Say you started your own company?

Who would believe that he, who doesn't even have a bachelor's degree, has the ability to start a business?

So now it's better to wait until the dark forest is on the shelves.

Meng Shu stopped thinking about it and started to concentrate on cooking.


Another week has passed.

During this period of time, due to the announcement of the monster shape, the real machine demonstration data on the increased dramatically again!

The playback volume has reached a staggering 1775W.

Ranked No. [-] directly in the whole station!

And it attracted many UP owners and players to post their own play videos.

Now as long as you search for the keyword "dark forest", you can get 14 pages of related videos!

Of course, the real machine demo released by Meng Shu himself ranked first, followed by a video called Mr. Zai, with a playback volume of more than 240 W.

In addition, the download volume of the Demo version in the cloud disk has also reached 28W.

This can be seen by comparing the playback volume of the video.

There are still a lot of cloud players and people who don't play games.

Looking at the 28W download volume, Meng Shu felt pity in her heart.

If only these 28 people bought games.

He set a selling price of 59 yuan at will, and he could earn more than 1650 million.

Even after deducting the 30% commission of the cyber platform, it is more than 1150 million.

Thinking of this, Meng Shu couldn't help speeding up his typing on the keyboard.

But at this moment, the phone suddenly turned on, and a text message sounded along with a reminder.

Meng Shu picked it up casually and thought it was a promotional or scam text message.

As a result, I couldn't move it with just one glance.

The text message on the phone didn't have many words, but it told him clearly.

Dark Forest, approved!

Now, his horror game has its own version number in Huaguo, has relevant qualification certificates, and is protected by law, so it can be publicized in a fair manner!

At this moment, Meng Shu was extremely excited.

Edition number!

In the original world, due to some restrictions, it was very difficult for stand-alone games to pass the review!

Not only is the content sensitive, but the waiting time is also very long.

Some game companies worked so hard to make a game and submit it for review, but because the review time was too long, the company closed down before the version number was issued.

And this situation is still very common.

Of the few games developed by Meng Shu's own team, only two martial arts got the version number, and the others were all released on the steam platform.

But now this kind of theme is horrible, children play games that can only sleep with their eyes open, but they have passed the review!

What joy it is for him who has experienced the cold winter of the version number!

Right now, he only had one sentence in his mind, and he couldn't wait to blurt it out.

"Scare value... don't even try to run away any of you players!"

Then immediately started the next step of the plan.

At present, the game has been developed to 2% of Chapter 90, and the entire content of Chapter 3 can be completed in a maximum of 2 days, and we will upload it together when we are done!

And Chapter 3, which is the content of the final chapter, is much less than the first two chapters, and the development time should not be too long.

What he has to do now is to contact the agent of the cyber platform in China, sign a contract agreement, and put the game on the shelves.

Then, while the heat is still there, release the remaining CG trailer.

Then quickly announce the EA Early Access version of the game and choose a release date.

Finally, use the earned money to recruit talents, contact other game platforms and transplant the game, and then prepare for the next game.

After all, games purchased with scare value do not include trial demos, art resources, and original soundtracks.

And these can be done by him alone, but it will take a lot of time.

Instead of this, it is better to hire people to do it, saving time and cost.

Plus, he had another idea.

It is to develop other types of games to make money while developing a horror game to earn scare value.

The mainstream game in this world is Gun Car Ball.

So let's not talk about the car and the ball behind, there are too many guns to count.

Just say that No.1 is called FPS, there are the famous "Call of Duty" series, the well-known "Battlefield" series, etc., all of which are very refreshing linear games!

Of course, there are similar cool tours in this world. These two may not have much advantage, and they can only win by quantity.

But it doesn't matter, if the linear chug chug is not enough, then the open world chug chug with RPG elements will come on stage!

Such as "Far Cry" series, "Borderland" series, "Rage" series and so on.

If that wasn't enough, there are Crysis with sci-fi elements, Deus Ex, Serious Sam, Wolfenstein, the Doom series, and more.

There are even "Left [-] Dead", "Metro", "BioShock", "Stalker" series, etc. with horror survival elements.

This is just the No.1 shooting game, if you add the third-person shooting game, the amount will be doubled several times!

