replied kindly: "I usually like to read books, so I know a little about everything. I can't talk about mastery, but I just understand... a little..."

There was a killing intent hidden in those seemingly gentle eyes.

I also secretly slandered in my heart, "This old man has too many questions! He is always holding on to me. What I read in the book yesterday is not enough. How about a showdown? Threat him directly with a gun?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

There was deathly silence in the office.

The eyes of the two met.

If a fly flies by.

It will definitely be annihilated by the lightning in the air, and it will be annihilated by the lightning.


It was the sound of Zhou Hang swallowing while sitting next to Lu Ming.

He was really afraid that the old dean would play with fire.

If you really annoy Lu Ming, take out the gun from the bag.

It is estimated that the dean will be scared to death.


His worries were obviously superfluous.

Because there is not much left in the dean's stomach.

"Cough cough..."

The dean coughed twice, breaking the calm first.

"Doctor Zhang, the salary in our hospital is not high."

"I heard that you just came back from abroad and have worked in a well-known big hospital for three years."

"May I take the liberty to ask, why do you want to come to our hospital?"

The dean picked up the teacup, blew the hot air on the surface, and asked with a smile.

Hear this.

Lu Ming couldn't help hesitating.


This small hospital needs resources but no resources, and conditions but no conditions.

I am a high-achieving student, and I still have work experience in well-known hospitals.

Why give up a high-paying job to work in this hospital?

If the reasons are not sufficient, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

Lu Ming blinked, and inadvertently saw the little nurse hiding outside and peeking at him.

A perfect answer came to mind.

"It's simple, I like a nurse in your hospital!"

Lu Ming replied without red eyes.

When Zhou Hang and the dean heard these words, they almost spit out the tea from their mouths.

Although this reason sounds a bit ridiculous.

But it is impossible to refute.

The reason why a doctor like Lu Ming condescends to a small hospital.

It seems that there are only emotional reasons.

"Ahem... so it turns out that there are not many people as dedicated as Dr. Zhang!"

"I admire you so much!"

"You can come to work tomorrow, but the salary during the trial period is not high."

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