"No, it's almost done. Let's go back first."

After a busy day, it was time for Chen Feng to rest.Although the upgrade of the meritorious incense and fire body has greatly improved his mana recovery, and there is not much consumption in a day, but the energy consumption cannot be made up by the meritorious incense and fire body alone.

Tang Xiner naturally wouldn't refute what Chen Feng said.

But just as Chen Feng was about to go back, a figure happened to walk in.


As soon as the figure came in, Chen Feng keenly caught a strange aura about him.

Immediately, Chen Feng's attention fell on the other party.

The other party was a woman in her forties, dressed plainly, but she didn't seem to be living well. The years had left many wrinkles on her face, and the white hair on her head was already visible to the naked eye.

The strange aura that caught Chen Feng's attention was not evil, and the fluctuations were very weak. It seemed that he had inadvertently come into contact with the residual energy of some kind of ghost.

This situation is actually quite common in this world.After all, ghosts can be seen almost everywhere, and they may have passed through this woman's house.


Chen Feng had just wiped out the Desire Swallowing Beast, and before the Desire Swallowing Beast was killed, he gathered all the ghosts around Ancheng.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for any ghosts to appear in Ancheng today!

It is very curious where the other party came into contact with this breath.

Chapter 264

The woman's footsteps were a little vain, and the hand holding the burning incense trembled slightly.

These two details indicate that the woman's body is somewhat weak.

However, Chen Feng could tell that this was not caused by the residual energy in her body, but purely caused by overwork.

"City God, if you can really hear what I said, please help me and save my son! I beg you!"

After saying this, the woman bowed respectfully to the statue of the city god.

The woman bowed sincerely, and immediately a wave of incense was absorbed by the Temple of the City God.Apparently she was really praying for help from the City God.

But Chen Feng continued to observe, and was not in a hurry to respond to the other party.

A few seconds later, the woman stood up and inserted the incense into the censer, clasped her hands together and stepped back.However, there was a helpless wry smile on her face.Perhaps, she didn't have too much expectation when she came to Chenghuang Temple to pray for help.

In less than 1 minute, the woman left from the Temple of the City God.The whole process is actually very short, less than 5 minutes added up.

However, the woman didn't know that there were already two invisible figures following behind her.

The woman rode a very old battery car and came to the old town of Ancheng.According to Chen Feng's understanding of Ancheng in the past few days, the old city has existed for at least 20 years. In addition to the low-level people living here, there are also people with different experiences.

In this world, even the rich don't dare to say that they can live a lifetime without incident.Even those who are unlucky may encounter great changes in life before enjoying life for a few years.

Haunted by ghosts and ghosts, supernatural beings continue, and they can easily mess up the lives of ordinary people!

Although the Bureau of Strange Affairs has been working hard, their energy is limited after all, and it is impossible to scruple every corner.

For example, in the old city, before Chen Feng arrived, Zhou Tianying didn't even have the manpower to pay attention

The woman got into the elevator, pressed the 14th floor, then stopped at room 1408, and took out the key.


The old anti-theft door was pushed open, and a cold breeze blew out from inside.However, Chen Feng didn't feel anything wrong from it.

'Isn't it a matter of residence?Could it be that she went to another place to get it? '

When Chen Feng was curious, the woman had already entered the house and locked the door.However, the woman stood in the porch, but she didn't intend to enter the house. Instead, her expression became complicated.


After standing for more than ten seconds, the woman sighed, and finally stepped forward, went into the back room, and pushed open another door.

The room is an old room but cleaned very well.As for the furniture, there was nothing else but a bed.Lying on the bed was a young man looking at 23, and it was this man who caught Chen Feng's attention!

He has the same weird aura as that of the woman, but it is more intense.

But what Chen Feng was more concerned about was the state of this person - three souls and seven souls, two souls and four souls missing!

'what happened?This person's soul is missing so much? '

Chen Feng was surprised.Logically speaking, it is impossible for a normal person to be alive without two souls and four souls.A soul that lacks integrity is like a tall building that has lost its foundation. Even if it can last for a while, it is quite limited!