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

In addition to these works with sequels, there are many, many independent works with only one.

Even if some of these games look outdated due to the age of release.But with the help of the system, he can still create a picture of the next era, making the whole work look brand new!

No matter how Meng Shu looked at it, he felt that he could play the game of the current era.

You can even borrow a classic saying from the original world.

"There isn't a single one who can fight."

Chapter 11 game released, CG preview

Since the announcement of the monster shape of "Dark Forest", the popularity of this game has remained high, and it has always occupied the top position of major game media websites, attracting countless players.

The wide range of topics has made all major forums talk about it with great interest and full of expectations.

It is basically a well-known game in our player circle.

And the eyes of those who play the game can see through it!

Because this is the first game that is really scary in the name of horror.

For them, it is definitely not comparable to those rotten fish and rotten shrimps on the market.

Most people who don't play games are familiar with it.They may not know much about other things, but in terms of the popularity and the title of Chinese independent developer, it is enough to make these people who don't play games start to support it.

Of course, it refers to the coins in the Danmaku video.

Just when this game was in full swing, a piece of heavy news came down!

Dark Forest is now available on the cyber platform!

Now even the dedicated page is open!

The release date has been announced, and it will be unlocked at 3 o'clock in 0 days!

This news undoubtedly gave everyone what they wanted most when they were most eager for it!

What does it mean to be listed on the cyber platform?

It means that it has been recognized by the country, protected by the law, and is a regular game!And can be purchased worldwide!

At this time, in the fourth natural disaster club, in today's popular section, a post about the dark forest went viral again.

The subject is the editor of the forum, and the content of the post is about the specific release date and CG promotional video of the game Dark Forest.

Netizens learned from the post that the release of the game is not the official version, but the EA Early Access model, which allows everyone to play in advance and constantly improve the game.

Players are no strangers to the EA mode. Small factories do it like this, and everyone is used to it.

For some foreign games, it took two or three years just for EA testing.When the official version is released, players are basically tired of it.

Originally, everyone was not disgusted with the EA model adopted by the dark forest, on the contrary, there was some support.However, some remarks made by the developer Shuoguang have aroused heated discussions among players.

The content of the post is reproduced, roughly meaning.

"This early access will give priority to releasing the first three chapters of the game for everyone to play. But please rest assured, the game will never be short, and the process will never be less than 10 hours!"

"This game has been tested many times, and I can tell you responsibly that you will not encounter any BUG during the game! And it will definitely not affect the game experience!"

"The map of the game is randomly generated. Every time you die, the resource point will go to a different place, and you can't back it up. Please make sure you can accept this mechanism and buy it reasonably!"

[This game is a horror game, and it is not recommended for those who are psychologically uncomfortable and younger. 】

"Please don't play at night, it's for your own good."

"At 3 o'clock in 0 days, see you soon."

Netizens saw what the developer said, good guy, are you so confident?

No bugs?

Who gave him the courage to say this?

Some egg-hungry players immediately became unhappy and vowed to find the BUG in the game!

But more players focus on the first point.

The game flow is not less than 10 hours?

Are you kidding me?

This is only the EA stage!

This is not one of those crazy liver games that can be played over and over again.

A horror game at the EA stage has a playthrough of no less than 10 hours?

This is already longer than some chug-chug masterpieces!

Is this really a personal development?

As for the following game-related content, not many people discussed it.Because of this kind of mechanism problem, you can only know whether it is good or not if you experience it yourself, and you have no right to speak just by looking at it.

And here's the promotional video.

Whether a game is attractive or not, the promotional video also plays a big role.

Especially horror games.

So the players clicked on the post one after another and looked at it.

But soon, they were deeply attracted.

In the trailer, it is a dark forest without branches, leaves, soil and grass.

Some are just "prisons" made up of closely growing dead trees.

A line of sight led the crowd forward quickly, leaving all the rotten wood behind.

The music gradually sounded, and the people watching were slowly aroused.

At this moment, they seemed to be in the middle of this forest, constantly running for their lives.

And in front of this high-speed camera, a bright light soon appeared.

The next moment, a white light flashed and the scene was bright.

A kind of low, quiet, elusive music that directly hits the soul is loud!

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