Yechen reminded himself so in his heart, but when he turned his head and moved his eyes back to the direction of the prey, he found that there was nothing in the snow there except the deep pit and traces left by the ape's body .

The shadow of the man-eating monster had disappeared before he knew it.

Chapter 0014 Fear and Determination

Seeing that the head ape disappeared, leaving only snowflakes and ape blood all over the ground, Ye Chen's face changed drastically.

He obviously didn't expect that in the short period of time he just lost his mind because of Goda's ghost, the giant ape whose heart was completely shot not only did not lose its breath, but was able to get up from the ground and move around, even with a The three animal traps that were clamped to it disappeared together.

Where will it go?

As for the answer to this question, Ye Chen's first guess was the hill where the guards were located, and when he ran quickly and rushed back to the cracked hill, he immediately found the cunning monster, which happened to be the guards. One of them was thrown into his mouth.

Kara, crunch...

The sound of bones shattering and flesh ripping through the mouth of the giant ape played one after another, and countless people's blood spurted out from the giant ape's sharp fangs, dyeing the snow incomparably bright red.

Ye Chen quickly swept the scene, and found that the only survivors who could see were two members of the guard team who had dull eyes and did not respond to the ape, and the captain of the guard team who had been thrown by the ape and fainted on the ground.

As for the other members, blood was left in the air, and no one was seen. Obviously, they had all died.


A trace of remorse flitted through Yechen's heart, but as a hunter, he suppressed his sensibility with reason for the first time, and instead of attacking recklessly, he observed the abnormality of the ape.

Immediately afterwards, the boy discovered that during the eating process, the big hole in the chest that was originally pierced by the "Blood Blade" was being quickly filled and repaired by the abyssal matter on its fur, as if a second heart was being created on the spot.

At the same time, other abyssal substances surround the three animal traps on the head ape, with countless tentacles entangled on them, and after a few back and forth, the iron utensils have been completely corroded, leaving no iron slag. In this way, it was digested in the body by the abyss matter.

This monster contaminated by the devouring fresh life, thus causing the body to regenerate continuously!

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Ye Chen immediately took the knife and rushed towards the back of the head ape, but under the warning of the dark mud on the body surface, the head ape immediately sensed Ye Chen's approach.

I saw it without hesitation reached out and grabbed another member of the guards who was in a daze, and then flew and tumbled, and it was able to avoid the slash of the young man.

Then, the ape made another big jump, jumped directly to the bottom of the hill, and fled to the depths of the forest non-stop, leaving only a pool of human-ape blood flowing quietly at Yechen's feet.

Seeing this, Ye Chen was not in a hurry to catch up with the prey, because he knew that he could not forcibly catch up with the target with his own feet.

Ye Chen quickly walked to the two remaining members of the nurse team, and asked about the status of the member who was standing there with a sluggish expression.

"Are you ok?"

However, the other party didn't pay attention to Yechen, just stared at the void in front of him, chanting something in his mouth.

"I'm sorry... Pang Sen... I'm really sorry..."

"It's all my fault...that caused you to become like this..."

"I'm here... to accompany you! I'll atone for your sins!"

After all, the member bent down to pick up the shotgun that fell on the ground. Yechen couldn't hear his words clearly, and couldn't perceive his thoughts for a while. When Yechen realized, the other party had already closed his mouth Gun barrel, without any hesitation, he tapped his fingertips on the trigger.


Flesh and blood splashed before Yechen's eyes, and the members fell to the ground, their heads shattered, their brains smeared on the ground, and their deaths were miserable.


Looking at the completely destroyed corpse under his feet, Ye Chen took a deep breath, clenched his fingers tightly, then walked to the unconscious Lloyd, bent over and squatted down, slapped the opponent's cheek hard.

"Lloyd, wake up."

With a few slaps from Ye Chen, the captain of the guards quickly woke up.

"Outsiders? So you didn't escape..."

Lloyd covered his swollen cheeks, looked at Ye Chen blankly, and then found that the nearby snow had been soaked with countless blood, and next to him lay the corpse of a companion with a broken head. Yelling.

"Ah!? This, what's going on here—!?"

Ye Chen was originally worried that Lloyd would commit suicide immediately after waking up, and he had already prepared to stop it, but looking at the frightened appearance of the other party, it was obvious that his spirit was not as completely broken as the others, at least he was saved.

"Others...others...they're all dead—!?"

Faced with Lloyd's sad questioning, Ye Chen nodded silently, the former's face instantly paled to the extreme when he saw this.

Lloyd originally thought that as long as everyone united, they would be able to deal with the man-eating monster, just like any powerful enemy their guards had defeated in the past to defend the village.

