[Mr. Meng, I'm not sure if the market can accept your innovation. 】

[But if you are a game practitioner, you should understand that the mainstream games in the market are shooting, racing, and ball games.Because these are very popular and popular in Europe and the United States, and gradually affect other types of games, making them more and more fast-food, just to highlight a cool word, this is the meaning of developing games. 】

[Your game allows players who enter the experience to not be able to fight, but to run away when they encounter danger, and there will be ghosts chasing and killing them from time to time.This is really too aggrieved, and it can't cheer up the players at all. 】

[Mr. Meng, I have no intention of condemning your planning plan. We have seen your production level for all to see. We are still studying the secret of success in the two works.

But your "Face"... As a deputy director of publishing, from my personal opinion, the game has...failed just because the players can't fight and escape...]

A sigh came from the notebook, as if the game was worthless.

Meng Shu couldn't help but smile in his heart.

This parallel world itself is frighteningly declining, barren and withered. Over time, in the eyes of the public, it has become a stereotype of no market, no audience, and no attention.

Even after he, Meng Shu, has proved with "Dark Forest" and "Blackjack" that as long as the game has quality, there will be a market and audience, it is still difficult to eliminate these people's prejudice against horror genres.

Therefore, this world does not have the concept that players cannot fight like "Escape".

In their view, when players play games, they want to fight and kill to enjoy the thrill and refreshment.

Either it is the sense of accomplishment of racing to win the first place and the pride of leading the team to victory by one's own efforts.

So it's understandable to question his style of play.

After all, knowledge is limited.

Otherwise, the horror genre would not have fallen into decline.

"Mr. Li, have you tried it?"

Meng Shu asked casually.

This stunned Deputy Director Li at the other end of the meeting.

what to try

Will anyone pay for the innovation of "players can't fight"?

Do you still need to try this horse riding?

If you think about it with your feet, you will definitely fail!

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Mr. Meng had made two hit games, he would have wondered if this person was a half-assed person who didn't even understand such simple market rules.

What's more, developing a game is not just for fun, it requires a lot of investment and a long development cycle.

How can you just try it as a test of water?

[This...doesn't need to be tried?People in the industry basically understand this way...]

"Then you are wrong."

Meng Shu grinned.

At this moment, the aura of Mr. Qin in his previous life faintly emanated.

The tone also became confident and unquestionable at this moment.

"There is no trial, and the market is determined only by studying the market. In my opinion, it is somewhat disrespectful to this industry."

"Players are a diverse group, and games are also diverse. Why can you conclude that "cool" is the mainstream trend of the market just based on the market? "

"You said that the mainstream of the market is gun car ball, but have you ever thought about it? It is precisely because you think so. So you have been developing in this direction. As a result, the games on the market are either shooting games or racing games. This allows players to have the choice?

No.Since players don’t have a choice, isn’t it because you come up with one, and they play one, is this called the mainstream of the market?This is not called. "

After a pause, Meng Shu smiled again and said his conclusion.

"This is called captive breeding. I thought of a story. A farmer would go to the farmhouse to throw feed every time it was time. I don't know if the feed is good or not, but the poultry have no choice.

They eat whatever the farmer gives them.Farmers give feed every day, and they can only eat feed every day.The farmer also said that this is the favorite food of poultry and is a mainstream food. "

"What do you think players are? Think about this so-called mainstream market, does it make sense? To put it bluntly, most developers have already regarded players as banks that pay for their template games."

As soon as these words came out, there was a complete silence.

The three of Xu Hong stared wide-eyed.

The other end of the meeting was also stunned.

For a while, no one answered.

But Meng Shu didn't care.

If he wants to break this concept, he needs to release one game after another to prove that this market is not only for fun games like guns and balls.

Even the concept of "players can't fight" is unacceptable now.

Wouldn't the soul series' battle system of riding fire to spawn monsters and riding and slashing drive these people crazy?

The three of Xu Hong stared at Boss Meng, their hearts agitated.

According to Mr. Meng, does he want to break the current market structure?

and many more……

as if he's already doing it

The two games are both survival horror, but didn't the sales start to touch the market's position in the market?

What Mr. Meng is going to do now is to step up efforts to bring up the horror genre?

The three of Xu Hong didn't understand, and they didn't dare to think too much about it.They are just doing their own business. They don't understand or understand this kind of marketing planning.

After a few seconds of silence in the conference room, another mature voice sounded from the notebook.

[Very interesting story, Mr. Meng, hello, I am one of the directors of Unlimited Online Entertainment, my surname is Liang. 】

Meng Shu raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

He knew he had nothing to say next.

[Mr. Meng, we will not doubt your ability to make games. To be honest, when you first said that you want to make a VR game, I was very opposed to it, thinking that you would definitely not be able to make it.