But for the person on the bed, Chen Feng could tell that he had obviously been taken care of for a long time, which was completely different from the cognition he had come into contact with.

'etc!This breath on this man'

Chen Feng quickly noticed the crux of the problem: the aura remaining on this person happened to be the key to his survival as a remnant soul.

Chapter 265

However, although this person is not dead yet, he is obviously in a deep coma. If he can't find his missing soul, he might just lie on the bed like this and never wake up for the rest of his life.

"Ajian, I have already asked the City God for help, you will definitely wake up soon, you will be able to."

The woman took her son's hand and squeezed it gently.

It could be seen that she really cared about her son and hoped that he would wake up one day.

Maternal love is as deep as the sea, broad and boundless.Even in a world full of ghosts and ghosts, it does not affect its brilliance.

However, the woman's frown showed that her heart was not what she said.

"call out--"

Suddenly, a golden light burst out, and the woman instinctively raised her hand to cover it.A few seconds later, the golden light dissipated, and a figure wrapped in divine light appeared in front of the woman.

The woman passed in a daze, and after a while, her face flushed with excitement.

"City God!? The City God is here!"

Her voice was trembling, and her words were not fluent, but the woman's face was full of unconcealable excitement.

"Whoever seeks help from this official should report their name and tell the reason."

"Go back to Lord Chenghuang. My name is Wang Hongmei. The one on the bed is my son Zhang Jian. I beg Lord Chenghuang to save my son. He has been in a coma for three months. Please let him wake up!"

Perhaps because it was about her son, when the woman said this, not only was she fluent, but her voice became three points louder.

"I know, I will let my spokesperson in the world contact you later."

After leaving these words, the golden light reappeared, Chen Feng immediately dispersed his figure, brought Tang Xiner to the door, and knocked on the door.

There was a sound of hurried footsteps in the house, and the anti-theft door was opened.

"Hello, is this Ms. Wang Hongmei? I am here to help you wake up your son by the order of the City God."

One word from Chen Feng instantly dispelled the doubt in Wang Hongmei's eyes.

"Come in, both of you!" Wang Hongmei hurriedly invited the two to come in, and she could see that she was very excited at the moment.

Chen Feng nodded, and led Tang Xiner into the room.When following Wang Hongmei just now, his attention was all on her. Only now did Chen Feng notice that the room was utterly shabby. Except for the tables and chairs, there was only a landline phone that could be called an electrical appliance.

The house is empty, that's all.

"Can you tell me about your son's situation first?"

Chen Feng withdrew his gaze and focused on the business.

The state of Wang Hongmei's son is really weird, and Chen Feng wants to find out what happened here as soon as possible.

Having already believed that Chen Feng is the spokesperson of the City God, Wang Hongmei has no doubt about him, and immediately explained her son's situation to Chen Feng in detail.

As for this matter, we have to start talking about it half a year ago.

"My son's name is Zhang Jian. Half a year ago, he suddenly said that he would go out and earn a lot of money and come back so that I could live a good life. At that time, I thought he might be deceived, and I kept persuading him not to go. But no. Thinking about it, Ah Jian promised me on the surface that he would not go, and at night, after I fell asleep, he left a letter and ran away secretly."

Chen Feng frowned slightly, "What happened after that? Has any of your sons contacted you?"

Chapter 266

"Yes. In the first two months, Ah Jian sent me messages every week, and transferred money to me every time. When it was less, it was five or six thousand, and when it was more, it was even more than 1."

"At that time, I received a text message reminding me that I thought I was wrong, but Ah Jian did transfer so much money to me! Then I was worried that he did something illegal, otherwise how could I make so much money all at once? money?"

"But Ah Jian reassured me, saying that the money was earned by his hard work, and that I could earn more money later on as long as I spent it."

"I wasn't sure if what he said was true, so I didn't dare to touch the money. Since the third month, Ah Jian has not been able to contact me again."

"In that month, I was always afraid that one day I would receive a call from the relevant department, saying that they had arrested Jian. I sent messages to Jian every day, but Jian never replied to me."

