But their inquiries are destined to go unanswered.

At this time, Meng Shu was inspecting the land environment of the new company at the Jichuang Industrial Park in Shencheng.

Chapter 82 The small thoughts of manufacturers

Empty floors, dirty walls.

Meng Shu stepped on the dust all over the floor, came to the window, silently lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

Looking at the green vegetation of the industrial park from the height of the 7th floor, blowing out smoke rings.

"Let's quote a suitable price."

"Okay, Mr. Meng."

The professionally dressed female intermediary behind her showed her iconic smile.

"Jichuang Industrial Park is located in a relatively prosperous area. There are various lifestyle shops and restaurants nearby, and it is less than 10 minutes away from the subway station. If you really want to rent, the whole floor of more than 500 square meters is fine. I will calculate 4 square meters per day for you."

After hearing this, Meng Shu nodded.

"The monthly rent is [-], and the property management fee?"

"The property management fee is 15 yuan/square meter, paid monthly."

After hearing this, Meng Shu took a deep breath of the cigarette, exhaled it, and it floated into the air.


He turned his head, walked into the empty company, and looked at it carefully.

This is one of the rooms on the 7th floor of Building A, Jichuang Industrial Park.

In terms of scale, it is about 70 flats.

Originally, Meng Shu didn't plan to consider this place. Even if the location was good, he planned to change places.

Because it is too small.

But later the intermediary lady said that the entire floor had been moved away, which made him stop.

After careful questioning, I found out that the previous company was a training company.For some reason, I couldn't continue, so I chose to leave.

Meng Shu didn't care about the last company.

Opportunities like this with a whole floor are rare in Shencheng.

And the area is about 500 square meters. As long as the walls other than the load-bearing walls are opened, it will look very spacious.

So he thought about it and didn't leave in time.

Instead, I went in and looked at every room.

Have to say, a lot of garbage.

The last training company left a lot of things here.

"Is it possible for the price to be lower?"

The intermediary suddenly felt a little troubled.

"Mr. Meng, this price is already the lowest. Originally, it was 5 square meters per day. Seeing that you are a young entrepreneur, I also talked to the landlord for a long time, and only then did I get the price of 4 square meters per day."

Seeing the sincerity of what the agent said, Meng Shu couldn't help but smile a little.

Just listen to her words.

After looking around, the more I looked, the more I was satisfied, and I vaguely had a decoration plan in my heart.

If this place is rented out, more personnel can be deployed.

At the same time, for the sake of the health of the employees, the fitness room, office desks and chairs have to be upgraded in all aspects.

Therefore, the office area and the fitness area should be larger.

I have to hire an aunt who cooks to prevent them from eating takeaway.

Enough space can make the motion capture room bigger, and since it is a game company, it is reasonable to have a full-platform game experience room.

At least let the employees relax here.

Of course, you may not be able to use it frequently because you are too busy with work.

But it doesn't matter. For Meng Shu, it is no problem to have such a lounge, and the employees will definitely use it.

So after thinking about it, he decided to rent it out.

So I talked with the intermediary lady about potential safety hazards and follow-up issues, and then went to the intermediary company to sign the contract.

Then, it is to find a suitable decoration company to start designing and decorating.

Meng Shu directly handed over the matter to the financial sister Mei to do it, and then went to the real estate center.

The new office space has been selected, and the rest is decoration.

It is estimated that it will not be fixed in half a year.

So I still have to work in the current company.

And due to the space problem, there are not many positions for new employees, so the matter of recruiting people has to continue to be shelved.

At the same time, Meng Shu also outsourced the host porting work of the three games "Dark Forest", "Blackjack" and "Face".

It was originally planned to be handed over to Unlimited Online Entertainment, but they are also developing new games now, so they don't have time.

Therefore, Meng Shu could only provide a few studios with long-term cooperation and good technical skills for him to choose.

Meng Shu took some time to learn about these companies, and finally chose a small company called "Future Studio".

Although their scale is not large, judging from the company information, they are quite powerful.

Most of the FPS on the market have their participation, and they themselves say that they are very good at shooting games, and they are long-term partners of many game companies.

Because of their surprisingly good shooting feedback, they have a good reputation in the industry and player circles.

So asking them to help transplant the game is a bit overkill.

