However, there are many horror games in the original world, and many of them are high-quality works.

Even in some horror games, even he was frightened.

If these scary games are restored in this world, considering the level of horror here, I am afraid that the scare value will continue to flow.

The fundamental reason why this parallel world is frighteningly backward is that it lacks creativity and skills, and no one is willing to dig deeper over time.

In this case……

Wouldn't I be sorry for the system if I don't enter such a good blank market?

It’s just a trial demo, art resources, and original soundtrack composition, which are only available in the novice gift package. In the future, games purchased with scare points will not have these three items, which is a pity.

But what he didn't expect was that the first horror game given by the novice gift pack would be "Dark Forest"!

It turns out that as a game producer in the world, he has naturally heard of this game, played it, and passed the level.

In this regard, Meng Shu's evaluation of "Dark Forest" is:

A small production game that allows people to experience "top depression" and "thrilling fear".

Chapter 2 "Dark Forest"

"So I'm going to remake this game now?"

Meng Shu blinked, looking at her hands, her heart grew passionate.

Seems... not impossible?

I already have all the construction codes of this game in my mind, plus my own program value of 60, just type it out.

And the four attributes have all reached 60, so he can be regarded as a versatile talent.

Even the art resources of the game are available, which is equivalent to a pile of scattered parts waiting to be assembled.

In this case, without further ado, try it out!

Meng Shu sat upright and turned on the computer.

At this moment, the mechanical sound in his head sounded again.

"Ding, the commonly used computer has been detected, and the game development engine has been copied to the desktop. Note, after 30 minutes of leaving the computer, the engine will uninstall itself, and unfinished project files will be saved in real time"

Meng Shu was stunned by the sound, and then laughed.

"Ok, Ok!"

"I just don't know what kind of game development engine this monkey can use."

As a result, just as he finished speaking, the system's mechanical sound sounded again.

[This system focuses on game production, you will use the engine produced by the system to develop games, no need to worry about codes, and no BUG problems, reducing production costs in an all-round way]

[Function 1: Input Chinese by voice/hand typing, and automatically convert the corresponding code]

[Function 2: The code runs automatically, improving the follow-up behavior logic]

[Function 3: The game value will display the reference range, which can be applied or input arbitrarily]

[Function 4: Adjust character movements, and apply thousands of action materials at will]

[Function 5: One-click conversion of multiple art styles]

[Function 6: Any use of 4K high-definition materials]


"Any more?"

After waiting for a minute, the mechanical sound stopped, and Meng Shu confirmed the six functions of the engine.

Chinese automatic code conversion?

Really strong!

Although he was not originally a programmer, he also knew the hard work of writing code.

Whenever something goes wrong, it takes a lot of time to check it out.

Now the development engine produced by the system directly simplifies this difficulty, saving him a lot of effort.

At this time, a garbled program with a default icon appeared on the desktop. Not surprisingly, it should be the development engine.

Meng Shu double-clicked to open it, and a stream of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

It is how to use this engine.

In just an instant, he will!

"This sudden burst of knowledge and proficiency is truly miraculous..."

This is his assessment.

The development engine is very simple and plain, just a blank interface with six function buttons on it.

Compared with the Unreal Engine in the original world, this system engine is very "simple".

Now that you have a step-by-step development tutorial for this game in your mind, let's start making it.

Meng Shu's hands were on the keyboard.

Although voice input is possible, he still wants to type on the keyboard.Because this can make it easier to correct typos and think slowly, and it can also better organize the language.

He has a demo, so now make the first level!

The game "Dark Forest", in terms of playing experience, among other things, the sense of shock and desire to explore are almost full, and it also plays some so-called "big production games" in terms of horror atmosphere.

It has achieved small but fine and excellent quality.

It is a horror game from the perspective of God, which tells the story of a forest in a certain country in 1987.

For some unknown reason, the forest mutated and corrupted, causing the trees to grow wildly, blocking the road, and blocking the sunlight, making most places shrouded in darkness.

Some residents lived in the forest, they were trapped in it because of the mutation of the forest, lost contact with the outside world, lingering on their last days.

As time went by, they were gradually infected by a kind of mushroom corruption in the forest, and became mutant creatures such as savages, fungus people, and centipede people who lost their minds.

In this way, with the spread of this infectious disease, some more terrifying existences appeared

And the player, playing the role of an outside researcher who has lost his memory, goes deep into this forest to investigate...

Meng Shu remembered that when he played this game back then, he was always shrouded in a sense of tension and oppression.