"Until the fourth month, when I came back from get off work that night, I found that the door of the house had been opened. At that time, I thought the house had been burglarized, but when I came in, I saw Ah Jian lying on the ground, his face pale and frightening."

"Aside from being pale, are there other abnormalities?" Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help interrupting.

People who left for three months lost contact for a month in the middle, and suddenly came back in the fourth month. There is no way to guess what might happen in the middle.It can only start from when Wang Hongmei reunited with her son.

"At that time, I was only worried about Ah Jian's situation, so I couldn't care less about other things."

Wang Hongmei was a little embarrassed, "However, when I moved Ah Jian to the bed, he woke up once, but he was in a strange state."

"Strange? How strange?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"I felt like I was out of my mind, and then I kept saying 'I didn't lose, I didn't lose'."

I didn't lose! ?

Chen Feng frowned.

Wang Hongmei said that the soul is out of place, and Zhang Jian's soul should have been missing at that time.But why does a person who lacks a soul insist on saying "I didn't lose"?

Could it be that he left for so long because he went to participate in some kind of competition, and because of some relationship, he suddenly became the loser when he should have won, so he has such a big obsession with winning or losing?

There are too few clues that can be used to infer, and the time span is too long. No matter how good Chen Feng is, it is impossible to find out the answer immediately.

"And after that? Did your son wake up again?"

"No more." Wang Hongmei's eyes hurt, "In the first month when Ah Jian came back, I was worried, worried that someone would come to my door or something bad would happen."

"But during that month, nothing special happened except that Ah Jian couldn't wake up. Then I thought about waking Ah Jian up first, but unexpectedly, I found many doctors and went to several hospitals. I don’t know why Ah Jian can’t wake up, I have done many physical examinations, and the report is that Ah Jian has no problems with his body.”

Without a soul, the body can't find any problems.

But Wang Hongmei said that nothing happened during this, which made Chen Feng feel puzzled: taking Zhang Jian's two souls and four souls at least proved that the other party had a need for souls.But since he took the soul, how could he let him run away?Could it be that it wasn't ghosts and monsters that took Zhang Jian's soul, but man-made?

But if it is artificially caused, what kind of organization is needed to take away part of the soul?Moreover, if it was really an organization's behavior, it would be impossible not to notice that Zhang Jian ran away.

Also, when Zhang Jian first told Wang Hongmei that he wanted to make money, he made it clear that the other party had already had contact with Zhang Jian. Otherwise, how would Zhang Jian know that the other party existed?

From this point of view, there is a high probability that the other party knows that Zhang Jian's residence is the

The more he analyzed, the more Chen Feng felt that the matter in front of him was not simple. If he really wanted to dig out the truth, he might not know how many existences would be brought out.

Chen Feng instinctively thought of Zhou Tianying.It could not be better to hand over the investigation of individuals to the Bureau of Weird Affairs!

Chapter 267

But now is not the time to find Zhou Tianying.

"Sir, do you think you can wake up Ah Jian?" Wang Hongmei asked nervously.

The response from the City God undoubtedly gave her hope.But whether this hope can be turned into reality, Wang Hongmei is not sure.

"I want to see how your son is doing first, is that okay?"

Chen Feng did not give an answer, but decided to take a closer look at Zhang Jian's situation.

Just now he just noticed that Zhang Jian lacked two souls and four souls, whether there are other special places, but Chen Feng has not had time to take a closer look.


Entering the room again, Chen Feng noticed the strange energy on Zhang Jian's body again.

I don't know if it was because of hiding in the dark just now, but now approaching with his original body, Chen Feng faintly felt that the breath was like a living thing, wrapping Zhang Jian firmly.It was precisely because of this that Zhang Jian's remaining soul did not dissipate.

'That is to say, Zhang Jian's ability to survive until now is entirely because of this energy? '

Upon discovering this, Chen Feng couldn't help being surprised, and at the same time, he became very curious about the owner of this energy.

Unfortunately, given the current situation, it is obviously impossible to figure out who the owner of this energy is.As for whether Zhang Jian himself will know, we have to wait until he wakes up to ask.

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