But this time, everything is different...

When his opponent got involved with that kind of dark and sticky weird mud, everything changed...

The reality became cruel and desperate in an instant, so that Lloyd could no longer see any dawn of victory...

However, just when he was about to be completely discouraged, the boy's calm voice was like a bell, which once again stimulated Lloyd's cold heart.

"Stand up, Lloyd, the hunt is not over yet. I wounded the head ape just now, but it escaped into the depths of the forest. If you don't want your companions to sacrifice in vain, then lead the way for me."


When he learned that the headed ape, which even poisoned arrows and gunpowder could not injure in the slightest, was wounded to the point of fleeing, Lloyd's face instantly condensed, he raised his head in a daze, and looked at the young man in front of him.

Then, he found a pair of azure blue eyes that were firm, without any fear or wavering, watching him closely.

"Are you... serious?" Lloyd asked tremblingly.

"That's right, otherwise the monster would have no reason to leave you alone and disappear. It was scared away by me." Ye Chen said flatly, without any pretentiousness in his manner, just stating the facts.

Hearing Ye Chen's response, Lloyd's lips could not help shaking violently.

On the one hand, the close contact with the head ape just now has devastated his mind. Although Lloyd's spirit is still normal at the moment, the fear that the head ape has planted in his heart can be regarded as deep-rooted.

Lloyd, he never wants to see that terrifying beast again, never wants to appear in the opponent's field of vision, at this moment, he just wants to escape to the end of the world, find a secret cave to hide, even if he can only eat it for the rest of his life. Leaves, drinking mud, he doesn't want to deal with the creatures that are covered in black mud...

However, on the other hand, it was difficult for him to ignore the sacrifices of Pangson and many of his companions. Moreover, the villagers of Cold Wind Village, as well as his own wife and daughter, needed someone to stand up and protect them.

The sense of responsibility bred by the years makes Lloyd unable to abandon everyone. He wants to protect the villagers and their families. , ended in a cruel and inhumane end...

He really didn't want to see again... the bloody scene of other people being thrown into the mouth by that ape and greedily devoured... especially his wife and daughter... that cruel result was worse than his own death Pain and despair...

"Make a quick decision, Lloyd, are you coming or not?"

Yechen looked at the pocket watch in his hand. It had been a minute since the ape disappeared. If Lloyd really didn't want to, he could only follow the ape's blood and go looking for it by himself, because the longer the time dragged on, the prey would die. The more the degree of recovery, so Yechen can't afford it.



Lloyd frowned, and finally squeezed his answer out of his teeth with a trembling voice that almost burst into tears.

"Count me in!"

Lloyd's determination defeated his fear after all. He struggled to get up, shouted angrily, and immediately grasped the shotgun, bow and arrow that fell on the ground again, and announced loudly to Ye Chen with red eyes: "Follow me!" I'll come, I know where that beast will flee to recuperate!"

Chapter 0015 Unprepared

"The cliff in the deepest part of the Cold Wind Pine Forest is the home of the ice ape. If the mutated ape wants to find a place to hide and recuperate, he will probably go there. At least the apes injured by our guards in previous years will do so Do...although this year's head ape...has undergone extremely weird changes...but I believe instinct will still take it there."

Lloyd led Yechen through the rugged pine forest, while observing the surrounding movement, he narrated his views to Yechen.

"The IQ of the head apes has always been low, and they will not easily let outsiders know the location of their homes. When they are chased by the enemy, they will specially circle in large circles, leaving disordered footprints to make people lose their way in the cold wind pine forest. , so you did not choose to pursue directly, which is a wise decision."

Yechen nodded in response. He always treated his prey with a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude. Just in the short fight just now, Yechen vaguely felt that the head ape had a lot of intelligence, so he did not choose to act recklessly.

"That bastard brutally killed most of my companions. If I don't get rid of it, Coldwind Village will suffer catastrophe soon...I must let it pay for it with blood...Definitely."

Lloyd muttered in a low voice, as if he was constantly strengthening his will.

Ye Chen didn't answer, he just focused on guarding against the blind spots in the surrounding trees. In such a deep mountain and old forest, it's not surprising to be attacked at any time.

Afterwards, the two of them were speechless all the way, going round and round among the winding soil slopes of the cold wind pine forest. There were all kinds of remains of creatures lying on the road along the way, all of which were nothing more than unlucky people who were stared at by the head ape Egg……

Surrounded by countless bloody smells, Yechen and Lloyd finally arrived at the entrance of the cliff.

Here, the mutilated corpses and limbs of thousands of ice apes were randomly discarded on the snow, silently telling the terror and madness of the head apes.