But the fact that you did it, and did it well, is great!But the market is changeable and cannot be controlled by people.Are you so sure that your innovation will make players pay for it? 】


Meng Shuhui was decisive.

Mr. Liang on the other side of the meeting was a little surprised.

[Can you tell me the reason?After all, innovation is a thing that can easily cause losses without absolute certainty. 】

Meng Shu smiled, and replied with a reply that surprised Unlimited Entertainment.

"Because I was the first."

Mr. Liang was stunned.

What kind of answer is this?

Because you are the first, can you be sure that your innovation will make players pay for it?

[...Mr. Meng, I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence. 】

Meng Shu put away her smile, put her hands on her chest, and explained plainly.

"I make horror games because the market for this genre is blank and no one is competing with me. What does that mean? It means an advantage!"

"The first to enter the market has taken advantage of the market. But this entry is not for those manufacturers who used to make games perfunctorily and wanted to put money in sacks. It is only possible to provide games that meet the quality and standards of the market."

"Once you get the approval of players, it means that there is a market, and you will enjoy the dividends of the blank market. This is the benefit of being the "first". Rare things are expensive, and they are generally feed farms. Here, if such a small piece of meat comes, the result is that there is not enough meat. "

"This point can be seen from the sales of "Dark Forest". The player's choice is not the car ball, but the current developers are following the trend to make the car ball, so players can only play the car ball."

"But this "first" advantage will pass.How to maintain this advantage is the biggest headache for developers.And my solution is to..."

After a pause, Meng Shu smiled.


After hearing it in the notebook, he pondered for a few seconds, and then came Mr. Liang's rhetorical question.

[Mr. Meng, your success is a fact, and I won't refute it.But have you ever thought that this blank market will allow other developers to enter because of your success?At that time, a bunch of horror games will compete with you.Can your innovation guarantee that every game has it? 】

Hearing this, Meng Shu smiled again, the experience of his previous life gave him absolute certainty.

"Mr. Liang, no one has ever been able to monopolize the market. You should understand this truth better than me."

"These new and old manufacturers can enter the market to get a share, that is the rule of the market, and no one can decide."

"But how much cake can these manufacturers get? The answer can be seen from the gun car ball market. The big head is always on the old IP, and those who follow the trend can only get a small head."

"So I'm not worried at all about how many manufacturers follow the trend to make horror games. On the contrary, only when there is competition can the value be displayed. And the rules of the market will sooner or later eliminate those works with poor quality."

Hearing this, Mr. Liang fell silent.

After a while, he continued to ask.

[Mr. Meng, what do you mean, if you are among a bunch of horror games in the future, can you ensure that your game has enough sales? 】

Meng Shu pondered for a few seconds, which was rare, and nodded.

"The odds are higher than the sixth floor, if their game quality is hard enough..."

[What if the quality is not good? 】

"More than eight floors."

Meng Shu replied firmly, with an extremely calm face.

The reason why he is so sure and confident is that in the original world, there are many games that have proved it.

As early as 2010, there was a landmark horror game "Amnesia: The Dark Descent", which is famous for its features such as "players cannot fight" and "the protagonist has a San value".

Coupled with its excellent quality and a sufficiently scary atmosphere, it sold more than one million sets within two years.

This was achieved in 2012, when horror games flourished.

It is enough to explain the merits of this mechanism, and many subsequent horror games have used this mechanism and achieved good sales, so it is not that players do not like to play.

In addition, there is another person who has fallen from the altar, and he used his own game to prove that players do not just like to play cool games.

They also enjoy the satisfaction of coming back after death, trying to push the map and succeed.

There are also some players who are not interested in the so-called cool tour. They have reached the extreme of Buddhism and enjoy the ease of driving and delivering goods in "Euro Truck Simulator 2".

The players in the original world have already proved that the so-called cool tour is just for Tuyile, just like fast food.

So players in this world who eat fast food every day don't have the idea of ​​changing their taste?

there must be!

"Dark Woods" and "Blackjack" have already proved it.

It means that the player is fine.

The problem is the market, and these manufacturers in the market!

If the players in the original world were divided into Buddhist, masochistic, and addicted to food, wouldn't there be players in the parallel world?

What's more, the player base here is even larger.

and so……

"Don't underestimate the players."

Meng Shu's words made the people at the other end of the meeting full of question marks.

Mr. Liang took a deep breath and collected himself.

[I understand Mr. Meng, I still say that, we will not doubt your production level.Since you have a vision of the market and already have two successful works, we will also choose to believe in you. 】

[Now, please continue the meeting, let us know about other settings of your new project "Face". 】

Chapter 30 The reverse plot of the face

The next meeting went very well.

After everyone accepted the concept, they no longer questioned the various subsequent settings, but only asked the reason.

For example, the main location of the game "Face" is a large mansion.

Players have to explore the families who lived here alone in this house and learn what happened to their families.

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