But this also made Meng Shu very relieved, and directly handed over all three games to them for transplantation, and the funds were also sufficient.

The purpose is to allow those players who are afraid to play VR to have access to horror games in other ways.

As for the VR version of "Dark Forest".

Due to the limitations of engine technology currently on the market, no company can do it except its own monkey system.

So you have to come by yourself.

Qiu Yuan, Xu Hong, Xia Nianzhen are currently busy with work.

Chen An even asked him to expand the plot and add side missions to the VR version of "Dark Forest".

Meng Shu thought about it and agreed to the request.

Anyway, everything will be approved by him before it can be installed, so let them play to their full potential.

Now, it's time for a new home.


At this time, because of the global popularity of "Sky Mountain" and the public accusations from Jiyou.com.

Many medium and large manufacturers in China have begun to re-examine this development company called "Unique Game".

Although I paid a little attention to the game "Dark Forest" before, I didn't pay attention to it.

After all, the game was a horror game at the time, and it was promoted as a personal development.

Therefore, domestic manufacturers do not think there will be any achievements.

It is purely a whimsical young man who wants to pursue his dream.

Because of such people, there are quite a few at the college student game exhibition every year.

But what surprised them was that this young man succeeded! ?

The game industry is said to be extremely unpopular, and the horror and suspense genre of who does who dies really made him, a little-known young man, and the game popular?

But even so, the major manufacturers were only slightly surprised and did not pay attention.

After all, the genre of horror games has been unpopular for more than ten years.

The sudden release of a popular horror game is purely a flashback before the death of the market, or a small wave of calm.

After that, it was still as calm as ever.

They will not enter the horror market brainlessly just because a horror game is popular.Entering without any experience is an act of courting death.

It's better to honestly do the type of game you are good at.

And for more than ten years, there are many daring companies to set foot in this unpopular market for profit, but they all ended in failure.

With so many failed examples, they don't want to blindly spend a lot of money and manpower to develop a horror game with an unknown future just because of the only one successful case.

Therefore, the explosion of "Dark Forest" made the manufacturers not take it seriously, and even thought that it was just at the right time and place, and the next one may not have such a result.


They never expected it.

After "Dark Forest", this young man actually fell in love with Unlimited Online Entertainment!

Then relying on the sponsor, the VR horror game "Blackjack" was launched!

And it's free!

VR+free+horror, combined together, at the time when the horror environment was extremely bad and VR games were extremely bad, it was undoubtedly a heavenly gift!

So not surprisingly, this horror game became popular again, and the download volume of 410W made manufacturers realize that the horror game market has gradually recovered!

It is no longer the backwater of the past!

It is the "XX market" with a large number of players and a lot of money!

As a result, major domestic manufacturers have paid more attention to it, and began to investigate the market in all aspects.

But after all, this market has been cold for too long, so that no one has experience in making horror games.

With 0 experience, if you enter the arena rashly, you will only be crushed by "Dark Forest" and "Blackjack", and become a stepping stone for others, and use your own reputation to achieve others.


So you still have to be cautious, at least you have to have experience!

As a result, major manufacturers began to recruit talents and recruit talents to prepare for entering the horror game market.

As for the only game, they still didn't pay much attention to it, after all, Unlimited Online Entertainment had a great reputation.

The success of the game can only be considered to be the strength of this leading company, not the only "part-time job" of the game.

As a result, they have always believed that Unlimited Online Entertainment is the only owner of the game.

Then, major manufacturers gathered talents to start researching "Dark Forest" and "Blackjack", analyzing their gameplay and mechanism.

In this case, the advent of "Face" once again shocked the manufacturers.

This new game has an unprecedented rational setting, an ingenious plot performance, a full-fledged horror experience, and a confusing story background.

Reading at zero

With super high quality, once again conquered the players.

Manufacturers couldn't sit still.

They see it in their eyes and are anxious in their hearts.

If this continues, the entire horror game market will become infinite online entertainment.

Therefore, manufacturers began to desperately plan to release a game to test the water and see the market response.

If you have no experience, try out experience, after all, this thing is accumulated!

With this idea in mind, manufacturers began to act.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a dark horse unexpectedly appeared halfway!

Jiyou.com came out with his "Jungle Fright" and seized the market.

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