This is a feeling that even supernatural horror games such as "Haunted House" and "Face" can't give him. That's why "The Evil Within", "Alien Isolation" and "Blair Witch" can give him the same feeling. This is enough to explain the atmosphere of the small production "Dark Forest".

The gameplay of this game is relatively ordinary. Players need to search for supplies in the dangerous forest during the day, and return to the safe house for the night at night.

But the highlight of the game is the weird events at night.

Only at night is the most exciting and scary place in the game.

The safe house represents allowing players to take a breath, relax, and take a break.

No matter how invincible the monsters outside are, as long as the player enters the safe house, he can relax and adjust his mental state.

But in "Shadow Woods", the safe house is not safe.Because it just makes it "possible" for you to survive.

After evening, players need to rush back to the safe house in time, use the resources collected during the day, turn on the gas furnace, start the generator, close the doors and windows, and then...

Choose a room that is easy to defend, hide in a corner, and wait for the day to come, or a miracle to come...

Because in the forest at night, there will be some "things" who want to enter the safe house.

They will emit piercing and terrifying screams outside, affecting the player's San value.

They will knock on your door, destroy your closed doors and windows, and force their way in to hurt you.

They will burrow into the house and attack, the door of the room will open inexplicably, and they will also have hallucinations. There are even ghosts who turn off your lights, plunge you into darkness, and enter the house through the wall to attack you.

Compared to day, night is the most fun part of the game.

Players who experience this game for the first time shiver in a corner at night, not daring to move, praying for safety until dawn.

Exploring the forest during the day is scary enough, but at night you have to concentrate on avoiding danger in the safe house.

This is the charm of "Dark Forest".

And such a game, in this barren world of horror, dare not say everything.But it should be able to scare most players, contributing to his scare value.

So Meng Shu spent the whole day restoring the game in front of the computer.

When it was after 7 p.m., he exhaled and stretched.

After seeing about 30% of the game content of Chapter 1 restored in the computer, he showed a satisfied smile.

The map size of Chapter 1 is not of the same order as the prologue.

The prologue is just a hut and a linear road, and the whole is an independent area, and players can return to the prologue at the end of the game.

And Chapter 1, in terms of size, has three areas.

Each area has a safe house with a different internal structure, as well as various dilapidated buildings, as well as NPCs and some branches.

The plot of the side missions is also very obscure, and there are different ways to complete them, allowing players to judge and choose by themselves.

This is also one of Meng Shu's favorite ways to play.

Another thing I like is that the map is randomly generated when the player is resurrected.

For example, the previous resource points will be randomly sent to other places, so you can only find them again, and it is difficult to backboard.

However, Meng Shu was able to perfectly restore these game mechanics and gameplay according to the tutorial in his mind, and then present them to players in this parallel world, making them scream again and again.

After a whole day of production, he has determined that he can complete the game independently, it just takes some time.

So without hesitation, he posted a live demonstration of the game on the country's largest video barrage network.

Then upload the demo demo that has been localized to the cloud disk, and paste the link in the introduction.

Finally put the title -

"Personal development! Real machine demonstration of the domestic horror game "Dark Forest", with a trial demo"

Then put on the introduction:

"You are in a dark forest. You have to search for supplies during the day, and you have to avoid the attacks of terrorist creatures at night. How many days can you survive, and can you finally leave the forest?"

"Five Dynasties Rivers, Mountains, Wind and Moon"

Then, choose Publish.

Seeing the prompt being reviewed, Meng Shu got up and stretched.

The purpose of posting to is to attract attention and gain attention.

At the same time, a Demo is presented, so that netizens can download it at will and experience it for themselves.

As for whether he can rely on this to attract investment, he dare not think about it.After all, this is not a black myth, and he does not have a company, nor does he have a corporate account.

So sending it out is just to get a certain amount of attention and build a foundation for the finished product.

After finishing these, his cell phone rang suddenly.

I picked it up and saw that it was a V letter from my sister, with a simple sentence on it.

【Brother, come to my room. 】

Meng Shu: ...

He frowned, said nothing, left the room and came to his sister's room, and knocked on the door.



Meng Shu frowned again, and shouted twice at the door, but there was still no response.

Shouldn't something happen?

You must know that she is recuperating at home because of a broken leg, so there must be something wrong with calling herself over, but there is no response now?

Meng Shu no longer hesitated, and directly pushed open the old wooden door in front of him.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance came to the nostrils.

In the small room, without the lights turned on, Meng Xiaoran was sitting on the bed, wearing a VR, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, not knowing what he was looking at.

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