"Brothers, it's so simple, it's all a planned arrangement." He said and looked at him as everyone looked at him.

He continued.

"Brothers, have you ever thought about what we have been doing since we entered the game?"

"For what?" Someone asked subconsciously.

"Think about it, what is the purpose of our development since we first entered the game?"

"It is to maintain the space station and our normal life."

"So the initial priority is survival, and you can sacrifice a lot in order to survive, just like our storm flow

Because this game is close to reality, the factory will definitely not be able to bear such an overloaded operation, but because the priority is the reason for survival, the commander defaulted to our operation. "

Then he went on.

"But it's different now. We have passed the first stage, so I guess the second stage must be to repair the space station."

"So the priority became the facilities of the space station again, so the commander stopped us."

"So I guess it's not surprising that the next stage should be around repairing the space station."

Hearing what he said, the rest of the people understood.

"So that's how it is. One link after another is completely arranged according to the development in reality." After eating a peach, he suddenly realized, and then he continued.

"But if that's the case, it won't be long before all of our drones are dead."

It is said that everyone here also understands their thoughts.

But say here.

I saw the game blowing a mysterious smile and then said.

"If drone strikes were to happen in reality then I can understand it as a last resort."

"But have you thought about how to develop after solving the current problems?

If we compare drone riots to unsustainable development, then we should take the route of sustainable development now. "

"And this is where the planning is clever. He must have considered these factors, so he opened the mall."

"And the solution is in this mall."

As he spoke, he called up the mall panel.

"did you see that!!!"

As he spoke, he turned over a mining page.

"Small Excavator Mine Ship (1800 for 200 Merit Points)"

Then after looking at this, he pointed to the big characters on the top of the mall ([-]% off for a limited time offer)

"See, it's about sustainable development now, so all the props in the mall are discounted."

"I see!"

"I just said why the mall started with a [-]% discount as soon as it opened. After a long time, there is such a reason."

"No wonder, but the problem of blowing up the boss of the game also came to 1800 points, even if it is based on our current production, it will take a month."

Said I am the Emperor of the Liver and looked at him

"And our merit points are not enough."

As he spoke, he pointed to the merit value 200 behind the price.

"We have now given 60 merit points to the task of controlling the number of drones before, and the 90 points you exchanged are only 150 points."

"Regarding this issue, I think the planner must have thought of it. You believe that I will definitely have another mission in the planner soon."

A few people feel that such a possibility is quite large.

If there is no need to worry about meritorious service, then what they are worried about is the issue of points.

Thinking of this, several people started to sort out their current assets.

"At present, the total assets in our hands are 620 resource points and 150 merit points."

Talking about the explosion of the game, he began to calculate.

"At present, our output is 50 cubic meters a day, and we have roughly estimated it in the mining of the past few days. Our average loss of drones should be converted into an output of about 1.2 cubic meters."

As he spoke, he picked up the calculator: "So in theory, after 41 days, the drones are probably all hung up."

"And the wreckage of the hung drone belongs to the space station according to the game settings, and has nothing to do with us."

As he spoke, he sighed: "So on the first day, we had an output of 50, and on the second day I only had 48.8, and this is still a theoretical data."

"I roughly estimated that we can get about 1300 resource points at most when the drones die at the end." He said and looked at everyone.

"And this is still theoretical data. If it changes in reality, I am afraid that we will not have 1300 points in the end."

"And the only way for us to buy mining ships with the points in our hands is to set the daily output in the data we planned!"

"Only in this way can we get the points that can afford the mining ship before the drone dies, which means that we need to manually control the drone for a while!" Eat a Peach analyzed.

Hearing what the two of them said, the others probably knew what they were going to do in the future.

"However, we still have another problem, which is the allocation of resources. Do you want to consider selling me the resources in the future?"

"If you sell my share directly, then the mining proceeds will belong to me alone. Of course, I can hire you to sail for me to mine, so that I can settle resources for you every day, at least one resource point."

"Or in the form of shares, according to the investment and then exchanged for the proportion of shares." He said and looked at everyone.

"You see what to do."

Hearing these words, several people also fell into deep thought.

First of all, the first plan is more attractive to me as the Emperor of the Liver, eating a peach and having no trace of tears.

But recently they also sold more than 100 points to blow up the game.

Plus merit points.

During this period of time, they have earned more than 100 million meters.

For them, this wealth is enough to squander on their own.

But when everyone develops later and there is no shortage of points, I am afraid that no one will collect 1000 points.

Even if the price of points is charged, the price will definitely drop.

This time is undoubtedly the best time to sell.

But in this way, their development progress will be much behind, especially if they may become wage earners in the future.

After all, the liver only has 1 point a day, so it's not easy to have your own mine ship.

But if it is shares, they will definitely get more points a day, so it is obviously much easier for them to have their own mine ship.

Thinking of this, several people also fell into deep thought.

The last few people made a decision.

Select share split.

Listening to the decisions of several people was also expected in the game, so he was not surprised.

After all, everyone often plays games, and everyone knows what the future of this game will be like!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not a big problem to be popular all over the world. At that time, it is self-evident what a well-developed player owns a mineship.

You must know that the planning of this game said that the internal beta data and public beta are still reserved!

So now they are the first to go.

A few people didn't want to think that they had already won at the starting line, but because of the small profits for a while, they lost a huge market in the future.

So I am not willing to sell points for the time being.

After expressing their wishes, everyone started working again.

"This game has to be said that the planner is a real genius."

Blowing the game in the control room said while controlling the drone.

"Yeah, it's absolutely amazing. Not only is the game exactly the same, but even the development is exactly the same as the reality."

"It's just too bad."

"It's okay, we won't be sick when we get out of the mine ship."


"I remember hearing similar words before the last explosion."

"No! You haven't heard!"

On the other side, the command room.

Chen Gang silently listened to the players' thoughts.

Also very pleased.

These are ripe leeks.

I know I cut myself.

Chapter 13 A new storm has appeared

Even now, Chen Gang has to admire the strength of the players.

Really cowhide.

Let's say that.

Originally after traveling over by myself.

A dead end, abruptly revived by the players.

It's not only that the CD-ROM is alive, but it is also developing so rapidly.

So many drones have been developed in such a short time,

And when they are all dead in the future, Chen Gang can use the recovered materials to refine alloys.

As for whether the player is willing or not?

Does it matter?

As a planner, you can't find a reason?

"Due to the overloaded use of the factory, most of the factory's functions have been damaged and maintenance is required. Therefore, the space station will requisition the wreckage of the drone. Players are requested to assist in the recovery."

After such an operation, not only will they agree, but they will also be happy to help you recycle.

The biggest problem now is the meritorious mission.

Because he released a lot of meritorious tasks in order to recover points during this period, Chen Gang himself felt that meritorious deeds were worthless.

But this is also impossible.

So he planned to strictly control the distribution frequency of meritorious missions and the difficulty of obtaining them after other players came in the future.

as to why

the reason is simple.

for balance

As a game geek, he knows that for a qualified planner, if you only consider equipment or the balance of attributes.

I can tell you that the road narrows.


the reason is simple.

You think about it.

For example, it took me a long time to make this equipment, or I spent a lot of money practicing this character for a long time.

You cut him off.

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