"I know! Master Ning, don't worry! Our auction house will continue to collect!"


"Okay! Now there are no other people who are in the way!" When Lu Ren was taken away by Ning Die, came out of the Transit Management Bureau, and returned to star 10001, he was still a little dazed.

With martial arts!

Although it is a little different from what I imagined!

But the problem is not big, set the goal higher and let Yue Luren work hard!

What?Yue Luren doesn't want to work hard?Do you still want to protect your wife and children?

The heavens and worlds are so dangerous, there are so many chat groups, and there are apprentices who don't know when they will run out. If you don't work hard, what will your wife and children do? …


It's better to be single!Like Qin Ren, he only needs to care about his own safety.

Like him!Although she is not single, she is rich and strong!

etc!where is this

I haven't seen Mrs. Ning for many days. What will happen after finishing business?

Lu Ren never thought about this problem, and it shouldn't be a problem.

There is a lot to say for sure, and for sure later!

In theory, shouldn't rich woman Ning take him to a property of her own to be happy first?

Shouldn't he be in pain and unable to get out of bed?

Telling about the pain of lovesickness, he then expressed his feelings through actions and words.


The scene that was supposed to appear did not appear. What appeared in front of Lu Ren was a spaceship, which was familiar and bright, so bright that Lu Ren panicked.

This is the boat he was on when he came here, inside the boat... and the game console he was playing on!

If there is no mistake, there should be a game card on the game machine that he took out and put on the machine, ready to play again?

"Boom! Boom!"

The door of the spaceship opened little by little, silently, what Lu Ren heard vaguely was his own heartbeat, beating very fast and urgently.

If he told Fu Po Ning later that he was forced to play, would Fu Po Ning believe it?

"what is this?"

Sure enough, Fu Ning saw it!

Right!In order to make it easier for him to get on and off the spaceship, this machine is placed at the gate, and anyone who is not blind can see it.

"Game console! It's boring on the spaceship. When I'm bored, I miss you. I feel uncomfortable when I miss you. In order not to make you feel uncomfortable, I can only play games to pass the time and force myself not to think about it." you!"

Bravely put his eyes on Ning Die's, Lu Ren said he didn't see the playful look in her eyes!

Do not dodge!Don't flinch!Because it's all true!

"Then you play this kind of game because you miss me?" Ning Die picked up a game card of Blue Sky Airlines, looked at Lu Ren with half a smile, and seemed to want to hear Lu Ren's answer.

"It's because I miss you that I play this kind of game!" Lu Ren stretched out his hand, took the game card, broke it in half, and threw it away indifferently, "Now that you are back, you don't need this thing gone."

"My heart is yours! People are yours too! But I can't stop thinking about you. I know you won't have the heart to make me suffer, so I can only rely on games to ensure that I only belong to you." Lu Ren didn't Instead of retreating, he reached out to wrap his arms around Ning Die's waist, and put his mouth close to Ning Die's lips.

"Hush!" Ning Die stopped Lu Ren's movement.

She smiled at the corner of her mouth, her eyes narrowed into the moon, and a sweet dimple appeared on her face.

She wasn't angry because of Lu Ren's games. It's not a big deal, it's just some games. She brought Lu Ren here because she already knew the situation here.

She also knew that in such a situation, Lu Renhui would tell lies to make her happy.

What happened to the lie?She is happy!Talk more!She loves to hear it!

She stretched her arms around Lu Ren's neck, leaned half on Lu Ren's chest, and exhaled slightly: "But... what should I do if I'm still unhappy?"

Hearing Ning Die's words, Lu Ren moved slightly. According to his professional experience and understanding of Ning Die, he should say a few more nice words at this time, and then prove it with practical actions.

Lu Ren did the same thing, but, as if he had a sudden brain twitch, after taking off his clothes, Lu Ren suddenly said something that he regretted: "Otherwise... you just think I'm going to learn technology ?”




At noon on Friday, that is, after twelve noon tomorrow, this book will be on the shelves. How should I put it, the current grades are indeed not as good as those of Daozu. According to my observation, the current results of the same wear and the world of clones are actually relatively mediocre.

Except for the success of the first book by Feng Xiaohuang, other similar books generally have mediocre results. At least I have only seen one high-quality book except for the 99 million subscriptions. It seems that it has entered a state of dystocia. This genre is currently It is a state of being able to write but difficult to explode.

And whether it's Lu or Lu, the few books with good grades have one thing in common, the animation content is extremely high, probably for the convenience of playing memes?Or does it just happen to fit the idiosyncrasies of this readership?I don't know the specific internal reasons, but fortunately, I have long been mentally prepared.