Ye Chen looked down at the pocket watch in his hand, 15 minutes had passed since he made the "Blood Bullet" earlier, this short period of rest was enough for the young man to make a second powerful blood bullet.

Ye Chen skillfully threw out the revolver magazine, and squeezed the blood droplets on his arm into the bullet nest. Under Lloyd's shocked gaze, a brand new blood-made bullet was quickly condensed.

Although the 10-minute deadline had passed, Yechen still felt a little dizzy after the blood bullet was produced, but he was still able to grit his teeth and survive, and it would not have much impact on the next battle.

He put the revolver in his arms, and then picked up the longbow and quiver, which Yechen had collected from one of Lloyd's fallen companions.

Ye Chen quickly checked the durability of the bowstring and whether his own blood on the arrow was working normally.

I saw the blood color on the surface of the sharp tool, which has completely covered the dark green toxin that was originally filled, and kept flashing faint fluorescence.

On the way to the cliff, Yechen told Lloyd that his blood had the effect of strengthening the power of weapons, but the detailed principle needs to be kept secret.

Although Lloyd felt unbelievable at first, the situation was urgent, and he had no other choice but to bite the bullet and accept this absurd principle.

"Okay, Lloyd, I'll be enough next time, just wait for me here. If the head ape is not on the cliff, then I have to come back to you for help, so don't rush back."

After Yechen checked that all the equipment was normal, he gave Lloyd such a warning, turned his head and thought for a while, and then added a reminder: "Of course, if I don't show up within 10 minutes, you can go back to the village by yourself and leave me alone." gone."


Lloyd's expression was stunned. He originally thought that Ye Chen was inviting him to fight together, but he didn't expect that the other party just let him be the leader.

"It's dangerous for you to be alone. Let my arrows be stained with your blood, so that I can also serve as a combat force!"

After a moment of hesitation, Lloyd clenched his fists and suggested to Yechen.

He had already made up his mind to fight the head ape along the way, and now he is a local who acts as a bystander, but Ye Chen, who is a foreigner, takes the risk to fight the head ape alone, which will obviously make Lloyd feel extremely sorry. .

However, Yechen shook his head decisively and refused.

"I don't know if my blood will be effective in the hands of others. The risk is too great, and you can't follow."

Yechen's categorical refusal made Lloyd speechless, but just in case, Yechen distributed the blood on his arm to Lloyd's arrow. If you have the capital to resist, it is indeed worth a try.

Lloyd took back a few arrows stained with Yechen's blood, and finally had to give up and follow Yechen's instructions.

"Okay, then be careful, I'll be waiting for you here."

Ye Chen nodded, and as soon as he picked up the bow and arrow, he took a step forward and headed up the cliff.

However, before walking ten steps away, he casually glanced away, and suddenly noticed that among the few ice ape skeletons scattered on the surrounding snow, there seemed to be tiny black shadows like insects... wriggling slowly .

The boy's eyes instantly became vigilant.

When he focused his eyes on the nearest ape corpse, Ye Chen immediately realized that the true face of these tiny black shadows was exactly the same as the dark mud that had clinging to the head of the ape before, that is, the existence of matter called abyss!

At this moment, although there was no basis, a terrifying idea still ran through Yechen's mind: the abyss substance from the ape's body might be stripped off and used as a monitoring tool to inform himself.

And under the gaze of these black mud, his position at this moment may have been known by that ape.

If the identities of Ye Chen and the head ape were exchanged, then Ye Chen would definitely turn the defense into the offensive, and attack the other party first before being attacked by surprise, so as to make a final decision and end the unfavorable situation for him!

When Yechen realized this, in the distant sky, a broken giant tree, like a javelin, struck across tens of meters of the sky and precisely hit Yechen's location.


The huge broken wood pierced the ground, completely shattering the silence in the pine forest.

Suddenly, snow and dust splashed and the earth shook.

Lloyd, who was behind, was shocked when he saw this, and couldn't help shaking.

"What, what's wrong!?"

Looking at the sudden change in front of him, Lloyd clenched the bow and arrow in his hand in horror.

However, the snow and fog blocked most of his vision, so that Lloyd could not see the enemy at all, and was completely at a loss.

However, a figure quickly flew out of the snow fog.

It was Yechen who avoided the attack of the giant tree in time. As soon as he appeared, he yelled at Lloyd.

"Go back!"

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, the shadow under Lloyd's feet began to expand and deepen rapidly.

"It's on your head!"

Under Ye Chen's roar, Lloyd looked up and saw a huge blood-red, ape mouth with sharp fangs falling from the sky, and it was smashing fiercely towards Lloyd's head.


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