Because I have known the results in this area, I also have an expectation for my own results. It is probably that until the end of the classification and forced recommendation, the six-frequency recommendation may or may not be on the list. Anyway, Sanjiang is in a hopeless state.And the facts are similar to what I expected. Last week, when I was very strong, I read seven or eight hundred, and this week, I read eight or nine hundred frequently. Basically, there is not much change.

After this book is written, it is inevitable that there will be various opinions, and it is difficult to agree with everyone. I am used to it, and I will say that anyway, except for some small mistakes such as typos that I agree with, I will not correct them.The style does not change!Daozu Shangben, some people call me a psychopath and not a human being.

Even if someone pops out of this book and says that my head is full of pornography and my thoughts are dirty, it is normal.If there is a day, it will be considered that I have a schizophrenia, and actually wrote two protagonists with completely different behavior styles.

it is good!Self-mockery is over!

Let's talk about the follow-up!I looked at my outline arrangement, there are quite a lot, it should be enough to write, and I will not listen to the readers and change the outline like the previous book, and I will not make a few blind attempts to ensure a unified style and stick to the outline. It is the last lesson learned by Shangben Daozu.

Make sure that the style of a book is unified, from the beginning to the end, to stick to yourself, not to change the original intention, the world selected by the outline may be more complicated, there will be novels, games, animation, and film and television, but there will not be too many animations. I'm not a heavy Two-dimensional user, and I don't have much reserves of fan dramas, maybe not as many as ** reserves.

Most of the animation choices may be well-known, or watched when I was a child, such as Hokage, The Adventures of Jackie Chan, Calabash Baby and so on.

Then, although a unified level has been set, I hope that the realm and combat power of some worlds will not be delved into, such as a dragon ball that exploded in the universe and is short-lived, some funny worlds, causal abilities, Pleasant Goat, Tom Cat, etc. There is no way to delve into the stuff, if you have to delve into it, then go for it, anyway, I may not be able to write, and I may not listen to what you say if I write it!

In addition, to be clear, the color embryo belongs to the color embryo, but there is a clear bottom line, not to touch blood ethics, just like Lu Ren does not touch Yue Lingshan even if it is just a trial of illusion, this should become Lu Ren's final bottom line, one I think for the book, and the other is that as the author, I and most book friends should be the same, and I can't accept that kind of plot.

That’s about it, oh, by the way, if you have any opinions, you can say, although I may not necessarily change it, I will definitely read it, but if it’s just that the book is highly poisonous, and Shennong has died of poison, there is no need to post it, because It's useless to send it. …

If you really want to post it, it is recommended to be more tactful, for example: I am from the daily drug guide.I might keep that.

That’s probably it. In addition, thanks to Gou Da Luo Jinxian’s infinite dimension, thanks to others who don’t study hard, thanks to a salted fish who can only play 666, thanks for boasting, thanks for the sound of drawing corners, thanks for making things happen like a turnaround, thanks for pretending Don’t feel sad, thank you for riding a monk, thank you book friend 20200312083256427, thank you for those who don’t like me, I will stay away in silence, thank you to the director of the Solar System Psychiatric Hospital, thank you for the crumbs who want to name you, thank you Zhu Encouraging No. 7, thank you Morning Coffee Xiang and others rewards.

The above rankings are in no particular order, the first one is purely familiar, old readers who followed Daozu Shangben, if someone has to put them in order, please look at the fan list.

Thanks to the rush of this book, there are not many rewards, otherwise I will only write two or three names based on my habit of expressing gratitude on the shelf, and I will write whichever I think of, and wait for the rest. of.I wrote it all out this time, and I added it just in case, what if some readers tipped me again later?And what did I forget to thank?Then wait inside, as I have already thanked it.

In addition, Zhu encourages, even if you give me a reward, I will not recommend your book "I Open a Hotel in the Horror World", so give up!Our readers may not be suitable, so don't make an appointment!

Then, as usual, please subscribe!Ask for support!I feel that I can write for a long time, but I don’t want to die because of grades like many other similar books. I want to persevere and see if there is any chance to get up later.I hope readers will give me this opportunity!

That's it, bow down!


Chapter 82 The Cause and Effect from Lao Lin (Seeking the first order)

"Crack! Learn technology! Let you learn technology!"

Star No. 10001, on the street, a young man with his upper body naked, only his lower body underpants, his whole body full of tendons, and he could still vaguely see a big gun gave him a slap in the face.


This was the first time someone on his road lived on the street since he met Mrs. Ning a year ago.

That's horrible!

I don't even have any clothes on me!

Fortunately, this place is 10001 stars, not the blue stars of the previous life. The city appearance is still quite open. Although the clothes of the law enforcement officers are not strange, it is not that they are not allowed to be unique.

As long as it is not directly naked, and there is no etiquette, it will be fine.

Of course, Lu Ren's current outfit can be fine, but it's just a bit eye-catching.

What is that blue-skinned hot girl on the left looking at?Someone like him only belongs to rich women, don't even think about it!

The black-skinned fat girl on the right has no chance, don't look!I've gone through it all, still watching?

And that white skin over there... er, man?Man, are you still turning around?What does swallowing saliva mean?

He hugged himself shiveringly, either because he was cold or because he was frightened!

The outside world is too dangerous, he is just a weak and helpless Yixing!

Why do both men and women like to stare at him?

Just watch it!It's okay to look at some muscles, but what are you doing with his pants?Do you have a boyfriend?

Lu Ren, who is only one-star realm, now feels that his situation is very dangerous, how dare Ningfu Po?Aren't you afraid that he will lose his virginity?

"My lord! These are the clothes prepared by Ning lord for you!"

In Lu Ren's shadow, a figure in black suddenly appeared, it was An...

It's just... you blushed with a hammer!

"Dark? Why did you take the black mask? Also, didn't you go get something?" Lu Ren said uncertainly.

An An has always been wrapped tightly in black, but Lu Ren is really not sure if it is her when she shows her face this time.

Mainly, he wasn't sure if there was only one person hiding in his shadow to protect him. Moreover, what did this guy mean by blushing while glancing at his underpants from time to time?

"All the things have been put away, and my task is to protect you all the time when Lord Ning is away! In addition, Lord Ning said, let you stroll here, maybe you will meet some acquaintances who will untie some of your shackles. "Darkly left this sentence, handed the clothes to Lu Ren and merged into the shadow again.

Always?Then when he went to the toilet...

Fuck!don't go!

Lu Ren still wanted to talk, but An obviously didn't want to talk to him, or just wanted to hide in the shadow and peep.

In short, Lu Ren didn't catch An.

Let him hang out here?Meet someone you know?What's the meaning?What acquaintances could he have?Except for rich woman Ning, he doesn't know anyone well!

As for bondage...


With a rich woman around, where is the bondage?Very free!

Obviously, Lu Ren had long forgotten that someone had approached him earlier, saying that there was a party held by Lao Lin on this planet.

It's also normal, he didn't plan to come, and he didn't think it was true, and there were people around him to protect him, and he didn't care about someone's calculations, so naturally, he put this matter behind him.

It's just that sometimes it's such a coincidence!Even if Lu Ren didn't think about it, he could meet 'acquaintances' on this big planet. …

"Lu... Lu Ren? Why don't you go in here?" A middle-aged man with a somewhat old-fashioned Mediterranean style approached Lu Ren and asked.

"You...you are?" Lu Ren hesitated a little, does he know the person in front of him?

"Yo! I haven't seen you for a year and you don't know me? Me! Handsome Su! That back desk who is obviously handsome but always ignored because of your existence! At that time, I was at the front and back desks, and I often found you displeased! "


"How is it? Do you remember?" The middle-aged man had some expectation on his face, and his eyes were full of hope.

Seeing that Lu Ren couldn't bear to say that he didn't have any impression, the main reason is... he must be talking about that person, Lu Ren still has a little impression, although he can't remember the specific appearance, but he probably still has an impression, just... Not so old?

Lu Ren thought so, but naturally he couldn't say that: "Oh! It's you! I remembered! At that time, I took the love letter that the girl wrote to me and said it was for you, right!"

"Why haven't you seen each other for a year, and changed your appearance?"

Lu Ren had a concerned expression on his face. It didn't matter whether he knew someone well or not. What was important was that he wanted to hear the story!

This person can become older than Lao Lin in a year, there must be a story.

"Alas! Miserable!" The middle-aged classmate named Shuai Su seemed to be reminded of the tragic past in Lu Ren's heart, and cried out, "Student Lu Ren! Although you missed last year's exam, but look at you Coming here, I think I have become a law enforcement officer, right!"

"It's not easy being a law enforcer! Lu Ren! You should be more cautious if you can be cautious. Don't rush with your own body like me. My body will be broken!"

"Don't tell me that you have been in the mission world with your real body for more than 20 years?" Lu Ren said in surprise.

"No! Just three days!" Shuai Su's eyes were filled with sadness, as if recalling painful memories, "My last mission was in the magical world, where everyone can use summoning magic to summon succubi to help themselves To fight, the price you pay is only a little body output, and even, if you can satisfy the succubus, you can completely subdue the succubus."

"So, you were dragged down by the succubus in the process of fighting the traverser?" Lu Ren asked curiously, always feeling that this is not a serious world, and the Transmigration Bureau will not spare even the traversers of this kind of world ?

And... it's only three days, so what?Didn't he never come with Aunt Ning?

"No!" Shuai Su closed his eyes, with a painful expression on his face, "I became like this to subdue the succubus! The succubus I summoned is the time traveler!"

"And I can't beat Succubus, but, as a traverser, he can't escape the basic setting of that world!"

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